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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. IV. No. 19.] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 22,1870. [Whole No. 97. ALEX. ^cCREGOi?! ' Practical Mason and Plasterer, OFFICE, 12-4 WEST 24TH ST., (Het. Si.Kth and Seventh Avenues), NEW YORK. Being long established and favorably known in the city, he takes this method of informing owners of property, liuilders, and others w.anting rep.airs done or .alterations made, that they will find it to their advantage to send by mail or leave their orders -with him, as he makes jobbing a sjiecialty. . . . .Ml work done in the best and most economical manner ])ossible, thereby saving a large percentage to parties patronizing him. Jobbing work of every description promptly done. All orders by mail (from responsible jjartles only) should be sent from one to three d.ays .ahead. Estimates promptly furnished, or work done on small percentage. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ John H. Austen, Auctione«r. HAZARD, APTHORP & CO., Eeal Estate Brokers and Auctioneers, 110 Broadavay, Ne^vXork. Will sell at auction, at the Real Estate Salesroom, 111 Broadway, every description of . EEAL ESTATE, CITY-AND COUNTEY. New York Opkice, 110 Broaowat; Boston Offiob, Boston Post BniLoiNe; Nkwfoet, Bellevue Avbncs. TO TIIE WORKING CLASS.—Wo are now prepared to furnish all claases with conBtant employment at home, the Trholc of the time or for the spare momentii. Business new, light and profitable. Persons of either sex easily earn from rrh. to t5 per evening, and a proportional BUm by devoting their whole time to the business. Boys and girls cam nearly ns much as men. Thatall who sec this notice may send their address, and test tho busines.s, we make this unparalleled offer: Tosuchasarc not wcUsntisficd.wc will send $1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full particulars, a valuable sam- ?le which will do to commence work on, and a copy of Tha 'eople'a Liternry Companion----one of the largest and best family newspapers published—all sent free Dy mail. Reader, ifyou want permanent, profitable work, addrcsa E. C. ALLEN & CO., Adoosta, Maine M /B ACKEY & SON, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, 07 West Twenty-eighth street, between Sixth and Seventh avenues. New York. Jobbing promptly attended to. Jletal cornices and gutters. INB LOTS AT THE FOOT OF "WEST Twenty-ninth street. North river, tb let for a term of years, with us^of pier and bulkhead; suitable for Brick. Coal, or Lumber Yard. Api)ly to II. A. CRANE. Foot West SOth St. ACKERMAN & BORKEL, Manufacturers of Gralvanized Iron Cornices and Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, No. 143 WORTH STREET, NEW YORK. HEATING APPAEATUS. S. EAPiHER & CO., :£2 XCr Gi-X KiT :£3 33 x^ s, 212 Grand St., New York. ' Manufacturers of HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE STEAM-HEATING APPAKATUS, For warming and ventilating Hotels, Private Residences, Churches, ScJiools, Stores^ Factones, Steamers, &c. STEAM FITTING, PLUMBING AND GAS FITTING. " Send for Illustrated Catalogue." M ACGEEGOR'S IMPROVED HEATING GALYANIZED IRON GUTTERS of all sizes con¬ stantly on hand, and for sale to tho trade in quantities to suit, in lengths, or puftogethor. A WATER-GLOSET WORTHY OF THE NAME. ALFRED IVERS' PATENT ANTI-FREEZING, SELF- ACTING, INODOROUS WATER-CLOSET. Cannot freeze, leak, or become offensive. Requires no human aid in its operation. Keeping perfectly clean with half the water that must leak from all other Water- Closets. ' ■ . . . - ALFEED IVERS, Plumber, 310 Fonrth Avenue. NEW YORK STONE WORKS. 