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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 22, no. 538: July 6, 1878

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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. YoL. XXII. NEW YOEK, SATÜEDAY, JULT 6, 1878. No. 538. Publi-ihedlWeekly by Che Ecal €stHle Sf torb ^ssocmttoit. TERMS. ONE YKAR, in advance....S10.00. (lommunications should be addres.sed to C. \V. S-tVEET, Nos. :J45 ANn -347 Broadttav. INDEX TO VOLUME XXI. With oiir last niiinber the Twenty-first Volume of The Re.\.l Est.vtk Record wjis concliwled, the index to wliich is forwarded with the present ntnnber, coinniencing- ti iiew voluine. Thi.s inde.x is für mow copion.« than iiny that htive pret-eded it, and etnl.irace^. First, all the Couvey;int:e,'< inN(nv YorkCIity, including tlic Twentj'-third and Tw-euty- fourth "Wavds, arrauged in a simple and con- venient mauiu.'r. so as to enable ono, ;vt :i glance to find »ny sale of which thero is ji record in the ofHee '»f thoRegistei". Second, iül the ConveyancefJ niade in the C«)iin1y of Kings duriiig flu: past six months. Thiixl. all the IVreehanics' Liens fUed in the ofMce of the C'ounty CMerk for both New York :tnd Kings C!ouiity. Fttiirth, all Building.s, plans ffu- the erection of wiiich havc beeu lilod in the üftices of the Department of Buildings, for the sanie coiuities, and, htstly. a füll lisfc of all thesubjects w-hich htive been discu.ssed in the edituritd cohimn.s sinee Januarv Ist. MARKET REVIEVir. REAL F.STATE MARKET. The record of the week's trausactions is uuinipor- tant. No sales oC public filterest have taken place at the Exchange Salesroom siuce our last report, aud business has suflered by reason of a holiday and the intense heat whi<;h has prevaiied during the entire week. During the month of Juue 5SU deeds, excluding those affecting property in the Twenty-thirtl and Twenty-fourth Wards, were filed for record in the Office of the Register of the Citj' of New York, ihe aggregate consideratiou expressed in wliich amounts to $5,740,574, adecreaseof SJ,681,ai3 from the amount expressed in the deeds filed during the month of May. The nuniber of mortgages flled for record during last month is 429, against527 for the month of 3ia3-, repre- senting the sum of ?:J,476,(5.S7, against $.3.!)31,870 for the last named. The following tables sbow the amount of considera- tion expressed In the deeds recorded in the Eegister's Office for the six months of the present year in com- parison with ihe year lfi77: 1877. 5.:35-3,9E6 «.'■16.7(58 7,158 IS'J 6.295; 158 7,451,850 Jnne.......................... 6.740;574 7,078.769 Only six plans, embracing eight buildlcgs, were flled with the Superintendent of the Department of Buildings during the week ending July 3d inst., the «lanuary., Fehruary March___ April..... May 1878. l.9!M5.7t)0 r..526,9.';2 7.(502.381 6,61.3.904 ^.421,717 notttblc buildings to lie erected being a French Hat on Forty-fourth street, between Second and Third ave- nue.s. to co.«!t 8a:.\W(.i, and a four-story dwclliuK on Sixty-eighth street. between Fmirth niid Fifth ave- nue.s, to cnst S20,n(K). Tho followiuK aro the sales at the Exchaiit,'e Snles- room for the week eiuling Jtily 3: '~'Tnihco(cs fhot (he propert») rl'^nn'ihpii. //(>j}''!* accovnf: <=JV.llcn st (Xo. IOS). e s. 122 s Houston st. livo- story brick tenement and störe. 2-5x87.6... .?1(>.910 ■"Bloomingdale road. s wcor Lawrence st. two- storj- franie dwellinp, 2ü.1x11".1x25.1x11."). (Amount due. about §4.200)................ :),i-00 ^Boulevard, s e cor n5th st. vacant. 75.(>xlS5.5 to Bloomingdale road. x 7.5.8xl.'Jl.l. (Amount due. about SlO.noO)............... r,,(X)0 *Christopher st (No. Ii:J), n .s. 244.2 e Hudson St. five-.storj' stone front tenement and Store. 