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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 5, no. 120: July 2, 1870

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE: IP Vol. Y. NEW YOKK, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1870. No. 120. SUBURBAN HOMES GRAND PARK, CONSISTINO OP 2,000 Acres of Pirst-Class Lands IN ONE BODY ON TUB BEAUTIFUIi HIGHLANDS OP WESTCHESTER COUNTY, N. Y. TO BE SOIiD AT PUBLIO AUrOTIOE", IN SUBDIVISIONS, INCLUDING .ELEGANT VILLA SITES, DESIRABLE VILLAGE LOTS AND HANDSOMELY ntPROVED PROPERTY, situated on the Harbor, twenty miles from the City Hall, on the line^of the New York and New Haven Railroad, ex¬ tending, westwardly, over the romantic Highlands of Ma¬ maroneck and Scarsdale, and comprises the finest body of lands in tho county. Be-sides the forty homesteads already on the ground, twenty now ornate villa housea will he erected. Tho finest ojjportunity ever offered to secure first-class ACCESSIBLE, ECONOMICAL, BEATJ- TIFUL HOMES. All sales will be positive and without reserve, 40 por cent, down," balance in tliroe years. Extraordinary Inducement. All purchasers ot $1,000 and npw.ard8 will receive a COIIMUTATION PASS on tho railroad for • .'. - ■ ONE YEAR FREE. ' 't ' The BRIT.LTANT SUCCESS of the Pkst Sale of Village Property ia well known. The Second S.alo will take place on ^ •-, ;,_ Monday, July 4, at 1 o^clock, THE WAVEELY SUBDIYISION, CONSISTING OP 200 VILLAGE LOTS—EQUAL TO 1,000 CITY LOTS. This beautiful property is situated directly on the N. Y. & N. H. B.R., at the station in proximity to the villas of Grand Park grounds, tho Theological Seminary, the Fe¬ male Seminary, and near to churches and schools; is Uberally laid out in pROAD ESPLANADES AND \VIDE AVENUES, adorned with trees and street lamps, and em¬ bellished by a handsome park of native forest trees, render¬ ing thia altogether the most CHAIIMING AND DESIRABLE SITE for Elegant, Cozy, Comfortable Village Homes in the vicinity pf New York. Sale positive and without-reserve. Ample protection from sun and rain. No Free Railroad Tickets will bo issued for this sale, and no firearms or flreworks will be permitted upon the grounds. Trains leave depot of N.Y. & N. H. B.R., coimer of Twenty-seventh street and Fonrth avenue, at 7 A. M., 9 A.M., and 11..S0 a.m. For further information and descrip¬ tive pamphlets, apply to ' ANDREW WILSON, JR., Grand P.irk Ollice, No. .317 Broadway, N. Y., or .TOHNSON & inLLER, No. 25 Nassau street, B. DINGEB Si CO., No. 9 Pme street, and MALLORY Si BLACKWELL, Evening Post Building, Auctioneers. GOODWIN & DREW, hi O USE MOVERS, """........... No. 108 AVEST 25th STBEET, Near the Sixth avonue, NEW YORK. FOR SALE, PIANO FORTES AT 25 PER cent less than any Manufacturer in the City. Also, Pianos and Melodeons to let. A. DAVI.S, One Hundred and Sixteenth street, between Second and Third avenues. Foiurth house east of Third avenue. New York. JOlIiV HORTON, . GAS FIXTURE MANUFACTURER, . eaO. .^BROADWAY, HEW TOKK, ^ - COURTLANDT PALMER & SON, Eeal Estate Agents, 858 BROADWAY, near 14th STREET. M. A. .1. I.Y]¥CBS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, NO. 72 CEDAR STREET, NEW YORK, bet. Broadwaj' and Nassau Street. Z. LEMAIRE (Frenchman) & CO., Importers of £nca-astic and Mosaic Tiling, FOB CHURCHES, ENTRANCE HALLS, VESTIBULES, &o., 150 EAST 4lTU STJIEET, NEW YORK, near Third ave. Orders for laying all kinds of Tiling will receive prompt attention. Marble-dealers and tho trade supplied. CANADA LUMBER. CAKBRAY & ROUTH, LUMBEE COMMISSION MERCBANTS, 7 CUSTOM HOUSE SQUARE, MONTREAL. Orders solicited for Pine, Spruce, &c., Board.s, Lath, Scantling, Joist, Paving Stuff, Timber, Sic, Sic, Promptly and carefully executed. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT, On first^Inss /improved and unimproved property In New York. First and second mortgages promptly cashed. .PRINCIP.