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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 11, no. 274: June 14, 1873

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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol, XI NEW YORK, SATUEDAY, JUNE 14, 1873. No. 274 Published 'Weekly hy m REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. TERMS. One year, iu advance......................$G 00 ■ AU communications should bc addressed to C. "W. STVEET, Whiting Butlcing, 345 and 347 Beoadavat. MECHANICS' liens! NE'W YORK. June (. Bakolat st. (No. 19) n. s.........) ° Pakk pl. (No. 24) s. .s............. j J. WicKham Isaacs agt. Elisa S. Constant......................... 7 Baxter st., n. e. cor. Park, 60x 16.11 on Park st. Matthe-w McKeon agt. Frederick Dàssari.....___... ,Q Canal st. (No. 434)..............) Vestry ST. (No. 6)...............j Alexander Lo-vv agt. David & M. Maelise.......................... 7 Eighth av. (No. 124) n. e. cor. 16th st. Jones & Co. agt. Rinehart & Mcintyre......................... 10 EiGHTY-SIXTH ST., S. S., 36.8 E. MaD- ison av. Charles Huher and Wil¬ ham A. Madden agt. Thomas and Kuth A. Stevenson............... FORTY-FIKST ST., S. Vf. COR. PROS-1 peet pL, 6'houses............... FORTY-FiRSÏ ST. (No. 338 Eàst) 1 house .......................... 6 Fortieth ST., n. -w. cor. Prospect ^Pl........•...................•• Prospect pl., e. akd w. s., Ex¬ tending from 40th to 41st st..... First av., w. s., 10 houses, ex- tendlQg from 40fch to élst st.....^ James Kose agt. Walter L. Cutting 9 Forty-seCOnd st. (No; 350 West) s. s., 150 e. 9th av. John Burns agt. James Dunseith.................. Fortieth st., N. e. and n. "w. cor. " Prospect pl..................... Prospect pl., tv. s., extending from 40th to 41st st___......... 10 Prospect pl., é. s., 5 houses, Ex¬ tending n. from n. e. cor.- 40th st.............................. Forty-first st., s. -w. cor. Prôs- péct pl., 6 houses on street.....j Bernard O'Hai-e and Ed-vvard Vogel agt. Calvin O. Bilhngs............ 10 Forty-seventh st., s. e. cor. Lex- ington av., and 12 houses on street comiûenclng'85 e. Lexington av. and 5 houses on av. extending s. JohnL. Davis and John B. John¬ son agt, A. B. Birdsall and wife and Edward S. Innis.............. 10 FiFTT-FOURTH ST., S. ^W^. COR. 4tH AV., Squier Bros. agt. Demarest & Co. (continuation to Juiie 10, 1874)___ 11 Same property (continuation to June 13, 1874). Joseph Marren agt. Nicholas L. Demarest........ 12 Fifteenth st. (Nos. 2, 4, and 6) s. e. cor. Sth av. Gambling & Barton agt. D. L. and Sarah Haight (con¬ tinuation to June 17,1874.)....... May 28 Madison- av., w. s., 80 s. 45th st., 2 houses. Thomas Lybhs agt. Catharine A. BirdsaU and Edward . S. Innis-.......................... Jrme 10 MA-nisoN AY.., YT,. s.,,.50 3..45th . st. , 3 houses. Davis' & Johnson agt. Cathaiiae'A. Birdâàll àhd" Edward 'S;-InniôV.....V...V........V;...., §608 37 85 00 271 04 1,042 38 3,000 00 2,541 10 95 00 3,690 00 6,773 05 1,200 00 180 00 4,950 00 6,400 00 4,070 38 9 One Hundred and Twentt-third st., s..s.,. 