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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 5, no. 114: May 21, 1870

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AND BUILDERS guide Y0L.V. ■^■J-^':..'^ NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MA. Y 21, 1870. No. 114. J. JouNBON, Jr., Auctioneer. JOHNSON & MILLER, AUCTIONEERS AND REAL ESTATE BR0KJSK3, No. 25 Nassau Btreet, corner of Cedar, New Tork. • ^~ City and Country Real Estate at Public and Pri¬ vate Sale. Loans on Mortgage negotiated. Auction Sales of Furniture, Stocks, Merchandise, &c. MONDAY, May 2-3, at IS o'clock, on the, GREAT AND POSITIVE SALE OP 445 SPLENDID LOTS, beautifully situated at ELM PARK, STATEN ISLAND, opposite BERGEN POINT, N. J., by order of DANIEL LOW, Esq. - r The property is located at and around the Steamboat Landing, on high ground, .and comniands fine j views. FOB MECHANICS AND LABORERS it is particularly desirable. Boatsjcave Elm Park at 6 o'clock A.M., and New York until 7 P.5L The splendid Water fronts on this property, with a substantial Sea AVall, are very desirable for manu¬ facturing purposes. TERMS—Seyentyper cent, may remain on Bond and Mortgage for three years?.' Take the 10^ o'clock boat at tho foot .of Dey ist.,'Pier. 19, N. R., on the morning bf the sale.: Collation oh the arrival of the boat. Maps, &c., at the oflice of JOHNSON &. MILLER, 23 Nassau St. •. AVEDNESDAY, May 25, nt 12 o'clock at the City Salesroom (Phocnuc Building), " No. 16 Court St., Brooklyn, GREAT PARTITION SALE, By order of the SUl'llEME COURT, r of the ABRAHAM, VANDERVOORT ESTATE, '-, •'- - ,- . ' '" ^'Consisting of " 'f ■ , \ , ' r • -. -, ;.. . - „., 647 CHOICB'LOTS,. '<■ located in tho EIGHTEENTH AVARD, BROOKLYN. GEO. H. FISHEU, Esq.,-Referee. ,- , . . Messrs. S. M. & D. E. MEEKER, Attorneys. (^" The attention of capittdistp, speculntoi-s, and invcafc- ors is called to this sale, which will embrace tho largest number of lots ever ofEered on one day in the City of Brook¬ lyn. The property is splendidly sitimted in the most thriv¬ ing and growuig part of the City, on Flushing, Evergreen, Central, Johnson, and Knickerbocker avenues; Myrtle,' Starr, Madison, Jefferson, Centre, and George streets. The lots will be sold singly and'in,small parcels, in or¬ der to afford an opportunity for all to purchase. I Terms—Sucty per'cent, of the purchasc-moriey.may re¬ main on bond aud mortgage. 'For description of property, see enclosed map. For book maps and further particulars apply to Messrs. S. M. & D. E. JIEEKER, Attorneys, No. 50 Broadway, Brooklyn; GEORGE H. FISHER, Esq., Referee, No. 27 Broadway, Brooklyn, or to the Auctioneers, JOHNSON & MILLER, No. 25 Nassau street. New York ; No. 157 Montague street, Brooklyn. TUESDAY, May .31, GREAT SALE OP LINDEN--PA,BK. 600 LOTS ON STATEN ISLAND.. ' Maps ready... -let. m. A. J. liYlVCH, EEAL ESTATE BROKEN, :" ;: NO- -72 CEDAli STREET, ' NEW YORK, bet. JBroadway and. Nassau Street. I- OAA/;^liR3E?^ U R E=^ i FOE WARMING PRIVATE HOUSES, STORES, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, unsurpassed for safety, simplicity, economy, durability, nnd nec-itness. . . ' This apparatus consists of a Low-Pressure Steam Gen¬ erator, with wrought-iron tubes for Radiators, and can be made to thoroughly and perfectly warm the smallest dwelling or the largest public edifice. Owners, Architects, and Builders are referred to many hundred buildings warmed by us during tho twenty years. SEE COMPLETE WORKING APPARATUS AT OUR MANUFACTORY AND STORE, Nos. 199 AND 201 CENTRE STREET, NEW YORK. GILLIS^GEOGHEGAN GOURTLMDT, PALMER & SON; Eeal Estate Agents^ 858 BROADWAY, near 14th STREET. T D. MELLICK, JR., «fe BRO.,^ -^^^* Auctioneers and Dealers in Now-Jersey Real Es¬ tate, No. 6 Pine street. New Tork. Descriptive Lists issued without charge, complete with time tables, commutations, maps, and detailed descrip- tions of the towns andivillages, and the property offered for sale. AVEDNESDAY, MAY 25,1870. At 1 P.M., on the premises. Partition sale, by order of the Union County Orphans' Court, of the Homestead Farm of Jos. M. Clark, deceased, at ROSKLLE, N. J.. 45 minutes from New York by tho Central