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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 16, no. 396: October 16, 1875

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REAL ESTATE RECORD. PAINTS AND OILS. Chalk..........................^ ft China clay.........^ ton (currency) Whiting..............^ 100ft (gold) Paris white, Eng. (gold)___per 100ft Zinc, white, Anierican, dry.......... Zinc, white, American, in oil,pure.. Lead, white, American, dry......... Lead, white. American, in oil, pure.. Lead, red, American................ Litharge. American.................■ Ochre, French, dry (gold)........... Ochre, in oil (currency)............. Venetian red, English (gold). ^ cwt. Spanish brown, dry............____ Spanish brown, in oU............... Vermilion, Am. Quicksilver (gold)... Vi-rmiUon. Trieste (gold)............ Chrome graen, genuine, dry......... Chrome green, genuine, iu oil...... Chrome yeUow, genuine, in oil...... Paris green, pure, dry.............. Paris green, pure, in oil............. Prince's metallic, dry...........___ Prince's metallic, iu oU.............. Putty, pure....................ii ft $0 00^^ 24 00 © 55 ® 1 80 © 7 @ nx® ox® 10}^© 8>4@ 0 © 2 12}^© 1^0© 8 © 1 18 © -----@ 10 © 12 © 123^© 18- © 25 @ "iX® 8 © $0 023^© $0 00 5^ 25 00 60 1 85 TX 12 9% 11 8X 8X 1 G5 16 2 25 1.'4 9 1 2G 1 15 19 20 23 28 40 3 9 $0 03,?:^ PLASTER PARIF. Duty.—^Per cent, ad val. on calcined; lump, free. Nova Scotia, white............^I^ ton $3 26 ©$350 Nova Scotia, blue................... ------ ® 3 00 Calcined, Eastern aud city-----ii bbl. 1 50 © 2 00 SLATE. Delivered at New York 1 25 1 00 75 Purple roofing slate.......^ square. $8 50 Green slate......................... 8 50 Red slate........................... 14 00 Black slate, Pennsylvania........... & 50 Peachbottom...................... 1100 Slate tUes, l>4in., rubbed, ^ sq. ft. delivered......................... 35 STONE.—Cargo rates. Amherst freestone, in rough. ^ C ft. $------ Bueua Vista, in rough.............. ------ Berlin freestone, in rough..........------ Berea freestone, in rough.;......'... ------ Independence freestone, iu rough... Brown stone, Portland, Ct___...... Brown stone, BeUe\Tll6, N.J....... Granite, rough...................... Dorchester, N.B., stone, rough, ^ tou (currency)..................'...„. Blue Stone. Flag, smooth....................... Flag, rough..................'.___.. Flag, smooth, 4 and 4.6.............. Flag, rough, 4 ft.................... Curb, lOiu.......................... Curb, 12in.......................... Curb, 14iu.............___.....___ Curb, 16in.......................... Curb, 20iu.......................... Curb, 20 extra...................... Curb. New Orleahs, 4in., ^ in. wide SiUs and lintels..................... Sills and liutels, quarry axed........ SiUs and lintels, finished............ SiUs and lintels, rubbed, unjointed. Sills and lintels, rubbed, jointed___ Gutter, 12in........................ Gutter, 14iu........................ Bridge, Belgian..................... Bridge, thick...................------ Native Stone. Common building stone......^ load Base stone, 2 !-^ft. in length..ii Un. tt. Base stone, Sft. in length............ Base stone, 3>^ft. in length.......... Base stone, 4ft. in length............ Base stone, 4Kft. in length.......... Base stone. Sit. in length............ Base stone. Oft. in length............ TIN PLATES.—Duty, 1 1-lOc. ^ 1. C. charcoal, 10 x 11... ii box (cur.) I. C. coke, 10 X14................... I. X. charcoal, 10x14............... I. C. charcoal, 14x20............... I. X. charcoal, 14 x 20............... I. C. coke, 14 X 20................... I. C. coke, terne, 14 x 20............ I. C. charcoal, terne, 14 x 20......... ZINC—Duty, sheet, 2}^c.- fi ft. Sheet fgold ................'..^ ft $0 08) © © 2 50 30 60 70 75 1 75 © $9 00 9 00 15 00 7 00 12 00 $1 20 1 55 1 20 1 15 1 20 1 SO 1 50 1 50 15 00 13 8 18 12 18 26 28 32 60 90 V4 26 . 