25.5x91............................... 18,06!» ♦Franklin st (Nos. 195 to 107), s s, flve-story brick (stone front) warehotise, ;J7.2x75. (Amomit due. about $18,700)............ .. 20,0. (Amount due. about §10.900)............... 11.:!-".'.» *12th st (Xo. 532). 8 s, 445.15 c Av A. five-stor>- blick Store and dwelling. and four-story brick dwellinfc in rear, 25xl03.:j. (Amount due, about ?12,li(J0)........................ 12,0<.i0 Mth st (No. 28), s s, :l!J8 w Sth av. four story stone front dwellin;^, 27x103.3. Leased 3Iay I, 1870, tonn 2t years; grouud rcnt, Sl.üOü per annuni. (Amount due aboul §14.050)..................................;.. l!(,(i5lJ liSth st (Xo. 3). n 8,125 o Sth av, four-story atone front dwcUine, 25x08-9...................... :JÜ..")«)0 *44th st (No. 450). a s, 212.0 c lOth uv, three- story brick (stone fruntl dwelling, 18.9x 100.4. (.Vmount due. aboiit S8,85T))........ 9.r«00 *44th st (No. 412).s s, 2'.M) e lüth av. three-stoiy brick dwelling. 2i'ki st (No. 151), u s. 231.3'c 7th av, three-story brick (stone front) dwellinfr, IS.t'xlOO.r«. (Amount due ubout §3,000)................ 5\6üü ■^-'^th st (No. 4SI), u s. 225 e lOth av, four story brick dwelling, 1(5.8x100.5. i'Amount due. ubout §10,:550)............................. .MHIO "'.j7th st (No. ."361). n s. 66.8 e Ilth av. three-story brick dwellin.::;. 16.8x100 3. (Amount eine. about §5.725)___......................... :!.0(X1 *89tb st (Nos. 410, 41(ii^ aud 418, s s. 157 w Av .\, two threo aud oue two-story framc dwellingti, 50x100.8. (Amount due, aboul §13 900)............................. ."i 000 107th st, s' 's, 26:i'e "ist av, väöäiiV,' VoÖxlOü.ll. (Amount due about $2,780)................ 40O *2d av (No. 98), e s, 18.8 s 6th st. four-storj- brick dwelling, 24.3x100. (Amount due about $13.475.).............................. 18,580 *10th av. s e cor H6th st, vacant, 100.11x100.... 16,000 * lllth st (No. 12-3). n 8. 279.2 w Av A, four-story brick (stone front) dweUing, lH.5xlOO.ll. (Amount due, about §5.223)............... 4,5üO *12-lth st (No. 231), u s. 247 w 2d av. threestorv brick vstone front) dwelling, 20x100.11. (Amount dne, about $9.000).............. ('...-lOO "VCillis av, s w cor 142d st, 50x106. (Receivt-r's sale)........................................ 800 (Receiver's 'Ilth av, n w cor 96th st. vacant, 2.''..2xl0n ... 1 *0(ith at, n s, 100 w Ilth av, vacant. I2;.xin0.n i 'Uth av. s w cor 97th st, vacant. 25.2x100 . ' "''.t7lh St. s s. 10») w Ilth av. vacant. 12.")Xl00.11 1 (.Vm.nnt due. nbout §25.000)................'. 5,000 I-ots 17S to 1.S6, and 21)5. 20« and 2f'7 on map Samuel ^Ryer Homestead. 24th Ward. (Amount due. about S1.350)................ 850 Willis av, n w cor 14öth st, 50x10(5. sale).......................... 900 «Ist av (No. 521). w s, 74.1 n 30tli st. flve-story brick (iron front) störe and dwelling. 24.8x 75. (Amount due, about §11,0.50).......... !*.rM\ Hat av (No. 551). w s. 30 s 32d st, four-story brick Store and tenement. 19.4x65. (Amount due, about $6,073)................ S.OiXi *2d av (No. 962), s c cor ölst st. three.story stone front dwelliug, 20.5x70. (.Vmouut due, about §10,475)................... .... 12.000 ■»South Sth av(Xo 51), e 8.100 a Bleecker st. two-story frame (brick front) dwelling, and flve-story brick dwelling In rear. 25x 100. (Amount due, about $16,7S5)....... 15.000 *10th av, n vr cor 56th Bt, vacant, 50.10x100. (Amount due, abont $5,450)................ 7.850 Totfl 1...................................... S:'33.089 BUILDING MATERIAL MARKET. BRICKS.