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^ /— 9 ) Index to The Record and Guide. .1237, Office, 191 BROADWAY, Corner Dey Street. \" Vol. XL. JULY DECEMBEE. -----------------------------1 1S87 650. The following seini-annual Index of the Con¬ veyances and Projected Buildings in New York and Kings Counties, as published in The Record AND Guide during the last six months of lt87' will be found of great value to those of our sub¬ scribers who have preserved all the issues of this paper during that period. As usual, great care has been taken to keep the Index up to the same perfect standard which has characterized it in the past. The pages are given on which all the trans¬ fers of realty published in Volume XL, can im- tuediately be found, and the streets and avenues are 80 sub-divided that very few references are n quired. For instance, transfers of property on Broadway appears in sixteen issues during the six months, which in the Index is sub divided into eleven parts, so that th*»least possible trouble need be incurred, any transfer being found by re¬ ferring to four pages at the most, provided it is known between what streets or avenues the prop¬ erty is located. The Projected Buildings are in¬ dexed in a ^in)ilar manner, so that it can be read¬ ily ascertained on what streets improvements bave been made. Thoise wishing to keep a tile for permanent reference should see that all the Qumbers are complete and have them bound. A mitable binder can be obtained at the office of The Record and Guide, 191 Broadway, corner Dey street, price one dollar. CONVEYANCES. Note—The figures in extra black typo, for in¬ stance, ^61* under the head of Attorney, north )f Broome atrett—denote that the transaction )n the page given is leasehold, or a Itase ■unning lor a long term of years. This e.\[lana- ion ia madi.; so that snbecribera searching for ransfere in fee can at onco distiDRuiah between he former and the latter, \>ilhout referring to the lage meutioned. NEW YORK CITY, HTREKTS, l.lbany....l32G. Uleu, south of Hester.... 13C0, 1388. Irom Hester 10 Broome. '. .927, 1515. Broome to Delamcey-----1131, 1326. Delaucey to lUvington___1231, I.')52. KiviugtoutoHiauton___1^15, 1039,1005,1181, 1200. north of Stanton___1039. imity (see "West ;Si1). litoruoy, eouih of Grand-----1014, lOyO, 1GI9. north of Broome___yoif ;G19, lank....1360, 1118. tarclay___1552, 15S7. lirrow, east of HiuLion___1157, 12G0. Jaxter, south ot Worih___908, lOaO, 1397, 1587. from Worth to Leonard___1131, Leonard to Cana!___1134, la88, 1618. north of Canal___1552.1649. layard, from Chrjstie to Bowery___1083. 1134 H19. Bowery to :Mutt....988. 1017,1552 1618 Mott to Mulbcj ry ... 1052. each ...927. .eaver....yo3, 1134. 1362, 1-483. 1515. •eekmai', west of William... .1587, east of William..., 1419, 1118. .ethune....l448. iraiinKham....927, 987, 1181. loomingdale road....V.02, 958, 10:19, 1042, 1088. 1089, li:i, 12.36, 1260, 1262,'1263,1420, 1515, 1589, 16)9. 1619. leocker, irom Bowery to Broadway___1015, 1110. 1483. Broadway to South 5th av. . 1134,1260.1359. U19, 1618. SoutU 5t,h av to Macdougal st___987, 10(»7. Macdougal to Charles___928, 1260, 1515. oud....;260, li-87. oalevard, Btmth of G2d___001, i:j*)^. / from 62d to GOth.... 1261, 1297. 132G. C5th to 70th.... 1039. I 70th to 75th .. 927, 958. 1515, 1620. ( 75th to85th....l2'Jl, 1297, 1552, 1587. I 90th to 95th,...958, 1515, 1552. / llSlhtolUOtli .Ii-39. lull, 1619, 29tu -v^ let to 3d aTt/*:;V-a, ^ . a 3. Madison to Sill ...930, luiu, M'4n m\\ '^to 6th.,. .928.987ii20h..- -jh, 1207, \ fifniu.