65 75 65 75 16 20 1 10 70 4 50 50 76 80 1 00 1 50 2 00 2 50 $9 00 © $9 50 7 60 © 9 00 11 25 © 11 75 9 75 © 10 25 12 25 © 12 75 7 50 © 9 50 7 50 © 8 00 8 OU © 8 50 © $0 09 THE COMMITTEE ON ROOMS AND FIX¬ TURES of the New York Produce Exchange are prepared to receive ofiers of property stiltable for a site for a new Exchange buUding. Property offered must be located south of Maiden lane, and should comprise not less than eight lots of ground. Address" communications to E. R. LIVERMORE, Chairman, New York Produce Exchange. JOHN HANSON, Planing and Sawing Mill, TURNING, SCROLL AND BAND SAWING, MNEIY-FIRSI ST. iKO EAST EIVEB, NEW YOEK. USE THB "IRON-CliAD FIIiE HANDLE." A New Invention in Malleable and Carb Iron. The handle can-be •removed'ftcin." one'file to another. It never splits or injures the'hlantf,-and'i8 everlasting. For sale at 77 Cedar Street, Boom 6, New York. TO CAPITALISTS. Attention is called to the peremptory sale under fore¬ closure of second mortgage valuable East River front, manufacturing property, opposite 34th St., lot 90x475. Substantial brick building, six stories, 90x60, 24-inch walls, erected in 186S, costing $55,000. First mortgage can be continued and property worked or leased with profit. FuU and satisfactory information can be obtained of P. B. VEILLEN, Assignee, 101 Wall st. iilH's COPPER mum. Patented 21st Marc'i, 1S71, l3 adapted to ordi- jiavy round pulley, aud strong enough to suspend with per¬ fect security weights ofany size required. Is now used in matjy large builii- iugs in this and oth¬ er citit-s with uni¬ form satisfaction. A reduction of 40 per L theiiriee has I been made lately. This chain and at¬ tachments are unsur¬ passed for simplicity oJ application, dura¬ bility, and cheaxmess. Large orders filled promptly. For terms and fur¬ ther information ap¬ ply to M. MAGRATH, PATENTEE, Cii-RPENTER AND BUILDEB, 74 Irving Place, Neiv Yorlc City. AIITIFICIAL STO.NE WOEKS 131 East Eiglxty-sixtU street, Nciv York. Importer of and dealer in the best brands of PORTLAND CEMENT, Manufacturer and Patentee of Artificial Stone, Sidewalks, Floors for Breweries aud Malt Houses, Factories, Stable Floors, Lintels, Sills, Copings, Chimney Caps, ^tc. _______________________________HERM. A. GUNTHER. E3:CEX.,SIOIt IItO]V WOK-ItS. {Ei5TABLISHED 1839.) 301 Centre .Street, Coi-. Hoivard. CEO. R. JACKSON'S SONS. Iron Work ol every description for Buildings. REPAIRING AND JOBBING WORK A SPECIALTY. REAL ESTATE. RICHARD V. HARNETT, .^UOTlOISrEEIl AND REAL ES.TATE BROKER, MONEY LOANED ON BOND AND MORTGAGE, No. Ill BROADWAY, Trinity Building, Room F, Basement. NE'W YORK. JOHN S. PIERCE, 5 I»ine Str-eet, DN". "ST. TO BXJ^TEIisa; OP -' Queens Oo. Beal Estate. Your attention is called to many fuU Abstracts of Titles, Maps. &c., in my possession. The greatest facilities for searching Titles, by the Counsel for two Queens County Savings Banks. tiEORUE W. YAH SICLEN, BENNETT BUILDING. No. 99 Nassau Street, New York. ISAAC HONIG, Eeal Estate Broker, City and Country Property for Sale and to Let. Mort¬ gages Negotiated. Ill liroad-^vay, IVov York. JAS. R. EDWARDS, REAL ESTATE BROKER, 69 West Twenty-tliird Street, NEW YORK. CEO. HOBART SCOTT, REAL ESTATE BROKER AND 5K PINE STREET, Office of the late W5¥i, H. RAYWOR, LOANS NEGOTIATED ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. ADRIAN H. SV2ULLER & SON, Auctioneers sind Real Estate Brokers, Wo. ly I?inc Sti-tset, IVe-w- Yovlc. EDCAR WILLIAIViS, (Saccessor to Wm. H. Raynor), REAL ESTATE BEOKER, No. 5'.' PINE STREET, NEW YORK. . C. RULE, Jr., EealEstate, Bonds & Mortgages, SPECIAL ATTENTIQN GIVEN TO EST.\TES, No. 1303 I3ItO^I>"WJL3r, Bet. 35th and 36th Streets, NEW 'YORK. EUGENE BEEBE, REAL ESTATE BROKER, So. 7 PINE STREET. MONEY PROCURED ON BOND AND MORTGAGE, and RAILROAD BONDS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. ROMAINE BROWN, EEAL ESTATE BEOKEE, No. 1280 Broad'wray, NEW YORK. JOHN W. STEVENS, liroacl-n^ay and JPifty-fix'st SJtx'eet, (No. 6 Pine Street, 1 p. m.) COMMISSION DEALEB IN Building Materials, Bonds and Mortgages, LIFE AND FIRE INSURANCE. Over one hundred houses for sale and to let. ItEGISTJElEfc YOXJIt I»ItOJPEItTY At the office of J. F. WILLIAMS & SON, No. 270 West 34tli Street, NEW YORK, (ildjcining the North River Savings Bank). EiST A TtLISHJEP 1853. We will undertake the entire management of property when so desired. Also, negotiate Purchases, Sales and Loans, Sale of Mortgages, &c.. on Real Estate. A Description ot any Property which you may have for Sale or to llent is Solicited. LEONARD J. CARPENTER, . - .REAIL. ESTA^'TE, 26 Third Avenue (Bible House), New York. ENTIRE CHARGE TAKEN' OF PROPERTY. Lots at Lowest Market Value. HENRY B, HART. SX JPine Street, Xtooixi 4, Jf ew Yorfc,