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Index to The Record and Guide. oL. XXXVI. JULY- -DECEMBEE. 1885. ae following semi-annual Index of the Con- ances and Projected Buildings in New York . Kings Counties, as published in The Record > Guide during the last six months of 1885, 1 be found of great value to those of our sub- vbe"*s who have preserved all the issues of this )er during that period. The utmost fare has ■n taken to keep the Index up to the same perfect ndard which has characterized it in the past. e pages are given on which all the transfers .''ealty published in Volume XXXVI. can imme- itely be found, and the streets and avenues are so b-divided that very few references are required. ^r instance, transfers of property on Bleecker reet appear in four issues during the six months, hich in the Index is sub-divided into two parts, > that *^'ae least possible trouble need be incurred, traasfer being found by referring to but two ,es, provided it is known between what streets avenues the property is located. The Projected 'Idings are indexed in a similar manner, so that n be readily ascertained on what streets im- ments have been made. Those wishing to file for permanent reference should see that umbers are complete and have them bound. Ai binder c__1,6 obtained at the office of scoRD AND Guide, 191 Broadway, corner '*., price one dollar. CONVEYANCES. The figures in extra black type—for in- 4, under the head of A ttorney, north of :reet—denote that the transaction on the g,. a is leasehold, or a lease running for a term of years. This explanation is made so subssribers searchiug for transfers in fee can ice distinguish between the former and the ^r, without referring to the page mentioned. NEW Y.O.RK CJ.TY. STREETS. Albany.... 1286. Allen, south of Hester___977. north of Broome... .1108,1227. Amity (see West 3d) Ann. ..1286,1396, 1425. Attornev, from Broome to Rivington___1227, 1340. north of Stanton___764. 3ank, east of Hudson.... 1139, 1166, 1286. west of Hudson.... 1025, 1078, laeo, \rclay.... 1080.1^30,1340. -;ler....86.5, 1396,142.5. ard....ll38, 1425. ■h.... 956, 1002. ar....ll08. >rd....l286, 1396. lan.. ,81.^. 1227, 1228. __...ane....ll39. Bloomingdale road....865, 1079, 1197, 1288,1344, 1396, 14i5. Bleecker, from South 5th av to Morton___761, 1399 west of Charles... .12.57, 1340. Bond.... 12.57, 1286, 1318, 1372, 142.5. Boulevard, south of 65th... .787,1138. from 65th to 75th... .1108, 1318. 75th to 85th... .815, 1002, 1286. 100th to 10.5th.... 1227, 1229. 107th to 125th (also see 11th av).. .1396. 125th to 135th... .866, 888, 1052, 1396. 135th to 14.5th.... 1197. l45th to 155th... .888, 915,1079, 1286. north of 1.55th....764, 1108, 1374. wer'- outh of Canal___841, 1078. ' a Canal to Hester.... 843, 890, 977. nd to Delaj -bv. .. .1166, 1318. ceyt-o 93.5. ^R1H. 1372. ■007 Broome, east of Columbia.... 1002, 1026, 1227. from Columbia to Sheriff... .1167, 1227. Sheriff to Ridge... .761, 787, 1396. Ridge to Suffolk....841, 9a5, 977. Norfolk to Orchard... .865, 888. Eldridge to Bowery... .1139. Elmto Wooster....815, 1141, 1286. Wooster to Sullivan___9.56. Burling slip.... 1340, 1425. Byrd....l425. Canal, east of Broadway... .815, 1078, 1372. west of Broadway... .1108, 1318,1340. Cannon___1260. Carmine___1166. Catharine___997, 1340. Catharine lane___915. Cedar, west of Broadway.... 1228, 1340, 1372. Centre, south of White... .915, 1078, 1197. north of White___815. Central Park, West (see 8th av.) Chambers___787,815, 916. Charles, east of Hudson.... 1108, 1227, 12.57, 1396. from Hudson to Greenwich___1108. Charles lane___1318. Charlton, east of Hudson... .888, 977. Chatham, from Frankfort to Duane... .1197,1340, 1372. Duane to Doyer .. .815, 888, 1425. Chestnut___142.5. Cherry, from Dover to James___1197, 1372. James to Market... 841, 1053. 1139, 1228, 1396. Market to Rutgers... .1108, 1340. Rutgers to Clinton... .1372, 1396. Clinton to Montgomery.. ..761, 787, 1166, 1228, 1340, 1341. east of Scammel....787, 865, 1197, 1340, 1372, 1425. Cbrystie, from Canal to Grand.... 865, 977, 1026, isao. Grand to Rivington... .935, 10.52. north of Rivington... .1139, 1286, 1372. Church, north of Chambers___1^31. Circle (see Grand Circle)___1344. Clinton, south of Division___1340. from Grand to Broome... .841, 1053,1396. Broome to Rivington___1026. north of Rivington.... 815, 935. Coenties slip___1003. Columbia, south of Rivington___1167. from Rivington to Stanton.... 1078, 1286, 1396. north of Stanton .. 841, 1078, 1340. Cortlandt....915, 1396, 142.5. Cortlandt alley....81.5. Crosby... .977, 1169,1372. Delancey, oast of Mangin___956. from Lewis to Cannon.... 