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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 7, no. 167: May 27, 1871

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iZ^rxL^ ECORD AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. YII. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY 27, 1871. No. 167. Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One year, in advance......................§6 00 All communications should bo addressed to 7 AND 9 WAMIEN STRKKT, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the yeiir 1871, by C. W. SWEET, In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. 2fo reeeipt for money due the Real Esrr.\TE Record will be acknowledged unless signed by ono of our regular collectors, Henry D. Siirrri or Thomas P. Cujdiings. All bills for collection will be sent from tho office on a regu¬ larly printed form. A RUMOR to the effect that the Department of Parks had decided upon the abolition of the system of Riverside Parks, was put into circula¬ tion about three weeks sinoe, and has obtained considerable credence with many persons. We are enabled to state authoritatively that there is no truth whatever in the report, but, on the contrary, the Department of Parks intend im¬ mediately tp commence active operations on the Riverside Parks, and will push the work vigor¬ ously to its completion. We are sure that property holders along that line will hail this intention of the Park Board with pleasure, for if ever a body of men have waited patiently to see something for their money, the owners of Riverside Park prop¬ erty may be set down among the number. The following are among the laws affecting New York City, passed at the late session of the Legislature: CBAPTER 570. AN ACT in relation to changing the present grades and establishing new grades for certain streets in the city of New Tork. Passed April 18, 1S71; three-fifths being present . T7ie Feople of the State of Neio YorJi, rep¬ resented in Senate and Assembly, do enact 'as follows: Section 1. The commissioner of public works shall have power, within six months from and after, the passage of this act, to change the present grades, and establish new grades for the streets embraced within the area bounded by Chambers, Bleecker, and Chatham streets, Broadway, and the Bowery, in the cityof New York, and a map or profile showing such grades as so changed and established, certified by the said commissioner, shall, within the said six months, be filed in his office, and a dupKcate thereof in the office of the comptroller.of the said city, and the commissioner of public works shall immediately thereafter proceed in such manner as h6 may deem best to regulate and grade such streets in accordance with the ^'ades so established. The; board of. assessors in the city of New York are hereby authorized and di¬ rected to assess upon the property intended to be benefited in the manner provided by law for making assessments for local improvements, theexpenses of which shall be actually incurred by the mayor, aldermen, and commonalty of the city of New Tork for such regulating and grading, which sums so assessed shall be a hen upon such property, and all provisions of law relative to the collection of assessments for local improvements in said city shall apply thereto. The necessary expenses incurred by said commissioner of public works, in and about the altering and fixing the grade as before men¬ tioned, for preparing the necessary maps and proffies, and for other services to the amount of not exceeding twenty thousand dollars, shall be paid by the comptroller of the city of New.. York on the requisition of the said commis¬ sioner of public works; and the supervisors of the county of New York are hereby authorized and required, as soon as conveniently may be after the passage of this act, to order and cause said sum for such purpose to be levied and raised by tax upon the estates by law, subject to taxation within said county, and to be col¬ lected according to law. § 3. This act shall take effect immediately, CHAPTER 566. AN ACT to provide for the proper drainage of lands within the corporate limits of the city and county of New York. Passed AprillS, 1871; three-fifths being present. Tlie Feople of the State of New York, repre¬ sented in Senate and AssemUy, do enact as fol¬ lows : Section 1. Whenever It shall appear to be necessary for the protection of the public health that any part or parcel of land within the corporate hmits of the city and county of New York needs to be drained by other means than by sewers, and it shall be so certified by the