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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 7, no. 159: April 1, 1871

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STATE Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. VII. NEW YOKK, SATUEDAY, APEIL 1, 1871. No. 159. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One year, in advance......................§6 00 AU communications should be addressed to C. ^W. S^WEKT. 106 BROADAVAY. COR. OF PiKE STREET. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by C. W. SWEET, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. No receipt for money due the Real Estate Record Avill be acknowledged unless signed by one of our regular collectors, Henry D. Smith or Thomas ^'. CnsniiKGS. All bills for coUecfcion wiU be sent from fche office on a regu¬ larly printed form. Patekt binders for preserving the Record can be had ftt the office, or AviU bo sent to any address in the city upon the receipt of one doUar. NOTICE OF REMOVAL. The Estate Record will remove its office on May Isfc, to the buUding Nos. 7 and 9 Warren streefc. RAPID TRANSIT. Abodt twenty years ago it was deemed advi¬ sable to widen Church, street. A small clique of men then owning a few lots on Broadway, below Fulton street, engineered by a successful merchant who had very recently became a large OAvner of lots on Broadway, near Chamber street, successfully opposed the movement: be¬ cause, as their chief said,—"If Church street is widened it wiU eventually make it a whole¬ sale dry-goods jobbing street, and consequently injure the value of Broadway property.'' They determined that it should not be widened, and thus its natural gro-wth has been dwarfed, and stunted, and retarded, untU, the pressure of trade upon the cross streets called it into re¬ quisition, but then only as an alley-way or de¬ livery street. Their selfish and narrow minds could not grasp the coming commerce of this great metro¬ polis ; and therefore all the traffic that moves up and down town has been concentrated on Broadway. It is now CAddent that nothing can save the greater part of Broadway property, below Canal street, from a rapid depreciation, but a steam railroad, either under, over, or parallel -with Broadway, and terminating at the Park or Battery. It is the true interests of OAvners of property do-wn toAvn,—^that is, below Fourteenth street, to hasten its completion. There are now no retail" dry-goods stores on Broadway, below Ninth street. Ladies seldom walk lower down. Canal street was formerly an extensive retail street. Property in this street has depreciated largely. Already extensive stores to supply the wants of families exist on the Third, Sixth, and Eighth avenues, and on Broadway, near Twenty- third street. The population on the East side extends nearly to Harlem, and on the West side to Fifty-ninth street. The omnibusses are unpleasant for ladies to get in or out of, and the street-surface cars too crowded; and, withal, the people cannot spare the time to ride so far and so uncomfortably, unless large purchases are to be made. Within seven years from this period, and pos¬ sibly -within five years, the Arnold and Consta¬ ble of the day wiU be located on the Fifth avenue; and, we think, on the property now occupied by John Jacob and WiUiam Astor, and extending about four hundred feet on Thirty- fourth street. Broadway, from Seventeenth street to Thirty- fourth street, has a double track surface railroad on it; which, it was supposed when it was laid, say about six years ago, would depreciate the property along the line, or prevent it from rising in value in proportion with the natural growth of the city. What are the facts ? Although the street is too narrow through nearly the whole length, more costly hotels have been buUt on on its line than in all the city elsewhere in the same period; and business has followed the hotels, so that lots in some blocks have actually quadrupled in salable value. The four lots on the comer of TAventy-first street and Broadway, bought by William M. Tweed, at auction, a few weeks ago, for the sum of six hundred thousand dollars, were not salable in 1864 at $150,000. MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEW YORK CITY. March. 