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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 7, no. 166: May 20, 1871

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. YII. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 20, 1871. No. 166. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. .$6 00 TERMS. Ono year, in advance..................... All communications should be addressed to 7 AND 9 Warren Street, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year IS"!, by C. W. SWEET, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. No receipt for money due the Real Estate Record will be acknowledged unless signed by ono of our regular collectors, Hekry D. Sihtii or Thomas F. Cujoiings. AU biUs for collection will be sent from the offico on a regu¬ larly printed form. PATENT binders for preserving the Record can be had at the office, or wiU be sent to any address in the city upon the receipt of one dollar. THE CENTRAL PARK. To the Editor op the Real Estate Record. I HAVE carefully read youx articles on " The Origin of the Central Park," and also a commu¬ nication you have published ia your issue of the 13th instant, purporting to know all about the inside history of the Park, in -which the -writer complains of absence of scope in your articles as in -writing them you did not, at the same time, embrace in them "an account of its growth," aiid " the names of the gentlemen under whose eyes and direction the omamen. tation and improvement were designed." As your articles were strictly confined to its origin, and the efforts made to bring about a Grand Park, the location being a secondary matter, and the eng-ineering and landscape gardening a matter following much later on it appears to me that the writer is unneces¬ sarily agitated, and his article is unfair as a commentary, as he will perceive if he will peruse the articles again. A history of its growth that is not drawn from the annual reports of the recent Comptrol¬ ler, but from the personal recollections of the parties so prominently named by this writer, would be very interesting to your subscribers. As this writer has intimated his intention to furnish such a narrative, I hope he wiQ do so at an early date. Fair Play, The TohacGO Leaf, the organ of those inter¬ ested in the growth and manufacture of the weed in the United States, has recently changed hands, and is now published by a stock com¬ pany and edited by Mr. J. Hemy Hager, who is also the owiier of the majority of shares of the association. The Tobacco Leaf is now in the seventh year of its existence, and was originally started upon a merely nominal capital; but by the industry and energy of its projectors, coupled with an intelligent appreciation of the wants of its patrons, it has worked its way up gradually to a prominent position among the trade jour¬ nals of the country. Under its new manage¬ ment we predict for it contiaued success. MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEW YORK, CITY. May. 12 Delancet ST., s. s. (No. 211),"bet. Pitt & Ridge sts. Francis Cook agfc, Peter Seebald................ $160 00 12 East BKOADWAr & Market st., s. e. cor. (No. 77 East Broadway). Jacob and Balthazar Euler agt. DavidMoNair.................... 400 00 18 Essex st., w. s. (No. 135). Christo¬ pher Murray agt. Estate of J. J. Diehl............................ 185 13 12 Fifty-sixth st., n. s., 16 houses, commencing 400 e. Isfc av, Brad¬ ley & Carrier agfc. Blesson & Bol¬ rath............................. 3,000 '00 12 Fifty-ninth st., s. s., 175 w. ciR- cle afc 5fch av. The Crommell Brown-Sfcone Quarry Co. agfc. I. P. Marfcin...;........................ 987 00 13 Same premises. John Mackenzie agfc. sarde.......,................. 32 00 13 Forty-sixth st., s, s,, 12 houses befc. 6fch and 7fch avs. Kelfcy and Aikmau agfc. B,. B. Codling....... 285 50 15 FiFTY-FIKST ST., S. S. (No, 20, W.). Wm. Maxwell agfc. R. Bowne...... 188 75 17 Forty-sixth st,, n, s,, 2 houses commencing aboufc 100 e. 2d av., R. S. Perrin agt. Terrence Sheri¬ dan.............................. 239 00 12 Jane st., n. s. (Nos. 49 & 51). Gil- berfc Wood agfc. J. R, Taylor...... 511 00 15 Lewis st., e. s. (No. 12). Crane & Co. agt. P. KeUbach.............. 62 00 18 New Chambers st., n. e. s. (No 67), Chrisfcopher Murray agfc. Hugh Reiley........................... 