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ECORD AND BUILDERS^ GUIDE. Vol. VL NEW YORK, SATUEDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1870. No. 140. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One ye.ar, in advance......................$6 00 All communicatipns should be addressed to c. "w. s~we;tgt, ■ 106 Broadway, cor. of Pine Street. EEAL ESTATE. Two highly important sales of real estate, representing the two extremes in value of -un¬ improved property on this island, were announc¬ ed to talce place at the auction room, on Wed¬ nesday and Thursday last. The success attend¬ ing the sale of Fort Washington property on Tuesday, Oct. 25, had led the o-wners to expect a profitable result, and gave them courage to still further try the temper of the market. Measured by the standard of expectation raised by the projectors of these sales,—the first one of Wednesday, of a part of what is generally kno-wn as the Dyckman property, situated near the ex¬ treme upper part of the island,—can in no sense be called a success, while the sale of Thursday, of -Valuable unimproved property, was so dis¬ heartening that before it was one quarter com¬ pleted a peremptory order from the o-wner put a stop to aU further proceedings. That the time was very inopportune for plac¬ ing so large an amount of valuable unimproved property on the market was e-vident to the most simple dabblers in real estate, and, added to this, there seems to have been a strong personal feeling against the owner of the property, which exhibited itself so clearly in the columns of one of our large daihes, as to call forth a remark of surprise from disinterested parties. It is hard to divine the object of a great journal, supposed to be above such innuendoes and assassin-like attacks, in coming out on the morning of a sale and meanly setting forth sinister statements plainly meant to influence the day's operations. Any careful reader of the article can see that the point of attack is the property of Mr. Ferris. MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEW YOSK CITY. I^ov. 16 Bkoai)WAY OR Boulevard, w. s., 78 n. 84th St., running 22 w. Arnold & Co. agt. Patrick Brennan....... 1184 96 11 Chambers st., k s. (No. 83), kun- niag to Reade st. Alex. Macgregor agt.---------....................... 320 00 14 Chrystie st., e. s. (Nos. 17a, 174, and 176). T. & 3. D. Crimmins agt. W. E. Price et al................. 234 03 17 Cherry & Montgomery sts., n. w. 'cor, La-wrence Kenny et al. agt. Watte Powers.................... 25 50 16 EiGHTY-THIRB ST., N. S., 5 HOUSES, commencing 325 w. 8th av. W. S. Sexton agt. W. M. Tweed......... 825 00 11 Forty-sixth st., s. s., 12 houses, commencing 220 e. 7th av. Corne¬ lius Freeland agfc. R R. Codling... 112 83 11 Fiftieth st., s. s. (Nos. 110 and 112), bet. 6th and 7th avs. Balthazar Lang agt. Robert Anderson....... 50 00 12 Fifty-fifth st., n. s., com. 50 e. 6th av. John Horgan agt. Abm. Mead. 253 00 12 FiFTY-SECOND ST., s. s. (Nos. 452, 454, and 456 W). Allen & Stevens agt. J. B. Seclair................. 87 02 14 Fourth av., w. s., lO houses. Ex¬ tending from. 85th to 86th st. John Casey agt. ---------................. 180 00 14 Fifty-sixth st. (Nos. 9 and 11 W.). Herman Brunken et al. agt. John Doe.............................. 127 00 14 Fourteenth st., s. s. (13th st., n. s.), 79.7 e. University place. W. M. Gambling et al. agt. F. R. Sherwin &Co............................. 5,.500 00 15 Forty-second st., s. s., co:m. 425 e. 10th av., running 50ft. " Wm. Phe- . Ian agt. W. H. Trow.............. 700 00 11 Laurens pt., w. s. (No. 87). Geo. Kleppstein agt. J. Bouldoires..... 125 00 14 Same proi'erty. Wm. Ikglis agt. T. Bouldoire..................... 170 00 17 Ludlow st. , e. s. (Nos. 38 and 40). Geo. Kleppstein agt. Phihp.Metzger et al.....................■....... 115 00 17 Ludlow st., e. s. (Nos. .40 and 42). Simon Weiler agt. Metzger & Becker 300 00 17 Mulberry st. , w. s. (No. 3). Law- rence Kenny et al. agt. Watt Pow¬ ers............................... 58 43 11 Ninth at. and 51st st., n. e. cor. Timothy Cleary agt. —. Smith .... 1,260 43 12 Same property. Allen & Stevens agfc. John Smith___.............. 551 45 11 One Hundred and Thirtieth st., s. s., 118 e. 8fch av. James Wiley agfc. Mr. Ir-ving................... 150 00 11 One Hundred and Tenth st., n. s., 8 houses, commencing about 218 e. 5th av. Collins & Dillon agt. Hugh Meehan........................... 650 CO 13 Same property. Collins & Dillon agt. Hugh Meehan.......:........ 