25 Broadway, e. s,, cor. Liberty st. {No, 1.50): The Woodward Steam Pump Manufacturing Co. agt. Nel¬ son Chase........................ $1,650 00 28 Forty-second ST., s. s. (No. 216 W.). J. W. Stevens & Bros. agt. George Carey........................... 349 88 29 Fiftieth st., s. s. (Nos. 110 and 112 W.). Geo. Saenger agt. Robert Anderson........................ 198 10 28 Jane st., n. s., 100 w. Hudson st., Francis McNamara,agt. — Taylor. 418 75 29 Jane st., n. s. (No. 49). Jacob Ge- rody agt. Aldrich & Taylor........ 73 75 27 Mulberry st., s. or w. s. (No. 3). Roberfc Boyd agfc. Meyer Rosenthal 2,100 00 30 One Hundred and Third st., n. s,, 50 w. 3d av,,'2 houses. Tim¬ othy Harrison agt C. H. Beman... 409 00 29 One Hundred and Taventy-sev- enth St., 8, fi,, about 266 e. 6th av. RdbertC. BroAvn agt.,Mrs. Fishley 50 00 28 Reade st., n. s., eet. Hudson and GreenAvich sts. (No. 146). Van Tas¬ sel &■ Campbell agfc. Geo. E. Chase et. aL............................ 625 00 29 Same property. James Slattery agt. Geo. K. Chase............... 147 30 24 Second av. & 114th st., s. w. cor., 4 houses and lots, Wm, Horgan agt, Jeremiah Leamy............. 15 00 25 Seventy-ninth st., n. s., 225 e. 2d av., running 25. Henry McGuckin agt. Mrs. Hart................... 561 47 25 Stanton st., n. s, (No. 158), be- tAveen Clinton and Suffolk sts. SchAvartz & Lehman agt. Gottfried Boehm........................... 1,550 00 25 Seventy-fourth st,, s. s., bet. 4th & Madison avs. Wm. Barnes agt. Mrs. BurseU...................... 24 40 25 Second av. and 44th st,, 3. e. coe., 4 houses running s. of 44th st. Bradley & Currier agt. Jacob Weeks 2,500 00 28 Seventy-eirst st., n. s., 5 houses commencing about 100 e. 10th av. Healing & Fisher agfc. J. W. Ogden, Jr................................ 100 43 28 Sixty-second st., n. s,, 60 e, 9th av. The ColAvells & Shaw & Willard Mfg, Co. agt. Julia A. Coulter.... 203 81 24 Thirtieth st., s. s., about 100 w. £th av. (Nos. 402 & 404 W.). Chris¬ tian Pleis agt. — O'Reilly......... 500 00 24 Same PROPERTY. Patrick O'Brien agt, Thomas O'Rielly............. 1,900 00 25 Same property. Isaac A. Hance agt. same........................ 894 07 27 Thirtieth st., s. s., 100 w. 9Tn av., running 34. Joseph O'Counor agt. same............................. 200 00 27 Thirtieth st., s. s. (Nos. 402 and 404 W.). Edw. Farley agfc. Mr. Reilly............................ 124 50 28 Same property. Peter Clark agt. same........................ 258 00 28 Twenty-sixth st., n. s. (Nos. 441, 443, & 445 W.). John Wilson agt. E. P. Briggs..................... 1.'57 00 29 Thirty-eighth st., s. s. (No. 430 W.), about 400 w. 9fch av. James Slatfcery agt. G. K Chase....... 279 18 29 Thirty-eighth st., s. s. (No. 430 W.). Van Tassell & Campbell agt. G. K. Chase...................... 400 00 MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN KINGS COUNTY. March. 23 Lafayette av., n, s., 54.4e. Throop av,, 16,8.^100. Thos, Read agt. James Flood...................... $60 18 23 Navy st., av. s., 81. s York st., thence s. 56,7 to Prospect st,, x43.8 x30x37.7. Thomas H. J. Conolly agt. Ann Hignett................ 1,000 00 27 DeKalb av., s. s., 200 e, Lewis av., 100x100 (5 houses). L. M. Goldberg & Sons agt. Jos, Davidson & J, S, McLain & Jas, N. Hawkins....... 244 25 24 Yates and Greene avs., n, e. cor,, 60x80 (3 houses). Peter Bagley agt. E. R. Kirk & F. Percy............ 5,000 00 63 Rockaway av. and Union st., n, e. cor., 60x50. Jno. D. Douglass &Co. agt. Geo. H. &"Mary A. Lord...... 229 88 25 Marion st,, n. s., 100 e. Ralph av., 20x100 (No. 201). Chas. Hom agt. Peter Therrio.................... 95 00 29 Twelfth st., e, s,, 71 s. South 3d St., 25x25. Geo. H. Stone agfc. Thos. W. Webb and Frank Vath.. 200 00 22 Grand av., n. s., 225 e. Myrtle av., 2.5x100. J. Johnson agt. R. GrifSn and Patk. Williams............... 53 00 NEW YORK JUDGMENTS. In these lists of judgments the names alphabetically arranged, a7uZ, which, are fli'st 07i each line, are those of the judgment debtor. March. 22 Alden, James M—The Central Bank of Westchester Co................. . #609 52 22 Abraham, M.—Tobias Simon....... 65 50