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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 6, no. 137: October 29, 1870

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AL Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. YL NEW YORK, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 29, 18^70. No. 137. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One year, in advance......................$6 00 All communications should be addressed to C. ^W. S^VTCKT, 106 Broadway, cor. op Pine Street. A GOOD INVESTMENT. No more striking fact in regard to the value of real estate as an article of investment can be given than the sworn testimony of Charles O'Conor, the eminent lawyer, who last week appeared in coiu't as a witness to testify ia regard to the value of property situated in the ■vicinity of Washington Heights. Mr. O'Conor was not himself fully posted in regard to the present value of his own property, which is situated in the immediate vicinity of a tract which on Tuesday last was sold at the auction room, averaging something over seventeen thousand dollars per acre, which price is prob¬ ably a fan: test of the value of Mr. O'Conor's property, although he estimates it at a higher figure. Now this same sixteen acres which Mr. O'Conor estimates to-day to be cheap at f 820- 000, and which could not be bought for that sum, was purchased by him twenty-five years ago for $350 an acre. Just think of an investment of $4,000 in twenty-five years realizing con¬ siderably more than $300,000; and what is true in Mr. O'Conor's case is equally true in regard to hundreds of acres situated in the immediate ■vicinity. There are just such opportunities oc¬ curring every day, and any person who has faith in the gro-wth of New York—and who has not ?—will be sure to realize a foi-tune from an investment made now anywhere on this island. We last week directed the attention of capi- talists to the fact that at present there were daily occurring admirable opportunities for in¬ vestment, because weak holders who, during the fall of 1868 and the spring of 1869 had bought property on narrow margins, were una¬ ble to hold it, and were forced to sell. Of course, their necessity is the capitalists' oppor¬ tunity, and a glance at our lists of conveyances ■will convince any one that real estate is fast concentrating into strong hands. Whether un¬ der this operation a further decline wUl take place it is impossible to say; but one thing is certain, that any one buying at the present prices ■wiU, and must, in time, reap a substan¬ tial profit. REPORTED IMPOETANT BUSINESS CHANGES. NEW TORK CITY. Bachman & Co., felt skirts, dissolved. Baker, Carey & Phillips, varnish, dissolved. Blake & Hig.gins,,steam fitters, dissolved; George W. Blake continues. Comwell & Sherman, perfumery, dissolved. Darton, McCully & Seabury, white goods, dis¬ solved. Fingleton & Stapleton, produce comm., dissolved ; M. J. Stapleton & Co. continue. Hayward, Joseph & Co., paper, dissolved; Joseph B. Hayward continues. Stavert, Zigomala, & Co., dry goods imprs., dis¬ solved. Thompson, Henry G-. & Co., carpets, dissolved; Reune Martin continues. TiltoB, Henry & HoiF, produce, dissolved; TUton & HofF continue. Kammerer, John J., assigned. Gerstle, MaryH., assigned MECHANICS' LIEKS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEW YORK CITY. Oct. 24 Chrtstie st., s. s., Nos. 172, 174, and 176. James Smith agt. Rich¬ ard Doe etal.................... $2,380 00 2.5 Foktt-second st., -n. s., Nos. 42,5, 427, 4:29, and 4BI West. John Duhl et al. agt. W. H. Aldrich.......... 380 57 22 Laurens ST., w. s., com. 6S s. Spring st. running 20. Bradley & Currier agt. J. Bouldvires................ 750 00 24 Ludlow st., e. s., 2 houses, com. 100 n. Hester st., running 50. James Smith agt. Metzger & Becker...... 620 00 25 Mercer st., w. s.. No. 71. John Kierst agt. G. M. Mittnacht...... 312 50 26 Ninth av. and Thirty-first st., n. w. cor., 100 on st. and 150 on av. Christopher Meis agt. St. Michael's Church.......................... 89 68 26 Same property. August Ahrens agfc. same....................___ 101 65 26 Same froperty. F. Vierling agt. same............................. 171 47 27 Ninth Av.,w.s., No. 121. Cockerill & Spaulding agt. Daniel Mahoney.. 12,000 00 24 One Hundred and Seventy-sixth St., s. s., about 700 w. Broadway. John Burke etal. agt. Mr. Hoplrins 190 00 27 One Hundred and Twenty-fourth St., n. s., 3 houses, com. abcifc 177.1 Vf. 4th.av. James Moore agt. Tho¬ mas FarreU efc al.................. 1,444 00 21 Sixty-second st., s. s., 8 houses, com. aboufc 200 e. 4th av. Napo¬ leon Covan agt. P. P. Decker...... 