650 00 16 Pearl st., n. s., 100 av. Chatham H sfc., rimning 28 ffc. J. W. Stevens & Bros. agfc. John Doe.,.......... , 206 37 11 Reade st., s. s. (No. 85), rimning to Chambers st. Alex. Macgregor agfc. ---------....................... 320 00 14 Sixty-first st., s. s., com. 100 w. Lexingfcon av., running 24 ffc. Chas. Graham et al. agfc. John McCool... 1,625 53 15 Seventy-fourth st., n. s., bet. Avs. A and B. Moses Samelson agfc. Eliza Eastburn............... 41 50 15 Second at. & 5.5th st., n e. cor. (No. 1034 2d av.). James Thompson agt. Samuel Trouse............... 25 00 15 Same property. J. Thompson agt. Samuel Trouse................... 20 00 15 Seventh av. & 49Tri st., n. w. cor. J. W. Stevens & Bros. agt. James WaUace.......................... 619 53 16 Sixth av. & 55th st., n. b. cor. J. W. Stevens & Bros. agt. Abraham Mead........................... 1,517 93 10 Thomas st., s. s., 100 w. Church (No. 120). M. F. Chadbourne agfc. Sonneborn & Doe.................. 1,261 20 14 Thirteenth st., n. s. (14th st., s. s.), 79.7. e. University place. W. B. GambUng et al. agt. F, R. Sherwin&Co................... 5,500 50 16 Twenty-seventh st., s. s., 100 e. 8fch av., running 40 ft. J. W. Ste¬ vens agt. Mr. Bloomfield.......... 993 30 MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN KINGS COUNTY. Nov. 12 Fulton AV., s. s., 120 w. Utica a.v,, 20x—, John S. Loomis agt. F. Ward and J. Doremus and A, C. BrowneU..___:___,............. $126 40 12 Gates av., s. s., 210 w. Throop av., 200x100. Jno. W. Gallaway agt. Thos. H. Treadwell and Amelia E. Burns............................ 43 11 10 Stuyvesant av., e. s., 109 n. La- fayette av., 25x100. Bradley and Currier agfc. Owen Canlwell....... 90 00 15 President and Court sts., n. e. cor., 100x20. Chrisfcian & Hughes agfc. Jordan Searing and A. B. Chadwick........................ 1,693 59 11 St. Mark's pl., n. s., 325 of King- ston av. (late Hudson av.), thence n. to Bergen st. xlOOxlOO. Green and Rusling agt. Marie S. Lippman. 114 65 11 Second pl. (old Njd. 120). Blais- DELL & Son agfc. Theron Losee.... 417 69 14 Hudson av. (No. 372). Thos. Phil¬ lips agfc. Wm. Lee............... 24 00 12 Baltic st., n. s., about 225 w. Bond St., 25x100. Jno. R. Glover agfc. Robt. Tackaberry or Noi-man and Tackaberry and Thos. McNa- mara.,.,........................ 745 26 15 Union av., w. s., .54 u. I sfc., 77x97. William Leonard agt. Jno. and L Winters and The Methodist Epis. Church, Union av................ 177 00 15 Eighteenth st., n. s., 400 e. IOth av., 60x100. Michael Reddy agt. Jno. Kavanagh and Edward S. Wilson........................... 67 20 NEW YORK JUDGMENTS. In these lists of jxidgments the names alphabetically arranged, and which are first on each line, are those of the judgment debtor. Nov. 9 Allen, Joseph—^Moses Samelson..... $336 24 10 Aiib, PhUip D.—Phihp Schulhoff..,. 1,081 31 11 Anderson, John J.—A. J. Bergen... 1,036 06 11 AUen, Wm. H.—John Davis......... 38 94 12 Angus, Henry R.—Henry Radford.. 1,043 30 15 Ashe, Frank—R. W. Butler......... 20 00 15 Adams, Philip—Adolph FUer........ 667 23 ^SS^^Inkl^'^l-^-^-k... 187 24 ^iroSaaf^-^-Hoe.......... 286 34 9 Babcock, Stephen B.—A. T. Stewart 179 91 9 Berry, Sarah—Caroline Heyman..... 118 56 9 Brewster, L. C-E. S. Dryden...... 243 74 10 Bechstein, —.—J. H. Smith........ 104 33 -, r. Brockway, Charles ( The Nat. B'k of .-,.„ .„ ^" Baker, Daniel D. \ Commonwealfch ■ *** *^ 11 Boch, Wm.—J. C. Meister.......... 375 86 11 Brighfc, Aaron S.—J. D. & C. D. Hun¬ ter............................... 123 35 11 Bowen, Wm.—B. C. Wheeler..,,.., 520 44 11 Bowne, Samuel A.—W'msburg Cifcy Fire Ins. Co...................... 137 0(i 11 Boyer, John—Charles Guentzer..... 83 50 11 Berrian, Edward—Gustave Schirmer 566 83 12 Baedwin,Le-n.M.—The Excelsior Life Ins. Co.......................... 335 59 13 Bryant, C. O'B.—J. T. Mefccalf et al. 391 75 12 Babcock, George—C, W. Stafford.... 191 59 Brett, Martin W. 1 t. L. Parker, 12 Brett, James E. )■ t^ ij^q qq Brefcfc, Gustavus A. ) '^'^.......... 14S «d 14 Bnrt, John, Jr.—S. W. Burt........ 246 38 14 Brooks, Jas.—^Empire Staveless Bar¬ rel Co........................... 13 67 14 Burdsall, Samuel—R. R. WUlets.... 648 63 14 Brennan, Owen W.—John Kroeger.. 520 67 14 Bryant, Smith—Mary Ann Donahoe 1,953 29 15 Bohlen, Ernst—F. D. Decker....... 190 73 15 Brown, Charles W.—J. P. Wolven.. 138 81 15 Benedicfc, Spenser, S.—^E. C. Bene- dicfc.............................. 117 94 15 Banning, David L.—Patrick Fitz¬ simmons .;....................... 40 94 15 Blanehard, Marvin—J. D. Torrey".. 280 36 15 Busick, PhUip—Marg't M. JoUey... 115 59 15 Beatty, Robert I.—Nolan & Steers.. 101 20