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Index to Real Estate Vol. XXYI. JULT- -DECEMBEE. 1880. EDITORIALS. Where the Grandest Improvements are in Progress and Embryo................. 613 The Opening of Streets..................... 614 Important to Builders of Tenement and Lodging Housea...................... 614 The Latest Valuation of New Yoi-k Real Es¬ tate................................ 631 Have Stockholders any Rights which Jour¬ nals Ought to Respect .............. 631 Laws of New York..........633, 66S, 684, 720, 738 The City's Property...................... 632 The West Side Association................. 632 The Outlook in Real Estate.............. 649 Telegraph Poles, as Real Estate............ 649 The $215,000 Purchase in Madison Avenue.. 667 Room for the Manufacturing Interest...... 683 A Word with some Uptown Lot Owners... 683 The Improvement of Park Avenue......... 684 Titles to Valuable Real Estate Upset........ 684 A suit for Deficiency against a Bishop.... .. 684 Foreclosure of Mechanic's Lien............ 684 Real Estate Investments by Corporations.. 701 Manhattan Railway Stock.................. 701 Acre Property in Adjoining Counties, as atfected by Railroad Monopolists....... 702 Satisfied with Smaller Returns............ 702 Can Periodical Depressions in Business be Averted?............................ 719 Important Real Estate Decisions............ 731 New York. Look to Your Laurels.......-. 737 New York as a Manufacturing Centre....... 755 The Examination of Titles................. 755 Iron and its Effect Upon Realty......... 756 General Grant for President of the World's Fair.................................. 771 Watch the Records...................... 771 The New Code...........................772, 790 The City's Finances........................ 773 Brooklyn's Drainage System................ 773 How New York is to be Heated............. 789 Preservation of Timber Lands.............. 789 Hints to the Promoters of the World's Fair.. 8o7 The Moral of the Maine Election.......... 807 Underground Railroads and our Sewerage System................................. 808 Evolution of our Elevated Road System___ 808 The Truth about Mines..................809, 871 The Minesof Bodie........................ 810 The Situation........................-------. 811 Financial Points........................... 827 Latest about the World's Pair.............. 827 The Pric<» of Monev....................... 828 An Era of Cheap Raw Material............ 828 A Question for the Park Commissioners .... 829 Reviving Old Schemes...................... 829 Union of the Mining Boai da................ 829 New York as a Financial Centre............ 830 The Street and the Stock Market........... 830 Something about Mines.............830, 850, 1060 About Investments......................... 847 The Harlem District........................ 847 Points about the Elevated Roads........... 848 Figures that Lie............................ 848 What an Englishman Thinks.............. 848 Points about Finance and Trade............ 849 A Metal Market Wanted.................... 849 Bullion in France and in the United States, 849 The Situation of the Comstock............. 849 The Course of Prices........................ 851 Notes, Points and Forecasts___.........869, 915 The Situation of the Real Estate Market___ 869 Wanted— ^.Ui-iform System of Taxation.., 870 A New Estimate of Jay Gould.............. 870 Silver Possibilities.......................... 871 Gossip of Wall Street....................... 871 Second Avenue Bridge..................... 872 Cheap Money and its Consequences......... 893 Rapid TrK.usit in Brooklyn.................. 893 Workingmen's Colonies near New York.... 894 The Gold aad Silver Market................ 894 National Bank Issues....................... 894 Dangerous Judge Made Laws............... 894 Flats and Tenements....................... 895 All Right, of Course........................ 895 The Truth about Leadville................. 895 The Election and its Results............... 896 Sossipof the Street........................ S97 About Mines.....897, 918, 941, 964, 987, 1011, 1038,1111, 1133 Wholesale Broadway....................... 915 New York's Mayor......... ............ 916 The Silver Question Again............... 916 Collisions in the Air...................... 917 The Advance in High Priced Securities___ 917 Mr. Rufus Hatch........................... 917 Talk of the Street.......................... 917 A Word about the Bullion Club.......... 919 To Our Bar.k Presidents................... 939 Ihe Selection of the Site.................... 939 Points about the Stock Market............. 939 Facts about our Wheat Exports............ 940 The Decline of Our Shipping Interests...... 940 How to Make Money in Stocks............. 941 Interview with a Millionaire................ 942 How He Lost his Money.................... 942 After the World's Fair, What ?............. 942 New York s Influx.......................... 961 Porticoes and Door Fronts.................. 961 Points, Hints and Forecasts............... 961 Why Not ?.................................. 962 To Those about to Build.................... 962 The Stock Exchange Trades Unions........ 968 Our Provision Exports...................... 963 Will Miniug Revive........................ 964 The Bullion Mining World.................. 964 A New City Charter Proposed............. 965 Now Secure Grant.......................... 