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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 3, no. 66: June 19, 1869

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AÎTD BUILDHRS' GUIDE. Vol. hl No. 14.] NEW YOKK-, SATURDAY^ JUNE 19, 1869. [Whole No:- 66. J. «TouNSON, Jr., Auctioneer, 'VoHNSON & BULLER, AUCTIONEERS, ^ AND EEAL ESTATE BROKERS, No, 25 Nassau Streel, corner of Cedar, New York, ' î^" City and Country Real Estato at"Public and Pri¬ vate Sale, Loans on Mortgage negotiated, Auction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &c. HO! FOE ISLIPI THE NOA^ELTY OF THE SEASON, OLD-FASHIONED RHODE ISLAND CLAM BAK33, SPLENDID COLLATION, FREE EXCURSION," ] THE TRIP OP THE YEAR. Take 'your ladies with you on WEDîTESDAY JIORN- ING," June 23d, to tho dépôt of tho South Sido Railroad, foot of South Eighth street, Wiillamsburg, jump into the cars at 9.415 o'clock, and away for Islip, to attend JOIIN¬ SON & MILLER'S great salo of 150 of tho choicest ATilla Plots within 50 miles of the metropolis. You can stand on the shore of tho property and catch bass and blue fish wltb rod and réel. À slgbt of tho magnificent villas, beautiful trout ponds, and country places surrounding the lots to be fiold wlll, to say nothing else of tbo otber attractions, pîiy you well for your trip. Isllp is ono ofthe most fashionable places In tho vicinity of New York. Many of our most ar¬ istocratie and wealthy metropolltans live there.-, ; This is the first villa property ever olfered at auction ; itis known as the Governôr Smith Farm. It .adjoins the magnificent résidences of Shepherd Knapp and Bràdish Johnson. The salo, which wlll take place rain or sïiine, will bo absolute in every particular. No bids will bo mado in bebalf of tho owner. Remember tho daté, WEDNESDAY, June 23. Remem¬ ber tbat the sale will take place on tho promises on tho arrivai of the cars. Don'tmake a mistake in startlng, for this would mar the pleasure of tho trip. Take the spécial South Side Railroad train at 9.45 a.m., from footol South Eighth-st., WUliamsburgh. New-Yorkers will .allow 20 minutes for crossing the ferries. Free passes will be is¬ sued to ail respectable persons bj' JOHNSON & MILLEE, No. 25 Nassau st., N, Y, AD, MELLICK, JR., & BRO., - • Auctioneers and Dealers in Now Jersey Eeal Es¬ tate, No. 20 Pino street, New York, Descriptive Lists issued without charge, complète with time tables, commutations, maps, and detailed descrip¬ tions of the tewns and villages, and tho property offered for sale, AUCTION SALE OF 100 VILLA PLOTS, boing the remainder of tho well known PEARSON PROPERTY AT CRANFORD, N, J., On TUESDAY. June 22, at 12.30 p.m., on tbo premises. Thèse lots aro well located, within five mlnutes'Valk of the station, fronting on wide streots and avenues, alre.ady graded and in good condition. Two hundred and flfty of theso lots were sold last year, tho best of tbo property ■ -naving been reserved. The remainder wlll now be offered ^v îtbout lliult to close tho account. Spécial train from foot of Liberty st., at 11 a.m., on day of sale. Lunch on' tbo arrivai of the train. For R. E. passes, ipaps, and fnll par¬ ticulars, apply at the oflice ofthe auctioneers,No. 26 Plne- st., New-York, THE BIGELOW BLUE STONE COjVEPAlirY. A. B. KELLOGG, AGENT, Miners, Manufacturers