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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 16, no. 381: July 3, 1875

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TO NEW Yom PUBUC LIBRARY .148348A AST^R, LTENOX. AMD TILDEN FOUN DAI IONS R 1924 . L /^ Real EsTate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XVI. NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 3, 1875. No. 381 \.f Published Weekly by THE REAL ESTATE RECORD ASSOCIATION. C. W. SWEET...............Pkesident and Tbeasubeb PRESTON I. SWEET...........Secretaby. Ii. ISEAELS.........................Business Manager TERMS. ONE YEAK, in advance,...$10 00. Communications should be addressed to Nos. SiS AND 347 Broadway. "c^ONVEYANCEBr ■Wherever the letters Q. C. and 0. a. G. occur, preced¬ ed by the Jiame ol the grantee, they mean as follows: 1st—Q. C. is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed, i. «., a dee'd in-which all the right, title, and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or warrjinty. 2d—C. a. (i. mean a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in ■which he covenants Ihat he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be im¬ peached, charged, or incumbered. NEW YORK. .7w?ze24, 25, 26, 28,29. Bayakd St.. n. s., 70.6 e. Mott St., 22.10x100. TUomas thorn (Trustee of Amelia T. Cornell) to Amelia T. ^ife WllUam E. ComeU. June 19......................................... .nom Bebkman pi., w. s., 57 s. 50tli St.. about 19x90, h. &1. John A. Foley (Ref.) to Charles H. Jones, Cold Spring Harbor, L. I. (Foreclos.) June 29........................................11,100 BiiEECKER St., No. 302, w. s., 55.11 n. Ban'ow St., 19.9x80.10, li. & 1. Abraliam Xatzensteln to ■ Ludwlg Levy. (3^ part.) May 1.........10,250 Broadwat, No. 373, w. s., 24.4x150 to alley. Joseph A. Shelburgb, Kcyport, N. J., to Har¬ riet A. Hill. (% part.).....................9,400 Broadway, n. e. cor. 48tli st:, runs n. 115.10 X e. to 7th av. 161.10 x s. 112.6 x w. 134. (Leasehold.) Gustavus A. Sacchl to Edward W. Barnes. Perth Amboy...................5,000 Broadway, s. w. cor. 57th st., rims s. 30.7 x w. 7.9 X n. w. 151 to point 9.3 s. of 57th st. x again n. w. 37 to 57th st. x w. 182 to be^nnlng. Thomas E. McMann to Reuben H. CudUpp. Jime 25...................................75,000 Franklin St., No. 88, 25x100. (Partition.) John W. C. Leverldge (Ref.) to James O'Donohue. June 24..................r................20,250 Benry St., n. s., 200 e. Catharine St., 23.9 x abt. the same. James R. TlUey and Marie Louise wife ol David Louderback to AVUUam Moore. (Q. C.) Dec. 1, 1874......................nom Jackson St., n. e. cor. Front st., 26x75. (For- clos.) Klchard Beamish (Del.) to John Haden and WUliam Wlnans. June 23. (Morts. $16,000 and Int. from Dec, 1874).....................250 Monroe St. (No. 19,) 25x100. (Partition.) WU- Uam Sinclair (Ret.) to Catharine Ann Schu- . chardt. June 21____.................... .7,300 Monroe st. (No. 50), 26x110.4x25x102.8 (Par¬ tition.) WUliam Sinclair (Kef.) to Andrew Mar¬ tin. June 21........... ................;.. .8,375 Oak St. (Nos. 30 and 32), n. s., 99.7 w. James st., 30.8x139.6x27.6x139.6. Isldor Falk lo Isidor Perl, Brooklyn. June 25.................30,000 Post av., s. w. cor. Hawthorne St., 200x100..' . | Hawthorne st., s. s., 100 w. Post av., 50x150.. f Ezekiel and Leopold and Michael Waltzfel- der to Abraham Backer. June 23..........4,000 Prospect place, w. s., 50.5 s. 43dst., 16.8x54, h. & 1. (Foreclos.) Ambrose Monell (Ref.) to Wal¬ ler L; CuttlngB (xr.) June 23.............6,500 Ridge st.. No. 112, e. s., 125 n. Stanton st., 25x 100^ h. & 1. Domlnlcus Schupp, to E.lse, wife Peter Mechle'r; Union HUl, N. J. June~24 .25,000 Stanton St., n.-s;, 50 e. Pitt st., 25x100. Jacob Wolf to Agries Wolf. June 22.......-......10,000 , Tompkins St., w. s,, 175 s." Houston "st., 25x100. Isaac N. Waterbui-y to Lawrence Waterbury, Throgg's Neck, June 22..................10,000 Northerly cor. Water and Beekman St., 25x33.4 x25.1x33.4. Charlotte M. Townsend (widow), Caroline B. and James R. Townsend, and Isa- beUa, wife of Lomax Llttlejohn, Flushing, L. I., to Frederick R. TowTisend, N. Y., to the Barstow Stove Co., Providence, R. I. June 24........................................20,000 2d St., n. s., abt. 225 w. Av. C, 24.3x105.10. WU¬ liam J. Dougherty to James Mahon. (% part.) June 23.........'