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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 12, no. 296: November 15, 1873

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE Vol. XII. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1873. No. 296 Published Weekly by m RE.\L mm mm mmmi TERM?. Oae year, ia. advance...........S8 00 All commnnlaitions should be addressed to WniTixa BuiLn[.\o, .3-15 axd 347 Bkoadwat. MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW YORK. Nov. S Eleve^jth av., k, e. cor. 34th st. Warren S, Williams, Jr., agt, Wil¬ liam L, SbardloAV ,,',............. 813-5 4.5 10 Eighth av., s, aa', coe, 'ISth st. EdAvard Purcell and Michael Bren¬ nan agt, Cornelius D. Myers...... 4,.51,5 00 10 Eighth at., n. e, co];,"oGTn st. Geo, P, Hincliey agt. Walden PeU, 142 00 11 Eleventh at,, V. av, cor, IoSth St. De Witt C. Weeks agt. Rec¬ tors, Vcsti-ymcu, 'T'>r to Nov, y, 1S74.) George and Charles Hayes agt, John Doe..... 84.5 50 B Fifty-third'ST.,"(No, (55 E,), >-, s., com. 185 c. Madison av, Warren !S. Williams agt, Charles Wolfe,., 120 00 8 Fifty-fifth st,, s, s,, 150 aa-. Mad- isou av., 2 houses." Frederick Koppler and Valentine Gauch agt. ------Lynch........................ Go 00 S Fifth aa-,, s. w. cok. Uth st., 80s 120. Luke Curaen agt. Mary Ann Chisolm, JeH'evsoii Coddington, and others....................... 2,632 65 10 Fortieth st. (ISos. 32 and '&i W,), B, 8, William Wllliard and Abra¬ ham Debevoise agt, M. Louisa . Comstock........................ 523 83 10 Forty-shied st., s. s., 150 •w. Sd av,, 2.5x100, John flasson agt. Bernard DufEy .,,,............... 60 00 10 Fifth av., e. 6., extd'g from 46th to 47th St. Conover & Wooley agL J. T. Daly....................... 3,300 00 11 Fifty-first st,, b. s,, 200 e, 8th av,, 5 houses. William and Timothy McNabb agt. J. W, Coburn...... 77.5 00 12 Forty-fifth st, (No, 234), s. s., com. 194 AV. 2d av, Hemy Steu¬ bing agt. Lorenz Weiher.......... 70 05 13 FiFTX-FlRST ST., S. S., 200 E, STH a\',, 5 houses. Middlefield Marble Co. agt. John W. Coburn........ 1,096 00 13 Fifty-fikst ST.. s. s,, SOO av. Broad- vf ay, 5 houses, Barry & Lane agt. J. W. Cobum.................... 300 00 8 Mott st. (No. 185)," \a'. s. W. S. Williams, Jr., agt. L. Weiher..... 418 28 11 Same property. John and Philip • McGuire agt. same............... 450 00 12 Samk PROf ektt. Heury Steubisq agt, same........................ 759 03 12 One Hundred and Tvtestieth st. (No. 42-5 E,), n, s., 300,6 av. Av. A. James Neiison and Jamos Fita- patrick agt. Abbey C, Bassford,,. 310 C2 11 Eenwick ST. (No. 26), E. s, Ka- bold & Tostevein agt. Thomas EdRioiids........................ 110 00 7 Seventy-ninth st,, s, s., 250 w. 3d av, Franz Mach agt, W, Gessnei', 80 00 7 Seventh av,, n. av. cor. 5"o st. (Cont'n.) Chas., John, and Thom¬ as Graham agt. Ferd. Mayer...... COO CO 7 Same property. Benjamin Gil- lespie agt. same.................. 400 00 7 Same property. Nolen & Steers agt. same........................ 4,000 00 8 Seventh st. (Nos. 279 and 281), n. 8,, com, 77 AV, At. D, Patrick Cur- ley agt. C. B. Gillespie............ 99 50 S 8ame property. Patrick Sleva'N agt. C, B, Gillespie............... 83 25 10 Sixty-eighth st., n. s., bet. 1st av, and East River, Peter Eberle agt, E, BeiTiheimer............... 5S 07 10 SaiAie property, Casper Knuttel agt, same........................ 50 44 10 Second av,^ w, s,, .50 s, 4.5Tn st,, 4 houses, Daniel Becker agt. Vo¬ gel & Essig...................... 1,000 00 10 Sixty-first st., s, s,, 100 av. Lex- ington av. (Cont'n to Nov. 14.) Cbarles, John, aud Thomas Gra¬ ham agt, John McC-Ool........... 1,625 53 12 South Fifth av. (No. 158), w. s. (Cont'n.) John H. and Issac Vv^hiteuaek agt. Louisa Wilson ... 