and AVnoLESALE Dealers ih NOKTH RIVER BI^ITE STONE, MALDEN, ULSTER CO., ANTD 14 PINE ST., N, Y, Flagging, Curbing, Gutters, Sills, Lintels, Tiling, etc., shipped to ail parts of tho United.States & South Ameriea, A, J, BLEECKER, Auctioneer, HOMES ■-ON STATEN ISLAND, THIRTY MINUTES FRÔM NEW^TORK ANTHONY J,'BLEECKER, SON &. CO., WILL SELL AT AUCTION, on tbe premiscs, at 12>^ f.m.. TUESDAY, JUNE 22, 18C9, n portion of tho estate known as IIAilILTON PARK, NEW-BRIGHTON, STATEN ISLANDl SEATERAL FINE MODERN BEICK.HODSES, with lots adjoining, wlU nlso'be.oifcred for sale. For pamphlets "feontaining pl.ins ond doscriptjon, npply at tbe olRce ofthe anctioneçrs,No: 77 Cedar st. TIio above property is offorcd in villa plots, 50x200 foet, and is unsnrpasscd indesirabilityof iQcationand'convoni- ence to business centres by any yefpresented to the public. J. W. PISKE. 120 Nassau Street, NEAV YOKK. Manufacturer of ORNAMENTAL IRON WORK, IRON STABLE FIXTURES, of tbo most approved designs, IEON AND WIRE RAILINGS, MANSARD ROOF CRESTINGS, COPPER AVEATHER VANES, &c. &c. Ail the above are offered at reduced rates. ROOFING, &c. Plastic Slate Roof in 9: FOR PLAT OR STEEP ROOFS, FIRE-PROOF, ^VEATHER-PROOF, Se UNDECAYING. ' ^ Now being used on the finest structures. Endorsed bv Sixtv-Fivf, Fire I.vsunASCE Co.mpanies Price half that of other standard Roof- inç^is. Ail New "Worlc ivarranted Five Years. Water-Tight Floors Made with Plastic Slate » EDWARD VAN ORDEN Se CO., „ , , .„ , 41 Liberty Street, Ne\v York, Manufacturers of Roofmg ifaterlals, Two-Ply Felt, CLapboard Felting, Floor Deafening. Tin lioofn Coated and Warranted. WaRREN'S GltATEI. ROOFIIVG. A BBOTT & CO., Proprietors lor Long Island. Stable Floorsmàde Water- Tigbt, Tm Roofs Coated with Elastic Cernent. - Office, No. 9 Court street, Room 11, Brooklyn. Orders also received at the AVarren Roofing Co.'s office. 112 John stroet, New York, ' ^ JOHN FYPE, PEACTICAL SLATE AND METAL ROOFER, 225 Wesx 19th Stoeei-, between Tth and Sth Avennes New AToke, ' Slate and Métal Roofiug donc in any part of the U. S NEW YORK ROOFMG COMPMY. GRAVE!. ROOFIXG. OFFICE—No. 205 Broadway. AVAREHOUSE—F-ast 23d Street, cor. Avenne A BRANCH OFFICE—Room No. 4 Mecbanics' B'k Build¬ ing, cor. Court and Montagne Streets, Brooklyn. .. " Qn.iySt.,ncar Franklin, Gretnp'o No, 2S First St., Hoboken, N, J. BUY THE NEW ROOFING FELT'" BUY THB NEW ROOFING PELT'»' A PATENT ARTICLE OF GOOD THICK- ness and durability, suitable for roofs of wooden and bnck bullding.s—can be applied by an ordinary mechanic, Can be used without gravel on cow-.shed.i, or out-houses which makes it more economical than anv other materlai used. Il comes in rolls of good width and length Sold in quantities to suit purchasers. Buv It In préférence to tbe thin paper felting cemented together. To Honse owners and Buildcr.s—Buy the Patent Felt for lining tbe walls of every honse you aro building It is a perfect security against dust and dampness it keens out tbe cold; of winter and beat of suinmer thu» i,re- serving an even température in your résidence. It oui'ht to be put under tho slate of every roof to prevent leakage from snow. Cheap and durable. For sale lu nmintltloi tn suit purchasers, Apply to E. H, MARTIN, 76 South stroot, corner Maiden lane, New York Office of S. L. Merchant i: Co.