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INDEX TO THE RECORD AND GUIDE. Vol* XLVIII. JULY-----DECEMBER, INCLUSIVE. 189]. The following semi-annual Index of the Con¬ veyances and Projected Buildings in New York City, as published in The Record .^nd Guide during the last half of 1891, will be found of great value to those of our subscribers who have pre¬ served all the issues of this paper during that period. Otu: usual care has been taken to keep the Index up to the same perfect standard which has characterized it iu the past. The pages are given on which all the transfers of realty pub¬ lished in Volume XLVIII. can be found, and the streets and avenues are so subdivided that few references are required. For instance, transfers of property on the Bowery appear in nine issues dur¬ ing the six months. The Bowery in the Index is subdivided into five parts, so that the least possible trouble need be incurred, provided it is known between what streets the property is lo¬ cated. In this volume we have continued to ar¬ range the transfers in such a manner that every street affected can be seen at a glance by turning to the pages which the Index calls for. Take for instance page 11 and find thereon: 2d av, Nos. 20.55 and 2057 ) begins 2d av, w s, 106th st, No. 248 f 511.6 s lC6th st, runs south 50.3 x west ICO x north 100.9 to 106th st, X east 27 x south 50.6 x east 78. The above applies when a piece of property is on the corner of any street or avenue and runs in depth upon both streets more than 100 feet, or when a plot has buildings fronting on both streets, and'also when the property begins on one street and runs to another. Although many of our subscribers have used the Index for years, some of them do not fuUy understand the com¬ pleteness of the work. We ■ are frequently told of errors that our readers think they have dis¬ covered, which, upon investigation, prove to be errors of the searcher—not of the Index. For in¬ stance, in the current number appears the follow¬ ing: 7Sth st, s s, bet 1st and 2d avs, 45, 152, the latter being the pages on which transfers on said street may be found. Now, turning to page 45, the average searcher would fail to find the item referred to, because it does not appear in the alphabetical order of streets. A close search shows the item under the head of Pike st. No. 46, where a contract is made to exchange each for the other. The Index is, therefore, in some cases condemned for a supposed omission which is really the strong¬ est evidence of the thoroughness with which it has been compiled. Where such an omission should occasionally seem apparent to the sub¬ scriber, he should search the whole page, and he will then find the item which is referred to. The Projected Buildings are indexed in a similar man¬ ner, so that it can readily be ascertained on what streets improvements have been made. Those wishing to keep a file for permanent reference should see that all the numbers are complete and have them bound. A suitable binder can be ob¬ tained at the office of The Record and Guide, 14 and 16 Vesey street; price, one doUar. Annexed will be ;f ound a table showing the boundary lines, also the nmnber of blocks con¬ tained in each of the thirteen Sections, and under which all property is now indexed in the Register's office by locality on new land maps of New York Cicy, according to law, which went mto effect Jan. 1, 1891: Sec, 1.- 2.- 3.- 4.- r—: 8.—: 9.- 10.- 11.— 12. 13. ■South of Grand and Walts sts, between East and North Rivers. Blocks 1 to 315 incl. From Grand and Watts sts to 14th st. East and North Rivers. Blocks 316 to 660 inel. From 14th to 40th st. East and North Rivers. Blocks 661 to 992 incl. From 4iith to 9»)th st, west of 6lh av and line drawn parallel thereto. Blocks 993 to 1256 incl. From 40th to 96th st, east of 6th av, and line drawn parallel thereto. Blocks 1257 to 1.592 incl. From y6th st to Harlem River, east of 6th av, and line drawn parallel thereto. Blocks 1.593 to 1819 incl. From 96th to I55th st, at Harlem River, west of Lenox av, and line drawn parallel thereto. Blocks 1830 to 2104 incl. From 155th st to Spuyten Duyvil Creek, west of Harlem River. Blocks 2105 to 2259 incl. From Harlem River to 169th st, west of St. Anas ani 3d avs. Blocks 2260 to 2542 incl. From Harlem River to 169th st, east of St. Anns and 3d avs Blocks 2543 to 2781 incl. From lfi9th st to Pelbam av and Kiugsbridge road, bet Bronx and Harlem Rivers. Blocks a7S2 to 3245 incL From Felhaoi av and Kingsbridge road and city line, bet Bronx River and Broadway. Blocks 3246 to 3401 incl. From Harlem River and city line, bet Broad¬ way and Hudson River. Blocks 3402 to 3428 incl CONVEYANCES. Note.—The figures in extra black tyjjc—for instance, pages 217 and 518 under the head of Attorney st, from Broome to Delancey sts—de¬ note that the transaction on the pages given is Leasehold, or a lease running for a long term of years. This explanation is made so that subscrib¬ ers searching for transfers in fee can at once dis¬ tinguish between the former and the latter with¬ out referring to the page mentioned. NEW YORK CITY. STREETS, Academy... .83. Allen, south of Delancey___183, 268, 345. from Rivington to Stanton___45,81, 151, 403, 516. Stanton to Houston.... 