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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 7, no. 160: April 8, 1871

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EAL Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. VII. NEW YOEK, SATUEDAY, APEIL 8, 1871. No. 160. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOpTION. ' "' TERMS. Ono year, in advance......................$6 00 AU communications should ie addressed to C. "W. S^T'EKT, 106 Broauway. cor. of Pine Street. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1871, by ' C. W. SWEET, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. No receipt for money due- the Real Estate Recorb will be acknowledged unless signed bj' one of our regular collectors, Henry D. Smith or Thomas !<•. Cummings. All bUls for collection will be sent -Erom the office on a regu¬ larly printed form. . PATENT binders for preserving the RECORD can be had tit the office, or will be sent to any address in the city upon the receipt of one dollar. NOTICE OF EEMOVAL. The Real Estate Record -will remove its office on May 1st, to the building Nos. 7 and 9 Warren street THE EEVIVAL IN BUILDING OPERATIONS. From present indications, the bmlding sea¬ son for 1871 bids fair to be one of tne busiest ever known in New York, and to exceed very largely the operations of the year 1870. From the 1st day of January, 1871, to the Slst day of March, four hundred and seventy plans for the erection of buildings were handed ia to Mr McGregor, the Superintendent of Buildings, for approval. During the same time ia 1870, there were presented to the Department but two hundred and fifty-eight plans. We give below, in table form, a list of the buildings proposed to be built, also a list for the year 1870, a comparison -with which will bear out our assertion that the coming season pro¬ mises to be a busy one, as plans are still pouring into the, Superintendent's office at the rate of ten or twelve every day. For the week ending April 6, there were fifty-nine plans presented. We suspect that these facts, which are on rec¬ ord, wHl rather surprise some of the croakers who fancy that everjrthing is going to pieces, and that the building trade is utterly stagnant; ajid so -we commend to their attention the figures below, for the accuracy of which we vouch. 1870. 187L Number of plans JDresented................ 258 470 Bro\vn-stone front first-class dwellings...... 98 203 Brick front first-class dwellings............. 44 16 Brick front second-class dwellings.......... 23 6.3 Tenement houses....................1..... 72 79 Stores and tenements........................ 80 203 Stores..............,..................... 15 40 Factories and workshops................... 41 88 Frame dwellings.! J....................... 19 14 Stables..,.............;.................. 22 38 Parisian dwellings;........................ —^ 8 Hotels...................___............. — 1 Churches..,'..,.......................,..;; .1 2 Public Libraries...................."....... ' — 2 MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEW YORK CITY. Note.—^The dates 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6, placed before thb liens, are for April.' The others are for March. March & April. 31 A AV. (Nos. 28 AND 30), between 2i> and 3d sts. Bdward Van Orden & Co. agt. R. C.Bolton............. $441 08 4 Forty-second st., s. s., 5 houses, com. about 180 e. 2d av. Richard Walsh agt. —..Stephens______..... 59 00 6 Fifth AV.,E. s.,com. at84th street, running 100 feet. Halpin & Bro. agt. Mr. Trash et al.........,.;.. 80 00 3 Mercer st., w. s. (No. 71). James Rose agt. Geo. M. Mittnacht...... 184 69 6 Park av. and . 40th st. , s.. e. . cor. ' (No. 99 Park av.). John McCarron agt. Rebecca Hunter...............96 74 5 Reade st., n. s. (No. 146), 199 e. Greenwich st. Geo. Stewart agt. G. K. Chase...................... 350 00 6 Reade st., n. s. (No. 146). Ed- ward Costigan agt. G. K. Chase___ 210 00 3 Sixty-fifth st., s. s., 3 houses com. about 98 e. Lexington av. Peter Bellinger agt. Thomas KU¬ patrick........................... 173 62 4 Second av. and 114th st., s. w. cor., 4 houses on av., running s. of li4th St. Biokel & Engert agt. Jeremiah Leamy..............___ 102 50 4 Spring and Washington sts., n. w. cor. (No. 535 Spring st.). Patrick McManus agt. Charles Olmstead... 1,041 85 4 Same property. De Ronde & Jones agt. Charles Olmstead.___.. 1,640 06 1 Twenty-eighth st., n. s. (Nos.i333, 3331^. and 335 W.). John J. Bowes & Bro. agt. Mrs. Lowenstein...... 530 00 6 Third AV. (Nos. 143, 144, 146, 148, and 150). Charles Shultz agt.--------- 785 34 MECHANICS' LIENSIAGAINST BUILDINGS IN KINGS COUNTY. March & April. 