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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 5, no. 119: June 25, 1870

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hi AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. V. NEW YOEK, SATURDAY, JUNE 25, 1870. No. 119. SUBURBAN HOMES COURTLANDT PALMER & SOiA\ Eeal Estate Agents, GRAND PARK, [COX.SISTIKG OF 2,000 Acres of First-Class Lands IN OXK nODYOX THE UEA.UTIPUL HIGHLANDS OP WESTCHESTER COUNTT, N. Y. TO BE SOI.I) AT PUBLIO AUTOTION', IN SUBDIVISIONS, INCLUDING ELEGANT VILLA SITES, DESIRABLE VILLAGE LOTS AND HANDSOilELY IMPROVED PROPERTY, sitimted on the Harbor, twenty miles from the City Hall, on the line of the New York .ind New Haven Railroad, ex¬ tending, wastwardly, over the roni.intio Ili-ihliimls of .Msi- m.-ironeok and Soars(l:ile, and comprises tlie finest body of lands in the county. Be.=;i(lus tho forty humeste;uls already on the. ground, twenty new onuite villa houses will be erected. Tho finest opportunity ever oCfered to secure firsfr^lalss ACCESSIBLE, ECONOMICAL, BEAU¬ TIFUL HOMES. AU sales will be positive and without reserve, 40 per cent down, balance in three years. Extraordinary Inducement. AU pnrchaser.s of $1,000 and upwards wiU receive a COiUIUTATION PASS on the railroad for ONE YEAB FBEB. ' ' The BIIILLIANT SUCCESS of tho First Sale of VUlage Property is weU known. ^The Second Sale wUl take place on ' ^ Monday, July 4, at 1 o'clock, OP THE.WA7ERLY SUBDmSION, CONSISTING OP 200 VILLAGE LOTS—EQUAL TO 1,090 CITY LOTS. This beautiful property is 'situated directly on the N. Y. & N. H. H.'R., at the station in proximity to the villas of Grand Purk grounds, the TheoloRical Sominar3'. the Fe¬ male Seminary, and near to churches and scliool.s; is liberally liud out in BllOAD ESl'LANADES AND WIDE AVENUES, adorned with trees and streot lamps, and em- helUshed by a handsome park of native forosfi'trees, render¬ ing this altogether tho most CIIABJIxNG AND DESIRABLE SITE for Elegant. Cozv, Comfortible VUlage Homes in the vicinity of New York. j. Sale positive and witiiout reserve. Ample protection from sun and rain. No Free KaUroad Tickets will he is.sued for this s.alc, and no firearms or flreworks wiU bo permitted upon the grounds. Triiins leave depot of N. Y. & N. H. U.K., corner of Twenty-seventh street and Fonrth avenue, at 7 A.M., 9 A.M., and 11.30 a.m. For further information and descrip¬ tive pamphlets, apply to ANDBEW WILSON, .Til., Grand Park Office, No. 317 Broadway, N. Y., or JOHNSON & MILLEll, No. 25 Nassau street, S. DINGBE 6i CO., No. 9 Pine street, and AIALLOllY & BLACKWELL, Evenmg Post BuUding, jfuctioneers. GOODWIN & DREW, HOUSE MOVERS, No. 108 -WEST 25th STREET, the Sixth avenue, - NEW'TOKK. FOR SALE, PIANO FORTES AT 25 PER cent less than any Manufacturer in the City. Also. Pianos and Melodeons to let. A. DAVIS, One Hnndred and Sixteenth atreet. between Second and Third avenues. Fourth house east of Third avenue. New York. JOIIi^' HoatTOJVjP GAS FIXTUUB OTANTTFACTUHEK, 630 BROADWAYS NEW TOEK. 858 BROADAVAY, near Utii STREET. 1^1. A. J. IjYN€M, REAL ESTATE BROKER, NO. 72 CEDAR STREET, NKW YORK, bet. Broadway and Nassau Street. Z. LEMAIRE (Frenchman) & CO., Importers of Encaustic aad Mosaic Tiling, FOE CIIUKCHES, ENTRANCE HALLS, VESTIBULES, &c., 15G EAST 4tTu STUEBT, NEW TORK, near Third ave. Orders for laying aU kinds of Tiling will receive prompt attention. Murblo-dealers and the trade supplied. WANTED, Anywhere on Manhattan Island, a honse and lot, price not to exceed §7,500. , Address, with particulars, FRKDISRICK OICEIGIITOIV, RE.A.L ESTATE RECORD OFFICE, lOa BROADWAY. CANADA LUMBER. CARBHAY & ROUTH,^ I LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 7 CUSTOir SQUARi;, JIONTREAL. Orders solicited for Pine, Spruce, Sic, Boards, Lath, Scantling, Joist, Paving Stuff, Timber, Sic, Sic, Promptly and carefully executed. MONEY TO LOAN .IN SUMS TO SUIT, \ On flrat-clnsB improved and tmlmproved property in Now York. First and second mortgages promptly cashed. PRINCIPALS only dealt with. Witt. SINCIiAIJR, JR., & CO., Room 1, No. .3 Pine Street. PETEE VAN IDERSTINE, Jr. HOBOKEN IVIOULDIWG AWD PLANING MILL, Jfanufacturcr of PINE and HARDWOOD Tt^ OTJXjX3X3XrC3-S, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PLANING, SCROLL AND RESA\VING, TURNING, &C. Newark street, near Clinton, HOBOKEN. OAURET s. •woon, of the Old Finn, ) , , -r. , W.M. II. HAUuisox, f ^""^'" ™y Employ. vr. vr. LEE holds power of Attorney. Orders from parties in New York City personally attend¬ ed to by addressing P. 0. Box 128, Hoboken. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." Dei'aut.ment oy PcBiiic Works, J No. 2.17 Broadway. f TO CONTRACTORS.—PROPOSALS ENCLOSED IN a sealed envelope, endorsed with the title of tho work and the name of the bidder written thereon lockH. No. 11. For paving Forsyth street, from Division street to Houston street, with stone b)oct.=». No. 12. For p.iving Fifty-third street, from Fifth avenne- to Sixth avenne, with stone blocks. No. 13. For paving Fifty-eighth street, from Third avenne to Fifth avenue, mth stone blocks. No. 1-1. For paving Seventy-fourth street, from Third avenue to Avenue A, with stone blocks. No. 15. For sewer in Fourth avenue, between Fifteenth atreet and Seventeenth street. No. 10. For sewer in Fiftieth street, between and Eitihth avenne. No. 17. For sewer in Avenne A, from Fifty-fonrth street to and throngh Fifty-sixth struct to near First avenne. No. 18. For sewer in First avenue, between Thirty-ninth street and Fortieth street. No. 19. For sewer in One Htmdred nnd Twenty-flrsfc- street, between Avenne A and First avenue. No. 20. For sewer in One Hnndrcd and Twenty-fonrth street, hetween Third avenue and Fonrth avenne. No. 21. For sewer in One Hnndred nnd Twenty-seventh street, between Fifth avenue and Sixth avennc. No. 22. For sewer in Sixtj--.seventh and Sixty-eighth streets, botween Fourth avenne and Fifth avenne. No. 23. For sewer in MadLson avenne, between Seventy-' fourth street and Eighty-sixth street. No. 2-1. For sewer in One Hnndred and Twenty-sixth street, between Third avenue and Fifth avenne. No. 25. For sewer in Seventy-sixth street, between First and Third avenues. No. 2(). For sewer in Sixty-fifth street, between Fonrth and Fifth avenues. No. 27. For sewer in JLidison street, between Fike stieet and Birmingham street. No. 28. For sewer in Clinton street, between Houston and Stanton streets. No. 29. For sewer in Sixty third street, between Boule¬ vard and Eighth avenne. No. 30. For sewer in Eighty-first street, between Third and Fourth avenues. No. 31. For sewer in Sixteenth steeet, between Ninth avenue and North river. No. 32. For regnlatmg, grading, curbing, guttering, nnd flag^g Bank street, from West street to Hudson street. No. .S-3. For flagging Fifty-second street, from Eighth to Ninth avenne. No. 3-1. For flagging Tenth street, from Avenne D to East river. No. 35. For flagging Sixth avenne, from Fiftieth Btreet to Fiftj'-ninth street. No. 36. For flagging Forty-fonrth street, from Eighth to Ninth avenne. ; No. 37. For flagging Fifty-fourth street, from Broadway to Seventh avenue. No. 38. For flagging Seventy-seventh street, from Third to Fifth avenne. No. 39. Eor curbing and flagging Fifth avenne, from Eighty-sixth street to Ninetieth street. Blank forms of proposals, together with the specifica¬ tions and agreements, can be obtained at this oflice.— Dated, Department of Public '\Vork.«, New York, Jnne 16, 1870. WM. M. TWEED. Commissioner. Being con.-^tructed with regard to scientific accuracy, are used in all tests of skill by the best players in the country, and in all first-class clubs and hotels. Illustrated cata¬ logues of everything relating to Billiards sent liy Mail. f^H;E?t^iN^:ifeftraiia^^ 738 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. DEPABT.Miarr of Public Work.<«, 1 No. 237 Broadway, > • Nkw York, Jnne 8,1870. j TO PLUMBEES AND jVIASONS.—NOTICE is hereby given to Plumbers and Masons holding' licenses from the late Croton Aqnednct Board, that, from \ and after this date, no permits for tapping water pipes, or ' for making connections with sewers or drains, will be is-' sued, tmless new bonds are filed with this Department. W. M. TWEED, Commissioner of Public Works. P II-: