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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 15, no. 378: June 12, 1875

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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XY. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 12, 1875. No. 378 Published Weekly by m REAL ESTm RECORD ASSOCIMON. C. W. SWEET............President and Treasurer PRESTON I. SWEET....,,,,Secretary. L. ISRAELS......................Business Manager TERMS. One year, in advance...........SIO 00 CGmmunications should be addressed to . C. T*^. S^WEET, Nos. 34^ AND 347 BitOADAVAY CONVEYANCES. Wherever the letters Q, C, and.C, a, G, occun-preced¬ ed by the name of the grantee, they mean as follows: 1st—Q, C, is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. e., a deed ih which all the right, title, and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or AA-arranty. 2d—C. a. G. mean a deed containinji Covenant against Grantor only, in which- he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may he im¬ peached, charged, or incumbered, NEW YORK. Ju7ie 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8. BOAfVERT (No. 653^)..........................I Bowerv (No. .6.5)...........................f Bernard Breder to George Ruekert. (Lease¬ hold) ..................................$35,000 Boavery, av. s., abt. 25 s. Prince st., 25x100.. Prince st. (No. 8), s. s., 101 vr. BoAvery, 25.3 x95x25x95............................... R-asalie Heiser (widow) to William F. Hib¬ bard, Bayport, L. I., and Cornelia G. Hays (widow). June 1..., v...................23,000 Boulevard, e. s., 75 s. 102d st., 38.lxl00x43.4x 100. John S. Vredenburg to George A. Hearn. June,000 Broadway, e. s., 359.9 s. 1.50th st., runs north along east side Broadway to its intersection with east side Oth av., x northerly along east side 9th av., 74.11 to point 259.10 south 150th St., X east,200 x south 99.11 x west 193 to he- ginning. Mary A. Gregory to Margaret Hor¬ gan and Annie T. Curnen. (3>^part.) June 7 . '5 833 College pl.',' w. s.*,"i4.'l0 n. Park'pi.,'2!5xl30'."3.') Park pl., n. s., 130.3 av. College pl., 16x47.1.. V (AnL.) (Lease 21 years.) - ) Columbia College to Matilda McLanahan, * NeAV Hamburgh, N. Y., and Ellen Vanderpoel. Per year..................................1,500 Canal st., s. av. s. (Leasehold). James G. Lynd to Jane A. Pai-ks. Ap. 27.exch. and nom. Same property. Jane A. Parks to Gains W. Hubbard, Jr. May 25....................nom. Cedar st. (No. 141), n. s., 40.4 e. Washington St., 29.6x54. Frank Rudd to the Mutual Life Ins. Co., New York, June 1.. -.......... -5,000 Elizabeth st., av. s., 48 s. Hester St., 26x54, h. & 1. George Ruekert to Bemard Breder. June 2..................................20,000 Henry st., s. s., 191.3 e. Scammel st., 24x>^ block, h. & 1. Edward V. Loew to William - W. Cook. (Q. C.) June X...............nom. Same property. Wm. Wi Cook to John Brum¬ mer, Jersey City. June 1............'-----24,000 Houston st., n. s., 100 e. 2d av., 25x82. Fran¬ ciska Krapf to Catharine Hurhm. (All title.) May 15.......•,-,••• • ■ •....................riom. Kingsbridge road, s. w. s., cor. Jefferson av., ] 205x125.6x170x189......---------.............! Ri-VEB av., e. s., 400 n. James St., 100x125. [ (Foreclos.)................................J Stephen J. Bidlack to Richard E. Mount (Guard, of Cora and Myra Moflat). May 19.. ...............................'. .........3,040 Leonard st. (No. 17), n. s., 2.5x91. Knicker¬ bocker lee Co. to Horace K. Thurber. June 1........................................20,000 Livingston pl., easterly cor. 15th st., 27.6x97, h.&l. George A^ Brandreth, Sing Sing, N. Y., to the Eclectic Medical College, New York. June 8...........................23,500 Same property. John Hoey to George A. Bran¬ dreth, Sing Sing, N. Y. June 8..........23,250 Maiden lane, n. s., 101.6 e. Front st., runs north 49 to south side Fletcher st. at point 100.11 e. Front st., x east 20 x south 48.6 to north side Maiden lane, x west 19.9. Calvin Durand to William C. Durand. April 29.13,400 Mangin st., vr. s., 75 s. Rivington st,, 125x98,11. Mitchell Hart to Ferdinand A. Boker. College Point, L. L Junel................'