![Real Estate Record page image for page ldpd_7031128_003_00000263](https://www1.columbia.edu/sec/cu/lweb/digital/collections/cul/texts/ldpd_7031128_003/gallery/images/ldpd_7031128_003_00000263.jpg)
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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. YoL. IIL No..16.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY^. JULY 3, 1869. [WiiOLE N0.-68. PHŒNIX . COACH & LIGHT CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. Cor. State & JBoeru.m. sts-, DBroolclyn. D. DALjY, PROPRIETOR. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. J. Johnson, Jr,, Auctioneer, JOHNSON & MILLEE, AUCTIONEEES, AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No, 25 Nassau Street, corner of Cedar, New York. î^~ City and Country Real Estate at Public and Pri¬ vato Salé. Loans on Mortgago negotiated. Auction Soles of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &c THURSDAY, July 8, at 12 o'clock, at the City Solesroom, No. 10 Court street, Brooklyn. IMPORTANT SUPREME COURT SALE, ■ In partition, under direction of CHARLES P, CROSBY, Esq., Reforee, WARREN AND NEVINS STS.—North east corner, large three-story. and cellar brick store and dwelling, con¬ taining 10 rooms, 25x44; lot, 25.^:100./ WARREN ST.—No. 149, threo-story ând basement dwelling, containing 12 rooms, 25.x3l ; lot, 25x100. LUQUEER ST —North slde, lOT feet cast of Henry st., two lots, 25x100 Maps and particulars at offices of Auctioneers, No 25 "Nassau stl,'*Ne\v York, and No. 15T Montagne st.,-Brook¬ lyn. F R A N K G. B R O W% I^^EAL, ESTATE BROKEI^, 53 BROADWAY, EEFEES TO LEWIS B, BEOWN. WESTCHESTER CO. REAL ESTATE A SPECIALTY, G-. G-. TITLTS & OO., •EEAL ESTATE, New York, Brooklyn, and County Property bought, sold, and rented on commission only, 59 Liberty st,, N. Y, SAAC HONIG, EEAL ESTATE BEOKEE. . CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO LET. MOltTGAGES PROCUltED. , 25 FINE STREET, NEW YORK, i. ISLIP PROPERTY FOR SALE. LOTS AT $25 EACH, FREE ÂND CLEAR OP.ÂLL INCUMBRANCES—TITLE PERFECT, Thèse Lots are situated in the beautiful village of Isllp, opposite Fire Island inlet, and bounded by Long Island and South Sido Railroads, IX hours from New York and Brooklyn by either road. Apply to M H. KEITH, 96 Wall Street, Lumber Merchants' Exchauge. D«& M. CHAUNCEY, 155 MONTAGUE • street, near Court street, Brooklyn, Brokers in Real Estate and Loans. We hâve for sale and to rent désirable buildings ond build¬ ing sites in ail sections of Brooklyn,,, ^ HOMEE MOEGAN, EEAL ESTATE AND GENERAL BROKER, No, 2 Pine Street, Now York, Attention given to Real Estate at private Sale. Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgage*. THOMAS CEIMMINS & SON, CONTEAC¬ TOES. Oflice, 302 East COth street, New York, Box 142 Mechanics and Traders' Exchange. Base and Building Stone fnrnished. JOHN F. TWOMEY, EEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER, No, 1388 Tuibd Ave.nue, Neae 87tii Street. , Property of every description bought, sold and exchang¬ ed, Houses let and rents collected in ail parts of the city. RANDELL. & POETEE, EEAL ESTATE - AND INSURiVNCE, 1951 Third Avenue (near 12ôth street), New York. JOHN MCLAYE, Real estate, IVp. 44 Pine Street, NEW TOEK, T A.. J. NEAFIE, EEAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE BROKER, ' 1874 TuiBD Avenue, Cobneb Eigiity-Sixtu Steeet, NEW YORK. Charles d. mott, / GENEI^AL AUCTIONEER, EEAL ESTATE & INSUEANCE BEOKEE, Fourtli ave., near 125tli. st., and 25 Pine st. E0;0M 4, FEOM TWELVE TO THBEE. LOANS NEGOTIATED. CITY AND COUNTEY PBOPEBTY FOE SALB AN» TO I^BABB. GILBEET & CO., EEAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE BROKERS & AUCTIONEEES,- Beekman Hill ReSl Estate Excuange, 963 Second Avenue, corner Fifty-flrst Street, will take charge of Property to Sell or to Let, and Collect Rents. Insurance effected in ail flrst-class companies at the owest rates. ADEIAN H, MULLEE, P, E. WILKINS & CO., AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No, T Pino street, Now York. AUCTIONEERS, &c. E. H. LUDLOW & CO., EEAL ESTATE AUCTIONEEES, EstabMied in 183G. Mobbis Wilkins, Auctioneer. OFFICE. No. 8 PINE STEEET. JOSEPH A. LEYY, AUCTIOIVEEK, REAL. ESTATE, —AND — GENEEAL INSUEANCE BEOKEE. No, 7 Pine Steeet, A I>. MELLICK, JE., & BEO., -'^^ • Auctioneers and Dealers In New Jersey Eeal Es¬ tato, No, 26 Pine street, New York. Descriptive Lists issued without charge, complète with time tables, commutations, maps, and detailed descrip¬ tions of thë towns and villages, and the property offered for sale. yv"m:. h. ho a. g, 214 PEÂRL STREET, N. T. This machine and one man rip 2-lnch OAK, 8-inch PINE, COO feet per hour. Iron.Framo Rip Machine..........................$75 00 Do. do. withTîible.............. 8100 Do, do. with Jigatt.ichment,.....106 00 JOIIi\ HORTON & CO., GAS FIXTUKE MANUFACTURERS, NOS, 233 & 235 CANAL STREET, Opposite to Earle's Hotel, New Yokk. EDMUND B. BRADY, 213 East 26tu Steeet. (Near 3d ave.) PliUMIÎERS' MATERIAIiS. Lead Pipe and Sheet Lead, Lead Encased, Block Tin Pipe, Iron Drain Pipe and Fittings, Sinks,