140 w. ,6th .av,, B. houses. Heney, & Walker agt. Pliny Free¬ man.............................. 646 60 11 One Hundred a3ïd Twenty-third st., s. s., 8 houses, com. 140 w. 6th av. James Rogers agt. Pliny Freeman.............................938,60 6 Se-venïeenth st. (Nos. 612 and 614 East) s. s. Jolm O'Donnell agt. O'Donnel, Henderson & Manson .. 800 00 6 Same property. Joseph Schader and A. Rothenstein agt. Hennes- sen & Melson.................... 574 10 10 Seventh AV., N. e. cor. 22d st. W. H.;Coulteragt M. H. Knopf mâcher 38 72 10 Sixth av., s. e. cor. 38th st. John Simpson agt. John L. Griffen..... 80 27 7 Twenty-ninth st. (No. 430 West) s. s. William Salmon agt. Michael Smith............................ 7,000 00 KINGS COUNTY. 6 Schermerhorn st. (No. 267.) H. W. B. Parsons agt. James Slaght, Jes¬ se S. Carman and Samuel Blisch .. 86 50 7 Penn st., n. s., 134 w. Lee av., 113.7 xlOO. Richard Beamish agt. W. J. McCord and E. G. Booth.......... 840 00 11 Same property. John Johnson agt W. J. McCord, C. A. Dockham and E. G. Booth.................. 170 00 11 Penn St., w. s., bet. Bedford and Lee avs., (6 hs.) Butler & Himt- ing agt. MéCord & Dockham, and E. G. Booth...................... 275 00 7 Fifth av., n. w. cor. Macomb st., Wm., J. R. A,, and W. H. HaU agt. Laurence Hennessey and Wm. R. Cooper, Jr........................ 320 00 5 BUTLER-ST., s. S., 200 E. SmITH ST., 25x100. Philip-SuUivan agt. Lau¬ rence Hennessey and Cath. Don¬ neUy ............................. 2,300 00 7 Ewen st., w. s., 50 n. Maujer st., 25x100. Storms & A m ann agt. Adolph Edward Moritz Voight and Carl Eisenhut.................... 243 00 7 Same Property. John Merkle agt. same parties................. 84 50 3 Madison st., s. s., 270 e. Marcy av., 60x100. Wm., T. R. A., and W. H. HaU agt. Laurence Hennessey et al................................. 600 00 7 Monroe st., s. s., 175 e. Pa.tchen av., 270x—. Wm. H. Decker agt. Matthias Holsart and C. H. & B. F. Stearns........................ 2,412 78 6 Greene av., n. s., 80 w. Evergreen av., 75x100. Warren MitcheU agt, E. M. Layton and Isaac-Morley .. '. 400 00 9 Second st., n. s., 69.2 e. Sî^ith st., 20x100. Bowen, AUard & Co. agt. Harriet McLain................... 252 52 10 Debevoise pl., w. s^ 100 s. Lafay- ette st., 25x100. White, Potter ,& Paige Mfg. Co. agt. JohnJ Norton and James McEloy................ 208 54 11 Twelfth st., n. s., 257.10 w. 5th av., 40x100. M. B. Knight & Co. agt. Cath. A. Mount.................., 140 00 5 Bergen st., s. s., 50 e. Nevins st., 25x100. John Davis agt. Henry Wàlsh and Michael Nolan........ 229 80 4 E-vtergreén av., s. s., 25.8 e. Pal- metto st., 25.3x82.5x85.10x25. Smith & WeUer agt. Peter Rohert- son................................. 241 00 5 E-VERGREEN AV., S. W. S., 25 3. B. Pahnétto st., 25x:l0(). Edwin Wadsworth agt. Peter Robertson.. 600 QO 4 Madison-ST.J s. s., ^ w. Tompkins av., a)xlOÔ.;. .Butler. &, Himtting agt. LauréhcéSimnésièy ,aud Ês- Jat9 of Thos, tf, Hennessey......, 235 00 6 Nostrand av., w. s., bet. Presi- dent and Montgomery sts„ County Penitentiary. Butler & Huntting agt. L. Hennessey, John GuUfoyle and County of Kings.............. 