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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 13, no. 307: January 31, 1874

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XIII. NEW YOKK, SATURDAY, JANUARY 31, 1874. No. 30Y Safety Hotel and Store Accidents avoided if Rope, Belt, and Engine break. No nice adjustment requiring constant attention. Price one-third less than others claiming to bo safe. Manufacturers of Pumps, Engines, Boilers, and Hoist¬ ing Machinery for every conceivable use. Contractors', Planter.^', Wreckers', Miners', Builders' Pumping and Hoisting Outfits. Address WM. D. ANDREWS & BRO., 414 Water Street, New York. Brown's Cable Carriages for Coal Yards, Mines, Quar¬ ries, &c., &c. JACOB APPELL & CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS, 211 WEST 23d STREET, Corner Eighth Aveuue, NEW YORK. ESTATES TAKEN IN CHARGE. PATEITT SAFETY" HOISTING KACHUIEBY. Otis Bros. & Co. 818 B'dway, ir.Y.a PASSENGER AND FREIGHT 353 Xji 3E! "^ .iSu T O lOL S. FOR HOTELS, OFFICE BUILDINGS, STORES, APARTMENTS AND PRIVATE HOUSES. The only Machine in use combining PERFECT SAFETY with smooth, rapid, noiseless movement, and greatest economy in fuel and maintenance. Special Adaptation for STORES, FACTORIES, FURNACES, AND MINES. BUENA VISTA FEEESTONE WORKS, JOHN M. MUELLER, Proprietor. STONE-TAKD AND BTEAM-MIIiL S. W. cor. llth Avenue and SOth St, JT. Y. BLOCK. STONE, SAWED STONE, CUT STONB. Door and Window Trimmings, Sills and Lintels, Flag¬ ging and Steps, Ashlar and Water-table, C0N3TANT- LT ON HAND AND FURNISHED AT SHORT NOTICE. Estimates given for Stone-Fronts, and Sawing for THE Trade. 1 5m sole proprietor of "Buena Vista Free-Stone Quarry," situated near Buena Vista, Scioto Co., Ohio, and, with my improved faciliticp, am prepared to deliver iu New York 100 cab loads every week. The FINEST grained, the most -durable, and the MOST BEAUTIFUL Building Stone offered to the people of New York. Free from defects, blemishes, and disinte¬ grating properties. Subjected to repeated tests, it stands a pressure of 2,000 POUNDS more to the square inch than Brown Stone of Connecticut. In a fire it is supe¬ rior to all other stone. The following buildings, amon^ others in New York city, exhibit the stone, viz.: St. Luke's Home, corner ofMadison Avenue and 89th Street, the church adjoining, twelve houses corner Madison Avenue and 64th Street, and my office front, corner Eleventk Ave. aud tiOth St. Call and examine theStone. Samples furnished free. Terms reasonable. Addres, Box No. 8, Station U, N.Y. DANIEL BIRDSALL, (Late of the firm of John Lloyd & Sons) REAL ESTATE BROKER, (Room 4.) No. J45 BRO-ADWAY, Cor. Leonard Street. GOODWIN & DREW, HOUSE nyiovEiis, Residence and Office, 108 and 110 West Twenty-fifth St., near Sixth Av., New York. R. W. FORBES, LUMBER OP EVERY DESCRIPTION . for SHIPPING or DOMESTIC USE, At Wholesale or Retail. Yard/Cor. of West 29th Street and llth Ave.. IJo-wn-To-vriJ. Oili-oei 14 8QVTW WUiJLIAM 8T:fiEET. The undersigned gives special attientiou to Real Estate as agent, takino; the general charge and super¬ vision of Honsea and Stores, collecting Rents, &c. References of the higheat order furnished for ability, experience, and integrity. The care of Estates, large or.«mall is solicited. JAMES R. EDWARDS, Real Estate Broker and Agent, 69 West 23d Street. Manufacturers & Builders' Bank, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, gSOO.OOO, 916 Third Avenue and 55th St., TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS John Davidson, Pres. C. A. Waterburt, Cashier. TRADES' SAVINGS BANK, West Twenty-tMrd St., near Eighth Av., Have declared their usual Dividend of 8BVEN (7) PER CENT., Payable JANUARY 20. The business of this Bank in¬ creased more than one-half. In safety, equal to the best institutions. MONEY DEPOSITED or DR.