—Naturally the most important feature of the market for Common Hards is the attetnpt to reduce the production and the strenKtheniag tend- ene.vnoted in cur last continues on this influei!ee: Konie of the trade, and espeeiallj- those who have a a prettv füll stock on band, speaking very confl- dently of the fuinre. So far as bu^ine-'s hns been iransacted the seller has not .secured any positive addition to the value of Hards and can merely claim advantage in the form of ability to reulize former rates and keep a fair amount of stock moving toward con- sumptiou. Pales, however. appear to have done a lit¬ tle lietter. the previous low ruling rates uttracting attention and creating demand which has niarte §2.uO an iuäide rate with many sales 25 csiits higher and äomo at even bettcr rates. For Fronrs tlit? siiurtiou i-eniains about the same. a verv good doniand pre- vailing and prices ruling streng. \Ve hear ot no ' " ■ week. _ -rivers, Yavorite _ flark. §8: red. §9; Philadelphia. §2(K?4S2«; Trenton. §24(7) §29.00; Baltimore. §34®S38.00. Yard prices. deliverj- included, §2<5i5?3 bighor on oidi!inr.v and §-"i.O()(rF,.?»;.0() on fronts. CEMENT.- The iuquiry for domestic is somewhat better on loeal account but there does not appear to be quite so luuch jfoing out on shippiiig Orders and the volume of business has searcely increased. Sup- plies availablc are aniple aud to spare and could read- ily be prodnced wer« uny outlet oltcred. The usual irrcgularity is to be obscrved on values. but careful buyers genendly manage to secure pretty easy terms. About 80 Cents here is the average inside rate, but sales have been inade lower. Sonie Eastern orders have been lllled nt 12 eents per bairrel freight from Rondout lo Boston. Foreign has been raiher dnll of late und the tone of the market is u little tarne with somo brands 10c. uer bbl. lower than a fev,- weefcsago. Stocks on band ai-e pretty füll and very well assorted with ownors well inelined to negotiatc on any really fair or reasonable offer. The Imports at this port for the six months ending Juue :iUt!i were :i('.(!';5 bbls. against 27,:1S0 bbls. same tinie in IS:7. HARDWARE.-From the hands of manufacturers and Wholesale dealers, the distribution eontinues quite limited and uucertain and the indications are not favorable for any immediate increase. Our local Jobbers, kowever, are doing a ven' fair trade on calls forcity coasuniption, and shlpments to uearby points with invoices inade up largely of a good general assortnient of builders hardware. On prices much the old line of figures and discounts is retained as yet. and several changes promised and hinted at "on the Ist,"' have not been announced. The entire trade still appear to be ignorant upon the subject of the market price of Gast Butta. On Copper Rivets and Bnts the discount ia now^ 25 per cent., a i-eduction on cost. The new list of the manufacturers of Brass shows a .reduction of 7^ per cent. LATH.—Tlie Situation is without much Charge. The prevailiug demand is not an aetive one by any means, nor is it general in charactcr, only a few deal¬ ers heilig found willing to negotiate and especially on large cai-goes. The consmnption is fair. Someofthe trade think the average, if anytliing. in excess of last .seasou, but nothing is bought until it is wanted. and demand eontinues slow and careful. Since our last there has beeu sales at a shading of about 5c-. per M. bringing cost down to $1.40 per 31., but supplies not very plenty and at the close the talk is somewhat- liriner though wo hear of no bnyer willing to increaj>e bids. LI.^E.—There is not much use iu writing this mar¬ ket at present, the Situation undcrgoing no cbaage worthy of note. Jlanufacturers and receivers havo flgured out a supply from week t6 week which appears to just about adjust itself to the wonts of the market, and the result is a uniform tone on values