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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 3, no. 62: May 22, 1869

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AND BUILB/ERS' GUIDE. YoL. III. No. 10.] llEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 22, 1869. [Whole Ko. 62. MISCELLAISIEQUS. FURNITURE. FUENITUEÈ of EL-EGANT STTLE AND FINISH, AT KEDUCED PRICES, AT J. KRUTIlSrA'S iTanufactory and 'Warerooms „ ■ > NOS. 96 ÂîfD 98 EAST HOÛSTON.'STRÉET, BetweenBowery and Second Avenne. ^~ ALL GOODS WASEANTED. -, FIEE PEOOF, EFFECTUAL, AND CHEAP. METALLIC SKTLICnXS AND VENTIL.\TORS, Bulkheads, C onfîervfttory Koofs nnd IIot-Bed Frames, adapted to Boilor Houses, Stables, Factories, Hospitals, Barracks, Public and Private Houses, Railway Cars and Steamboats. Applicable to any situation whero light nnd ventilation are desirablo. Hâve the approval and recommendation of arclntects and scientiflc uien where- ever introduced. GEORGE HATES, Patentée, 2S2 Sth Avenue, near 24th street, New Tork. . BROWN BROS Chicago, 111., MACKNEï &, WILSON, Newark, N. J. '' BUy THE NEW ROOFING PELT!!! BUY THE NEW ROOFING PELT!!! A PATENT ARTICLE OF GOOD THICK- ness and durability, suitable for roofs of wooden and brick buildings—can be âpplied by an ordinary mechanic. Can be used without gravel on cow-sheds, or out-houses, which makes it more economical than any other material used. R cornes in rolls of good width and length. Sold in quantities to suit purchasers. Buy jt in préférence to the thin paper felting cemented together. \ To House owners and Buildèrs—Buy the Patent Felt for lining the walls of evevy houso you are building. It is a perfect security against dust and dampness, it keeps out the cold of winter and heat of summer, thus pre- serving an even température in your résidence. It ought to be put under the slate of every roof to prevent leakage. from snow. Cheap and durable. For salo in quantities to suit purchasers. ■- • -^ppiy to E. H. MARTIN, T6 South street, corner Jlaiden lane, New Tork, Office of S. L. Merchant & Co. AT FORDHAM,—STANLEY DAY, AUC-' TIONEER. 925 BROADWAT, SELLS ON SAT- URDAT, ilAT 22, UPON THE GROUND, COE¬ NER KINGSBRIDGE AND OLD MACOMB'S DAM ROADS, UPON ARRIVAL OF HARLEM TRAIN, LEAVING TWENTy-SIXTH STREET AT 2.30. AT FORDHAM DEPOT, WHERE CARRIAGES WILL BE IN WAITING TO TAKE PERSONS TO THE LAND ABOUT 90 BUILDING'LOTS, SECOND TO NONE BETWEEN JEROME PARK AND MACOMB'S DAM BRIDGE, WANTING NO RECOMMENDATION BUT THAT OF A PERSONAL INSPECTION. AND TO BE SOLD IF THEY DO NOT BRING ONE-HALF THE PRICE WHICH LOTS FAR INFERIOR IN POSITION. LOCATION, OR IMPROVEMENTS HAVE LATELY SOLD FOR JUST BELOW THIS PROPERTY. OP¬ ERATORS AND SPECULATORS. BE ON HAND, MAPS AT-AUCTIONEER'S OFFICE, 925 BEOADWAT. OE MAILED FREE, ^ ' 1 AVOID LEAD POISON.—LEAD ENCASED BLOCK TIN PIPE.—This article has now been in use for the past four years, and is dtiily growing in public favor, being heartily indorsed bv ail the leading chemistaand pbysiciansinthe country, also tho Water Commissioners of New York, Brooklyn, and Boston. Our ré¬ cent improvements in the manufacture insures a most perfect article, which cannot fail to be fully appreciated. Tho advantages of lead pipe with a peifectly pure block tin tinîng for for the conveyance of water is well un¬ derstood; it gives the full pliability of the Lead with the purenessof the Tin. The resistingpôwer of Bloclc Tin being about flve times greater than Lead, we are enabled to fur¬ nish a pipe stronger than Lead, one-half its weight at about the same cost per running foot, which insures a perfectly safo water pipe for doinestic use. ' To furnish cost per foot give the head or pressure of water and bore of pipe, From the AmericaiPAgriculturist. New Tork, November, 18C7. "SAFE PIPE- FOE DEINKING-WATER.-Le.'id poisonlng from'water brought in load pipe, is the often nnsuspeçted cause of disease and death. Galvanized iron pipe, wood and cément pipe, are expensive and inconvéni¬ ent substances, so that people will risic their lives and use lead. The"JLead-ericased Block-tin pipe is even cheaper than lead, a'nd we.believe pe.-fectly sofe, Our faitlr in it has led us recently to lay somo eighty feet of it, through which ail our drinklng-water is drawn," ■ COLWELLS, SHAW&WLLLAKD MFGCO., foot of West Twentyrseventh st., North Eiver, and No. 11 Barcl.iy st., New Tork. ' - Also, ilanufacturers of Lead Pipe, Sheet I^ad, Block Tin Pipe, Sheet Tin, Solder, &c. Circulars sent free. Rare Opportunity for* an Investment. 1 (\ C\(\(\ -^CEES OF SUPERB LAND FOR SALE, JL V^UUl/ in Clinch County, Georgia. near the Florida line. This property, which is .in twenty plots, of four hundred and ninety acres each, lies partly on.the Atlantic and Gulf Railroad, flve miles from thè Allapawha Eiver, and about one hundred and flfty from the seaport. It Is heavily timbered with fine Pine'and White Oak. The soi» is very productive, and settlers can raise crops when ne¬ cessary, on the forest bottom, without delaying to clear the land. Its proximity to Florida is suflicient guarantee of its fertility, as also tho geniality of the climat*. This is a great opportunity either for capitalists, who wish to invest, or lumbermen, or farmers who wish farms to livo upon. Apply to FRED. CREIGHTON, Eeal Estate Eecobd. PLUMBING. . WILLIAM J. HOSFORD, (Late of tho flrm of Tnos. Eead & Co.) PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM PITTER, 85 FULTON AVENUE, Between Bridge and Lawrence (new number 509), BROOKLYN. Eepairs punetually attended to. Also, Connections made with Sewers. ■\^ILLIAM S. CARR