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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 11, no. 272: May 31, 1873

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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XL NEW YORK, SATURDAY, MAY ai, 1873. No. 272 Published Weekly by THE REAL Wm RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One year, in advance......................g6 00 AU communications should be addressed to AVniTiNH BmEUiNG, 345 .and 347 Bhoadav.w. SuBSCRiBEKs AvUl plcase bear in mind, that they should receive the Reae Estate Record promptly on Saturday morning, as every paper is sent to the Post- oflice on Friday night before 11 o'clock in order that the carriers may have it for their first delivery. The Super¬ intendent of the newspaper mail expects this, and should be notified immediately through ns of any neg¬ lect on the part of carriers. The ]\IoiiTGA6E Circular, pnblished CA'ery AVeducsda}', shoAvs exactly Avho are the parties tJiat loan monej'^ ou api)i'oved property, and hoAV much money is advanced by the various linanciîil institutions of NeAv York on certain real estate. While this is of value to laAV- yers, real estate owners, banks, and insurance companies, no merchant should be Avithout the list of Chattel Mortgages pnblished Aveek- ly in TiiE Circular. Ten dollars a year only being the subscription price, it should be on file in every Avell-regulated counting-house or office. Only a few of the back numbers are to be had at this ofiice. Number eleven is noA\' out. --------------------------1 aaw I----------------------- WELCOME, WESTCHESTER ! From ail Ave eau hear, the annexation of Westchester to Ncav York County may be regarded as an accomplished fact; even the small politicians of the suburbs A\'ho hereto¬ fore opposed it having ceased résistance to a measure that the inévitable groAvth of our city has so successfuUy urged upon the Lég¬ islature of the State. The vote, uncloubted- ly, Avili be ail but unanimous in this city as a matter of course, and also Ave now hear in the villages that abound in the as yet neigh¬ boring county. Westchester property OAvners will at once appreciate the importance of this measure, AVhich brings their property right into a market Avhere financial institutions— now bj'^ law restricted in advancing money to city property only—can then also pay atten¬ tion to the real estate of Westchester. With Vanderbilt's track completed—within a year, as the prospect how is—there certainly can be no reason f^^' implaint on the part of : v". h î who will be then en- . : ; X " the city within ten Tlic ixtùMU EîîA^ii. liiîOBp, ayMcU always has paid considérable attention to real estate in Westchester County, Avill noAV double its watchfulness in that respect, aud become a still more A'aluable organ for aU of those Avho arc so soou to become our tovx'nsmon. MUNICIPAL APPOINTMENTS. The RE.A.L Estate Record, as the organ of property OAA^ners in Ncav York and vieinity, cannot but congratulate its readers on the municipal appointments inade thus far by Mayor Havemeyer. They reprosent a fîiir îiverage of Ncav York's wealth and intelli¬ gence, and there exists good reason to hope that property OAvners and citi/.ens generally Avill have their interests dnly guarded at the hands of the ncAV appointées. So far as known, most of the gentlemen thus honored by the Jlayor are honest, and certainly mean to do well ; Avhether they will succeed in managing public affairs as carefully and intelligently as some of them have been kuoAvn to conduct their private affairs, remains as yet to be seen. There is, aside of some minor offices which many citizens would have preferred to see filled by more capable men, only a single cause of regret for those engaged and interested in the real estate business, and that is that the Tax Commissioners are not ail experts"in real estate. No one would dare to lift his A^oice against the fair famé of Mr. Wlieeler, the Président of the Commission, but it must be admitted on ail sides that