250 00 7 Bainbridge st. (Nos. 303, 304, 306, 308), 197 e. Patchen av. HaU, Remsen &, Hannah agt. Geo. S. Weeks and Jno. D. Taylor........ 345 02 9 Clermont av., w. s., 120.7 n. Wil- loughby av., 50x100: (Nos. 190 and 1920 Burtiss & Graff agt. North Refd. Church..................... 500 00 9 Pulaski st. n. s., 188 av. Reid av., 75x100. James HoUoran agt. Har¬ riet McLain and Benj. J. Warner.. 100 00 11 Quincey st., n. e. cor. Franklin av., 105x100. Joseph Morris and Michael Hosaye agt. Henry E.Wells 272 50 JUDG-MENTS. NETV YORK. In thèse lists of judgments the names alphabetically arranged, and which are first on each line, are those qf the judgment debtor. June 4 Amerman, Richard—George Opdyke 52,562 66 5 Abbott, WiUiam D.—Samuel Barth . 574 15 5 Annerberg, C—O. T. MarshaU...... 530 78 6 Amory, Péter B.—S. B. Amory......10,833 96 6 the same---------the same.......10,829 90 6 Albertson, WiUiam H.—Erie R. R. Co.............:.................. 377 75 6 Ahlers, Albert W.—W. J. StUl...... 92 81 6 Armstrong, Thomas—^Herman Suc- kow.............................. 171 75 7 Austin, George—W. H. Cobanks___ 1,532 34 9 Ainslie, James—-EagletonMfg. Co.. 284 90 9 Anderson, James—^I. A. Moran...... 149 06 4 Brandes, G.—W. O. Headiey........• 324 85 5 BirdsaU, Anson B.—Benjamin HaX' tun.............................. 3,208 50 5 Bennecke, Henry—People State N. Y. 4,000 00 5 Bengel, Nicholaus---------the same ... 500 00 6 Brown, Morgan W.—S. S. Mangam.. 242 50 6 Bowen, WiUiam—^Herman Stickow.. 171 75 6 Brownson, James S.—Frederick Ward............................ 243 09 6 Barnard, John T., Geo. K., and Jno. T., Jr.—G. G. HaUock............ 1,108 30 6 Bixby, Samuel M.—W. J. SteU...... 93 31 6 Burt, John M.—EU Osbom......... 1,316 50 6 Burhaus, WiUiam C—E. J. HamUton 380 88 6 Boorum, John L.—W. L. Hermance. 599 17 6 the same-------—the same........ 673 02 7 Baker, Frédéric—Benjamin Andrews 808 11 7 BushneU Cornélius S.—W. H. Cross¬ man .............................. 606 78 7 BiUingSjAhdrewW—Wm. S. O'Brien 38 98 7 Beebe, W. R.—^MercantUe Mut. Ins. Co............................... 689 76 7 BUss, H. H.—E. A. Crow........... 99 81 9 Bensel, Peter C—R. T. Auchmuty, assignée.......................... ISL 68 9 Basic}', WiUiam D.—C. H. Basley... 886 30 9 Barlow, E.—I. A. Moran............ 87 85 5 Crummey, Patrick—PhUip O'Neil, Jr. 158 21 5 Conlin, E. B.—N. T. CathoUc Pro- tectory........................... 448 58 5 CoughUn, J. M.—A. T. jTUden...... 620 08 5 Cummings, Jas. M.—G. D. Ci-ary ... 67 93 5 Cameron, WiUiàm—J. J. Richards.. 666 05 5 Coope, "David and Sinith M.—H. W. Haydock......................... 153 31 6 Cooper, G. E."—-Leopold Sîmôhs___ 43 45 7 Clarke, F. W.—J. A. WdlïE.,....... ' 101 14. 7 Clark, George P. (Impld.)—S. C. ' ' Mount..,..:......:.............. 129 50 7 Cohen,Jâeob—Kate A. Peck (Extrx.) 1,675 30 7 Coraieu; Fredk. F., Jr.—W. A. Ab¬ bott............................... 318 95 7 CbnkUrig, Théodore H.—Simon To- . , ûias............^.................. 2,931148 9 Chiism, John C.-«amuel Bwth....... 117 51