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Real Estate Record AND BUILDERS' GUIDE. Vol. XXVI. NEW YOEK, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 25, 1880. No. 667. Pubb'shed Weekly by TERMS. ONE YEAR, in advance....SIO.OO. Communications should be addressed to C. W. S^VEET, No. 137 Broadway The extension of the commission ]iours, that is the two additional hours each day when only five cents is charged, has led to an increase in the receipts of the elevated roads, so much so as to advance the price of the three classes of stocks. Why should not these roads change their method, charging five cents all day for points below Fifty- ninth street and ten cents for greater dis¬ tances? Then, why should not the elevated roads add to their revenues by having elevators at the principal stations. Ladies would gladly j)ay an extra cent tp avoid climbing the high stairs. Many a lady would prefer to walk a mile on a level, rather than go up the One Hundred and Sixteenth street or One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street stair¬ way. With reduced fare and a system of elevators, the roads might add very materi¬ ally to their incomes. THE GROWTH OF NEW YORK AND THE PRICES OF REAL ESTATE. [From the San Francisco Bidleiin.'] New York at this time seems to be going ahead faster thau any otlier city in the United States. In consequence of the narrowness of the island on which it is located, it has always been sloppmg over. Its surplus population built up Brooklyn, a city of 500,(100 population. Williamsburg aud Hoboken are also offshoots. In later jears towns distant sixty miles in other States have taken on the character of suburbs of the great metropolis. But the elevated railroads have evidently brought this centrifugal movement to an end. The growlh of NewYork until all its oui lying settleuienti are called on will perhaps be quite as marvellous as its original start. That city had not jnore than 30,000 inhabitants when Washington landed at the foot of Wall street to be inaugurated first President of the United States. The old Federal Hall, now the Custom House, from the balcony of which Washington delivered hi? inaugural, was con¬ sidered to be the centre of the town. But now we hear of streets rising as high as the two hundredth. Quick transit is giving to New York all the growth out of which she has been so long kept. " Quick transit" of course is helping Man¬ hattan Island enormously, but it is not the only factor in New York's growth. As prospers the entire country, so prospers the metropolis, containing the very essence of the wealth, the brain and energy of the entire Union. It is the fountain heart of the Republic, the financial centre so to speak for all of the vast enterprises that bave ex¬ plored the West and the South. And in this connection we like to reproduce the words of a prominent lawyer and large real estate owner, who only yesterday stated that the price of land in NewYork', would' be,'ere long, higher than it ever had been before. Upon being requested to give the reasons for his assertions, he said, " If during the last inflation years when we had only $700,000,- 000 in circulation, real estate could reach such high figures, why not higher figures with $1,100,000,000 in circulation? It has never yet failed in the past, but that after each panic, the price of real estate rose at least fifteen per cent, above the previous tide of prosperity. With the resources now at the command of our country, with the constant influx of foreign capital and foreign im¬ migration, with our bonded debt nearly all held by our own people, with labor in demand everywhere and the country gener¬ ally prosperous, all being reflected in this very city, where vacant lots are day after day decreasing in number, the price of real estate must go up, and that, too, very soon. Indeed we are already in th midst of a ris ing market. People say a great deal about the wilderness on the West Side, but where could private capital build there while public improvements were neglected by the municipality? During the past year some salutary changes have been instituted in this. respect and now municipal improve¬ ments are going right along. While the East Side is virtually built up, it needs only the enterprise of two or three energetic builders and you will soon see the West Side built up as closely as is now the East Side." CHICAGO REAL ESTATE. Chicago has had several surprises lately: one was the ruin of a great number of speculators in grain and provisions and the other was the sudden demand for houses and stores. Indeed, the extraordinary statement is made, that so enormous was the demand for residences, that there is not a single vacant house in that city. The building, next spring, promises to be phenomenally large. Accounts from all the other centres of population are to the same effect. Seasons of great business activity always enlarge the population of the urban at the expense of the rural districts. Our own city builders are all employed^ but they will not be able to supply the demand for houses during the coming year. Some morning New York will wake up to find a demand for several thous¬ and naore houses than the market can supply. The growth of our population is shown in the overcrowded schools, and in the fact that there are 5,000 more children than can be accommodated in the upper wards. New York will hereafter be forced to grow along the lines of the elevated roads ; we ares packed in between two rivers and the line of growth wfll be from the south north, and from tiie east to the west. Chicago can grow literally in every direction, north, west and south. Hence it follows, that the speculative activity will be greater in this city, as it will be confined within certain well defljied limits. So far the demand for lots in New York has been for buflders, and when speculation sets in, the present prices wifl seem very low. A NEW TAX COMMISSION. The proposition of Mr. Alvord to convene an extra session of the Legislature for the purpose of amending the tax system of the State shows that our law makers have heard at last the loud demands for reform, made not only by corporations but by institutions. The question arises, however, whether any ordinary legislature is of sufiicient intellec¬ tual calibre to grasp such an important question in all of its bearings. Instead of calling an extra session of the Legislature, would it not be well to create a commission with power to sit during the surnmer months and devise a scheme of taxation that wfll suit afl the interests pf this state. Such a commission should be composed of men v.'ho have made this question a study for years past. No novices, not even ordinary busi¬ ness men, can at all comprehend the infinite details that must be considered in devising such a scheme. Men like George H. Andrews, Isaac Sherman, Abner Bartlett, would hav(} no diflSculty in arriving at satis¬ factory conclusions and, if autliorized to do the work, they would submit to the Legis¬ lature of 1883 a new set of taxation la\Vs, based upon the experiences of the past ahd the requirements of ths immediate future. A SECOND BROOKLYN BRIDGE. Matters are so far progressed that we are enabled to state that a new bridge is shortly to be commenced over the East River. It will cross at the upper end of Black well's Island, and it is part of a general scheme which wifl have important consequences to Brooklyn, New York and Jersey City. In point of fact, it is a movement in the interest of the New York Central & Hudson River system of roads and is intended to break the monopoly which, it is feared, may be secured by the concentration of the Baltimore & Ohio, Pennsylvania Central, Delaware & Lackawanna and Erie system of roads on the Jersey waterfront. In a few years the New York & New Jersey Riparian Land and Dock Improvement Coinp&ny expect to complete a series of magnificent improvements for the benefit of the railroads now centering in Jereey City. They wifl have every advant¬ age over the terminal facilities of the Central pn the Hudspn River. The.only rival pos^ sible to Jersey improvements is to be found