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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. V. ]Sr:EW YOKK, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1870. .No. 122. ^^' TOOD MOULDINGS AND TRIMBtlNGS FOR BUILDINGS. v Reduced Prices. A LARGE AND SUPERIOR ASSORTMENT. ^ New and Elegant Designs. ANT DESIRED PATTERN AVORKED AT [SHORT ■ - NOTICE. I. A. HANCE, 340 Third avenue, cor. 27th st. V WHITLOCK & CO., . .;^ ' MANUKACTDREUS OP -s y DOORS, SASHES, BI.INDS, ^ WOOD MOtTIiDINGS, &c., S. AV. Con. Elm St., Neav Tork. ,.G. AVUITLOCK, C. J. KIDD. 0. B. KEOGIF. •i.- .', -"^ J Send for price-list. 4) COURTLAIDT PALMER & SON, Eeal Estate Agents^ 858 BROADWAY, near 14tii STREET. ill. A. J. LYIVCH, REAL ESTATE BROKER, NO. 72 CEDAR STREET, NEW^ YORK, bet. Broadway and Nassau Street. ;^ GEORGE A, HAGGERTY, ' B E LL HA NG E Ri AND FINISHER,H 803 THIRD AVENUE (EAST SIDE), Bet-^Oth and 50th Sts., NEAV TORK. ALL KINDS OF BRASS AND COMPOSITION CAST¬ INGS FURNISHED AT THE SHORT¬ EST NOTICE. > GOODWIN & DREW, ! HOUSE MOVERS, No. 108 AVEST 25th STREET, Near the" Sixth avenue, NEW ITORK. FOR SALE, PIANO FORTES AT 25 PER cent less than any Manufacturer in the Oity. Also, Pianos ahd Melodeons to let. A. DAVIS, One Hundred and Sixteenth street, between Recond and Tliird avenues. Fourth house east of Third avenne. New Tork. FISHER & BIRD, Steam Marble Works 9T, 99, 101, 103, & 105 EAST HOUSTON ST., Veirmont Marble Yards, 260, 262, and 264 Elizabeth St., New York. Robert C. Fibube. Clinton G. Bird. Importers, Dealprs, and Manufactnrcrs of Foreign and American Marbles, Ecclcsiolofjical Decorators, and Workers in Granite, Brown, Nova Scotia, Caen Stone, and Scotch Granite. marble miantels. Grates, and Fenders. Monuments, Cemetery Vaults, Church Altars, Fonts, Tablets. Communion Tables, and Marble Counters. Mar- ble.-Eloor Tilinp. ^^Estimates and drawings upon application. THE MOEN ASPHAIiTIC CEOTENT COOTPANY, E. S. VAUGHAN, Treasurer, 103 Maidbn Laite. Asphaltic Cement Patent Cellar Bottoms. ASPHALTIC CEMENT applied to AVet Cellars, Damp B.ascments, Vaults, Arches, Brick and Stone AValls, Pack¬ ing House and Stable Floors, &c., &c. Dealers in Felt Asphaltic Cement and Gravel Roofing Materials, Roman, Portland and Rosendale Cement. ROOFS put on in the best manner at reasonable rates, and guaranteed for a term of years. Z. LEMAIRE (Frenchman) & CO., Importers of Encaustic and Mosaic Tiling, FOK CHURCHES, ENTRANCE HALLS, VESTIBULES, Ac, 156 EAST 4lTa STREET, NEW TORK, near Third ave. •Orders for laying alt kinds of Tiling will receive prompt attention. Marblo-dealurs and tho trade supplied. CANADA LUMBER. CARBRAY & KOVTH, LUMBER COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 7 CUSTOM HOUSE SQUARE, MONTREAL. ■ Orders solicited for Pine, Spmce, Sic, Boards, Lath, Scantling, Joiat, Paving Stuff, Timber, Sic, Sic, Promptly and carefully executed. MONEY TO LOAN IN SUMS TO SUIT, On flrst-class improved and unimproved property In New Tork. First and second mortgages promptly cashed. PRrNCIP.ALS only dealt with. tlTOT. SINCLAIR, JR., & CO., Koom 1, No. 3 Pino Street. PETER VAN IDERSTINE, Jr. HOBOKEN MOULDING AND PLANING MILL, JIanufacturer of PINE and HARDAVOOD JSOl OTJXjiX>I3Xr<3-S, OF EVERT DESCRIPTION. PLANING, SCROLL AND RESAAVING, TURNING, &C. Newark street, near CUnton, HOBOKEN. OAKRET S. WOOD, of the Old Firm, | . ,„ . „„t.„„,„„ WM. II. HMiuisoN, r ^"^ 1" ^y ^""pi^y- AV. W. LEE holds power of Attorney. Orders from p'ariies in New Tork City personally attend¬ ed to by addressing P. O. Box 128, Hoboken. THE BEST IS THE CHEAPEST." BciniT constructed with regard to scientific accuracy, are used ih all tests of skill by tiie best players in the country, and in all fir.st-cla.