983 New York's Growth in a Quarter of a Cent¬ ury.................................... 983 Financial Hints and Points................. 983 Will the Banks Contract ?.................. 984 Bi-Metalism................................ 984 High Priced Securities..................... 984 Consolidation still going on................. 985 Garrison vs. Field.......................... 985 Co-operative Land Colonies.............. 985 On to Mexico.............................. 986 The Elevated Roads....................... 986 Will Stocks Advance ?...................... 987 The International Exhibition............. 987 Elevated Roads as Real Estate.............. 988 A Great Maritime Feature for the Exhibi- bition................-................. 1009 New Telegraph Companies.................. 1009 Future Greatneas of the Metropolis......... 1010 About the Sutro Tunnel................... 1011 The Tripartite Agreement.................. 1012 The Use of the Parks by the World's Fair.. 1035 The Northern Pacific....................... 1035 Hints, Pointsand Forecasts................ 1035 The American Standard Dollar............. 1036 What Congress Ought to Do............. .. 1037 Street Openings.......................... 1038 The Erection of Telegraph Posts............ 1038 What Will the Conservative Rich do ?......1057 A Grand Opera House in Reservoir Square 1057 The Fresh Blood in the Real Estate Mar¬ ket..................................... 1057 Is there Danger Ahead ?.................... ia58 The Money in Circulation.................. 10.59 Small Bills and Coin Currency.............. lo59 Financial Notes............................ 1059 California in Wall Street................. 1059 Municipal Notes............1061, 1087, 1112, 1134 Demands of Property Owners.............1061 New Phase of the Transportation Question.. 1083 The In wood Site............................ 1083 Rapid Transit on the Hudson.............1083 A Danger Signal........................... 1084 Values Then and Now..................... 1084 About Telegraph Stocks.................... 1085 Secretary Sherman's Recommendations.... 1085 International Coinage...................... 1085 Our Gold Coinage........................... 1085 Movements in the Metal Market...........1086 Wall Street Notes.......................... 1086 The Jay Gould Stocks...................... 1086 A Greeting to the Good Times.............1086 The Latest About Mines................... 1087 Real Estate in 1S80......................... 1109 The Outlook for Real Estate................ 1109 All for the Best............................. 1110 A Much Needed Improvement.............. 1110 Telegraph Stocks.......................... 1110 The Talk of the Street...................... 1111 The Growlh of New York and the Prices of Real Estate.......,................... 1131 Cbirago Real Estate....................... 1131 A New Tax Commission................... 1131 A Second Brooklyn Bridge.................1131 The Long Island Railroad............ ..... 1132 The Associated Press....................... 1133 The Price of Money and the Markets...___1133 The Po!=ition of Western Union............. 1132 The Iron Mountain Road.................... 1133 The Break in Chicago....................... 1133 The Sale of the Tontine Coffee House....... 1133 CONVEYANCES. NEW YORK CITY. Allen st, south of Broome st....743, 834,1042, 1066. Amity st (see West 3d st.) Ann St.... 91)1. Apthorps lane.... 1093. Attorney st___993.. Bankst....877. 901, 993. Barclay St....776. Barrow st___635. Baxter st....670; 671, 706, 815, 1066, 1137. Bayard St... 992, 1137. Beach St....877. Beaver St....653, 1116. Bedford st... .723, 776, 947, 1137. Beekmanst....670, 707. Bleecker st, east of South 5th av... .901, 993, 993, 1137. bet South 5th av and Morton st... .759. Bloomingdala road....653, 743, 993, 1116. Bond St.... 635, 877. Boulevard (also see Broadway), from 59th to 69th St.... 969, 1017, 1137. from 69th to 80th st.... 687, 923, 1017. from 80th to 100th st....743, 923. from 100th to 108th st....655, 878, 1066. from 108th to 135th st... .617, 994. from 145th st to termination___670, ]017. Bowery, south of Grand st .. .877, 1017. bet Grand and 2d sts.... 687, 855. Bridge st... .617, 855, 1092. Broadway, south of Barclay st....635, 653, 743, 923, 984, 1092, 1116. bet Barclay and Grand sts___687. bet Grand and 14th sts . 706, 707, 723, 901, 947. bet 14th and 39th sts... .994, 1094. bet 39th and 52d sts....794, 969, 993. bet 52d and 59th sts... .671. (also see Boulevard) north of 59th st.... 617, 743. Broome st. east of Sheriff st.... 617, 706, 723, 947, 1060. bet Clinton and Orchard sts___635, 7C6. west of Bowery.....653, 923, 947, 969, 1066. Canal st, east of Broadway... .635, 815,1924, 994. west of Broadway.... 670. Cannon St.... 1042, 1116. Catharine St....877, 992, Cedar st ...1018, Centre St.... 1043. Chambers st....635. Charles St....670, 815, 1066, 1187, Charlton st___969. Chatham st, bet Frankfort and Duane sts..., 687, 723. bet Duane and Doyers sts....776, 1048. Cherry st, bet Dover and Rutgers sts___635, 653, 671, 834, bet Rutgers and East sts.... 1093, Christopher st... 687, 1043, Chrystie st....635, 723, 834, 877, Church st.... 1043, ; 066, 1137. Clinton st....653, 10li6. Columbia st....743, 776, 855, 1116, 1137, Commerce st___794, Cortlandtst... 706, 1018. Crosby St.. .877,1017, 1066. Delancey st, east of Qolumbia st.., .635, 687, 759. 815, 877. bet Columbia and Orchard sts___617, 687, 1116,1137. Deyst,.,, 706, 1137,