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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 3, no. 70: July 17, 1869

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^ AHD BUILDERS' GUIDE. YoL. IIL No. 18.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY,. JULY 17, 1869. [Wjiole No. .70v ilegant Decorated Marble Mantels, In exact représentation of the choicest Foreign nnd Antique Marbles, such as SIENNA, BROCADELLE, VERD, ANTIQUE, GALAVAY, and every Colored Marble in the known world. Also S T A T U A R Y. Black, Engraved in Gold, and Inlaid Marble Mantels of tho most elaborate patterns. Also MAEBLE WAINS- COTTING, Inlaid. Also FUENITUEE TOPS, &c., ic. MIDDLEFIELD FIRE & BUILDING STONE CO., : 1269 Broadway, bet. Slst and,32d Streets, New York. CORPORATION NOTICE.—PUBLIC NO- tice is hereby pivon to the owner or owners, oc- cupnntor occupants of all Houses and Lots, improved or unimproved Lands affected thereby, that the following a.ssessments bave been completed and are lodged in the olDce of the Board of Assessors for examination byall jiersons interested yiz. : First—For building sewers in Vandam, Sullivan, Watts, AVashington, and Laight streets. Second—For building sewers in Second avenue, from Seventy-fourth to and through Seventy-fifth street to Third avenue. The limits embraced by such Assessment include allthe several Houses and Lots of Ground, vacant Lots, pièces and parcels of Land situated on First—Both sides of Vandam street, from Greenwich toMacdougiil street. to the extent of half the block on Ibe intersecting streets; both sides of Sullivan,' from Broome to Spring street. and on the southerly side of Spring, from Sullivan to Clark street ; both sides of Watts street, from Greenwich to West street, to the extent of half the block on the intersecting streets; both sides of AVashington, from Vestry to Laight street, and both Bides of Laight street, from Washington to Greenwich street, to the extent of half the block on all Intersecting streets. Second—Embraces all the lots lying between Madison and Second avenues, and between Seventy-fourth and Seventy-nlntb streets, and the lots on the easterly side of Second avenue, between Seventy-fourth and Seventy-flfth streets. ' All persons whose interests are affected by the iibove- taamed Assessments, and who are opposed to the same. or either of them, are requestedto present their objections in writing to EMANUEL B. HART, Chairman ofthe Board of Assessors, .it their oflice. No. 32 Chanibers street, nvithin thirty daj's from the date of this notice. EMANUEL B. HAET, EICHAED TWEED. THOMAS B. ASTIN, EICHARD M. HENRY, OflBce of Board of Assessors, New York, July 12,1869. Board of Assessors, CORPORATION NOTICE.—PUBLIC NO- ticeis hereby given to the ownor or owners, occu¬ pant or occupants of all houses and lots, improved or un¬ improved lands affected thereby, that the following assess¬ ments bave been completed and are lodged in the office of the Board of Assessors for^xamination by all persons in¬ terested, viz. : First—For laying Nicholson p.avement in Sixteenth str■■et, from Fourth avenue, to Rutherford place. i/ Second^—For laying^ Nicholson pavement in Irving place, from Fourteenth toTwëntietli streets. " The limits embraced by such' assessment include àll thb several houses and Iota of gronnd, vacant lots, pieces'and parcels of land, situated'oh . -. ,, First—Both sides of .Sixteenth street; from Fourth àve-' nue to Ruthford place', to the extent of half the block on the intersecting Btreets^-~-.-_..^ Second—Both sides of irving place, from Fourteenth to T^ventieth street, to tbe extent of half the block on tbe intersecting streets. ' ■ . . :■ All persons whose interests are affected bythe above- named assessments, and who are opposed to the samè, or either of them, are requested to present their objections in writing to Emanuel B. Hart, Chairman of the Board of Assessors, at their office. No. 33 Chàmbers street, within thirty days Irom tho date of this notice. EMANUEL B. HART, ,\ RICHARD TWEED, ( Board THOMAS B. ASTEN, f of Assessors. - RICHARD il. HENRY. J Office Board of Assessors, New York, July 10,1869, SUPREME COURT—IN THB IVIATTER of tlie apj)lication of tlie Commissioners of the Cen¬ tral Park, for and in bebalf of the Mayor, Alderman and CommoMaltj' of the City of Now York, relative to laying out a l'ublic Square or Place in the Twelfth AVard of tlie City of New York, adjoining the High Bridge and New Rcservoir, as laid out by the Commissioners of the Central Park. AA''e. the undersigned Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment, in tbe above entitled matter, lierohy give no¬ tice to the owner or owners, occupant or occiipaVits, of ail houses and lots, and improved or unimproved lands affect¬ ed thereby, and to all others whoui it may concern, to wit: ' ■ _ • FinsT, That we bave completed onr estimate and as¬ sessment, aud that ail persons interested in tbese proceed- ings, or in any ofthe lands affected thereby, nnd who may bo opposed to the s.ime. do présent their objections in writing, duly verifled, to ,Lvme8 H., Esq., our Chairman, at the office of the Commissioners, No. 82 Nassau Street, (room No. 42), in this city, on or before the ICth day of August, 1869, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objectirig within the ten week-days next after the said 16th day of Augnst, 1869, and for that pur- pose will be in attendance at our said office on each of sald ten da3'5, at twelve o'clock, .m. Secono. That the abstract of the said estimate and as¬ sessment, together with our maps, and also the affidavits, estimâtes nnd other documents which were used by us in making our report, bave been deposited in the Street Com- missioners's office, in the City of New York, there to re¬ main until the 27th day of August, 1869. Thiro. That the limits eriibraced bythe assessment aforesaid, are as follows, to wit: All those certain lots, pièces or parcels of land, bounded and contained within tbe following limits, that is to say: Beginning at tbo point of intersection of the centre Une of the Tenth avenue, with the centre lineof OneHundred aud Fifty-fifth street, and running thence northerly along the centre line of Tenth'avenue to the centre line of the Kingsbridge road thence northerly along the centre line of the Kingsbridge road to the westerly side of Harlem River, thence southerly along the westerly side of Harlem River to the centre line of One Hundred and Fifty-lifth street, thence westerly along the centre line of One Hundred and Fifty-iifth street to the place of beginning. Fouuth. That our report herein, will be presented to the Suprême Court of the State of New York, at a Spécial term thereof, to be held at the Court-room, in the new Court-house, at tbe City Hall, in the City of New York, on the fourth day of September, 1869, at tho opening of the court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as connsel can bo heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed. Dated New Youk, July 12*, 1869. JAMES H. COLEMAN, ) THOS. J. CREAMER, V Commissioners. PATRICK DOLAN, j THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RECEIVED letters-patent, dated May 25thi 1869, for their im¬ provement in the fronts of buildings, are now prepared to grant licenses to founders and buildèrs intending to mako good work. Apply to our Patent Attorney, T. D. Stetson, 5 Tryon Row, New York. JOHN ALEXANDER, NATH. J. BURCHELL. The undersigned is prepared to construct fronts on this plan in the best manner aud at the shortest notice. Has a stock of patterns and machinery for Ilnisliing. Apply at the Foundry, corner of Quay nnd AVashington streets, Greenpoint. JOHN ALEXANDER. PHŒNIX COACH & LIGHT CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. Cor. State