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AND BUILDEBS' GUIDE. Vol. IV. No. 23.J NEW YOBI<:, SATDEDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1870. [WuoleNo. 101. J. JoHKSON, Jr., Auctioneer. JOHNSON & JULLER, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BROKEltS, No. 25 Nassau Street, corner of Cedar, New York. pgr- City and Country Real Estato at Public and Pri¬ vate Sale. Loans on Mortgage negotiated. Auction Sales of Furniture. Stocks, Merchandise, &e. WEDNESDAY, February 23, At 12 o'clock, at Exchange Salesro-mi, 111 Broadw.iy, N.Y, HIGHLY l.\Il'OUTANT SALE OF THE MOST VAL¬ UABLE LOTS IN TIIE CITY OF BROOK¬ LYN, Fr^.NTlNG ON AND IN THE IMMEDIATE VICINITY OF PROSPECT PARK. Orn Avenue andIst Stueet—N. E. corner, 4 magnifi¬ cent lots. Otu Avenue.—N.w. side, only 21 feet S W. of Grand Plnzji. 1 £i)lcndid lot •Jth Avenue—N. W. side, only 71 feet S. W. of Grand Pliusa, 1 desirable lot. St« Avenue ano Macomii Street—S. W. cor., 7 lots. Butler Street—S. s., 159 ft. 7 in, E. of Flatbubh ave¬ nue. 7 lots Union Street—S. W. s.,; 200 ft N. W. of Sth avenue, 5 lots. Stii Avenue—S. W. s., I.tO ft. N. E. of Macomb street, 2 lots. ■ FiSKE. Pr,ACE-r-in rear of above, 2 lots. ."JTH Avenue ano .ith Stkeet—S. E. corner, 3 lots, 4tii Avenue Bodi.kvauu—N. W. side, entire front be¬ tween 3Sth and 39th streets. 10 lots". 35th and 89th Strects—In rear of above,-16 lots. •, 4t» Avenue Boulevaud—N. W. side, 50 ft. 2 in. S. W. of39th sfreet, 5 lots. 3i» Avenue AND^Orn.Street—S. W. corner,- 5 lots. 41s-r Street-—N.E. side, 225 ft'. S. E. of 3d avenue, 2 lots; also, in rear, oh 40th street. 1 lot. ' Also, , . . At samo timennd place. SPLENDID LOTS ON FLATBUSH AND WASHING¬ TON AVENUES, FRONTING PARK. Flatbush Avenue-E. side, opposite Flatbush avenne ontnince, 1.9 lots. Washington Avenue—E. side, 63 ft. 1 in. N. of Classon avenue; 7 lots.' Terms easy. ^lapsat auctioneers' officps, 25 Nassau street, New York; 157 Montague street, Brooklyn. AI.EX. McOKE€}OR, Practical Mason and Plasterer, OFFICE, 124 WEST 24TII ST., (Bet Sixth and Seventh Avenues), NEW YORK. Being long estiblished and favorably known in the city, he takes tl;is method of informing owners of property, builders, and others wanting repairs done or alterations made, that they will find it to their advantage to send by mail or leave their orders with him, as he makes jobbing a specialty. All work done in the best and most economical manner possible, thereby saving a largo percentage to parties p.itroni2ing him. Jobbing work of every description promptly done. All orders by mail (from responsible parties only) shonld bo sent from one to three days ahead. Estimates promptly furnished, or work done on small percentage. jrounr horton ^ co., GAS fixture: KIAIMUFACTlJnEISS, NOS. 288 & 235 CANAL STREET, Opposite to Earlk's Hotkl, New Yobk. NINE LOTS AT THE FOOT OF WEST Twenty-ninth street. North river, to let for a term of years, with use of pier and bulkhead; suitable for Brick. Coal, or Lumber Yard. Apply to U. A. CRANE. Foot West SOth It. LEANDER STONE, Dealer in PINE, SPRUCE, AND HEMLOCK LUM¬ BER AND TIMBER, BLACK WALNUT, nnd other Hard Woods, Cor. 54th St. and First Ave., NewTork. ACKERMAN & BORKEL, Manufacturers of Galvanized Iron Cornices and Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, No. 143 WORTH STREET, NEW YORZ. A. ROUX & SON, 827 and 829 BROADWAY. ,FACTORY: 161, 163, and 165 l,Vcst ISth St. Wood Mantels, Mirror Frames, WAINSCOTmG, DOOIIS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS. Designs and estimates furnished. Jonx n. AusTEX, Auctioneer. HAZARD, APTHORP & CO., Real Estate Brokers and Aiuctioneers, 110 Broadway, Ne^r York. Will 8*11 at auction, at the Real Estate Salesroom, 111 Broadway, every description of REAL ESTATE, CITY AND COUNTEY. Nkw York OrricB. 