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OUR ADVERTISERS CLASSIFIED. In this Indess a new feature mil be noticed which ivill be found of value hy Bank, Trust and Insurance Companies, Estates, large Owners of Realty, Real Estate Brokers and Architects who are continually turning to these pages for reference to the official filings recorded duHng the last half of 1889, andpuhUshed in Volume XLIV. of The Record and Guide. We give below a classified Directory of the yearly advertisers now in The Record amd Guide, with the address of each, so that further reference is unnecessai-y. In a sense this forms a complete select Trade Directory, containing the names of the principal leading homes in the several trades and professions represented. ANTIQUE GLASS AND ROUNDELS. Marsching & Co., J... .27 Park pi. ARCHITECTS. Englehardt,Tb...779Broadway, Brooklyn.E. D. Graul, William.... 315 Bowei-y. Herter Bros. ..191 Broadway. Hubtira, Albert.... 304 East 70th. Rentz, Charles....153 4th av. Wennemer, Frank___204 East S6th. Wenz, Edwai-d .. .1491 3d av. WooUey, John.... 2 West 14th, ASPHALT PAVEMENTS, SIDEWALKS, ETC. MacKnigbt Flintle Stone Co-----150 Broadway. Matt Taylor Paving Co—15 State. AUCTIONEERS. Blackwell, Wilson H., & Son... .67 Liberty. De Walltearss,S....171 Broadway. Fairebild& Yoran....171 Broadway. Harnett, Richard v., & Co....73 Liberty. Kennelly, Wni., Se Bro....45 Liberty. Ludlow, E. H.,& Co___11 Pine St and .500 .5th av, Muller & Son, A. H-----1 Pine st. Phillips, L. J. & I....149 Broadway. Scott & Myers....146 Broadway. Smith, Thomas C.....lU Broadway. Smyth & Ryan___70 Liberty. Smyth, JohnF. B... ,69 Liberty st. Stearns, J. Thomas.....59 Liberty st. Wells, James L,.. .59 Liberty st. BANKERS AND STOCK BROKERS. Gregory, Ballon & Co.... 1 New. BELL HANGERS, ELECTRICAL WORK, ETC. Farrell, Thomas... .2257 3d av. Haggerty, Geo. A-----803 3d av. Ostrander & Co., W. R... .21 Ann. Sullivan, Mortimer-----258 VFesb 12.5tb. Wildt, E. A,, & Co ,. .83 Murray. Jarden, L. E., & Co....9 North 13th st, Phila¬ delphia. Hendrickson. 1 C___337 Broadway. Lorillard Brick Works.. ..65 South. Maurer, Henry, & Sou... .430 East 33d. Raritan Hollow and Porous Brick Co-----115 Broadway. Sayi-e & Fisber Co....S Centre Wharf, New¬ ark, N. J. BUILDERS, CARPENTERS, MASONS AND CONTRACTORS. Argenziano Se Co., John___414 East 113th. Dougherty, Jas.,.. 16 Basb 92d. Galligan, T. P. & Son... .528 Easb 17th. Morgan & Slattery___13 Roosevelt. Lithgow, George W.... 41 King. O'Toole, James___131 West 67th. CEMENTS. Brand, James___81 and 83 Fulton. Fleming, Howard___33 Liberty. Johnson & Wilson___45 Broadway. New York & Rosendale Cement Co,.. 229 Broad way. Thiele, E___73 William. CLOTHES LINE FRAMES. Price Manufacturing Co___112 Bast 14tb. CLOTHES POLES. Walsh, Jno. P, Jr. ...350 West. COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS. Clifford, Thos. B... 200 Broadway. BRASS AND BRONZE WORKERS. Aspinwall, T., Se Son... .303 5bh av. Conover, J. S., Se Co... .28 and .^0 West 23d. Jackson Architectui-al Iron Works----315 Ea^it 38th. Stnetzer, H., & Co___71 Van Cott av, Brooklyn, E. D., N. Y., and 39 Dey sb, New York. Webber & PbiUips... ..522-530 West 30th. BEIGES. Burns, Russell & Co___Baltimore, Md. Fleming, Howard___23 Liberty. Hamilton, S,, Jr___Croton Landing, N. Y. COPPER WORKS. Trageser, J., Steam Copper Works.., .447 West 36th. CORNICES. Foerster, J., & Son.... 806 5tb. Jacob, August... .360 East 78th. Mathews, James, Se Son___509 East LSth and 173 East 110th. Schwoerer, Jacob___8 2d. Seton, Jno., & Co___78and 80 Washington av, Brooklyn, N. Y. DESKS AND OFFICE FURNITURE. Sellew, T. G....111 Fulton. Tufts, J. M.... 128 Fulton. DUMB WAITERS. Larsen. A... .413 East 134th. Murtaugh, James___145 East43d. Rapp, Jno. W.... 302 East 95th. ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES. Bergmann& Co.. ..393 Av B and65 5th av Webber & Phillips... .523 West 20bh. . ELEVATORS, Graves, L. S. & Son.... 93 Liberty. See Mfg. Co., A. B....116 Front sb., Brooklyn, N. Y., and 33 West Mitchell St., Atlanta, Georgia. Sommerville, John___27 Clark. Stokes & Farrish. 18 Cortlandt. Tuerk Hydraulic Power Co ...New York and Chicago, EMBOSSED ORNAMENTS, Parker, Edwin C... 157 11th av. FIRE INSURANCE. Royal Fire Insurance Co___50 Wall. FIREPROOF BUILDING MATERIALS. Isaacs, Gustavus—21 Bethune. Maurer, Henry, Se Son___420 East 23d. Raritan Hollow and Porous Brick Co___115 Broadway. The Sebillinger Co... .413 East 91st. FLAG STAFFS, CALKING, ETC, Walsh, Jno. F., Jr... .^50 West. FURNACES AND RANGES. Abram Cox Stove Co.... 250 Water, GALVANIZED IRON RANGE BOILERS. Trageser, J. S. C. Works-----447 to 455 West 36th, GALVANIZED SHEET IRON. TIN PLATES AND METALS. Merchant & Co___New York, Philadelphia, Chicago and London. Merry, John, & Co___535 and 637 West 15th, GAS FIXTURES, ETC. Palmer's, J P, Son----47 and 49 University pi. Webber &PbiUips... .533 to 530 West 20th. HARD WOODS, ETC. Bartlett, Henry T___200 Lewis. Brumme, Alfred___411 East 2Sd. Dannat & PeD.... 24 Tompkins. Graham, J. R., Jr... .30th st and llbh av. Hagemeyer, George, & Son___Foob of lObh and 11th sts. East River. Uptegrove, Wni. E., & Bro,...Foot of East! 10th st.