4 Yates, cor. Greene av. Watkins & Bryan agt. P. Bagley, P. Perry, audE. R. Kkk.................. $363 00 Bogert and Grattan sts., s. e. "I cor., 100x50.................... 30 Flushing and Johnson avs., s. y w. cor., 149x59.5xl00x25x50xl00x ^ 16...................-..........J Thomas Read agt. James Flood... 60 18 3 Gates av., s. s., 125 e. Lewis av., 50x100. Wm. Donnelly agt. Fran¬ cis and Ann Flood................ 550 00 31 Gravesend road, passing R. J. Stillwells and Flatbush to Coney Island road, s. e. cor. (2 houses). A. & T. M., Hegeman agt. Jas.. G. Twist and Joana Minahn.___..... 854 60 4 Devoe st. (No. 29), n. s. Sebas- tian Heger agt. W. H. Pink....... 515 00 29 Twelfth st., e. s., 71 s. South 3d St., 25x25, Geo. H. Stone agt. Thos. H. Webb and Frank Vath.. 200 00 1 Hart st., s. s., 100 e. Stuyvesant av., 180x — (10 houses). . Wm. E. Chapman agt. John S. McLain and ..... Benj. J. Warner.................. 4,197 23 3 Quincy st., n. s., 120 b. Downing St., 20x100. Bdward E. Pearce agt. Fred'k Ward..................... 50 50 NEW YORK JUDGMENTS. In these lists of judgments the 7id7nes alvhdbeUcally arranged, d7id which are fi7'st 07i each Wne, are those of ihe judgment debtor. . NOTR—The dates 1, 3, 4, and 5, placed before the judg¬ ments, are for April. The others are for March. March and April..... .. ...... 29 Ahrens, Mr.—Caspar Handel........ $64 85 30 Ackerson, A.—Elizabeth.Phelan____ 224 44 31 Anderson, Ernst—Christian Wyman. 813 68 1 Anderson, Robert N.—The Newark Ironworks...................... 116 27 q Adams, Henry L. I Josephine Ames, Horace J. et al. j F. Adams. 194 53 4 Ashler, Mary—James Breath....... 401 82 29 Bonnell, Alex.—Andrew Campbell.. 425 05 29 bIZ%: JoS D. [ H- K- Tl^-^-- • ^9 69 29 Black, Abraham P.—James Gifford. 159 09 29 Brady, James—William Boyd....... 80 86 30 Barker, Wm. Jay—Henrietta Barker 3,435 81 30 Braisted, William al.—^Bernard Brammer..........,-............ 223 08 30 Barker, James W.—Annie M. Barker 4,283 .56 30 Brennan, John—J. T. Rowland..... 200 00 30 B^IP, sSS.""- 1^- ^- ^°^-- l'^«8 82 30 Butler, F. W.—-Edward Van Orden.. 170 44 30 Beck, August—Daniel Schwartz.. . 79 33 80 Barkley, William-Mary Ann Requa • 61 00 31 Beley, Alfred—D. S. Schanck...... 2,037 14 31 Bradford, George R.—T. W. Dunfee 302 47 31 Bleyman, Charles—Gabriel Hoyt.... 192 56 31 Budd, John T.—The Simonds Manu¬ facturing Co.................___ 75 47 31 Baker, Jacob—Arthur Muddle...... 87 70 31 Bell, WiUiam H.—Nathan Amstem. 169 83 1 Bro-svn, Charles—Isaac Faulks..___ 3,834 19 1 Boothe, Levi—B. F. Van Valken- burgh............................ 92 30 iSwk:jor'^fJ°^K«^y" '^«^ 1 Bainbridge, John—Walter Carr..... 381 54 1 Baker, Oscar—John Dunbar........ 793 38 1 Burke, Edward J. — The Commk- sioners of Excise of N. Y........ 67 92 1 Berger, Louis---------^the same........ 67 93 1 Batchelder, David---------the same,... 67 92 1 BonneviUe, Amable B. — Whitney Frank............................ 128 40 3 Beard, John—Alexander Matthew... 1,133 84 8 Barnes, James H.—E. B. Simon..... 1,913 90 3 Beck, Joseph et al.—Simon Herzig.. 2,468 74 3 Barr, Samuel C—M. M. Backus..... 282 21 4 Baldwin, James et al.—E. N. Crow.. 808 64 4 Beck, George W.—B. S. Janney, Jr. 926 00 4 thesame---------J.W.Carson----- 1,830 50 4 Bidtton, Lloyd L. — The Hanover National Bank of N. Y........... 848 05 5 Brennan, John—^Michael Brophy___ 425 28 5 Bresnan, Dennis—James White..... 68 12 29 Clark, C. G.—S. M. PettingUl....... 1,914 57 29 Cohen, Nathan—James GUes....... 107 88 30 Chadwick, George W.—J. T. Baker. 2,477 84 30 g^^&SrL. fP-W.Eugs.... 1,708 32 30 ColweU, Josoph—E. H. Cobb....... 93 42 31 ChanneU, Francis L.—G. W. Gashe¬ rie............................... 30168 31 CantreU, Peter—S. P. McClave...... 135 41 31 CoUins, Hart—C. P. Baldwm....... 597. 81 31 Colton,.Charles.B.—W. S. CoUins... 2,889 55 31 Caywood, George, Jr.—W. A. Brown, Jr............................... .487 74 1 CantreU, Peter—S. P. McClave...... 304 51 1 Crotty, Thomas B.—H. K Thurber. 131 73 1 CorneU, SamuelH.—Harvey Baker.. . 143 69 1 Casey, Lawrence—Board of Excise.. 67 92 3 Chesebro, Joseph—Peter Pechin..... 448 08 S CuUen, Charles—J. N. Hungerford.. 832 61 3 Curtis, L.—Guy MUler.............. 898 51 3 Clark, Abraham B.—^Mansfield Comp¬ ton.............................. 5,643 60 3 Curry, MUton S.—James Lindsay... ]08 48 3 Clover, Bertrand—Rosa Glenton___ 4,885 42 ^ Curaming, Speera _^ I j^ ^ j^^^ ^^^^ 5 Cummmg, Thomas H. ) ' 4 Crozier, H. P.—Hi M. Curran....... ia5 68 5 Curtis, Mary-r-A. D. Wheelock......398 78 29 Durling, Charles S.—Alex. Haynes.. 285 48 29 DUlon, PhiUp-rrB, Meyers.......... 257 89 29 Dougherty, Wm.—Bernard Bram¬ mer.,................................ 323 08 29 Doupe, John—S. C. Glenn.......... 787 07