\WN AT ANY TIME, INTEREST PROM DATE OP DEPOSIT, thus saving accounts opened or transferred to this Bauk from loss of interest. Deposits before January 20 draw interest from Jannarjr 1. Accounts opened of any amount and drawn against by check when desired. C. B. Le baron, Pres't. I. M. Freese, Sec'y. manufactured by STEWART & CO., Works, extending through, from W. 18th to 19th St., near llth Av., New York. Office, 539 West Igth St. Down-Town Depot, 2«9 Pearl St., neab Pulton St, SPECIALTIES.—STEAM PRESSED DRAIN-PIPE, from 2 to J 8 inches in diameter, with all necessary fit¬ tings. TERRA COTTA WARE.—Garden Vases and Statua¬ ry, Rustics, Fountains, Plain and Ornamental Chimney Tops, &c., &c. SEND FOR PRICE LIST. JOSIAH N. CHRISTiViAS, STEISI STONE WOKKS WYTHE AV., COR. RUTLEDGE ST., BEOOKLYN, E. D. The undersigned having recently pat np the latest Improved machinery, including t^e first DIAMOND STONE-tSAW CUTTER e\er erected in this country, is prepared to work any kind of Freestone. Those ha\ing orders to fill can rely that our late improvements and unusual facilities will insur* the uunost a«curaoy, promptueasi.aad ttcbaoiay. '' H, & J. L. YOUNG'S Rooiprocatlng DIAMOND SAW MACHINE roR SAWIIMO STOME, AWARDED THE GREAT MEDAL OF HONOR At the 41st Annual Exhibition of the American Institute, 1872. These inachines do their work at one-quarter of the cosi of the same by hand, and at oue-third of the cost by the beet other machinery. All the Machines already furnished are giving full sat¬ isfaction to the purchasers. A list of stone yaids furnished on application where these saws are in daily use, aud where parties inter¬ ested can leam the facts. We invite the most thorough examination, as the facts are beyond credence until uie operation of the ituichiue has received a personal exam¬ ination. HUGH & JAS. L. YOUNG, Patentees, Cor. of 57th St. and Third Av., "Manufacturers' and Builders' Bank" Building. WILLIAMS & MILLER, AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BUILDIITG STOITE, Ohio stone from Amherst and Berea Quarries, GRANITE, MARBLE, &o. Office, No. 247 Broadway, NEW YOEK. Chas. P. Williams, ) Chas. D. Milleb, Jr. J MIITTOFS TILES, PLAIN AND ENCAUSTIC, For Public Buildings and Dwellings, As laid by us in The Capitol at Washington, And in numerous Churches, Banks, and Dwellings in every part of the couutrj'. Glazed and Enamelled Tiles for Mantels, Hearths, Wainscoting, &c., and for Exterior Decoration. MILLER & COATES, SyO rearl Street, jV^-w Yorlc. TATE & OSBORNE, STOnSTE CTJTTES,S- All kinds of American and Imported Marble, Graaita, Cane Stone, Brown Stone, Ohio and Dorchester, and all other Stones, cut and set to order in any part of the conntry or city. 91st Ss 92d STS., EAST EIVEE, KEW YOEK. We claim to have unusual facilities for doin^ work cheaply, accurately, and quickly, as oiu" STEAM DIA¬ MOND STONE-S.A.W CU^FTEK, the first brought into use in this city, works most successfully. Those having business in our line are respectfully invited to lujipect the quality of our work, and giye us an opportunity to make estimates. GOTHIC FURNACE FOR WARMI-NU CHLTtCHES, SCHOOLS, AND DWELLINGS. Is Powerful, Economical, and fVoo from Gas. Higliest Award Americaa Institute, 186S. ALEX. M. mSLEY, Mannfactorer, 3^ and m West 23d Street^ New York. (S«ad for book