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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 4, no. 96: January 15, 1870

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. VoL.ry. ^]Sro.-18.] new yokk, SATUI^DAY, January is, isro. [Whole Xo. 96; Mackey & son, SLATJB>ND jnSTAL ROOFERS, 67 "West Twentyrfeislith Street, between Sixth and Seventh ftvenues, New "fork. Jobbing promptly attended to. Metal cornices and gutters. NINE LOTS at'the FOOT OF WE&T Twenty-ninth street, Kortli river, to let for a tei-in of J'ears, witli use of pier and bulkhead; suitable for Brick. Coal, or Lumber Yard. Apiily to IL..A. CPwANE, "Foot "West SOth st. A ■WATEE-CLOSET WORTHY OF THE NAME. ALFRED ITERS' PATENT ANTI-FREEZING, SELF- ACTING, INODOROUS "WATER-CLOSET. Cannot freeze, leak, or become offensive. .Req.uires no human aid in its operation. Keeping perfectly clean with half the water that must leak from all other "Water- Closets;' ,; ALFRED IVERS, number, 31P Fourth Avenue. DEMUTH'S PATENT GLASS LIGHTS Patented September 22d, 18G8. -■.,y^^,»g<;^j^,.,j.j^:jt.^w KEVOLUTION IN TIIE SYSTEM OF ILLUMINATING OF- ^^^a^SE'^KS- FICKS, IJANKS, CHURCHES, RESTAURANTS. DWEL¬ LINGS, STEAMBOATS, AND RAILROAD CARS; ALSO FOR SIGNAL LIGHTS AND L.\NTERNS. INCREASED LIGHT OF EXftlTISITE SOFTNESS. ISEAVTIFIJIi COMBINATION OF COIiORS. Augmented Translucency without Transparency. IF FR.ACTUREI), CIIEAPLT REPAIRED. See articles in "Scientific American," Oct. IG and 23,1S69. For further particulars-address VICTOR E. MAUGER, 110 Reade St, N. T. ACKERMAN & BORKEL, Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornices and Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, No. 143 WORTH STREET, NEW YORK. GALVANIZED IRON GUTTERS of all sizes con¬ stantly on hand, and for sale to tho trade in quantities to suit, in lengths, or put together. JouN II. AusTKN, Auctioneer. . " HA Z ARD, APT HORP & G O., Real Estate Brokers and Auctioneers, 110 Broadway, New Tfork. ^ill sell at auction, at tho'Real Estate SaVesrooni, 111 rBroadwayj every description of REAL ESTATE, CITY AND COUNTRT. New York Office, 110 IJROAnwjLT.; Boston Offiob, Boston Post Building; Newport,,Bbllevok Avenue. THE UNDERSIGNED HA"V^ING RECEIVED letters-patent, dated May 25th, 1SC9, for their im¬ provement in the fronts of buifdings, are now prepared to grant licenses to founders and builders intending to mako good work. Apply to our Patent Attorney, T. D. Ste'tson^'S Tryon Bow, New "York. .. ...... JOIIN ALEXANDER, ... . NATH. J. BURCHELL. The undersigned is prepared to construct, fronts pn this plan in the best manner and'at the shortest notice. Has a stock of patterns and.maphin^ry .for.finishing. , . - .'the Foundry,-corner of Quay and Washington streets, Greenpoint. .... - - .JOHN ALEXANDER.-; [HEALEY IRON WORKS, Corner North Fourtli and'FUtli Streets', BROOKLYN, E.D. Manufactory of IRON WOEK FOR BUILDINGS. SILLS, LINTELS, COLUMNS, GIRDERS, AND " • . EVERT STTLE OF BAILING.' " .; ~ ' J. I. & J. P. HEALEY. NEW YORK STONE WORKS. Office, 75 William St., New York. First Premium at t/te Fxhibition of the American Jiistitute, 1SG9. The^attcntion of Architects, Builders, and the public is c-illed to onr ARTIFICIAL STONE, BRO"WN STONE TILES, for court-yards and areas. _ SinEWALKS, iu one piece of any length. ' Menolithio Floors, for cellars, factories, and itables. House Fronts, in Brown,. Nova Scotia, and Ohio Free Stone, plain and highly ornamented.- - Coping, a new pattern, improved. - Cording, any length, in one piece. Ornaments and Statues, for gardens and cemeteries. "We guarantee the durability and strength of bnr Arti¬ ficial Stone, and refer to Messrs. Fitzpatrick, Donnely, .Disbrow, "Whitfield, Coburn, Spratt, builders, and many other gentlemen in the building trade. The price of our material is from 25 to To per cent, cheaper than any cut stone in this market. Send for price-list to 75 "William street. BANDMANN, HOLLMAN & CO. HEATING APPAPwVrUS. S. TARHEll & GO., DE3 3src5-iBirEsaE5n.s, 212 Grand St., New York. Manufacturers of niGlI AND LOW PRESSURE STEAM-HEATING APPARATUS, For warming and ventilating Hotels, Private Residences, CMircIies, Schools, Stores, Factories, Steamers, &c. STEAM FITTING, . PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. " Send for Illustrated Catalogue." HEATERS AND RANGES. SANFOBD'S PATENT CHALLENGE HEATERS, Bet in Brick or Portable. TIIE IMPR0"7ED NE'W TORK FIRE-PLACE HEATER,. ._ BEACON LIGHT BASE-BURNER, CHALLENGE KITCHEN EANGES. NATIONAIi STOVE WORKS, 239 & 241 "SVATER STREET, N. T. ■JITACGRHGOR'S IMPROVED HEATING .__ -FURNACES, COOKING RANGES, - .Cauldrons, Baths, and Japanned-"Ware. - - - - - ' -H. METCALF, ■ • l^llT Beekman Btreet, New Tork. ABAM IIAMPTOW, Manufacturer or GRATES, FENDERS, & FIRE-PLAOE . HEATERS, L ISTo. 60 GOLID SXRICEO?, (Bet. Fulton and Beekman Sts.) New Tokk. Established, 1826. T>ARRY & LANE,,FURNACES AND EANGES, METALCORNICES AND EOPFINQ, .Cor. 59th Street and 8d Avenne, - *, - New Tore.' ~ Y-A N^ N aT E & S-.0 ]sr, Grate, Fender, and Fire-PIacc Heater MANUFACTURERS. 434 Canal Street, near 'Varick, New Tobk. W. M. "Van Notb. A. 8. Van Notx. GEO. P. FOX'S SONS, No. 47 Amity St., three Llocks from Broadwayi^ TAILORS, and Importers of FINE FOREIGN CLOTHS AND FABRICS. SPECIALTIES: I 1 -< 1 1 ( • t n* 1 1 df