Railroad of NewrJer.sey, This property will bo sold in two plots of about 45 acres each; high rolling land, situated in the midst of improvements, within walking distance of the station. On one plot is a residence well situated, contain¬ ing 12 rooms, bam, and outbuildings. On the other plot is an orchard of 200 bearing fruit trees, choice varieties. Both plots well watered. This property, being in the sub¬ urbs of- the growing town of Roselle, will eventually be of great value. Sixty per cent, may remain on bond and mortgage. Parties attending the sale will take the 12 H. train from tlie foot of'Liberty St. ' For maps and particulars apply to the Auctioneers, 6 Pine st . , , '■ ■■.-.•. TUESDAY, May 24,1870, atl P.M., on the premises, FIFTY VERY DESIRABLE TOWN LOTS ' 'j AT CRANFORD, N, J., [ / ; r FORTY-EIGHT MINUTES from NEW YORK, bythe Central Railroad of New Jersey. The lots are among the most desirable^ in- the town, situated three minutes' walk from the station; on established streets and in tbe midst of Improvements. These lots wU be absolutely sold without reserve. Thei-o will also be offered a new French-roofed residence, with nine rooms and 1.50 feet square. Should the day prove stormy, sSvle will take place on 26th inst., at same hour. SPECIAL TRAIN at 12..M. from foot of Liberty street. COLLATION on the arrival of the train. For Maps, Passes, and full particulars, api)ly at the ofBce of the Auctioneers, 6 Pino St., N. Y. B. Itt. PORTER, HAS REMOVED HIS LAW OFFICES FROM 4 WALL Street to 25S Broadwivy, corner of AVarren Street. Z. LEMAIRE (FrencTiman) & CO., Importers of iEncanstic and Mosaic Tiling, CHURCHES, ENTRANCE HALLS, VESTIBULES, &c., 156 EAST 4tTu' STREET, NEW Y'ORK, near Third avc. Orders for laying all kinds of Tiling will receive prompt attention.' M-irble-dealers and the trade supplied. L. C. SAHDFORD, Real Estate Agent, 153 BOWERY, NEW Y'ORK. Estates taken charge of, and prompt returns made. Unexceptionable references given. J. R. HA^IIIiTOlV, A-R C HE I T EG T, 1267 Broadway, near 32d Street, as not to interfere with the grade of the pre¬ sent railroad. To accommodate travel on the western side ■• city the plan contemplates a branch : NEaE'^o'I below Fourteenth street, run- Mantels, Monumenf'te west of Ninth avenue, and -----:-----------------^ avenue to Fifty-ninth street, Dt'.iler in PINE, SPRUCE, AND HEMLOCK LUM¬ BER AND TIMBER, BLACK WALNUT, and other Hard Woods, Oor. 54th St. and First Ave., New York. F. & S. E. GOODWHSr, TTQTJ.QO DK^SIc:»"XT'eX"sy OFFICE AND TARD, 617 EAST ITTH ST., BETWEEN AVESUE8 A AND Bj NEW TORK- Buildings of all descriptions Moved, Raised, Lowered, and Shored up; Girders raised and their Foundations repaired. All bad foundations and weak Buildings properly secured. Iron and Granite. Wood and Iron AVedges for sale. Screws, Hydraulic Jacks, and Derricks to let. THE MOEN ' • ASPHAIiTIC CEIttENT COMPANT, E. 8. VAUGHAN, Treasurer, 103 Maidbk^Lajo:. As'phaltrc* Cement Patent Cellar Bottoms. ASPHALTIC CEMENT opplled to Wet Cellars, Damp Basements, A'^aults, Arches, Brick and Stone Walls, Pack¬ ing House and Stable Floors, tScc, Sec Dealers in Felt Asphaltic Cement and Gr.ivel Roofing Materials, Roman, Portland and Rosendale Cement. ' ROOFS piit on in the best manner at reasonable rates, nnd guaranteed for a term of years. NEW TORK. THE EMPIRE, PENNSTLVANIA & VERMONT SLATE ROOFING WORKS. : OFFICE, 94 WiVLL ST., N. T. Tard, Third street, near Bond, South Brooklyn. Orders filled in country or city. Roofing repaired. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." TT S^ST/lNDAgDWst-,^ isLBi^iamuia Being constructed with regard to scientific accnracy, are used in all testa of skill by the best pKiyer-i in the country, and in all first-class clubs and hotels. Illustrated cata¬ logues of everything relating to Billiards sent by Mall. mMmimsmcmmEfmMfi^ 738 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. WALTER R. WOOD & CO., .MINEUS, AND WHOLESALE DEALEKS IK OMo Building Stone and Grind¬ stones, FROM THE BEREA AND AMHERST QUARRIES Office, Nos. 283 & 285 Front St., (Near Roosevelt Street), NEW TOBK. SOLE AGENTS FOR SENECA BROWN STONE. Walter R. Wood. Chab. P. Williamb.