110 Broao-wat; Bostok OrricK, Bostok PobT BciLoiNe; Nr-wpokt, Bkllctdx Atbxvb. M' GALVANIZED IRON GUTTERS of all eizea con¬ stantly on hand, and fur sale to tho trado In quantities to suit, in lengths, or put together. THE UNDERSIGNED HAVING RECEIVED letters-patent, dated May S.'ith, 1869, for their im- ]irovemont in the fronts of buildings, are now prepared to grant licenses to founders and builders'Ihtending'to mako good work. Apply to our Patent Attorney, T. D. Stetsok, 5 Tryon Row, Now York. JOHN ALEXANDER. NATH. J. BUECHELL. The undersigned Is prepared to construct fronts on this plan in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Has a, Dtock of patterns and machinery for finishing. Apply at the Foundry, corner of Quay and Washington ttreets, Greenpoint. JOHN ALEXANDEE. ACKEY & SON, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, 07 West Twenty-eighth street, between Sixth and Seventh nvenuPB, New York. Jobbing promptly attended to. Metal cornices and gutters. DRAIN & WATER PIPE, &«. STONE ^\rA.R JE SEWER.PIPE. A largo as.^ortmoLt of tho best Steam-Pressed Vitrified Stone Drain and Sewer-Pipe, from 2 to 18 inches in diameter, in two-and three feet lengths, with tho proper flttings, constantly on hand, and for sale by NORRIS & MILLER, Jfanufaclurers, Successors to NOAII NORRIS & SON, at Nos. 229, 231, & 233 East 4Ut si., N. Y. STEWART & CO., Froprictors MANHATTAN PO TTERY, Office, 641 West ISth st., near llth Ave^ N. Y. ■ A LARGE ASSOttTMENT OF VITRIFIED DRAIN AND SEWER PIPE, SMOKK AND UOT-AIR FLUE PIPE, FIRE BRICK ETC., ETC. NEW YORK STONE WORKS. Office, 75 William St., New York. First Premium at the Ea-hibition of the American IiLititute, 1SG9. The attention of Architects, Builders, and the public is called to our ARTIFICIAL STONE, BROWN STONE TILES, for coiu-t-yards and areas. SinEWALKS, in one piece of any length. Mo.NOLiTHio Floors, for cellars, factories, and stables. House Fro.nts, in Brown, Nova Scotia, and Ohio Free¬ stone, plain and highly ornamented. CoriKO, a new pattern, improved. ConBiNO, any length, in one piece. Orxamrnts and St.itues, for gardens and cemeterie«. We guarantee the duriibility and strength of our Arti¬ ficial Stone, and refer to Messrs. Fitzpatrick, Donnely, Disbrow, Wliitfield, Coburn, Spratt, builders, and many other gentlemen in the building trade. The price of our material is from 25 to 75 per cent, cheaper than any cut stono in this market. Send for price-list to 75 William BANDMANN, HOLLMAN & CO. WILLIAM NELSON, Jr., Importer and Wholesale Dealer in SEWER AND DRAIN PIPE. Office, 24 Old Slip; Yard, 12th st. and Av. D.; and North Oth and 4th sts., Williainiiburgh. Contractor to Croton Aqueduct Hoard. ^4ngi«4222r224)EAST28!Hs^ THE BIGELOW BLUE STONE COMPANT. A. B. KELLOGG, AGENT, MiKESS, MAKUrACTUKKKB AKB WnOI.XSALS DiALllt IX NORTH RIVER Ttl.VE STONE, MALDEN, ULSTER CO., AND 14 FINE ST., N. T Flagging, Curbing, Gutters, Bills, Lintels, Tiling, eto. shippsd to all parts of tbo United Statea