city sanitary inspector, and said certificate is filied among the records of the board of health of the health department of said, city, the said board shaU. direct that the same be done by and under the direction of the depart¬ ment of public works of said city and county. § 2. All parts and parcels of land lying below the levels of the sewers adjacent thereto, upon which surface water remains stagnant, or through which water courses have, or at pres¬ ent do run, may be so drained by a properly constructed blind drain, which shaU be carried along such natural watercourse until it can be made to enter any sewer at its proper level, or if such sewer cannot be reached, it shall be car¬ ried tp the adjacent river, § 3. All lands benefited by said drain directly or indirectly for a distance from said drain in¬ cluded between the adjacent streets and avenues thereto, shaU be liable to assessment thereon pro rata in proportion to the direct or indirect benefit derived from the construction of said drain. The assessments to be made and collected as other assessments for the public benefit are provided for. The assessments to become a lien, upon the property assessed as in like cases provided. - MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN NEW YORK CITY. May. 19 AVENTJE A AND. FiFTT-SIXTH §y., :^. w. cor., 16 houses on sfc. and one on av. Joseph Schwab agfc. Blessing . ,.&Boira^y..-..,,,..,,,...;.,,,,.:,,;. fisspp 25 Forty-sixth st., s. s., 400 w. 6th av., running 120. John Q. A. But¬ ler & Co. agt. R. R. Codling...... 1,700 00 19 Fifteenth st., n. s. (No. 317, W.). • Alexr. Gile.spey agt. R. Parker... 47 50 19 Same PROPERTY. John Fallon agt. same............................. 5 2.5 19 Same PROPERTY. Christopher Mc- Greal agt. same................... 25 00 19 Same property. James Hannan agfc. same........................ 33 75 19 Same property. Patk. Ward agt, same;............................ 33 87 19 Forty-first st., n. s., com. 200 e. Sth av., running 50. Peck & Wan¬ deU agfc. B. & D. Benrhno......... 2,163 60 19 Fifty-sixth st., n. s., 16 houses running w. Av. A. Joseph Schwab agt. Blesson ife Bolrath.........,.. 155 00 19 Forty-sixth st., s. s., art. 175 w. Broadway. Weidner, Durner & Co. agfc. C. H. Beman............ 709 25 20 Fifth av. And Fifteenth st., s. b. cor. (No.-2, B. 1.5fch st.). Odell & Garth agt. Walfcer Jones efc al..... 198 13 22 Fourth av., e. s., 4 houses run- ning 8. 40th sfc. Thos. Maxwell agfc. David Cobum___............ 69 00 22 Same property. Thomas Mulligan agfc. same......................... 120 CO 24 Fifty-first st., s. b. (No. 546, W.). J. J. Hickson agt. J. B. SufiFem.., 75 00 24 Jane st., n. s. (Nos. 47, 49, & 51). Hoagland & Bell agfc. J. R. Taylor etaL..,,........................ 1,976 17 24 Jane st., n. s. (No. 47). John Mc- Garigal et al. agt. Mr. Johnson... 175 00 18 Sixtieth st., n. s. (Nos. 51 to 69 JB. inclusive). Joseph Marren agfc. A. P.Briggs..................... 1,700 00 23 Seventy-fifth st., s. s., 10 houses com. abt. 113 e. of 3d av. F. F. Bussell & Co. agt. Thos. Smith___ 2,969 29 25 Seventy-ninth st., n. s., 225 b. 2d av., 25x100. Julius Poerschke agt. Catherine Hart.................. 2,000 00 20 Twenty-sixth ST., n. s. (Nos. 441, 443 & 445, W.). P. Knowlton agt.. E.P.Briggs...................... 45 50 23 Same property. Geo. Ogilvie agt. same............................. 39 00 23 Thirty-second st. & 1st av., n. s. Christian Alsfield agfc. —-. Ritchie.. 96 79 MECHANICS' LIENS AGAINST BUILDINGS IN KINGS COUNTY. May. 24 F1.0YD ST., N. s. (Nos. 189, 191,. 193, . 195,197). A. Goldberg agfc. James Cathcart and Mr. Adams......... $500 00 20 Bainbridge st., n.s., 410 w. Lewis av., 80x100. J. F. Hartigan agfc. E. R. Hoffers and J. A. Betts and John Doyle____................. 238 00 23-Same property. M.4.ry E. Bailey agfc. same parties................. 216 (K) 33 Hamilton st., s. s., 226.6 n. Myr- tle av., 25x100. M. Pugh agt. C. D. Boylston and Thomas Ball..... 44 35 23 Wyckoff st., n. e. s., 125 from Bond St., 100x100. Paul W. Le¬ doux agt. E. K. «& L. M. & Eliza J. Robbins & Mary E. Batler & G. Williams......................... 156 23 24 Park av.,' n. s., 100 e. Tompkins av., 20x100. A. Goldberg agt. J. Cathcart & M. Eden___...___... 200 00 20 Eleventh st. and.6th av., n'thly cor.v 46.7x63.4. W, A. Know^ea jigk H, S. «fe Prispilla W. LansdeU arid Samuel Frost...;........___ 4,700 00 80 IfjNTH ST., E. s., 134.4 ii. Division ' av., 23.11x91.5. J. Boyd and N. Reed agt. Thomas Linster,...;___ 155 00 33 Main st., e. s., 20 s. Water.-^t., 25 xlOO. J.,Miu:rayagt..W. Redmond and-'J, P. AT: MsCguiri).___;,..;. 73 00