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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 4, no. 88: November 20, 1869

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AHB BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. IV. No. 10.] NEW|-YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1869. [Whole No. 88. E. H. LUDiLOW & CO., REAL ESTATE AUCTTONEERS, Estdblislied in 1830. Morris Wilkiks, Auctioneer. OFFICE, No. 8, PINE STEEET. FORTY LOTS 1 ]Sr B E, O O K L Y ~Nf- OK Third, Fifth, and Sixth Aves., Bergen, Wyckoff, 22d, and 23d.Sts., AT AUCTION. E. H. LUDLOW &, CO. will sell at auction, on TUES- DAYvNovember 23d, 1869.- at 12 o'clock, at the Exchange Salesroom; 111-Broadway,TNow York, . .' |s.Third. AVRNUE—3 lots, east side, between 22d and28d streets; "each 20.'cl00 feet; • - - Fifth avenue, southeast corner of Bergen street. 4 lots; each 20x100 feet....... Sixth avenue, northwest corner of Wyckoflf street. Lot 25.X105.T feet. - Wyckoff street-;^ lots, north side, 100 feet oast of 5th avenue; each 22.xl00 feet. • . . . Bergen street—15 lots, south side, 100 feet east of 5th avenue; each 20x100 feet. : ' " ' '< '-'■ •■' Twentt-se'cond street—2 lots, south side, 100 feet east of 3d avenue; each.20xl0.0 feet. Twentx-third, street—6 lots, north side, 100 feet east «f8davenae; each20ixlOOfeet. ■ 'teejjsof sale. ■' • Teh per cent.'and'Auctioneer's fees on day of sale; sixty per cent, can remain on bond and in(»rl^age for three years ; balance on delivery of the deedsumthirty days. Maps and full particulars at the Auctioneers otBce, No. 8 Pine street. New York. , HEALEY mON WORKS, Corner North. Fourtli and Fiftii Streets, BROOKLYN, E. D. Manufactory of IROIS WOUK FOU BUILDINGS. SILLS, LINTELS, COLUMNS, GlEDEES. AND EVEEY STYLE OF BAILING. ■ J, I. &* J. P. HEALEY. GEO. P. FOX'S SONS, No. 47 Amity St., three blocks from Broadway, VN^ . TAILORS, and Dealers in FINE FOREIGN CLOTHS AND FABRICS. SPEClAL'TiES:...... liATEST FASHIONS, , BEST FABRICS, PERFECT-FITTING GARMENTS, LOWEST PEICES. Testimonials from celebrated citizens who have patron¬ ized our establishment will attest our claims in the above specialties. Save Thirty per cent, by walking three blocks from Broadway. Alili GABMiENTS WARRANTED. A. J. BLEECKER, Auctioneer. LOIlinL.LA.Il3D ESTA.TE SUPREME COUET.—IN PAETITION. PEREMPTORY SALE OP 3,300 LOTS, MILL SITES, VILLA SITES, AND DWELLINQ-HOISES. AT NEAE FOEDHAM DEPOT, WESTCHE3TEE CO., N.Y. EUG- A . J . B L E E C K E R, S O N &, C O. TVUl seil at public auction, on the premises, situated near Fordham Depot, under the direction of PHILO T. GLES, Eeferee, on the 30th day of NOVEMBEE, 1869, at 12 o'clock noon, THREE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES OF LAND, the country seat of the late PETEE LOEILLAED. This magnificent property has recently heen topographically sur¬ veyed and laid out by Gen. E. L. Viele, formerly Chief Engineer of the Central Park, and will be offered to the public in Lots and Villa Sites of convenient size. ., •* The mansion of the late owner, a granite structure containing thirty rooms, with stone stables, grPen-honse, con¬ servatories, graperies, gas-house, and garden, will be sold with about thirty acres of land, forming a complete and elegant country residence. There is also upon the premises a valuable water-power, which will be sold with the mills and mill sites. The property will be sold subject to restrictions against nuisances. Eighty per cent, of the purchase money may remain on mortgage for a term of years. For maps and information, apply to A. J. BLEECKEE, SON & CO.. 77 Cedar Street; Q PHILO T. EUGGLES. 39 Wall Street; or O G. TILLOTSON, 46 Exchange Place. DEMUTH'S PATENT CLASS LICHT&l Patented September 22fZ,^8G8. EEVOLUTION IN THE SYSTEM OF ILLUMINATING OF¬ FICES, BANKS, CHUECiES, EESTAUEANTS, DWEL¬ LINGS, STEAMBOATS, AND EAILEOAD CAliS; ALSO FOE SIGNAL LIGU-TS AND LANTEENS. INCEEASED LIGHT OF EXQUISITE SOFTNESS. BEAUTIFUIi COMBINATION OF COI.ORS. Augmented Translucency without Transparency. IF FEACTUEED, CHEAPLY EEPAIEED. See .irtlcles in "Scientific American," Oct. 16 and 23,1369. For further particulars address VICTOR E. MAUGER, 110 Reade St., N. Y. THE UNDERSIGNEP HAVING KECEIVED letters-patent, dated May 25th, 1869, for their im¬ provement in the fronts of.huildings, are now prepared to grant licenses to founders and builders intending to mako good work. Apply to our Patent Attorney, T. D. Stetson, 5 Tryon Eow,.New York. JOHN ALEXANDEE, / . NATH. J. BUECHELL. The undersigned is prepared to construct fronts on this plan in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Has a stock of patterns and machinery for finishing. Apply at the Foundry, corner of Quay and Washington streets, Greenpoint. JOHN ALEXAITDEE. Joiijr,H, ArsTEjf, Auctioneer. HAZARD^ APTHORP & CO., Real Estate Bfolters and Auctioneers, 110 Broadway, New York. WiU sell at auction, at this/Beal Estate Salesroom, 111 Broadway, every description of EEAL ESTATE, CITY AND COUNTEY.' New Ye^K Office, 110 BeoadwAV; Boston Oftioe, Boston Post Buildinp; NEWpoglj-BEUEnJE.AviNFB. AUCTIONEERS, &c J. JouNSON, Jr., Auctioneer. JOHNSON & MTWilR, AUCTIONEERS AND EEAL ESTATE BEOKEES, No.,25 -Nassau Street, corner of Cedar, New York. ^~ City and Country Eeal Estate at Public and Pri¬ vate Sale. Loans on Mortgago negotiated. Auction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &o. JOSEPH A. LEVY, AUCTIONEER, RE Ali ESTATE, ^ -AND- GENEI^ INSUEANCE BEOKEE. No. 7 Pine Steekt. A D. IVIELLICK, JE., & BEO., -^^ • Auctioneers and Dealers in Now Jersey Eeal Es¬ tate, No. 6 Pine street. New York. Descriptive Lists issued without charge, complete with timo tables, commutations, maps, and detailed descrip¬ tions of the towns and, villages, and the property offered for sale. 7-