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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 8, no. 173: July 8, 1871

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AND' BUILDERS' GUID-E. Vol. VIII. NEW YOKK, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1871. No. m. WILLIAM TUCKER. imiLI ITS BRANCHES. " "" ' Above 26th Street. CITY AND COUNTY PROPERTY FOR SALE AND TO RENT. LOANS AND MORTGAGES NEGOTIATED. UP-TOWN PROPERTY A SPECIALTY. g^ HOUSE PAINTERS, ® ^Decorators, etc. SPECIAL DESIGNS FOR Church Furniture, etc; Wew York. PENNSYLTANIA LAND AGENCY. TO^WNSEWD IBROTEIER§, NO. 62 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. No. 311 Walnut St., I No. 1 Albany Terrace, Phila. I London. Special attention given to purchase and sale of Pennsyl¬ vania Lands. Grcological Eeports and Surveys made. Tax¬ es paid. Titles examined. A. N. HAWM.IWSOM, Union Carpet-Cleaning Machine. 9 East 19fch st., bet. Broadway and Fifth ave., New Yorlc. (Established in-1861.) Carpels taken 7ip, cleane,-!, and re- laid. Every Carpet cleaned by this Machine is cleaned nnder the personal supervision of the Proprietor. Carpets are thoroughly beaten by this Machine free from all dust and moths. Carpets carefully packed and preserved from the moth and kept on storage on reasonable terms. No charge for Cartage to any part of the city. Orders by post promptly attended to. - A. N. HANKINSON, Proprietor. ERENCH WINDOW GLASS AND ^ Embossing Establishment, 1366 &D 1868 BRO AD^ JOHN FETTRETGH. " ' L B.,BEMSEH". , R. W. FORBES & CO., LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR SHIPPma OR DOMESTIC USE, AT WHOLESALE OB BETAHi. CORNER OF WEST Sftrn STREET & llTH AVENTIS. 14 SOUTH "WILLIAM STREET." MANUFACTURERS' AND BUILDERS' EIRE INSURANCE CO. CASH C:'""TTAL. . -. . $200,000. Principal Offic:r v-;: ^i- -iDWAY. v Branch'Offices, . No. 890 Tl- - ■■■"- ■ iW Avenue C, cor. 7th St. Insures aga:f - .; : • :• ■':,i,.flage by fire • on^ the most reasonable term - .■ f'^V i^D V. LOEW, President, J. JATNESXiSl yriary. THE ATES SEHUHTS ARE MADE IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE FORM. AND OP THE MOST EFFECTUAL CONSTEUOTIOIT; Are now in use on many of the finest Buildings in New York and other Eastern cities. Illiistrated Sheet and Catalogue on appli¬ cation. 75 EIGHTH AVENUE. ABRAHAM DOWDNEY, CONTBAGTOB, Nos- 205 and 207 East 61st Street, WUl estimate for the excavation of Rock and Earth, and ^ the fining of sunken lots. .Building Stone and Sand fur¬ nished. - jrOSN TRIMBIiE Sc SON, Mahogany & Li,imber Dealers, llTH A"VnENXJE, Cor. 24th STREET. Walnut, Oak, Ash, Cherry, Cedar, Butternut, Maple. Prize Encaustic and Mosaic Tiling. The undersigned begs to call attention to the Tiles manu¬ factured by T. & R. BOOTE, Burslem, Staffordshire, Eng¬ land, for which they have been awarded Prize Medals in all the World's Fairs ever held. " T. & R. BOOTS, by their patent process, are makin? ENCAUSTIC AND PLAIN FLOORING TILES of the hardest texture and the finest tints (equal to Enamel tints), which can be inlaid any depth, ensuring durability, and at, a much cheaper rate than hitherto charged." "For Churches, Entrance Halls, "Vestibules, &c., &c." Designs and Estimates juppUed without charge, and ex¬ perienced Pavers sent to suit ptprchasers. A large iissorted, stock always en hand. Samples can be seen at the office of EDWARD BOOTS, 7S Mltirray Street, K"eAV ^yorlc. Marble men supplied at low rates. NATHANIEIi BOS, Real Estate and Insurance Agent, - 200 VAEICK STREET. Houses let and rents collected in'all parts of the city.