-------- •0^'^"^'^ ' » \ 'f0th.... 1206.1 154th to 155th,...1327, 1328. northof 155th..., 927, 1016, 1205, 132S. 14 t8, 1587. Bowling Green___899, 903. Bowery, south of Canal___1017, 1419. from Canal to Hester___899, 1^03, 1587, 1649. Hester to Delancey... 899. 927, 1031. Delancey to Stanton .. 953, l39.'-i, 1516. north of 2d.... 1039, 1360. Break Neck Hill rosd___902. Broad ..,9S7, 1039, 151G. Broadway, south of Wall... .958, 1388. Liberty lo Murray___1090, 1260, 1360. Itoado to Walker... .1015, 1359. Grand to Bleecker... .958, 1360, 1388, 1649. 4th to 8th... .987, 1150, 1326. 8th to 12th....1510, IG^l. 14th to 24th....927. 1388. 2Uh to 34th .. .990, 1261, 1297, 14:80. 3tth to45th ...1^99, 1516. 45th to 50th....958, 1516,1618, 1650. 50th to 55th ...1110. 59th to Manhattan (also see Boulevard)___ 1U39. 130lh to 13l8t.,..1110. north of Kingsbridge roid___958, 1269, 1516. indeft___1515. Broome, from Lewis to Cannon___1088,1587. Sheriff to Pitt... .927, 958, 148j, 1516. I'ltt toEidKe....ll34, 1516, Suffolk to Essex___1039. 1360. Essex to Orchard___13e8, 1448, Elm to Wooeter... .1483, 1516. 1618, 1650. west of Wooster .. .927, UiO, 1519. Burling slip... .987, 1039, 1205. BKdX..1327. Canal, east of Ludlow... 899, 1388. from Ludlow to Bowery___104>i, 1065, 1649. Bowery to Baxter,.. .927, 1181, 1205. Baxter to Broadway... .1326. 1360, 1516, 1552, . 899, 1110, 1134, ..899. .1066. Broadway to Hudson . 1587. west of Hudson... 1088. Cannon, south of Bivingion. 1483, 1516. 1587, from Stanton to Houston Carlisle,...151G. CathariDe....l'403, 1552, 1G31. Catharine slip ...1040,1234:. Cedar, east of Broadway___1297. Centre, south of White,.. .987, 1039, 1181,1419. north of White.... U65, 1157. Central Park West (see 8th av). Chambers, east of Broadway___927, 987. from Broadway to Church st___1134, 13t0, 1302,1148, 1587. Church to Greenwich___1448, 1653. Charks, from Waverly pi to Bleecker st___1260. west of Greenwich....1015,1134, 1157, 1181, 1552, 1587, 1618. alley or lane ... 1552.1587,1618. Cbar!ton....l088, 1587, Chatham (see Bark row) .. 987, 990, 1307. Cherry, from Dover to James-----1039, 1157, 1485, 1516. James to Pihe... 1040, 1326, 1640. Kutgera to Clin ton.... 1065, 1618. Clinton to Montgomery___899, 1039. Montgomery to Scammel.. .927, 968, 1157. Scammel to Jackson___927, 1088, 1618. Christopher, from Greenwich av to Waverly pi.... 1388. 4th to Bedford.... 1200, 1483, 16^9. Chrybtie, south of Canal... .809, 958. from Canal to Rivingtou___1157, 1552. Rivingion lo Stanton .. .1134, 1483. Church, south of Park pi .. .1039, 14^.3 from Chambers to Thomas .. 958.1419, north of Thomas___1451, IVJO lfi31. Circle (see Grand Circle). Cliff, from Boekmau to Hague___1015, 1360,1418. Clinton, flonth of Division-----1039, 1010. from Division to Broome... .987, 1015. Broome to Kivington___990, 1159, i*43G, Rivington toStanton... .927. 1260, 1326. Columbia, south of Iliviugton,.. 1039, 1157, 1181, 1231, 1516. from Uiviiigtoa to Stanton___1015, 1088, 1649. north of Stanton.... 1065, 1260.^ (7nmmerce....958, 1326. Cortlandt, east ot Greenwich-----1326. Crosby, from Grand to Spring. , 958, 1307,1649. Spring to Jersey... .958, 1234, 1297. northof Jersey .. .1552, i:ia7. Croton... 1328. Delancey, from Mangiu to [.ewia....l516. Lewis to Cannon ...987, 1157, 1419 Columbio $0 Sheriff.... 1234. ^ Pitt to to 9th ■• 92t*' 1516. _^^<-
•■*. ?jo, \'M\n '-..vu lo 4uin'. .-.■ - -ll^VliJDl, tn42d....l262, 1450,1485. :7th.... 930. , ( *■*■ ■ 902,930, 1066. 1135.'' '*^'"'"- .1293. 1485.1651. ^» lU?, 11£6, ■r V 3. 2. ■7. 5. -^. M'.^ 15l)L 'i^ys"