304 S5 13 Seventh aa',. n, e, cor, 26Tn st., 100x50. John Webb agt, Maria Stoessel.......................... 160 W 13 Seventeenth st. (Nos, 337 and 339 V\'.), n, s. Benihard Schaal; agt. Gustave Schoenemahn.........'.. Z,d-iri CO S Thirteenth st. (No. 21 E.), n. s., com. "iSO e. 5th av. Hemy Speer agt. Oliver Wood................ 275 95 10 Third av., e, ?,, extd'g from 117tii to llSth St. Tate & Osborne aet, Joseph and William C, Spears.,".. 4,900 00 11 TAVRi-TY-FiFTH ST. (NO. 411 W.), N. 6. Michaal McKeuna agt. Isaac Steigervvald...................... 152 19 11 Taventy-second st. (No. 45 W.), n. s, Bradley <£ Cunier agt. ------ Parsons.......................... C5 00 12 Thirty-eighth st., n. s,, 1C5 av. 3d av. C. HoAvardagt. Ann E. Smj'th 114 04 13 Thirty-ninth st, (Nos. 312 and 314 E.), s. s. Asten & Throckmorton a£t. D. Buddensiek.............. Ui ■7'2. 13 TnniD at., n. e, cor, IOth st, (Cont'n.) H. C. HoUAvedel agt. ------HessQ....................... 2,SS9 00 K]mG§ COUNTY. Nov. 11 Moore st., k. s., 150-w. Graham av,, 4 houses, HoweU & BroAver agt, Geo, Rhodebeck aud John Andre A\'8......................... 10 Washington av., w. s,,80 s. Fcl- tou St., 25x—to Hamilton st,, x30 X—. John Yates a^t, Patrick J, McGuinness and Cath. Coyle..... 6 Stuyvesant AV. (No. 131).'e, s., 25 x77. E, Raber and F, Jacobson agt. John Grinnen, JohnFeldAvan, and EdAvard Duffy............... 5 BOCKAAVAY AT,, BROADAVAY J^D sackett St., 3 lots: H. Shute agt. John C. EdAvards and wife ...... 7 PCLASKl ST., S. S,, 225 E. LEWIS AT., 60x100. Robt. Smith agt. James HoAvard......................... 11 Same pbopeett. Haix, Kemben <» Hannali agt. Jas. P. Howard..... 8 Macon st., s, s., 95 e. Taxes at., 300x100, 15 houseii. Patrick Sul¬ livan agt. John 11. Kelso and Cur¬ tis L. North..................... 5,000 00 5 Bergen st., s. s., 105 av. Powers st,, 50x100, J. E, Holt, agt. John Mc- GaiTy............................ 150 00 10 Smith st,, at. s,, 90 n. Litingstok St., SOxlCO, Kenyou^ Ne-.vton .ry Staples...... B07 03 11 Same property, A. K, Meserole agt.'same........................ ■ 21 SS 12 Macdonodgh ST., s. s., near Leavis aT., 15 houses. Kobert PoAvers agt. Curtis L. North and Globe Ins. Co.......................... 73 00 10 16 8-10 acres and other property N. Y. and Hempstead E. K, Co., Bav Ridge, Johu A, Bouker cgt. Sandford & Wright, Walker, Fair- child & Clark, and Abrani W:ike- mau............................. 5,S00 00 JUDaMENTS. HEW TORK. 11 13 46 98 63 00 S5C0 WOO Gi«0 In these_ li^is of judgments tlie narrtA^s alphabetically arranz/ed, and whic.'i are first on each line, are those q; ihe judgment debtor. Nov. 5 Angevine, Virgil—David Torrens,., $183 44 5 Atkinson, Johu—C, D. Gildersleeve, 318 00 G Alleubraud. Henry—E. J. Moeller., 1,184 72 7 Aj-res, Oliver C—'D.irius Benham.,. 08 99 7 Ashe, Frank—David liobert........ 350 96 7 Arnold, 'William M.—Traders' De- po.sit Co......................... 2S2 40 7 Akin, Richard—DAvight Smith...... 1,007 67 8 Aitcbison, William il.—-J. S, Cunv, :i7b 5;J 10 Altenbrand, Heury—Wiilii'im Gill.'.. 417 00 iO Adams, Russel \V,—Ninth Nat, Bank 4,130 81 10 the same---------the same........ 4,920 30 10 the same---------the same........ 2,756 67 5 Bums, James L.—li. J, Armstrong. 108 47 5 Bairett, John—People State N. Y... 1,000 00 5 Bryan, Johu—R. H. Arkenburgh... 4,165 36 6 Beiknapp.Augustus, Jr.—A.G. iisw- man............................. 1>?6 87 6 Burke, Edward—J. S. Loomis...... 317 59 6 Betts, Johu H.-^ J ames Riesher..... '