......................"......422 8th St., n. S., 308 e. Av. C, 24.10x93.11, h. & 1. Frederick W. Hahn to Benjamin F. Hahn. June 24..................................18,500 8th St., n. s. 108.11 West University place, 25x 93.11. RosweU D. Hatch to Emile BenevlUe. June 23.....................................nom Same properly. Emile BenevlUe to Sarah C. Hatch. (C.a.G.) June 23.................nom llTH St., n. s., 196.9 w. 1st av., 28.8x140.5 to centre old Stuyvesaut av., x—x91.2x22.9x57.8. Jane T. DUlon and Louisa A. O'Donohue (Exrs.) and. Joseph Pdlcy (Exr. of James Murphy), to Henry Hugo.' June 21.......11,500 12th St., n. s., 180 w. 7th av., 20x103.3. Lease 21 years, per year..................28,700 William E. Chishrlm and Jefferson Coddliig- ton (Trustees) to Charlotte T. B. Bushe. 15th St., n. s., 288 w. Av. C, 50x103.3. John A. Colton to Horatio A.-Allen, ol Fulton. Oswego Co. June 23....................21,000 16th St., n. s., 95.6 w. Av. B, 19x92, h. &1... ) 16th St., n. s., 114.6W. Av. B, 18.6x92, h. &1. i Malvlna, wife of Albrecht Kllx, to John W. Staebener. Sept. 5,1874................ .21,000 Same property. John W. Staebener to Catha¬ rine wife of Fred Repper. June 4........exch. 26th St., n. s., 400 w. 6th av., 25x98.9, li. & 1. Nicholas Lynch, Brooklyn, to Edward Frey- stadt. (Morts. $16,300) June 26...........3,250 28th St., s. s., 76.6 w. 7ih av., 20.4x61.4x19.7x60.4, h. & 1. Mary, wife of Solomon Bandman to Julius Bandman. June 2.................12,500 37th St., n. s., 325.4 e. 9thav., 0.4x98.9. Michael Donahue to PhiUp A. Held. (Q. C.) May 14.nom 39th St., s. s., 195 w. Lexington av., 20x98.9, h. & 1. Minnie E. Sutherland to Emily Van Tine. May 24....................................16,500 39th St., n. s., 250 e. 10th av., 25x98.9. Joseph D. Malone to Domlnlck Malone. Esb. 26. .13,000 40th St., n. s., 180 e. 10th av., 20x98.9, h. & 1. Mary A, wife of Hugh Smallen to Henry Wil¬ son. June 29.............................13,500 42d St., n. s., 260 w.9th av., 40x100.4. (Foreclos.) Samuel Jones (Ref.) to Lawrence J. CaUanan. June 7......;..................;.......... .12,600 46th St., s. s.f 230 e. 6th av., 20x100.5., h. & 1. H. Virginia wife of Charles F. Deshler, Hights- lovvn, N. J., to John W. Weed. June 22... .27,000 47th St., n. s., 735 w. 5th av., 22x100.5. Lease 21 years, from July 22, 1865, per year .... .:. .308 Columbia College to WllUam Westervelt. 50th St., s. s., 100 w. 9th av., 25x29.10x25.2x" 32.10....................................... 50th St., s. s., 125 w. 9lh av., 75x21x75x29.10... Interior lot on centre line bet. 49th st. and 50th St., 100 w. 9th av., runs w. 75 x n. 76.9 x e. abt. 75 x a. 67.7........................... Jacob Wagner to Martin Karl. June 14.... 30,000 53d St., n. s., 254 e. 1st av., 20x100.5, h. & 1. Mary A., wife James Savage to WllUam L. Loew. Nov. 1,1874...................... .13,000 53d St., s. s., 475 w. 6th av., 0.6x100.5. Augusta wife of Emanuel Eislng to John W. Stevens. June 18..................................... .400 .53d St., s, s., 350 e. 7tnav., 25x100.5 ...........[ 53d SI„ s. £.. 325 e. 7th av., 25x100.5.:..........I Walter J. Price to John W. Stevens. June 26........................................26,000 53d St., s. s., 349.0 w. 6th av., 50.6x100.5. Silas B. Brovvneli to John W. Stevens. June 26.28,000 54TH St., s. s., 200 w. 6th av., 75x100.5. Hey ward G. Meeker (Ref.) to Ferdmand Mayer. June 22........................................22,000 54th St., s. s., 325 w. 9Lh av., .25x57.4x25.1x59.4. Conrad Heckel to George Ohiwarter. March 12.......................