.....50.000 Monroe st. (Nos. 57, 59, and. 61), 51xl00x.50x 100. Henry Correja to Herman Schroeder. (C. a. G.) June 1........................nom. Norfolk st., w. s., 51.8 u. Delancey st., 19x 26.6, h. <& 1. Henrv Steinert to Adam Powell. May 25............'......................17,000 Orchard st., e. s., 127.6 n. Stanton st., 25.6x 87,9. Mina Avife of William F. Essig to Bertha wife of Gustav F. FanpeL June 2......22,500 Pitt st, (No. 57), w. s., 168.8 n. Delancey st., 18.7x63, h. & I. , Emanuel Weisburger to Da¬ vid Weisburger. May 31................8,000 Pearl st. (No. 552), 24.9x100. (Foreclos.) Geo.W. Wingate (Ref.) to Frederick E. Gib¬ ert. June 7............................10,000 Prince st., s. s., 25 w. Crosby st., 25.3xl()9x25x 110.6. Lemuel B. Clark to Jeremiah BrovA'u. (Q-C.) (3^ part.) May 8...................550 Washington sq. (No. 20), n. s., bet. 5th av. and Macdougal st. (Leasehold.) James L. Graham to Elizabeth McCall. (Assigned to secure to Grantee the payment of debts of ........................................31,990 West st., n. e.cor. Bank st., runs north 152.1 x east 206.2 x south 117.8 to Bank St., x west 211.6, hs. & Is., and machinery. Ambrose C., George L., and Ambrose C. Kingsland, Jr. to William J. and Matthew Byrnes, Jr. (See 62dst.) May29........................150,000 2d St., s. s.,.252.5 w. Av. B, 21x105.5, h. & I. John Hubschmann to Adam Schussler. May 29.......................................17,800 8th St., s. s., 125 AV. 1st av., 25x89.6. Frederick Heerlein to Johannetta Avife of Aron May. May 28..................................22,000 Sth St., s. s., 235 w. 5th av., 24.6x100. William E. Chisolm and Jefferson Coddington (Trus¬ tees) and Marv A. Chisolm to Alexander R. Walsh. (21 years.) Mayl. 1872. Per vear. 500 12th St., n. s., 6-2,6 e. Av. C, 23.10x103.3, h. & I. Adam Vetter Pauline wife of John Ihl (by Philip Ihl, Committee) to John May, Brook¬ lyn. May27.........'......................200 15th St., s. s., 375 e. 7th av., 25x103.3. Charles E, CorneU to Philip. Woodhouse. Nov. 30, 1850......................................2,400 16th St. (No. 421 W.), n. s., 250.2 w. 9t.h av., 25x92..................................... 16th St.' ('n"o.'425 'w.')[ 'n.' s.",' "so'o.i'Av'. '9th a'v.", ■ 24.11x92..................................J Richard Jacot to Augustine W. Daby. {)4 part.) March 15..............Consid. omitted. 16th St., s. s., 216.10 w. Union pl., 37.6xl81.3x 38.6x172.6. Henry Rosenblatt to Gottlieb Ro¬ senblatt. (All title.) (C. a. G.) March 26.......................................nom. 16th St., n. s., 141.10 e. 5th av., 25x92, h. & L Clinton Graham (Exr.) to Mary A. wife of Daniel R. Lyddy. June 1................46,000 18th St., 8. s., 435 w. 5th av., 25x92. Harriet E. . Avife of James S. Brownson to Alfred VV. Cra¬ ven. May 12............................12,000 28th St., s. s., 320 e. 2d av., 20x98.9. Adam Schussler to John Hubschmann. May 29.13,000 30th St., n. s., 128 w. Madison av., 42x abt. 30.1, h. & 1. Julius Nichols to Daniel Harnett. Junel....................................9,000 30th St., n. s., 100 e. 8th av,, 50x98,9, h. & 1. Daniel Hogeneamp to Sophie wife of Charles A. Buddensiek. June 1................24,000 30th St., s. s., 275 e. 8th av., 25x98.9. Otto Breves to John A. Bernholz. June 1___15,000 33d St., n. s., 250 e. 4th av., runs north 180 x") east 75 x south 181.6 to 32d St., x west 75.. [ Lexington av., w. s., 74.1 s. 33d st., 74x100.. j 32d St., n. s.,48.8 w. Lexington av., 51.4x49..5, J hs.. &■ Is. Jesse A. and John F. Marshall and William H. Wilkins to Ncav York & Har¬ lem E. R* Co, Junel.......;...........90,000 33d St., n. 8., 277,4 e. BroadAvay, 21.1x98.9. Sarauel C. Reed to Augustus Schell. June 1......................................,,31,250 35Tn St., s. s,, 126.2 w. Lexington av., 23.10x 98,9x'i2.7x98.9, h. & 1. Henry M. Benedict, Brooklyn, to Marie L. G. wife of William W. Thompson. June 4.....................23,500 35th St., s. s. 2.50 w. 10th av., 2.5x98.9........