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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 7, no. 147: January 7, 1871

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Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. V0L.VIL NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 7, 1871. No. 147. ; Published Weekly by ? THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TEEMS. One year, in advance......................$6 00 All communications should be addressed to c. "w. sv7"eii;t. 105 Broadway, cor. op Pine Street. The Becord is regularly maUed to subscribers every Friday night at eleven o'clock, and shovUd be deUvered by the Post Office authorities on Saturday morning early. Any subscriber not receiving his paper in due season may rely-upon it that the faiUt is entii-ely with the carrier, and a complaint lodged either with the Post Office authorities or at the Becord office wiU reniedy the irregularity. Any carrier deUvering the Becord later than Saturday morning is remiss in his duty. A NEW VOLUME. Fob greater corLvenience to ourselves we propose, with the present number of the Recobd, to change somewhat the time-f or the commencement of a new volume. The Sixth volume would, in its natural order, have termi- *'^ nated on March 11th, 1871; but as that is rather an odd time of the year, and inconveni¬ ent for many reasons, we decided to end Volume Six with December 31st, and commence the Seventh volume with the present number, ter¬ minating each volume hereafter with July and January. We propose in future to furnish a complete index with each volume, but only to those subscribers who pay their bills in advance and give us no trouble about collections. To aU others the price of the index vdll be one dollar. We shall keep up, during the year, all our specialties,'and wiU add such matters as may be interesting to property holders. We are constantly increasing our subscription list, and intend to make the Record in every way worthy of the confidence of the public. OUB MAEKET EEPOETS. We present this week, in the regular market column, our usual yearly statistics of exports and imports, and domestic receipts. Expe¬ rience has enabled us to improve somewhat over former years, and our compilation includes much valua)Dle. information which can be found in no other publication. On lumber our figures are perfect, so far as the outward foreign move¬ ment is concerned, but it is simply impossible to give the correct receipts, and we have there¬ fore done the best we could. From the Pro¬ vinces we have an account of 20,915,159 feet; from the Maine coast 96,625,000 feet, and from the Southern coast 46,724,138, making a total of 164,264,287 feet, without including a single cargo from the North River canal boats and barges, of which no record can be obtained. We also include the movement on staves, cooperage stock, in a detailed form never given before. Our figures on brick, cement, lath, etc., are all interesting and repay perusal even by those not directly connected with the markets for the goods named. Tax Titles.—Intere.sting to Property Holders.— Supreme Court—Chambers.—Before Judge Brady. In the matter of the petition of Patrick Callaghan.—Two lots, to which Mr. Callaghan held the title in fee, were taken by the Commissioners of Bstim.ite and Assessment for the Morning Side Park. The value of the one was fixed at §8,000 ; of the other at §2,700. Mr. Wesley Smith held a tax lease on one lot for 1,000 years, and on the other for 900 years, bought at a tax sale in 1865 for §3.71 and $1.23 respectively. The Commissioners, therefore, awarded for one lot §7,999 to Mr. Smith, and §1 to Mr. Callaghan, and in the other, §2,699 to Mr. Smith, and §1 to Mr. Cal¬ laghan. This report was confirmed, and Mr. Callaghan now moves to open the order of confirmation and send back the report for correction. He sets up in his affidavits that the proceedings under the tax sale were not regular, and therefore the tax lease was invalid, and that there were al¬ terations made in the report of the Commissioners irregular in character and misleading the petitioner; that the whole award was first made to him, and afterwards, and after the abstract of the report had been deposited in the Street Commis.sioner's office, pursuant to pubUc notice, the awards were changed, without any notice to him, and without any opportunity on his part to be heard. On behalf of the city, Mr. D. J. Dean argued that the court was, so far as the Commissioners' report was concern¬ ed, functus