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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 15, no. 371: April 24, 1875

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J^ Estate Record D BUILDERS' GUIDE. YOEK, SATUKDAY, APRIL 24, 1875. No. 371 Published Weekly by THE R'-'L ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. C. W. SWEET............Pkesidbnt and Tbeasureb PRESTON I. SWEET........Secretaby. L. ISRAELS''......................Business ManaSse'e TERMS. One year, in advance...........$10 00 Communications should he addressed to l^OS. 3& AND 347 B i DAD-WAT SPEdlAiL NOTICE. Amt/rrg those recently estahlished in Pine Street as res!; -eState broker is Mr. Henry B. Hart, whose card ap- tjieara in another'fcdiumn. His father, B. S. Hart, used 'to be well knovm in real estate circles, and if the son ifollOvirs in'thetsame lootsteps success must attend him. CONVEYANCES. NE^W YORK. April 14,15, 16,17,19, 20, 21. Amity st., s. s., 25 w. Laurens st. (before widen¬ ed), 25x100. William Dickson to AgLes Jane McClelland. April 14..................S.o0,500 Broome st. (No. 24), 25x99.8. "Wolf Fernbach- er to Lnd-wig Moll. (See 43d Bt.) April 1.27,000 Beekman pl., s. e. cor. Slst st., 20.5x100. M, S. Wofford to Maria R; Agnew. April 21. .gifts Chaelton St., n. 8., 138.9 w. Macdougal st., 33.11x100. Henry Hughes to Joseph Mul¬ ler. April 12........................... .21.000 Canjil St., n. 6., 54 w. Orchard st.,"^9.1x75. Walter L, Livingston (Recvr. of J. and W. Geery) to Isaac J. Geery and Heni'y Bride Scholes (Exrs. of Isaac Geery).' April 27, 1874.....................................13,570 East Broadwat, s. w. cor. Clinton st., 24x87.6. iElizaheth M. Crosby (Trustee) to Thomas Sheils. Aprils...........V..............9,500 iEAST Broadway, s. s., 24 w. Clinton st., 24x 87.6. John P. Crosby to John Sheils. . April 8........................................8,500 51a8T Broadway, n. 8., 164 w. Market St., 25x 68.6x25x63.5, h. & 1. Delia Farrugia to Rich¬ ard M. Nichols. April 14..,,............■,12,.500 Eldridge st. (No. 17^)4'), w. s., 124..5' ^'J Canal St., 16.8x100. Thomas Smyth, College Point, L. L,to Wilhelmina Fincke. (Q.C.) Nov. 5,1874...................................nom. Eldridge st., w. s., 125 s. Canal st., 16.8x100, h. & 1. Wilhelmina wife of Robert Fincke, College Point, L. I., to Adam Wagner and Charles PfeifE, April 12....-..,,.........11,000 Elizabeth st,, w. s., 100 n. Canal si, 75x94.. » Mott st., e. s:, abt; 100,n. Canal st., 75x94... f Elias Kahn to Terence Farley. April 15.210,000 Henry-St.,-s. s., 191.3 e. Steaminel st., 24x100. Sigismund Windt to Williani W. Cook. April 14:..................;-.......v...........24,000 Maiden lane (No. 164), 23.5x36.8x23:8x36.4 (in- 'cludes alleyway adj.) Stephen C. Williams '/Trustee) to George P. Wetmore, Newport, kL Feb.l............................15,000 Macdougal st. (No. 179), w. s., 25 s. Clinton pl., 25x102.4 (except strip off n. s., 64.5 w. Macdougal st., 5.8x39.5). ; Mina Simon to Kaufman Simon and Judson G.Worth. April 15.........................'..............19,000 Perry st., n. s., 78.4 w. Waverley pl., 21.8x95, also strip adj. on east 74 n. Perry ist., 3.4x20. Margaret A. Hoppock, Charles Boice, and Francis A. Esty (Exr. of Larrison Hoppock) to Arnold J. D. Wedemeyer. April 15...10,750 Prince st., n. w. eor. Mulberry st., 25x80x23.3x 80. William J. Davison to' Martin Tracy. Nov. 25,1874.............::.,:v..........7,000 Same property. Martin Tracy to Catharine Mc¬ Cabe. Nov. 27...........................7,000 Rivington st., n. s., 102 w. Chrystie st., 19x83. Chas. Finnow to August F. T. Wannack. April 14.................................14,000 Rivington St., n. s., 102 w. Chrystie st., 19x^. August F. T. Wanuach to Josephine Pinnow. April 15.................................13,500 Sullivan st., w. s., 260 n. Bleecker st., 40x1 100....................................... Houston st. (No. 90 W.), n. s., 43.9 w. Lau- | reus St., 18.9x98............................ ' Thompson st., w. s., 268.2 n. Prince st., 24.8x 100....................................... Chrystie st. (No. 50), e. s., 25x100........... Jacob L. Krooks to Alexander Blumenstiel. April 20..................................nom. Same propeity. Alexander Blumenstiel to Ra¬ chel wife of Jacob L. Krooks. April 20. .nom. Vestry st., s. s., 95.2 e. Hudson st., 20.1x40. Mary M. wife of Nathaniel R. Moseley to John A. Hadden. April 20 .............12,000 Washington square. East, late Wooster st., n. e. cor. 4th st., 56.5x100, hs. & Is. Abram S. Hewitt to Julian McAllister, of Benecia, Cal., and Harriott Armstrong, San Francisco, Cal. (C. a. G.) April 15.......................nom. West Washington pl (No. 39), s. s., 143 w. Oth av., 21x70, also lot on rear 143 w. 6th av., 3x 5. Elizabeth A. wife of Stephen Bateman to Henry M., William G. and Charles P. Bate¬ man. (>^ part.) June 3, 1874............2,000 Water st. (No. 212), 30.9x88x29x90.7. Jas. A. Roosevelt (individually and as Exr.) to James J. Roosevelt. CA part.) Oct. 5, 1871.... 22,.500 West st., n. w. cor. Harrison st. (continued west), runs north 75.4 x west 26.9 to bulkhead line X south 75.4 to extension north side Har¬ rison St., X east 28.6. Edgar F. Brown, Henry V. Mead, and James R. Edwards (Commis¬ sioners Partition) and Peter De Forest and Walter Underhill (Individ., &c.), Charles H. De Forest, and Mary A. Low and Margt. Ann Lloyd (Guard.) and John Briant (Guard.) to George N. Welsh. April 10.............. 16,500 West st., n. e. cor. North Moore st., 50x85. Edgar F. Brown, Henry V. Mead, and James R. Edwards (Commissioners in partition), et al. to Thomas Patter. ' April 10..........10,250 i 3d St., u. s., 143 e. Av. B, 23x96.2. John J. Rung and Juliauno B. Bossing to Ferdinand Stern. April 13........................12,000 Same property. Ferdiuand Stern to Joseph F. Bossing..................................12,000 5th St., s. s., 80 w. 2d av., 20x80.8x20x80.7. Richd. F. Purdy to Theo. M. Koupal.....14,500 5th St., n. s., 318 e. Av. C, 25x97. Thomas W. Bartholomew (Exr. of Truman Bartholomew) to Henry Spies. April 20.................8,500 9th St., n. s., 300 e. 1st av., 16.8x85, h. & 1. Mary L. Ran eke to Joseph Lew. (Q. C.) April 13....................................250 9th St., n. s., 300 e. lst av., 16.8x85, h. &1. Jo¬ seph Lew to Emil Forster. AprU 12------10,000 10th fit., n.'s., 80e. Av, D-, 20x94.9. (Foreclos.) Edward Hartnagle to George Ehret. March 22..................,.,....,...,..,.......10,000 Same property. Mary A. vrife of Thomas Don¬ ohue to George;Ehret. (Q. C.) April 13.. nora. Same property. Margaret McMahon (widow), . Margaret R. wife of Frank Crawford, and JohnSchuffi to George Ehret. (Q! C.) April 13........................................nom. IOth st., s. s., 193.4 e. 3d av., 18x.50.6xl9.2x57.5, h. & 1. William H. HaUock, Brooklyn, to E. Ellery Anderson and Frederick H. Man. March 21, 18-74 ..■,...... :.'............". .20,000 IOth St., n. s., 387 w. 2d av., 21x94.8. Amelia F. wife of Jchn H. Johnston to David Ter¬ hune. April 9..........................20,500 Same property. David Terhune to John H. Johnston. AprU 10....................20,500 IOth st., s. s., 193.4 e. 3d av., 18x50.6x19.2x57.5, h. & 1. E. Ellery Anderson and Frederick H. Man to Julia M. Hallock, Brooklyn. April 12.......................................nom. 12th St., n. e. cor.,25.6x80x16.6x80.6. Francis C. Bennett to Dennis O'Donoghue. (K part). April 6.......................nom. Same property. Dennis CBonoghue to Annie Theodora Bennett. April 6...............nom. :;;§[ 13th St., 8. 6., 100 w. Av. A, 24.3x103.3. Ber¬ nard O'Rorke to James F. Naghten. (Q. C.) April 17...............................