\LS only dealt with. WOT. SINCIiABR, JR., A'CO., Room 1, No. .3 Pins Street. PETER VAN IDERSTINE, Jr. HOBOKEN MOULDING AND PLANING- MILL, Jfanufacturcr of PINE and HARDWOOD OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. PLANING, SCROLL AND RESAWING, TURNING, &C. Newark street, near Clinton, HOBOKEN. G.AnnET 9. WOOD, of the Old Fum, WM. U. H.MIUISON, vr. vr. LEE h )lds power of Attorney, Orders from p.irties in New York City personally attend¬ ed to by addressing P. O. Box 128, Hoboken. j- Are In my Employ. "THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." si ySi &^«iPftN;[!ARp:SiiJSi?sSl 3l] HlfM^^^ Reing constructed with regard to scientific accuracy, are used in all tests of skill by the best players in the country, and in all first-class clubs and hotels. Illustrated cata¬ logues of everything relating to Billiards sent by Mail. ^mBmmmsmmmmim 1738 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY. THE EMPIRE, PENNSYLVANIA & VERMONT SLATE ROOFING WORKS OFFICE, 94 WALL ST., N. Y. Yard, Third street, near Bond, South Brooklyn. Orders filled in country ot city. Eoofing repaired. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT A limited partnership has been formed by tho under¬ signed, pnrsnant to the laws of the Stato ol New York. That the name or firm under which snch partnership is to be conducted is George E. Raymond and Brother; that the general nature of the business intended to be transacted by such partnership Is the General Wholesale Li(|nor and Tea Business, on Commission nnd otherwise; tliat the names of all the General and Special Partners interested in said business are, George E. Raymond, Bobert C. Raymond, and Cornelius Corson; that tho said George E. Raymond and Robert C. Raymond are the General Partners, and their places of residence are in the City of Brooklyn, Coun¬ ty of Kings, and State of New York; that tho said Comelina Corson is a Special Partner, and his place of residence is in the City, County, and State of New York; that the amonnt of capital which the said Special Partner has contcibnted to the coraUion stock of the said partnership is tho snm of Five Thousand Dollars; that the iwriod at which tho snid partnership is to commence Is thu first day of March, one thousand eight hnndrcd and seventy; and tho period at' which it is to terminate is on tho thirty-first day of Decem¬ ber, one thousand eight hundred and seventy. Dated New York City, March 1-lth, 1870. . — ~ • GEORGE E. RAYMOND, ) General ' ROBERT C. RAYMOND, J Partjierit. CORNELIUS CORSON, \ pSr^'er - FOR WARMING PRIVATE HOUSES, STORES, AND PUBLIC BUILDINGS, unsurpassed for safety, simplicity, economy, durability, and neatness. This apparatus consists of a Low-Pressure Steam Gen¬ erator, with wrought-iroii tubes for liadiators. and can bo ihado to thorouglily and ]ierfectly Vrarm the smallest dwelling or the largest public edifice. Owners, Architects, and Builders aro referred to many hundred buildings warmed by us during tho p.ast twenty years. SEE CIJMPLETE WOitKINO APl'ARATUS AT OUR MANUFACTOiCY AND STORE, Nos. 190 AND 201 CENTRE STREET, NEW YORK. Glt:i:iS!«t:0E-0{GcH£GA N r FISHER &, BIRD, Steam Marfcle Works 97, 99, 101, 103, it 105 EAST HOUSTON ST., Vermont Marble Yards, 2G0, 2G2, and 26-4 Elizabetli St., New York. RouEnx C. FisuEE. Clinton O. Bibd. Importers, Dealers, and Manufacturers of Foreign and American ^larbles. Ecclesiological Decorators, and Workers in Granite, Brown, Nova Scotia, Caen Stone, and Scotch Granite. OTarble OTantcIs, Grates, and Fender*. Monuments, Cemetery Vaults, Chnrch Altars, Fonts, Tablets. Communion Tables, and Marble Counters. Mar ble Floor Tiling. ^S^Estimateg nnd drawings npon application. THE MOEN ASPHAIiTIC CEOTENT COMPANY, E. S. VAUGHAN, Treasurer, 108 Maioes Laxe. Asphaltic Cement Patent Cellar Bottoms., ASPHALTIC CEMENT applied to Wot Cellars, Damp Basements, Vaults, Arches, Brick and Stone Walls, Pack¬ ing Honse nnd Stable Floors, &c., &c Dealers in Felt Asphaltic Cement and Gravel Eooflng: Materials, Roman, Portland and Rosendale Cement. ROOFS put on in tbe best manner at reasonabU rates, and guaranteed for a term of years. HARLES O'COISTNOR, MARBIiE ■VrORKS, NOS. 616 AND 618 WEST Tt^NTLETH STEEET, NEAE TENTH. AVE., NEW TOEK. Mantels, Monuments, etc. Orders punctually attended to. c t'fgS] I'm