888,915, 935,1002, 1052, 1396. Columbia to Pitt....761, 1026, 1078, 1197, 1340, 1372, 1396. Pitt to Norfolk... .787, 1166, 1228, 1.340. Norfolk to Essex... .1166, 1257. Orchard to Forsyth....lOaT. indeft....81.5. Depeyster___787. Dey....915, 1197. Division, east of Ridge___1053. from Ridge to Clinton... .761, 815, 888, 890, 916,935,977,1167, 1197. Clinton to Essex....81.5, 11.39, 1141, 1357, 1286, 1340. Orchard to Allen... .11.39, 1340, 1373. west of Allen... .761, 1139. Dominick....l328. Duane.... 888, 1396. East Broadway, from Catharine to Market___ 958,1026, 1053, 1340. Market to Pike.... 1167, 1257. Pike to Rutgers... .787, 815, 977, 1167, 1286, 1396. Rutgers to Jefferson___815. Jefferson to Clinton.... 1189, 1286. Clinton to Montgomery___890, 916, 935, 1078, 1139, 1435. east of Montgomery___761, 977. Eastern Boulevard (see Av A)___888. Edgecombe road___1108. Eldridge, south of Hester... .1197, 1286. from Hester to Grand... .787, 865, 935, 1002, 1167. Grand to Broome... .761, 1197. north of Broome... .865, 888. Elizabeth, south of Hester... .843, 890, 1257. from Spring to Prince___761, 815. •n, south of Worth... .1340. from Worthto White... .787, 865,1036,1.341. — ■ 'Canal.... 1108. 1026, lf.40. .. 1286, 1340. id....761, 787, 1078,1396. -41, 1168. '. 888, 1026, Franklin, from Church to Hudson....815, 935, 1003, 1139. Front, from Broad to Wall....761, 865, 1300, 1425. Wall to Maiden lane.... 1357. Fulton to Montgomery___761. Fulton, east of William... .787, 81,5. west of William... .761, 1396, 1485. Goerck. south of Delancey___1003. north of Delancey... .12.57, 1386, 1340, 1396. Gold, south of Fulton.... 761, 1167. Gouverneur slip___761. Grand, east of Willett.... 1167, 1340. from Willett to Ridge.... 1053, 1435. Attorney to Clinton... .915, 935, 1002, 1036, 1052, 1257, 1340. Clinton to Elm... .787,1340. west of Broadway___1357, 1396. Greene, south of Prince___865, 1257. from Houston to 3d.... 1286, 1340. Greenwich, south of Rector___13-10, 1341. from Reado to Franklin.. .761, 815, 888, 891. Laight to Canal... .888, 1340. Houston to West 11th... .mi, 1340. north of West 11th... .1078,1357. Great Jones... .1873, 1435. Hague.... 1026, 1078. Hammond (see West 11th). Hanover.... 1108. Harrison... .1373, 1425, 1426. Hawthorne___1053. Henry, from Oliver to Rutgers....787, 977. Rutgers to Jefferson.... 1197, 1286. Jeffier.son to Clinton .... 1002, 1197, 1340, 1345. Clinton to Montgomery.... 1238, 1257. 1340. east of Montgomery___888, 1340. Hester, east of Essex___787. from Essex to Allen... .841, 935, 1197, 1396. Allen to Forsyth... .1238, 1435. Forsyth to Bowery.... 1026, 1318. west of Bowery... .843, 890, 1026, 1139. Horatio... .935, 1002,1340. Ho ward.... 1228. Houston, from Broadway to Essex___1109,1197. Essex to Pitt.... 1078, 1257, 1425. east of Pitt.... 1228, 1372. Hudson, south of Spring.... 1340, 1425. from Houston to Barrow... .787, 1167, 1338. 1286. Barrow to Bank... .761, 1078,1x67. north of Bank.... 1425. Inwood. 1197. Jam.es... .787, 888, 1026, 1078, 1340. Jane.... 761, 1197. Jeffei-son___8u7. Jersey___977. Jones.. ..956. Kingsbridge road....936, 1108, 1141, 1197,1238, 1257, 1372, 1425, 1437. Laight, east of Hudson___1435. Laurens (see South .5th av). Lawrence___1139. Leonard, east of Broadway___865, 1341. west of Broadway. .. 1169,1396. Lispenard... .1318, 1340. Lewis, from Broome to Delancey___1318. Rivingtcn to Stanton___787, 935, 10.54, 1078. 3d to 4th... .1( 58, 1198, 1286. north of 4th....977. Liberty, east of Nassau.... 761, 787, 1111. from Broadway to New Church___1139 Ludlow, south of Hester... .1078,1139, 1257. from Hester to Grand___841, 1341. Broome to Delancey___815, 1078,1340, 1373, 1396. north of Rivington___1197. indeft....977. Macdougal, south of Houston....888, 1108, 1341. north of Houston___865. Madison, from Catharine to Market... .1341. . Market to Pike.... 1238, 1257, 1318, 1H41. Rutgers to Jefferson... .761, 787, 1053, 1139, 1228, 1386. Clinton to Montgomery.... 'J'64, 867. Montgomery to Jackson___787, 1139. Maiden lane___1341, 1373. Mangin... .1026, 1197, 1340. Manhattan.... 816, 1108, 1140, 1372, 1.396. Market, south of Madison....815, 1373, 1374, 1399, north of Madison___1167. Marion, north of Spring... .865, 977, 1167, 1857. Mercer, south of Grand___1340. from Grand to Prince___815, 915. na:th of Prince.... 843,1257. Monroe, west of Pike___1841. (Also see Kutger pi for Monroe st, bet Jefferson and Clinton). from Pike to Clinton... .1139, 1286. CI' ^ to Gouverneur ^«i*, 787, lOSO, '67