292, 584, 761. Amity (see West 3d st).... 763, 799. Apthorps lane... .9, 816,517, 650, 689, 762. Astor lane.... 800. Atcomov, from Broome to Delancey....817, 518. Rivington to Houston... .403, 404. Bank....81, 688. Barclay, from Church st to College pi___551. 786, 764. '^ College pi to Greenwich st ...320. Barrow, from Bleecker to Hudson....584. 655. 762. Batayia....81. Baxter, from Park row to Park.... 186, 548. Park to Leonard... .8, 292. 761. Leonard to Franklin....293, 685, 831. Bayard, from Forsyth st to Bowery___81, 761. Bowery to Elizabeth....8, 292. 474, 584. Beach, from West Broadway to Variok st___183, Bedford, from Leroy to Morton... .45, 345,516. Morton to Commerce... .81, 723. Beekman, from William to Pearl....81, 374,548. Bethune___45. Bleecker, east of Wooster... .408. 761, 763. from Wooster st to South 5th av....45, 268. 655,722,762, 808. South 5th av to Thompson st___320, 845. Thompson to Macdougal___762. nth to Bank.. ..50. Bloomingdale road... .216. Bolton road... .438. Boulevard, from 62d to 64th... .151, 243. 64th to 76th....345, 688. 84th to 88th... .346, 474, 517, 104thto 108th....8, 45. 112thto 114th....7a9, 799i 120thtol23d.. .403, 761. 135th to I40th... 722, 828. 150th to I55th....516, 801. Bowery, from Bayard to Canal___153, 186, 292, 474. Canal to Hester___764. w s, Broome to Spring----799. w s. Bond to Great Jones___45,183. north of 4th....242. Bridge, from State tn Whitehall... .436. Broad, from Wall to Pearl... .81,153, 186, 407, 655, 802. Front to South.... 120. Broadway, south of Morris___215. from Cortlandt to Reade... .478, 764. Franklin to Canal.... 120, 622. Spring to Bleecker.... 844, 763,799. Bleecker to 8th.... 50. 374. 8th to nth ..518,625. 11th to 14th....5S4, 632. 14th to 17th....407, 764. 28dto26tb....474, 764. 26th to29tb....l86, 268. 31st to33d....45,120. 41st to 54th....217, 403, 584. north of 59th (also see BoulevarJ)....151, 242, 845. north of 162d (also see Eingsbridge road) ....8,476. Broome, from Cannon to Columbia___436,474, 655. Columbia to Sheriff... .120, 655. Sheriff to Willett... .81, 684, 622, 722. Fitt to Ridge... .584, 723. Clinton to SuffolK___45, 403. Suffolk to Ludlow... .81, 320, 828. Eldridge to Forsyth... .403. Elm to Broadway... .268, 436, 723. Broadway to South 5th av... .436, 517, 584. South 5tti av to Sullivan st___45, 151, 292, 403, 655. Sullivan to Hudson___345. Burling slip, from Pearl to Water___761. Canal, from Division to Eldridge... .436, 799. Eldridge to Centre .. .45, 799. Variok to Hudson... .874. Hudson to Greenwich... .548,799,802. Cannon, from Delancey to Rivington___81, 268. Rivington to Stanton... .292, 403, 548, 584, 587. Stanton to Houston.... 436. Carlisle, from Greenwich to Washington___828. Carmine___8,799. Caroline___8. Catharine... .243,475, 723. Catharine slip___8,722. Cedar... 374, 799, 828. Central Park West, from 83d to 85th....320. 723. 91st to 94th.... 183, 4('3, 436. 102d to 106th.... 120, 655, 761. lC6th tolCSth ...242. north of llOtb (see 8th av). Centre....478, 762. Chambers....8, 45, 801. Charles, east of 4th... .45, 403. 436. Chatham (see Park row)___761. Chatham sq.... 321. Charlton....45, 21.5, 475. Cherry, west of Oliver... .45, 268, 345. from Market to Rutgers... .8, 243, 403,475. Rutgers to Jefferson... .242. 584,655, 799. Clinton to Gouverneur....l83, 6?8, 732. Scammel to Jackson... .475. Jackson to Corlears___153, 817, 394, 439. indeft___45. Chestnut....215, 374. Christopher, from Greenwich av to Bleecker st ....81,345,722, 799. Greenwich st to West... .81, 551. Chrystie, ftom Division to Canal___320, 659. Hester to Rivington... .516, 584. Stanton to Houston .. 243,368. Church.... 8,665. Clendenning lane... 657, 800. C]inton,from Houston to Rivington___8, 81, 345. Rivington to Delancey... .8, 81. south of Monroe ... 183, 345, 374. Coenties slip, from Front to Souch... .81, 36S. Columbia, from Brooaie to Delancey___4.J6, 656. Delancey to Rivington.. ..45, 436, 548. Rivington to Stanton .. .45, 292, 733, 799. Stanton to Houston... .584, 622, 722. Commerce___81, 762. Congress.... 799. Cooper.. .548. Cornelia... .243, 268, 830, 584. Cortlandt... 8, 584. Crosby, from Broome to Houston.... 151, 436, 763. Delancey, from Chrystie to Forsyth.. ..130, 151, 689. Forsyth to Eldridge... .616, 584. Ludlow to Essex.... 183, 437. Essex to Norfolk.... 548. 633, 688. Norfolk to Clinton .. .374, 436,475. Attorney to Ridge.... 293, 437, 656, 722. Ridge to Pitt... .828, 831. Pitt to Willett .. .45, 437, 584. Willett to Sheriff... .81, 403, 437. Sheriff to Columbia... .45, 345. Columbia to Goerck... 345.761. Division, n s, from Bowery to Chrystie___120, 518. n s, Chrystie to Forsyth.... 659. s s. Market to Pike .. .8. n s, Eldridge to Allen... .293, 294. s s, Pike to Canal___622. n s, Essex to Norfolk... .623. n s. Norfolk to Suffolk.... 548. s s, Clinton to Montgomery___8,15^, 761. n s, Hester to Attorney___8. s s. Montgomery to Gouveroeur... .161,584, n I, Attorney to Ridge.... 316.