[ 56Tn St., n. s., 200 av. Oth av., 50x100.5........\ Margaret Horgan to Annie T. Curnen. {}4 part.) June 7...........................14,.50O Same propertj\ Mary A. Gregory to Annie T. Curnen. (^ part.) June 7..............14,.50O 38th St., s. s., 160 AV. 2d av., 20x72.6. (Fore¬ clos.) John S. LaAvrence (Ref.) to Charles Viney, Birmingham, Conn. (Morts. S7,000, int; Oct., 1874.) June 2...........;.......500 oSthsL, s. s., 160 w. 2d av., 20x73.6. Charles Viney, Birmingham, Conn., to Caroline W. Wallace. June 4........................10,0CO 40th St., n. s., 85.2 e. Eastern Post road, 2.5x 111.2x27.7x122.10. Henry Gallier, Jr., to Charlotte M. Gallier. June 2.............nom. Same property. Henry Gallier to Henry Gal¬ lier, Jr. June 2..........................nom. 4lsT St., s. s., 320 w. 7th av., 59.6x98.9. h. & 1. Alfred Erbe (Ref.) to Gilbert E, Dorland, (Foreclos.) June 3......................13,0C0 41ST St., U.S., 2.50 w. 9th av., 50x98.9, Philipp H, Benk, Brooklyn, to George L. Balheimer. (3^ part.) June 1........................2.5,0CO 42d St., s. s,. 269,9 w, 4th av., runs southAvest .50.8 X southeast 23.5 xnorth .54.6x14.9. Al¬ exander H. Wallis (Ref.) to EdAvard Liver¬ more. (Foreclos.) June 4..............12,.500 45th St., s. s., 450 w. 6th av., 16.8x100.4. Cath¬ arine Donigan to Emily and Ellen Donigan. (% parts.) May 31.......................nom. 45th St., n. s., 377.6 e. 10th av., 22,6x100.4. Miles A. Stafford to John M. Canda and John H. SAvartwout. June 2............23,-500 45th St., 6. 6,, 425 AV. 9th av., 25x100.4. Theo¬ dore Martine to Susan, John D., and Susan M, Morgan. (Q.C) March 1............5,200 47th St., 6. s,, 137.6 e. 7th av., 18.9x100,4, h. & I. William Halley to Henry Hoyt, (C. a. G.) (Sub. to all incumbrances.) April 21....................................... nom. Same property. Henry Hoyt to Annie M, wife of William Halley. (Sub. to all incumbran¬ ces.) April 22............................nom. 49th St., s. s., 125 e. 7th av., 2.5x98.9x25.3x95.6, h. & 1. Angeline Ward to Catharine wife of Eobert Allison, Southfieid, S. I. May 29.16,000 52d St., s. s., 300 w. Oth av., 100x100,5. Freder¬ ick H. Cossitt to Mary C. Avife of George E. Dodge. Junc4........................25,000 52d St., s. s., 300 AV. .5th av,, 25x100,4, h, & 1. Lewis J. Phillips to Thomas O'Brien, Brook¬ lyn. June 3........................___65,000 53d St., n. s.,105 e. Madison av., 20xl00,.5, h, &, I. William H. Leonard to Theresa Avife of Jacob H. Schiff. June 5................36,000 53d St., n. s., 70 e. 2d av., 15.4x100.5, James Wiley (Ref.) to Janette wife of Siegismund Schneittacher. (Foreclos.) June 4.......7,900 54th St., s. e. cor. 4th av., 2'2.6x78.5, h. & I, George ^G. Gregory to Babetta wife of Ru¬ dolph Doherr. Mav 29..................28,000 54th St. (No. 104), 8. s., 45 e. 4th av,, 22.6x78.5. George G. Gregory to Charles' L. Wright. May '29..................................23,000 54th St., n. s., 64 e. 2d av., 36x120. Simon Schwartz to Abraham and Solomon Simm.13,000 55th St., s. 8., 425 w. 8th av., 20x100.5. (Lease¬ hold.) Denis Horgan (Admr.) to Anna F. Curnen...................................8,000 57th St., n.s., 180 e. 4th av., 10xl00..5. Ralph Schoommaker to Brian McKenny. June 1.5,200 57th St., s. s., 45 AV. Lexington av!, 22.0x25.5, h. & 1. John D. Phyfe to Nancy C. wife of J. W. Weston. JuneS....................15,000 .57th St., n. 8., 207 w. 5th av., 30.6x100.5. Chris¬ topher Mever, New Brunswick, N. J., to Wm. Henry Gunther. May 31...............100,000 58th St., s. s., 220 e. 5th av., 20x100.5. Christo¬ pher B. Keogh, Hackensack, N. J., to Agnes H.Smith. May »7;;..................f.35,000