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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 5, no. 107: April 2, 1870

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. V. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 2, 1870. No. 107. J. Johnson, Jr., Auctioneer. JOHNSON . &. MILLER, AUCTIONEERS AND HEAL'ESTATE BROKEllS, No. 25 Nassau Street, corner of Cedar, New York. ^gr- City and Country Real Estate at Public and Pri¬ vate Sale. Loans on Mortgage negotiated...... Auction Siilos of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &c. • TUESDAY, APRILS, At 12 o''clock„at Exchange Salesroom. Ill Broadway. VALUABLE IVIPKOVKD AND UNIMPIiOVEll WIL- LIAMSUUKGII PROPEUTY. FOURTH ST., and NORTH SEVENTII ST., southeast corner^ ... 7 splendid LOTS, all fronting on Fourth st. One-story Butcher Shop on corner lot. . NOKTII SEVENTII .ST., s. s., T-t ft. e. of Fourth »t.—A TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING, large BRICK STA¬ BLE of 10 stalls, and TWOSTORY BfllCK OARRIAGE- IIOCTSE: Lot, 25x100. ^^ Property finely located: has great prospective ne; but few lots to bo had on Fourth st., at anj price. Sale jieremptdry. • - . Also, at same time and place, . SPLENDID LOTS ON WASHINGTON AVE., BROOK¬ LYN. WASHINGTON AVE., o. s., 98ft. n. of Do Kalb ave.— Two magnificent lots. . - , HALL ST.. in roar of above^Two choice lots. The above lots are situated hear the'Graham Institute, in the very best part of tho city. . - Also, at s.-ime time ,ind'place, SMITH ST., n. e. corner of Balchen place—Two splendid lots. ' ......... BALCHEN PLACE., n. s., in rear of above—Four fino lots with courtyards in front. . MYRTLE AVE., CENTRAL AVE., AND CHESTNUT ST. JUNCTION—Four very desirable lots. For maps of above property, apjily at. tho Auctioneers' Offices, 25 Nassau st.. New York:- 157 Montague. St., Brooklyn. WANTED. Eight Lots at Inwood. A. J. FULLAM, G.'jO Uroadway.. For warm ng private hnuses. .stores, schools, and public buildings, unsurpassed for gafety, simplicity, economy, durability, and neatness. This apparatus of a Low-Pressuro Steam Gen¬ erator, with wrought-iron tubes for Radiator.^, and can bo made to thoroughly and perfectly warm the smallest dwelling or tlie largest public edifice. Owners, Architects, and Builders are referred to many hnndred buildings warmed by us during tho past twenty ycirs, and to a complete working apparatus .it our manu¬ factory and. store, Nos. I'J'J and 201 Centre street. New York. ■ FISHER & BIRD, Steam Marble Works 07, 09, 101, 103, & 105 EAST HOUSTON ST., Vermont Marble Yards, 260, 262, and 264 Ii:iizabctli !^t., New York. RoiiBKT C. FisiiEU. Clinton G. Bird. Importers. Dealfrfl, and Manufacturers of Foreign and American Marbles. Ecclesiological Decorators, and Workers in Granite, Brown, Nova Scotia, Caen Stonh, and Scotch Granite. niarblc MaiitclM, Gratcst, and Fenders. Monuments, Cemetery Vaults, Church Altars, Font*, Tablets. Coininiinion Tables, ai.d Marble Counters. Mar¬ ble Floor Tiling. g^~ Estiinates and drawings upon application. ^GILL1S:^<3.€0GHEGAN Iu. G. SAWPFORD, Real Estate Agent, ......153 BOWERY, NEW YORK. Estates taken charge of, and prompt returns made. Une.^ceptipiiable references, given. " '"_ ■' WALTER R. WOOD & CO., MINERS, AND WIIOI.ES.^l.K IIK.^LEKS IN Ohio Building Stone and Grind¬ stones, FROM THE BEREA AND AMHERST QUARRIES. Office, Nos. 283 & 285 Front St., (Near Roosevelt Street), NEW YORK. SOLE AGENTS FOB SENECA BROWN STONE. Walthk R. Woon. Ch.\s. P. Wili,ia.m8. c ALEXANDER DAVIS,'MODERN STATR,- ;-;Builder. Shop.-25S and 2G0 East Plfty-Sixtltstreet, betweeri'Second'and Third avenues.' City an'd'Country wtirk respectfully T solicited^, A variety 'of lland-Rails, Balusters, and Newels oh Hand. " > - HAKLES O'CONNOR, MAItBIilS WORKS, NOS. 616 AND 518 WEST TWENTIETH STEEET, NEAR TENTH AVE., NEW YORK. Mantels, Monuments, etc. Orders punctually .ittended to. j^l. A. J. liYIVCH, REAL ESTATE BROKER, NO. 1-2 CEDAU STREET, NEW YORK, b»t. Broadway and Nassau Street. THE EMPIRE, PENNSYLVANIA & VERMONT SLATE ROOFING WORKS OFFICE, 94 WALL ST., N. Y. Yard, Third street, near Bond, South Brooklyn. Orders filled in country or city. Roofing repaired. SQUIER BROS'. MOULDING, PLANING, TURNING, AND SAWING ]\nLL, 61st St., near 1st Ave., New York City, Manufacturers of Sash, Blinds, Doors, Show-Windows » Sky-Lights, Window-Frames, and Panel Work of all de¬ scriptions. Circular and Elliptic Mouldings. Turning in all its brnnclics. JBEL.L. BROTHERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TIMBER DEALERS, Foot West 22d and 23d Streets (N. R.), New York. lOllS p. UBLI,. - WM. B. BELL. ~ '' JOMIV HORTON, GAS FIXTURE inANUFACTURER, 650 BROADWAY, NEW YOEK. LEANDER STONE, Dciler in PINE, SPRUCE, AND HEMLOCK LUM¬ BER AND TIMBER, , BLACK WALNUT, and other Hard Woods, Oor. 54th St. and First Ave., New Tork. A. ROUX & SON, 827 and- 829 BROADWAY. FACTORY: - 161, 163, aud 165 West IStli St. Wood Mantels, Mirror Frames, WAINSCOTING, DOORS, CEILINGS, AND FLOORS. Designs and estimates furnished; NINE LOTS AT THE FOOT OF. WEST Twenty-ninth street. North rlvoH to let fbra'tefin of years, .with use-of. pier and.bullchead-; -suitable for Brlck.iConl; or Lumber Yard.- -Apply to"...... " . - H. A.CRANE. • ■ ' ........Foot West SOth bt. ACKERMAN & BORKEL, Manul'acturers of Galvanized Iron Cornices and Mouldings, SLATE AND METAL ROOFERS, No. 143 WORTH STREETj NEW YORK. GALVANIZED IRON GUTTERS of all siws con¬ stantly on hand, and for salu to tho trade in n.«tnict('(l witli rrg.ird to .scientific accuracy, aro u.'cd in all tests nf skill by the best plavers in the country, and in nil tiist-i-liiss clubs ,ind hotels. Illustrated cata¬ logues of everything relating to Rillinrds sent hy Mail. 738 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. ;^4nSi'*222|0T'224)EAsr26TNsT, J. H. IIAVEIVJ^, .LUMBER A^^D TIMBER DEALER. lltk Av., cor. 47th St., New York.. . An assortment of Pine, Spruce, and Homlock Lumber well-seasoned and planed, and kept under cover. Also' Shingles, Posts, Pickets,and Ijtth.