\.................8,000 1 OOth St., n. s., 275 e. 11th av., 75x100.5. Joseph L. R. Wood to Mary E. wUe WUUam H. 1 Aidrich, June 15............. r...........18,000 OlST St., n. s., 101.6 e. Lexington av., 21x100.5. h. & 1. Ernest Millet, James Saxton and Al¬ fred Dickinson (Exi s. of Henry Leger), lo Si¬ mon Scheuer. June 25....................18.800 61st St., U.S., 122.6 e. Lexington av., 21x100.5, Ernest Millet, James Sastou and Alfred Dick¬ inson (Exi's. Henry Leger), to Robert White. June 25...................................18.800 61st St., n. s., 143.6 c. Lexington av., 21x100.5, h. & I, Ernest Millet, James Saxton and Al¬ fred Dickinson (Exi-s. Henry Leger), to Bern- hard Kuppenhelmer. June 25............18,800 61ST St., n. s., 185.6 e. Lexington av., 21x100.5, h. & 1. Ernest Millet, James Saxton. Alfred Dick¬ inson (Exrs. of Henry Leger), to Hyman Isra¬ el. .Tune 25....................'...............18,700 61ST St., 206.6,e. Lexington av.. 21x100.5, h. & 1. Ernest Millet, .James Saxton and Alfred Dickinson (Exr?. of Henry Leger), to Sophie wile of Aaron Rotholz. June 23.........18,700 61ST St., n. s., 227.6 e. Lexington av., 21x100.5, h. & 1. Ernest Millet, James Saxton' and Alfred Dickinson (Exrs.), to Bertha wife of Samuel Stein. June 25...........................18,600 61ST St., n. s., 248.6 e. Lexington av., 21.6x100.5. Ernest MiUet, James Saxton and Altred Dickin¬ son (Exrs.), to Jacob Steinberger. June23.18,300 ! 62D St., n. s., 355 e. 3dav., 16.8x100.5, b. & 1. Otto M. W. Miischl to John T, MuUer. (C. a. G.) June 25...................................12,600 67th St., s. s. 100 vr. 9th av., 25x100.5. Philip G. Weaver to Rowland N. Hazard. June 17........................................12,600 68th st„ n. s.. 175 w. 4th av., 25x100.5........] 62D'st., n. s., 00 e. 4th av., 17.6x64.2x17.6x63.3 62d St., n. s., 143 e. 4th av., 16x68.8x16x67.10.. 62d St., n. s., 175 e. 4th av., 17x70x16x69.7.... 62D st, n. s., 191 e. 4tli av., 04x74x64x70.5___ 76th St., n. s., 105 e. 3(1 av., 25x102.2.......... 56th St., n. s., 350 w. 6th av., 41.8x100.5....... .56TH St., n. s., 412.6 w. Cth av., 62.6x100.5.... J Anderson Fowler to J. & J. Stuart & Co. June 19.......................................100,000 71st St., s. s., 30O w. 8th av., 25x100.5. George Hoffman to Reuben H. CudUpp, Tarrytown, N. Y. June 24.......;................... .12,000 73d St., n. s., 323 e. Av. A, 25x102.2, h. & 1. Ann wife Andrew KeUy to Charles McDonald and James Nunau. June 23................... S,500 76th St.. n. s., 75 w. Av. A, 25x75, h. & 1.- James Nunan and Charles McDonald to Annie E. wife Andrew Kelly. June 23.........consld. omitted 88th St., n. s.. 325 e. 10th av., 50x100.8. Joseph R. Frith to William A. Hinchman. (% part.) Junel....................................10,000 88th St., n. s., 375 e. 10th av., 50x100.8. WiUlaui A. Hinchman to Joseph R. Frith. {% part.) June 1..-................................. .10,000 89th St., n. s.. 175 e. Av. A, 18.9x100.8, h. & 1. Stephen Healy to WllUam F. ReUly, Brooklyn. June 26....................................nom 89th St., n. s., 175 e. Av. A, 18.9x100.8, h. & 1. WllUam F. RelUy, Brooklyn, to Ann wife Stephen Healy. June 26.................. .nom 113th si., s. s., 200 w. 2d av., 25x100.11x25x93.7. Frederic R. and Charles, Jr., and Louis Leonce Coudert to James Keenan. June 24:.......3,500 117th St., n. s., 223 e. Av. A, 25x100.10. (Fore¬ clos.) Roderick F. Farrel to Joseph Schelder. June 28.......■.............................7,600 120th St., s. s., 291.2 e. 2d av., 16.8x100.11. Spen¬ cer L. HUller (Ref.) to Arnold P. Arnold. June 22.........................................2,000 124th St., n. s., 240 e. 4th av., 25x100.11. Leonard D. Ormsby to James Flanagan. June 20.........................................5,100 125th St., s. s., 400 e. 5th av., 20x100.11, h. & 1. WUliam Stephens to John L. Colby. June 15........................................12,000 128th St., n. s.., 205 w. 5th av., 20x99.11 Enoch" Keteham to Alexander K. Hackett, Jersey City. May 26...................................16,000 130th St., s. s., 147 e. 11th av., 50x99.11. Ernest MiUer, James Saxton, Alfred Dickinson (t xra.*^. of Henry Leger) to Simon Blng, Jr., ana Bern- hard Kuppenhelmer. June 23___......-.. 3,15 149th St., s. s.i 475 e. lOth av., 100x99.11 ' (Fore¬ clos.) Roberts. Roosevelt (Ref.) to Henry M. Bradhurst, Jone 23.......................6,375