27 Or. 21 Same property. N. Gauther agt. same............................. 85 00 21 Same property. James Dunn agt. same........................!___ 16 50 21 Same property. Joseph Dosse agfc. same........................ 37 50 21 Sixty-eighth st., s. s., com. about 425 w. lOth av. J. L Cramer agt. Thos. O'Brien. (Satisfied Oct. 28.) 75 00 21 Thirty-seventh st., s. s.. No. 42 west. W. H. DaUy efc al. agt. S. Gardner.......................... 1,039 37 24 Tenth ay., w. s. , 3 Housiss bet.. 60th & 61st sts. Moses Sarnelson agt. John.CarUn..................... 1,955 00 24 Tenth av., e. s., 1 house bet. 77th & 7Sth sts. Moses Sarnelson agt. John Carlin...................... 130 00 24 Thirty-seventh st., n. s., com. 250 e. 10th av., running 25 ft. Robert Scot tet al. agt. Mr. Grasmuch___ 138 00 24 Thirty-seventh st., n. s.. No. -443 west. J. E. Hoagland agfc. Adam Grasmuck........................ 697 43 MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN KINGS COUNTY. Oct. 21 Tompkins av. & Halsey st., n. w. cor., 100x100. J. HoweU, Jr., agt. F. D. Van Pelt and Amelia A. Burns............................ 175 00 22 Bedford av., w. s., 84 n. QuijrCY Bt. R. W. Adams & Co. agt. Thos. Jones & F. Covert................• 918 75 24 De Kalb av., e. s., first house from cor. of Marcy av. John Mee¬ han agfc. Erastus Davison......... 7^00 24 De Kalb av., e. s., 7th house from Marcy av. John Meehan agt. Cul- len Blue and B. Davison.......... 110;00 22 Bainbridge st., s. s., 400 w. Patch- en av., 100 front. Thos. & Dan'l and Thos. J. Maujer agt. W. H. Baker and Chris. KoUe........... 155 33 22 Pulaski st., n. s., 100 e. Stuyve- sant av., 2.50x100. W. F. C Denike agfc. John S. McLain «fe —. Warner. 134 00 24 Graham st., e. s., 467.6 n. Myrtle av. (No. 105 Graham st.) James Fenton agt. Mary MUler.......... 300 00 20 Broadv/AY, s. s., 100 w. 2d st., 25x 100. (New No., 40 Broadway.) Close & MiUer agfc. S. Tuttle & Son & J. S. Antrim............... 300 00 NEW YORK JUDGMENTS. In these lists of judgments the names alphabetically arranged, and lohiah are first on each line, are those of the judgment debtor. Ocfc. 19 Anderson, Ford H.—John Thomp¬ son.............................. $.523 70 19 Ashcroft, John—M. W. Hazletine... 1,072 94 20 Appel, Louis D.—James Donaghe... 166 47 20 Allen, Richard H.—J. A. Moody.... 537 21 21 Angell, A. H—J. D. MaxweU ...... 7,646 17 Qn Ackerman, Wm. G. I Chatham "^ Alden, Josenh (Bank........ 209 65 24 Abraham, Benj.—Abraham Hecht... 202 05 24 Ackerson, "Abraham—J. L. Mott.... 362 22 25 Anderson, Charles K—Samuel Clark. 127 75 25 Asher, Alberfc—E. A. FuUer........ 65 07 26 Adair, John—John McGraw........ 2,488 77 19 Bernbach, Fred'k—Jos. Liebmann... 132 83 19 Blum, Mr.—Moses Michael.......... 241 88 19 Bran del, Joseph—J. L. Michaels.... 36 00 19 Brunn, John—David Mayer......... 70 50 19 Bopp, J.—J. H. Gregory............ 183 33 19 Bachmann, Maximilian—Aaron Ar¬ nold..................■........... 1,248 76 20 Brighfc, Aaron S.—The Stuyvesant Bank............................. 462 79 20 Banker, Gersh—The Grocers' Bank.. 6,2.57 77 20 Belden, Henry—G. H. Blanehard... 369 48 .20 Bloomingdale, D. D.—J. M. Peck... 79 10 20 Bingham, WiUard—John CoUins.... 1,362 47 20 Beach, Wm. C—Nat. Iron Bank, Morristown....................... 8,543 45 20 Ballenberg, Louis—Issac'Walker.... 30 75 21 Beekman, James W.—S. M. Styles.. 4,3ll 51 21 Barclay, Thomas—Samuel Robbins.. 423 93 21 Bassford, E. D. — Rachel A. Living¬ stone............................. 135 17 31 Briggs, E. P.—Wm. Anderson...... 1,062 79 22 Brewster, Wm.—Albert Tusch...... 450 19 24 Baker, Albert O.—M. R. Bryant.... 319 16 24 Bro-wn, George—C. C. Blimm....... 263 00 24 Buck, August—Charles Dufiy....... 19 53 24 Bruckner, George—Abraham Kuhn.. 3,586 13 Bourne, Theodore ) 35 Bourne, Wm. O. \ J. S. Giles.... 925 21 Barnard, Beniamin j 35 Bush, Ralph L—John Remain...... 213 40 35 BeU, Edwin Q.—Anthony Boyer.... 1,814 00 25 Bang, Annie—Julius Robinson...... 3,000 03 25 the same---------the same......... 2,075 93 25 Brady, M. B.—Lucien Dubernet..... 328 95 25 Barret, J. R—J. W. Smith........ 109 86 26 Busse, Thomas—Ernest Caylus...... 589 45 no Brockway, C. J. '[ Lambert Hey- '^ Baker, Daniel D. 1 niger...........W 695 08 26 Blomquist, A.—G. H. Sanborn...... 63 79 19 Christie, Robert—Zacharia Jaques.. 330 48 19 Codling, Reuben—John Shannon.... 713 19 19 Col-well, JoEeph—PhUip Smith...... 288 31 19 Cunnmgham, Matthew—F. J. Weeks 437 97 19 Corlies, E. L.—P. L. Titus..........^,M9 01