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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 3, no. 58: April 24, 1869

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AE"D B V0L.ÏIL ^]sro..6.] DERS' GUIDE. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 24, 1869. [Whole No. 58. REAL ESTATE. HARLEM- LOTS, ON 4Tn: AND 6th AVES., IÏSth, ISOth, and 12l8t Streeta, New York. LARGE PLOT à In the 9tb, 18th„ Zlst, ond 22d Wards, Brooklyn. M. A. EULAND & CO., 5 Beekman street, N. Y. ISLIP PROPERTY FOR SALE. LOTS AT $25 EACH, FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL INCUMBRANCES—TITLE PERFECT. Thèse Lots are situated in the beautiful village of Islip, opposite Fire Island inlet, and bounded by Long Island and South Side liailroads, IX hours from New York ond Brooklyn by either road. Apply to M. IL KEITH, 90 Wafl Street, Lumber Merchants' Exchange. AUCTIONEERS, &o. MOSES E. CRASTO, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKEIÎ, NOTARY PUBLIC, AND AUCTIONEER, 3d Avenue^ and llCth st. (Résidence : 120th st., bet. 2d and" 8d Avenues.) Attention given to renting property. Ali business intrusted to our care will be promptly ond satisfactorily attended to. GEORGE C. FURMAN, Attomey-at-Law, will attend to drawing légal papers, e.xamining titles, and other low business. GILBERT & CO., REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKERS & AUCTIONEERS, Beekman Hill Rea.l Estate Excuange, 963 Second Avenue, corner Fifty-flrst Street, will take charge of Property to Sell or to Let, and Collect Rents. Insurance etfected in ail first-olass companies ot the lowest rates. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. E. H. LUDLOW & CO., REAL ESTATE AIJOTIONBERS, Established in 1836. MoEMB "Wilkins, Auctioneer." OFFICE. No.,8 PINE-BTREET. A BRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. WILKINS & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND EEAL 'ESTATE BROKERS, No. T Pine streel;, New York. Charles b. mott, GKNEI\AL AUCTIONEER, -REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE BROKER, Fourth. ave., near 125fli st., and 25 Pino st. BOOM 4, FBOM TWELVE TO THBEE. . ■ LOANS NEGOTLATED. * ,. ' OITT AND COUNTEY PKOPERTT FOB SALE AND TO XEA6E. JOHI MCLAYE, REAL estate, ly©. 44 Pîme Street, NEW TORK, SINCLAIR & CO,, 796 Sth AVENUE, BETWEEN 55Tn AND 56th STREETS. OFFICE HOURS: FlèOM 8 A.3£. TO 9 F.M. Park and Boulevard Property made a Spedsltjr. Frank g. browist, I\^EAL ESTATE BROKEiE(>^'' 68 BKOAD-WAY, REFERS TO LEWIS B. BROWN. • "VTESTCHESTER CO. EEAL ESTATE A SPECIALTT. J ACOB BISSINGER, I\^EAL ESTATE AGENT, Office, No. 145 SECOND STREET, Cor. of Avenue A, NEW XORK. Privato Résidence, 530 Sixth St., bet. Avs, A 4; B. ._ HOUSES AND LOTS BOUGILT AND SOLD, RENTS COLLECTED, Exe. AH Orders thankfully received aad promptly attended to. AD. MELLICK, JR., & BRO., • Auctioneers and Dealers in New Jersey Real Es¬ tate, No. 25 Pine street, New York. Descriptive Lists issued without charge, complète %vith time tables, commutations, maps, and detailed descrip¬ tions of tbe towns and viUages, and the property offered for sale. JOSEPH A. LEYY, AUCTIONEER, REAL. ESTATE, —ANC- GENERAL INSURANCE BROKER. No. T Pine Btreet, ond 1241 Broadway. _ A COI\I\_EGT ÊEGORD OF AIL SALES, AND A Perfect Map of ail Improvements to be made on this Island, ALWAYS OPEN FOR INSPECTION TO BOM FIDE DEALERS. G-. G^. TITUS «fc CO., BEAL ESTATE, New York, Brooklyn, and County Property bonght, sold, and rented on commission only. 59 Liberty st^ N. Y. A P. SJHTH & BRO., REAL ESTATE ■ AND INSURANCE, 1304 Broadway, runninç through to 590 Si.xth Avenu», near 35th streot, New Yoek. - A. P. Smitu, Notary Public, n. B.'Smith, Com. of Deeds. \ :■ \ . . FLOCK & CAFFERTY, REAIfc, ESTATE BROKERS, No. 1275 Broadway, neàM34th street, NewYork. -^ ^ City and Country Property to Eent and for Sale. Rents collected. i Loans negotiated. • , ISAAC HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER. CITyTnD COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO LET, MORTGAGES PROCURED. _________25 PiyE STREET, NEW YORK_________; JOHN B. CHURCH, No. 24 PESTE STREET, REAL ESTATE BROKER. Loans procured on Bond and Mortgage. T A. J. NEAFIE, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BEOKEE, 1874 TniBD Atenite, Coenïb EioniY-Sirrn Exxzxr, NEW YOEK- \ RANDELL & PORTER, REAL ESTATE AND INSL"RANCE, 1951 Third Arenuo (near 12.%h Btreot), New York. _.____^ . ^ „■