officio, and that it could not open the report or send it back after once confirming it. The remedy of Mr. Callaghan, if he was mjured, was by regiUar suit implead¬ ing Wesley Smith, in which, if necessary, the court might enjoin the payment of the money to Mr. Smith. To tha Commissioners the lease of Mr. Smith was conclusive, and they could not go behind it Counsel for Mr. Smith said that they had not presented in fuU their answer to the petitioner's claim, as they thought that shovUd be done in a different tribunaL They had simply presented the fact that they held the lease; that they had for years paid the taxes, and that no other owner had during those years appeared to claim the bur¬ dens. An award of about $4,000 was made by the Commission¬ ers upon two lots in the same locality to P. H. Kingiland, upon tax leases for 1,000 years; Mr. CaUaghan, who claims them as his property, being awarded but one doUar. and he seeks the same redress in that case. Affidavits on the part of Mr. Kingsland were read, denying the. aUeged UlegaUty of the tax leases, and setting up that a Mrs. Curry had com¬ menced suit against him, claiming that she owned the property. Mr. A. B. Lawrence, for Mr. Kingsland, argued that the report of the Commissioners, after confirmation by the court, was final and conclusive, and that Mr. Cal¬ laghan had mistaken his remedy; that the com-t would not, upon a coUateral motion, decide that a legaUy executed pa¬ per, like the lease in question, was fraudulent. Decision against petitioner. <. MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEW YORK CITY. Note.—The dates SO and 31, placed before the Uens, are for Dec. The others are for Jan. Dec. and Jan. 4 C AV. AND 16th ST. COR. BeRNAKD Muldoon agt. Thos. Sheridan...... $400 00 5 Eleventh st., n. s. (No. 359 E.), rear house. F. & S. E. Goodwin agt. James Kelly.................. 361 75 30 Forty-third st., n. s. (No. 329 West), 375 w. 8th av. Alex. Smith agt. Elizabeth Taylor............. 19 26 30 Same premises. Geo. Symington agt. EUzabeth Taylor............. 487 39 4 Fifty-second st., s. s. (Nos. 553, 553X, and 554 Weat), bet. 10th and 11th avs. Allen & Stevens agt. J. B. Leclair........................ 3135 4 Forty-third st., n. s. (No. 329 West). ■ J. W. Stevens & Bros. agt. Mrs. E Taylor..;................ 54 05 4 Fourth av. and 71st st., n. e. cor., 5 houses on st.-, running e. from cor. Arnold & Co. agt. Wm. Co- buxn............................. 837 73 4 Houston st., n. s. (No. 262 E.) rear. John Kacknear agt. Lewis Cole¬ man............................. 43 61 4 Same property. Jos. Flaherty agt. same........................ 23 63 4 Same property. James Driscoll agt. same........................ 18 56 4 Same property. Jos. Requer agit. same..........................<.. 13 41 31 Jane st., n. s. (No. 51). Michl. McGee agt. W. H. Aldridge...... 298 08 5 KiNGSBRIDGE ROAD, W. S., 2 HOUSES between 183d & 183d sts. S. A. HiUs agt. Mr. Burlew............ 140 30 4 One Hundred and Twenty-first St., s. 8., 265 east of 4th av. J. & W. C. Spears agt. Charlotte Paton. 1,307 25 4 One Hundred and Twenty-fifth St., n. s., 4 houses, com. 125 e. 8th av. Arnold & Co. agt. Luther Baldvdn.......................... 235 59 31 Seventy-ninth ST., s. s.,400w. Av. A. Henry Wamnaker agt. Thomas Carolin.......................... 444 00 31 Seventy-ninth st., s. s., bet. Av. A and 1st av. T. Wright agt. Thos. Carolin et al...................... 178 44 3 Seventy-ninth st., n. s., 225 e. 2d av. J. H. Keyseragt. Cath. Hart. 307 46 4 Seventy-first st., 5 houses, run- ning|e. from 4th av. Arnolds & Co. agt. Wm. Coburn................. 827 73 31 Thirtieth st., n. s. (Nos. 403 and 404 West). Adam Knapp agt. Mr. ReiUy............................ 203 00 3 Thirty-eighth ST., n. s.(Nos. 443 & 445 West), bet. 9th and 10th avs. Patrick Hackett agb. Jos. Smith... 49 50 4 Thirty-seventh st., n. s. (No. 441), 275 e. -10th av. Hoden, Wilson & Winans agt. A. J. Neppach....... 575 00 4 Thirty-eighth st., s. s.^ 100 e. 9th av. Hoden, Wilson & Winans agt. Geo. Holziet..................... 236 40 MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BDILBINGS IN KINGS COUNTY. Dec. and Jan. 3 Throop av. and McDonough st., n. w. cor. Kohler & Co. agt. Geo. Rose and Robt. A. Bryant........ $790 01 3 Lee av.,"w. s., bet. Penn and Rut- ledge sts. Kohler & Co. agt. Geo. Rose and Tunis Q. Holcomb...... 1,202 97 31 Jefferson st., n. s., 100 w. Stuy- vesant av., thence w. 43x100. Wm. Dinwiddle agt. Wm. Cable and Mr. Iremonger___................ 32 57