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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 14, no. 340: September 19, 1874

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AND BUILDERS' GUIDE, Vol. XIV. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1874. No. 340 STEAM HEATIN(» FOR FACTORIES, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE BUILDINGS. Iron Pipes and Fittings for Steam, Water, and Gas. RUTZLER & IVES, No. 135 CENTRE STREET, New York. ESTIMATES FURNISHED. J. DENHAM o-wr».-To-vrn Ofiice. 14 SOVTM WIIililAM STREET. TATE & OSBORNE, STOISTE OXJTXEE,S. All kinds of American and Imported Marhle, Granite, Cane Stone, Brown Stone, Ohio and Dorchester, and all other Stones, cut and set to order in any part of the country or city. 91st & 92d STS., EAST RIVER, NEW YORE. We claim to have unusual facilities for doing work cheaply, accurately, and quickly, as our STEAM DIA¬ MOND STONE-SAW CUTTER, the flrst brought into use in this city, works most successfully. Those having business in our line are respectfidly invited to inspect the quality of our work, and give us au opportunity to make estimates. BELL BROTHERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL TmBBR DEALERS. Foot West 22d and 83d Streets (N. R.), New York. John P. Bell. Wm. E. Bell. JACOB APPELL & CO., REAL ESTATE BROKERS AND HOTJSE -A_<3-EISrTS, 277 W^EST 23d STREET, Comer Eighth Avenue, NEW YORK. Care of Estates and collection of Rents a specialty. City and Country property for sale or to let. Money to loan on bond and mortgage. A successful business record of eighteen years as reference to those in want of responsible agents. HUBERS & MADDEN, STEAM STONE WORKS, Seventy-nintli Street, EAST RIYER. BROWN, DORCHESTER, OHIO, AND RUBBED BLUE STONE. We have the latest improved Steam Mill, with three Diamond Stone Saw Cutters. Manufacturers' & Builders' BAN K, AUTHORIZED CAPITAL, $500,000, THIRD AVENUE, Cor. 57th Street. JOHN DAVIDSON, HENRY J. BURCHELL, Pres. Vice-Pres. C. A. W-'^TERBURY, Cashier. DIRECTORS: DAVID MORGAN. SAMUEL COOPER. LEANDER STWNB. JOHN SEXTON. JOHN J. BURCHELL. MICHAEL MURRAY. DAVID BABCOCK. WILLIAM BAIRD. WILLIAM A. BUTLER. G. L. SCHUYLER. N. A. WILLIAMS. NATH'L. BURCHELL. WILLIAM P. PARSONS. JOHN D. MOLL. GOODWIN & DREW, HOUSE jVIO^EHS, lOS and 110 West 25th Street. JOSIAH N. CHRISTMAS, STEAM STONE WORKS WYTHE AV.,COR. RUTLEDGE ST., BROOKLYN, E. D. The undersigned having recently put up the latest improved machinery, including the flrst DIAMOND STONE-SAW CUTTER ever erected in this country, is prepared to work any kind of Freestone, Brown, Ohio, and Dorchester Stone. Those having orders to fill can rely that our late improvements will insure the utmost promptness and economy. BUENA VISTA FREESTONE WORKS JOHN M. MUELLER, Proprietor, STONE-TAKD AND STEAM-MILL S. W. eor. nth AYemieand 60th St., N, Y. BLOCK AND SAWED STONE, , Sills, Lintels, and Water Tahles at lower rates than'at any other yard. Sawing for the trade. WYLLYS H. WARNER, HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE Steam Heating & Ventilating APPARATUS, LOW PRESSURE Steam Warming with the OPEN BOILER, which is POSITIVELY NON-EXPLOSIVE under any possible conditions, and free from the danger of Superheating the Steam, has heen a specialty Ibr thirteen years. Seud for descriptive pamphlet, with references. Over 1,000 in use in the coldest sections of the country. HUGH YOUNG, ~ AND MANUPACTUr.EK OF DIAMOND SAW MACHINES OFFICE AND STONE TABD, Toot of East 117tli Street, New York. WILLIAMS & MILLER, QUARRYMEN AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN BLTLDING STONE, OHIO STONIi Prom Amherst, Berea, Berlin, and Independence <^xj.iSL:Ei.xiLx:E:js, OfB.ce, No. 247 Broadway. Specimens at Office. Chas. P. Williams, I Chas. D. Milleb, Jr. j NEW YOKK. MIITTOIT'S TILES R. MINTON TAYLOR'S. T. ASPINWALL, 39 Murray Street. MIUTOFS TILES, PLAIN AND ENCAUSTIC, For Pnblic Buildings and DTrellings, As laid hy us in The Capitol at Washington, And in numerous Churches, Banks, and Dwellings in every part of the country. Glazed and Enamelled Tiles for Mantels, Hearths, Wainscoting, &c., and for Exterior Decoration. MILLER & COATES, 379 I»eai'l Street, Ne-vr Yorlsu C. H. BARTLETT & CO., WHOLESALE DEALEBS IN ALL KINDS 01" L TJ M: B E H, PINE BRIDGE LUMBER, BUILDERS' MATERIAL FOR RAILROAD AND CAR SHOPS, AND FOR SHIP-BUILDING. Office, 135 Broadway. THOMAS J. CROMBIE, DEALER IN LUMBER AND TIMBER OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. Also, Yellow Pine Flooring and Step Plank. Yabd—Foot of 92d Stbeet, E. R. (Box No. 163, Mechanics' and Traders'" Exchange), NEW YORK.