0£5lce, 75 William St., New Tork. First Premium at the Exhibition of the American Institute, 1869. The attention of Architects, Bnilders, and the public l.s called to our ARTIFICIAL STONE, EROWN STONE TILES, for court-yards and areas. Sidewalks, in one piece of any length. Menolithio Floors, for cellars, factories, and stables. HousK Feonts, in Brown, Nova Scotia, and Ohio Frea Stone, plain and highly ornamented.' Coping, a new pattern, improved. CoKBiNO, any length, in one piece. Orkaiients and Statues, for gardens and cettieteries. We guarantee the durability and strength of our Arti¬ ficial Stonk. and refer to Messrs. Fitzpatrick, Donnely, Disbrow, Whitfield, Coburn, Spratt, builders, and many other gentlemen in the building trade. The price of our material is from 25 to 75 per cent, cheaper than any cut stone in this market. Send for price-list to 15 William street. BANDMANN, HOLLMAN & CO. FURNACES, COOKING RANGES, Cauldrons, Batlis, and Japanned Ware. IL METCALF, ^."117 Beekman street. New Tork. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RECEIVED letters-patent, dated May 25th, 1SG9, for their im¬ provement in the fronts of buifdings, are now prepared to grant licenses to founders and builders intending to make good work. Apply to our Patent Attorney, T. D. Stetsox, 5 Tryon Eow, Now Tork. JOHN ALEXANDER, NATH. J. BURCHELL. The undersigned is prepared to constrnct fronts on this plan in the best manner and at tho shortest notice. Has a stock of patternsand machinery for finishing. Apply at tho Foundry, corner of Quay and Washington streets, Greenpoint; • ' JOHN ALEXANDER. HEALTSY IRON WORKS, Comer Nortb Fourtli and Fiftli Streets, BROOKLYN, E. D. Manufactory of , ■ IRON W;ORK FOR BUILDINGS. SILLS, LINTELS, COLUMNS, GIRDERS, AND EVERT STTLE OF RAILING. V J. I. & J. F. HE ALB Y. 1 Citt of New Tork, Department op Finance, Bureau of the Receiver op Taxes, Coubt-House, Park, No. 32 Chambers street, Norember 5,1S69 TO TAXPAYERS.—NOTICE IS HEREBY given that one per cent, will bo added to all taxes unpaid on the 1st December; also, an additional one per cent, on December 15. On all taxes remaining unpaid on January 1, interest at the rate of twelve per cent, per an¬ num, calculated from the day the books were received by the Receiver of Taxes to the day of payment, will he added. No money will be received after two o''clock, p.m. Oflice hours from 3 to 2 p.m. ^kl BEENAED SMTTHE, Receiver. HEATERS AND RANGES. SANFOED'S PATENT~CHALLENGE HEATEKS, Set in Brick ob Portable. TUE IMPROVED NEW TORK FIEE-PLACE HEATEE, BEACON LIGHT BAS&-BURNEE, CHALLENGE KITCHEN £AIfG£S> NATIONAL STOVE WORKS, 239 & 241 WATER STREET, N; Y. AI>AM MAMFTON, MANUFACTUREtt OF GRATES, FENDERS, & FIRE-PLACE HEATERS, ► N"o. GO GOLX) STRKET, (Bet. Fulton and Beekman Sta.) New Tobk. Established, 182G. DEPARTMENT OF TAXES'AND ASSESSMENTS, No. 32 Chamherb Street, New Tork, January 8, 1870.—Notice is hereby given to all persons that the As¬ sessment Eolls of the Eeal and Personal Estato of the city and county of New Tork, for the year 1S70, will be open for inspection and revision, on and after Monday, January 10,1S70, and will remain open nntil the 30th day of April, 1870, inclusive, for the correction of errors and the equali¬ zation of the assessments of the aforesaid real and person¬ al estate of the city and county of Now Tork. All persons believing theraselves to be aggrieved must mako applica¬ tion to the Commissioners during the period above men¬ tioned, in order to obtain the relief provided by law. NATHANIEL SANDS, W.H. KING, ■ GEO. H. ANDREWS, v\U .........THOS. J. CREAMER, ^* CommisBioncrs of Taxes and Assetsmente. T>ARRY & LANE, FURNACES AND ; EANGES, METAL COENICES AND ROOFING, Cor. 59tb Street and 8d Avenne, NewTork. V-A^N NOTE ife ^OM, Grate, Fender, and Firc-Place BLeater MANUFACTURERS. 4-34 Canal Street, near Varick, New Toek. W. M. Van Note. A. S. Van Notk. THE BIGELOW BLUE STONE COMPANY. A. B. KKLLOGO, AGENT, Miners, Manofactueees and Wholesale Dealers ik NORTH RIVER BI^VE STONE, MALDEN, ULSTER CO., AND 14 PINE ST., N. T. Flagging, Curbing, Gutteri, SiUs, Lintela, Tiling, «tc., shipped to all partg of tho United States & Sonth Ameriou -i\\ I : I 1 . 11>. ':^ V ' }^ ].. ti, ^