166 83 12 Seventy'-eighth st., s. e. s. (Nos. 320, .322, 324 & 326, E.), between 1st & 2d avs. Joseph Gruber agfc. —. Keis.......;...................... 40 00 12 Twenty-sixth st., n. s. .(.Nos. 441, 443 & 44.5, W.), aboufc 310 e. lOfch av. Norman McCleilan agfc. E. P. Briggs............................ 410 00 15 Thirty-second st., n. s. (No. 353, E.), 70 w. Isfcav. Tieman & Lifc¬ fcle agfc. Pafcrick Cassidy........... 89 08 15 Washington st., w. s. (Nos. 502, 504 & 506). Ogden, Hunfcing & Meigs agfc. Charles Olmsfcead...... 829 44 MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN KINGS COUNTY. May. 12 Sixteenth st., n. s., 132 w. Third av. (No. 43). H. Trealor, Sr.^ agt. T. A. & James A. Beardsley....... $.575 00 13 Sixteenth st., n. s., 132 av. Third av., 101x200 (No. 43). E. Missall agt. Henry Trelor ife Jas. A. Beards¬ ley............................... 95 00 15 Lewis av. and Pulaski st., n. e. cor., lOOxlOO. J. J. Dowd agfc. J. S. McLain & K!. Buxfcon ife Deborah " Lee....V.......;.................. 2,325 00 17 Bainbridge st., n. s., 410 w. Lewis av., 80x100 (Nos. 37, 39, 41 and 43). Bowen & Williams agfc. E. K. & O. B, Hoflfees, John A. Befcts & John Doyle............................ 200 00 16 Bainbridge st., n. s., about 220 e. Yafces av., 40x100 (2 houses). D. KeUy agfc. E. R. & O. E. Hozgse & JohnDoyle....................... 230 00 16 Magnolia st., n. e. s. (indefinite). T. O'Leary & Thos. Larkin agt. Henry & Martin Goldman......... 125 16 16 Bainbridge st., n, s,, about 220 e. Yafces av., 40x100. D. KeUy agfc. E. R. &0. E. Hozgse............. 230 00 16 Pacific st., n. s.,-350 e. Vander- bilt av., 25x100. Thos. Read agt. Patrick Kevan & Patrick Keenan.. 26 66 12 Louis AV. AND Pulaski st., n. e.cor., 5 houses, 100x100. Jas. J. Dowd agt. Jno. S. McLain, D. Lee, & Kennard Buxfcon.................. 2,325 OO 15 Hanson pl. and Portland av., n. e. cor., 80x100. T. Dunn & J. Mc- Dermofcfc agfc. Geo. M. Granger & Jas Lewis........................ 42 75 12 Meeker av., s. s., 767 e. North WiUiam sfc., 20x100. Wm. E. Chap¬ man agt. Jas. White & T. B. Me- Greedy.......................... 326 56 16 Pacific st., n. s,, 200 w. Grand av., 2.5x100. Thos. Read agt. Pafc. Ke¬ van & Jas. Mullen................ 67 32 12 North Fourth st., n. s. (old No. 52), 25x100. John Doyle agt. N. Crahan & John Ryan.............. 67 50 15 North Fourth st., n. s. (No. 93), between 2d and 3d sfcs. P. GrifBn agt. Nicholas Crahan & Jno. Ryan. 48 50 17 Hewes st., s. s., about 223 e. Mar- cy av., 20x100. Edward Collins agt. John. Brady & —. Sage........ 70 00 16 Pacific st., n. s.; 253.11 e. Wash- ington av., 20x100. Thomas Read agt. Pat. Kevan & John Victory... ' 55 55 16 Gates and Nostrand avs., n. w. cor. W. -WUson agt. Charles S. WUgus........................... 300 00 17 Hart st., s. s., 100 w. Stuyvesant av,, 190x100 (10 houses). T. Fox agfc. J. S. McLain & B. J. Warner.. 59 00 NEW YOEK. JUDGMENTS. Iti these lists of judgmetits the ruimes alphabetically arranged, and- tohich are first on each Une, ara those of he judgment debtor. May. 11 Allen, Caroline C—Ann Snarey..... $191 84 11 Anfchony, J. L.—Samuel Whitman.. 329 14 11 Apfel, L. R.—Gustav Hartung_____ 314 13 15 AUen, WUliam D.—J. W. Sfcorrs.... 122 41 11 Bogarfc, Augustus L.—W. H. Rober- son............................... 3,519 64 11 Bassefcfc, W. W.—Frank Donaldson.. 146 63 11 Benner, Nathaniel A.—F. E. Ives... 192 93 11 Barney, G:eorge W.—A. M. M. Cerf. 225 48 11 Brand&es, Ferdinand—Andrew Jen¬ kins ............................. 117 3.5, 11 the same---------fche same......... 34 82 12 Brown, George W.—J. S. Siney..... 180 13 12 Bildersee, Barnefc—Joseph Aden..... 134 81 12 Becket, —.—Chas. Lediard......... 723 39 13 Bunzman, A. E.—E. R. Janes...... 57 14 15 Black, Mary—W. J. Osborne........ 202 50 15 BUss, Henry H.—Nicholas DoU..... 350 12 15 Bannon, Patrick (PltfF.) — S. C. Boehm..___..................... 142 13 Boehm, Sarah ) 15 Boehm, Caroline >■ James McNifF... 10,643 62 Boehm, Henrietta) 15 thesame---------Patrick Bannon.. 1,320 18 16 Butler, Francis R.—E. B. Maltby.,. 647 79 16 Berthond, A. P.—Mary J. Delmofcte. 915 37 16 Bolda, WiUiam—PhiUip Hart....... 161 05 16 Burnham, Zeno—Abbie T. Chandler. 936 44 17 Bechstein, Paul—Adolph Tuska.___ 228 70