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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 9, no. 212: April 6, 1872

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. IX. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, APRIL 6, 1872. No. 212. PETER A. HEGEM».«, [Son of,the late PETER A; HEGEMAN.] Eeal Estate Broker, 61 Liberty Street, NEW YORK. < ♦ >'—, Agent ft/r the SALE, BUBCHASE, EX¬ CHANGING, LEASING, and BENTING of BEAL ESTATE. Special attention given to the genei^al care, and management of Estates. Bents CoUected. Loans Negotiated and Investments Made. S isAFETY HOISTING MACHINERY. OTIS BROTHERS & CO., PATENTEES AND SOLE MANUFACTURERS, 348 BROADWAY, New York. BASSBWGBM BBBVATOBS^ FOR HOTELS, OFFICE BtflLDINGS, STORES, APARTMENTS, AND-PRIVATE HOUSES.- The only Machine in use combining perfect safety with smoothness, noiselessness, rapidity of movement, and the greatest economy in the use of fuel. Safety Hoisting Machinery for Merchandise and Freight, for Stores, Manuiactories, Furnaces and Mines. 2,000 uo^w^ in use. AT A MEETING OF THE IRON-FOUNDERS OF New York, Brooldyn, Jersey City, Newark, New. Haven, and Providence; Rhode Island, held at Teutonia' Hall on Friday last, March 29, at which 42 establishments were represented, it was resolved that ou and after April 1 the price of castings be increased orie cent per pound. The adjourned meeting to receive the reports of Commit¬ tees wUl be held at Teutonia Hall on Friday next, April 5, at 3 o'clock B.M. PETER H. JACKSON, Chairman. G. B. BrLLERWELt, Sec'y. LOTS 60x100, ON WEST,47th STRBBT, free of rock, for $12,000. $5,000 may remain on bond and mortgage. Enquire, by mail or otherwise, of ALEX. McGregor, lOe west 24th Steeet. TO LEASE, EIVE LOTS ON EAST 23d ST.. near East River, with Sheds and Stable. Apply to J. R. EDWARDS, 277 West SJM Steeet. 3. A. WOOI>, 240 Broadway, New York. PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO IMPROVING OLD BUILDINGS. No charge fcr examinations and estimates of cost of altera¬ tions, or for plans that are not accepted and used. Our Office is at present on the FIRST FLOOR, with facilities for furnishing floors -ndthout delay.- Will refer to our works of the last seven years. yV. M. TVJBTMORE, PAINTING & DECORATING, 487 BBOADWAY, cor. Broome St. Established 1852. PAPER-HAtf&INa, GILDING, &c. Iron store Fronts painted in the most approved manner. SKIiABEtt. Sc CO., MARBIiE WORKS, .- 217, 219, 221, and 223 WEST 51ST STRBBT, between Broadway and 8th Avenue.—Marble arid Marbleiied Man¬ tels, Moniunents," Headstones of superior iworkmansliip, cheapest in the city. Second Mortgages taken. Clark, little & co., IaVMBIEU ScTimBMU MERCHANTS, SIXTY-FIRST &• SIXTY-SECOND STREETS, EAST : KIVEK, NEW YOKK.; PLAIN AND ENCAUSTIC, For Public Buildings and Dwellings, AS LAID BY. US IN The Capitol at Washington, And in numerous CHURCHES, BANKS, and DWELL¬ INGS in every part of the countey. Glazed and Enamelled Tiles for MANTELS. HEARTHS, WAINSCOTING, &c., and for EXTERIOR DEC¬ ORATION. i¥IOLLER & COATES, 279 PEARIi ST., New Yorlc. THE ATES SmMT ARE MADE IN EVERY CONCEIVABLE FORM, AND OF THE MOST ErFECTUAL CONSTIIUOTION. Are now in use ou many of the finest Buildings in New. York and other Eastern cities. Illustrated Sheet and.Catalogue on appli¬ cation. GEO. HATES, 75 EIGHTH AVEIJUE. SPECIAL NOTICE. A. C^.MAVENS & SO.^", • Wholesale.and Retail Dealers in all Mnds of LUMBER and T3MBER, ^ Foot of EAST 28tli ST., New York, Have a lot of DRY INCH CHESTNUT LUMBER for sale at a bargain, either for Dealers or Consumers. R. W. FORBES. LUMBER OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, FOR SHIPPING OR DOMESTIC USE, AT WHOLESALE OR RETAIL. CORNER OF WEST 29th STREET & llTH AVENUE. 14 SOUTH WILLIAM STREET. Prize EncaustiG and Mosaic Tiling. • The iindersigned begs to call attention to the TUea manu¬ factured by T. & R. BOOTE; Burslem, Staffordshire, Eng¬ land, for which they have been awarded Prize Medals in aU the World's Fairs ever held. "T. & It. BOOTS; by their patent process,'are making ENCAUSTIC AND PLAIN FLOORING TILES of the hardest texture and the finest tints (eq.ual to Enamel tints), which can be inlaid any ddpth, ensuring dm-ability, and at a much cheaper rate than hitherto charged." "For Churches, Entrance HaUs; Vestibules,.&c., &c." Designs and Estimates supplied without charge, and ex¬ perienced Pavers sent to suit pmrchasers. ' A large assorted' stock always en hand. Samples can be seen at the office ef EDWARD BOOtEv 78 MluLrray Street, OSTew York. * Marble inen supplied at low rates. J.B.WHITE&BI10THBIIS' Oelek'ated (London)" Portland Cement FOB SAJLEf IN STORE and TO ARRIVE. S. L. MERCHANT & CO., 76 South St., CoBSEB Maiden Lane, • New Yobk. MAW a CO-'S TILES, PLAIN, ENCAUSTIC, AND WA.JOLICA, For Entrance Halls, Corridors', Con^Tj' '> '' \^ urthes, Cemeteries, Chapels, Balconies, Fif\s^_.. t, iaringB, Hearths, Exterior and Interior M nu iPanel*, Tablets, and String-Courses. AGENTS IN THE UNITED STATES, S. 1.. MERCHAarT & CO., 244 PEAEL STiREET, Between John and Fulton Sts., NEW YORK.. HOLMES BROTHEBSi RE A L ESTATE, 46 EAST 23d STEEET, NEW YOBK. PROPERTY FOR SALE OR TO LET RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. ., . ■ , . MANUFACTURERS' AND- BUUDERS' EIRE INSURANCE CO. ' ' CASH CAPITAL, '.. - . . ;$200,000. Principal Office, No. 207 BROADWAY. Branch Offloea, No. 890 Third Avenue, and Aventfe C, cor. tth St. Insures* against loss or damage by fire on the most reasonable terms. EDWARD V. LOEW, Presid&i.i. J. JAY NESTELL, .Secretary; \%^A1-TER B. If^OO© & CO., Quarrymen and Wholesale Dealers in OHIO SirZX^ZNC^ STOZVIS AND GBINDSTONES, From the Berea and Amherst Quarries. OPl'ICE, Nos. 283 & 285 FRONT STREET, Walter E. Wood, 1 Near Roosevelt Stoeei^ _ Chas. P. Williams.; ■. NEWYORK. Liglitning. Rods. Wells' Patent and all other kinds of Copper and Gal¬ vanized Iron. Not an accident m 20 years. American Fence Co. Fence; H. B. Biown's "/Vlways Cool;" Stove Lifters and Stove Dampers at wholes