-. .nom^ Same property. James Nicholson to James F. Naghten. April 17......................10,.500 14th St. (No. 208 W.), s. s., 175 w. Tth av., 25x 100, h. & 1. William B. Ogden to Charies J. Canda. (C. a. G.) Feb.l...............20,000 14th St., s. s., 175 w. 7th av., 25x100, h. <& 1. Eliz. T. Porter Beach, Francis L. Allen, WU¬ liam V. Porter, and James E. Porter (heirs Eliza V. Porter) to Charles J. Canda. (Q. C.) Feb. 1...................................nom. 14th St. (No. 141 W.), n. s., 250 e. 7th av., 25 X106.6.............................. 15th St., B. 6., 254 e. 7th av., 21.5x100.. George G. Wilmerding, George D. H. Gilles¬ pie, and John McKesson (Exrs. of William E. Wilmerding) to Charles W. Lawrence. April 8 .......................................36,400 15th St., s. s., 155.6 e. Irving pl., 74.6x84. Ed¬ ward J. Woolsey to Mich. Murray. April 19......................................74,.591 16th St., n. 6., 109 w. Av. A. John J. Purcell to Mary A. wife of John Hayes, Brooklyn, L. I., and Theodore G. Thomas, New York. (Q. C.) March 16...........................nom. Same property. John Chester, Great Neck, L. 1., to same parties. (Q. C.) March 30... .nom. 16th St., s. s., 163 w. Av. C, 25x103.3 Av. C, w. s., 45.9 n. 15th st., 46x88... 15th St., n. 8., SS w. Av. C, 200x103.3 Henry Maurer to Adam Weber. (}^ part.) AprU 15................................75,000 16th St., n. e. s., 175 n. -w. of n. w. line P. G. Stuyvesant land, 28x92, h. & 1. Catharine A. E. Case to William J. Donald............17,800 20th St., s. s., 100 w. 9th av., 2.5x91.11. Anna J. wife of Timothy Coffin to Thomas Cotter- eU. Feb.27............................14,000 21ST St., n. s., 183.4 e. Sth av., 16.8x98.9. John Fettretch to Elisha W. Vanderhoof. April 20.......................................13,600 22d St., n. s., 200 w. Oth av., 16.8x98.9. Salvador P. Giller, New York, and Henry W. Giller, Brooklyn (heirs of Eliz. P. Giller), to Victoria M. wife of Ason S. Palmer. Jan. 30____16,000 22d st.j n.,s., 225 e. Sth av., 18.9x98.9. Robert Martin and Edward T. Christianson to Marj' wife of Herman Sehnepel. AprU 20......15,000 ■34th St. (No. 24 E.), s. s., 80 w. 4th av., 20x49.4. (Partition.) Joseph S. Bosworth (Ref.) to Elizabeth R. CogsweU. April 13........10,625 34th St., n. s.. 18.5.8 w. 7th av., 21.5x98.9, h. & 1. Beekman Van Zandt, Waterford, Mich., to Frances A. wife of Franklin Millard. April 34,1868...................................8,000 25th St., n. s., 160 w. 6th av., 20x98.9. WUliam H. Miller to Marie A. O'Brien. (Morts. 610,- 500.) April 15...........................exch. 35th St., s. 8., 154.8 e. 7th av., 18.4x98.9, h. 1 &1.......................................\ Ridge st., e. s., 20 s. Rivington st., 20x.50___j George Ebbinghausen, Henry Ebbinghausen, and Wilhelmine wife of Charles Buickerood, et al. to Louise Ebbinghausen. (Morts. S9,- 340.) April 10............................nom 26th st.,.s. s., 174.10 e. 1st av., 0.1x98.9. Sam¬ uel S. Bent. Rye, N. Y., to Margretta De Ley¬ er wife of Anthony De Leyer. (C. a. G.) April 20....................................150 26th St., s. s., 175 e. 1st av., 70x98.9. Samuel S. Bent, Rye, N. Y., to Charles A. Budd, John C. Draper, Alfred L. Loomis, WiUiam Dar¬ ling', William H. Thomson, John W. S. Ar¬ nold, .lohn T. Darby, and Charles Inslee Par¬ dee, New York. AprU19................24,000 29th St., 8. s., 90 e. 3d av., 46.8x98.9. (Fore¬ clos.) Roderick F. Farrell to Simon Leser¬ man. (Morts. $12,000, and interest Septem¬ ber.) AprU 15...........................8,000 30th St., s. s., 150 w. 5th av., 100x98.9. Cath. H. Anthony (widow), Kate L. Heiser wife of H. A. Heiser, Rosalie D. Wolf wife of Wm. Post, and Louisa H. Anthony (children of C. L. Anthony) to Alfred B. DarUng and Chas. W. Griswold. (Q. C.) April 10..........nom.