those who are charged with taxing property in accordance with its valuation should, Avhen appealed to, be able to knoAV Avhat the actual value of that property is, without being compelled to take the judgment of others for so important a part of their Avork. As to the Park Commissioners, Ave would like to see men like William T. Blodgett and William R Martin dévote their time and éner¬ gies toward beautifying our city, a task which can only be successfuUy accomplished by gentlemen of culture and of extensive expé¬ rience. To Mr. Martin especially, Avho maj»^ be called the godfather of ail that part of New York known as the West side, as he indeed has christened many of its streets and avenues ; such a compliment would have been simply an acknoAvledgment honestly made of liast services freely and spiritedly rendered at a time that New York was governed by a cabal, Avhich only looked to its own and not the city's aggrandizement. With thèse few Avords we bid the new régime welcome, hoping only that the Reform era now beguu in earnest Avili not be per¬ mitted to lose force as time passes by, and that New York will, henceforth, be governed in a manner thatAvill secure uot only tiie lives, but prot(jct the property of its citizens iu ail its various forms. MECHANICS'LIENS. NE'W YORK. May. 28 Bho.sdwaa', e. h. (No. 198). AA''. II. Van Tassel &, Co. agt. John An¬ dreAV............................. 24 Dutch ST. (No. 15). .Tohx Laaa'kexce agt. James S. Smith.............. 26 ElciuTH AV., 3. Vf. COR. 12r)TU ST. James E. roole agt. A. Piaymond . OJ. ElGUTY-PIFT.-f ST., N. S. .(No. 225 E.) ) ~ ElGHTY-SIXTUST., S. S. (No. 228 E.) f Henry Niebuhr and Wm. Nicbuhr agt. EclAvard S. Innis............. 28 Saiie PKOPEETy. Tnos. J. Crombie ■agt. E. S. Inuis................... 28 East Bro.A-Davat, w. s. (No. 4à). W. P. Tyson agt. Eisher & Gustbal... 23 FoRTr-FiFTH ST., S. S. (No. 440 West) John J. Kennedy agt. Michael BischofE.......................... 27 FiFTY-SEATiXTH ST., N. S. (No. 227 East). Murray tfc Finn agt. ------ Jenkins.......................... Fortieth st., ït. e. and n. w. cor. T .i~ Prospect pl..................... " Forty-eiust st., s. e.. cok. Puos- pect pl., and G hoiises com. at s. AV. cor. Prospect pl. and ex¬ tending AV. on 4lst st. and Pros¬ pect pl. e. and av. s. extending from 40tli to 41st sts............ Joseph M. Hill agt. Calviu 0. Biî¬ lings.............................. 28 Forty-second st., s. s. (No. 350 AVest). Joseph IBeacli agt. James Dunseith......................... 29 Forty-second st. (No. 350). Joseph Beach agt. James Dunseith....... 29 S.AJVIE PROPERTY. HUGH DOLAJST AGT. same............................. 28 FORTY^-SEVENTH ST., S. E. COR. LeX- ington av., 5 houses on av. and Madison av. av. s. 2 houses 80 s. 45th st. Thomas Lyons agt. Cath¬ arine A. Birdsall aud E. S. Innis... 23 Gouverneur st., cor. Front st.., extending to AVater st. John Mc¬ Carron agt.------BroAvn........... 27 Hester st. (No. 189). H. A. Royce and AV. G. H. Randolph agt. George Vix............................... 29 Hester st., n. s. (No. 189). Brad- ley & Currier agt. George Vix___ 24 Lexington av., s. w. cor. 28Tn st. John LaAvrence agt.------.......... 27 One Hundred and Twelfth st., s. s., 100 e. 4th av., 6 houses. Pat¬ rick Slavin agt. David Coburn___ 27 One Hundred and Thirty-first st., s. s., 10 hs. commencing 90 AV. 4th av. John G. Geut agt. Tliomas Makellai-......................... 26 Park st., n. e. c!Or. Baxter st., 16 x60. John Planagan agt. Frederick Dasson........................... 39 Sixty-ninth st., n. s., 100 w. 3d av., J. <& R. DarroAV agt. B. Muldoon.. 23 Taventy-sixth st., s. s. (No. 234 West) James V. Donvan agt. John Roig............................. -Sl,300 00 432 74 797 97 100 00 711 50 126 25 65 00 70 00 919 43 1,300 00 1,300 00 212130 6,400 00 311 88 954 33 958 95 250 00 150 00 857 00 100 00 326 45 53 00 KINGS COTJNTY. 23 Garden st., w. e., 225 n. State st., 20x75. E. McC. Davis agt. FarreU Donnelly and Gillespie and Owen Byrne............................. 905 63