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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 3, no. 76: August 28, 1869

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. YoL. HL. -No. 24.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1869. [Whole No. 76» o. II. Pierson,' Auctioneer. BT A D. MELLICK, Jr.. & BRO., AUC- TIONEltRS AND DEALEES IN NEW.IEESEY REAL ESTATE, No. 20 Pino street, New York. Positive sale, by order of S. Cahill, Esq., of. . NINETY-SIX VILLA PLOTS AT CRANFORD, N.J., on Thursday, Sept. 2, at 12 m. Thèse lots are wall situated, five minutes' walk of tho station, and in tha vicinity of Improvements, Payments unusually easy—ton per cent and the auction fecs on tha day of salo, and $10 a month thereafter. Spécial train wlll leave tho foot of Liberty stre -t at 11 a.m. Collation on the arrivai of the train. Efficient détectives will aject all boys and suspicions charaoters, sure. For railroad passes, maps, and full particulars, apply at tha office of the Auctioneers. Frea passes ean also be procured at W, D. Bigelow''s store, corner of Bond streat and -Bowery. and J. E. Tatè's, corner of Broadway and Thirty-fourth street, shoo store, and at Lovejoy's Hotel, corner of Park row and Beekman stroet. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. J, Johnson, Jr., Auctioneer, JOHNSON & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKERS, No, 25 Nassau Straat, corner of Cedar, New York, ^^~ City and Coimtry Real Estate at Public and Pri¬ vato Sala, Loans on Mortgage negotiated. Auction Salas of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &C SAAC HONIG, REAL ESTATE BROKER. . CITY AND COUNTRY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO LET. MORTGAGES PROCURED, 25 PINE STREET, NEW YORK. ISLIP PROPERTY FOR SALE. LOTS AT $25 EACH, FREE AND CLEAR OF ALL INCUMBRANCES—TITLK PEltFECT. Theso Lots are situated in tbo beautiful village of Isllp, opposite Fire Island Inlct, and bounded by Long Island and South Slde liailroads, IX hours from New York and Brooklyn by either road. Apply to M, n, KEITH, 96 Wall Street, Lumber Marchants' Exchange. D& M, CHAUNCEY, 155 MONTAGUE • streot, near Court Street, Brooklyn, Brokers in I^ual Estate nnd Loans. We have for sale and to rent désirable buildings and build- ng sites In all sections of Brooklyn. OMER MORGAN, REAL ESTATE AND GENERAL BROKER, No. 2 Pino Street, New II York. Attention givon to Real Estato at private Sale, Money Loaned on Bond and Mortgago. THOLIAS CRÏSIMmS & SON, CONTRAC¬ TORS. Office, 302 East OOth street, New York. Box 142 Mechanics and Traders' Exchange, Base and Building Stone furnished, ADRIAN H. MULLER, P. R. WILKINS ^ CO., AUCTIONEERS AND EEAL ESTATE BROKERS, No. 7 Pino stroot, New York. RANDELL & PORTER^ REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE, 1951 Third Avenue (near 12ôth streat), New York. T A. J. NEAFIE, REAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE BROKER, 1374 Tuied Avenue, Corner Eiohty-Sixth Street NEW YOEK, JOHN F, TWOMEY, REAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE BROKER, No. 1388 Tuird Avenue Near 87tu Street. Property of every description bought, sold and exchang¬ ed, llouBos let aud rents collected lu all parts of the city. JOHI M9CLAYE, REAL ESTATE, Wo. 44 Pine 8trect, NEW YORK, Charles d. mott, GETSrEI\AL AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE BROKER, . Fonrtli ave., near 125tli. st., and 25 Pine st. boom 4, FROM TWELVB TO THKEE. LOANS NEGOTIATED. OITY AND COUNTEY PEOPEETY FOB BALE AND TO LEABB. GILBERT & CO., REAL ESTATE AND INSUEANCE BROKERS & AUCTIONEERS, Beekman Hill Real Estate Exchange, 903 Second Avenue, corner Fifty-first Street, wlll take charge of Property to Sell or to Let, and Collect Rents, Insurance effected in all first-class companies at the lowest rates. AUCTIONEERS, &c. E. H. LUDLOW & CO., REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS, Estàblis7ied in 18%G. . MoBEis Wilkins, Auctioneer. OFFICE. No. 8 PINE STEEET. JOSEPH A. LEYY, AUCTIONEER, REAL. ESTATE, —AND— GENERAL INSURANCE BROKEE. No. 7 Pink Stkeet. A D. MELLICK, JR., & BRO;, -'-^ • Aucîiionoers and Dealers in New Jersey Real Es¬ tate, No. 26 tine street, New York. Descriptive Lists issued without Charge, complète with time tjibles, commutations, maps, and detailed descrip¬ tions of tha towns ana villages, and tho property offered for sale. FURNITURE. J. & R. LAMB, Church & Gothic FURNITURE, Ecclesiastical Décora¬ tions, Etc., 59 CARMINE ST, N.B.—Sixth Ave. Cars pass the Door. FURNITTIEE. 17VURNITURE OF ELEGANT STYLÉ AND FINISH, ? AT REDUCED PRICES, AT F. KRUTIKA'S Manufactory and Warerooms, NOS. 96 AND 98 EAST HOUSTON STREE*, Between Bowery and Second Avenue. ALL GOODS WAEEANTED. • IMPROYED STABLH FIXTtJRBS H SÈPÎD FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE/ J. W. FISKE. 120 Nassau Street, NEW YOEK. Jlanufacturer ^£ES^, of ORWAMEXTAL IROiV IVORfi, IROX STABLE FIXTURES, of the most approved designs. IRON AN» AVIRE RAILINGS, OTAN- SARD ROOF CRESTINGS, COPPER AVEATIIER VANES, &c.. Sec, All the abovi! are offered at reduced rates.