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Real estate record and builders' guide: v. 29, no. 736: April 22, 1882

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4or> The Real Estate RecobiiIi April 22, 1882 Same-----Bernhard. Bach. (1874).......... Street. Joseph L.—W. J. Acker. (1882)...... Smith. Frank E.. Charles F. and Sumner J.— National Bank of Schuylervilie. (Ih82).. Sherwood. James D.—H.H. Gardner. (18.6) 1 Totten. .John—J. P. Winkler. (Lieu .^^uspend- ed upon appeal.) (.188.^).. .■............... Tienia-.i. Peter—U. L. Lesgett^ (iSTli).,,..-: Thompson. .Tdsejili. exr. ol: V. 31. Beaiu-.l. N. Collias. (18S1).................-...... V;-n Beuren. Alfred-W. J. Acker. (18S2).... ■^Veb.ster, Win. II.—Pennsylvania Horticultu¬ ral .Society. (1877)...........■■■■■^4.....i ■' Wakh. Benjamin H. and Thomas H.. and anu.. heirs at law of .lohn .Hancock— Alirabain Hazelton. (ISSO).............• -. 5TG 20 330 23 23.-) 05 ,251 3-2 2W 50 2ii2 74 ru'.\ -ir * Vacated by order of Court, t Secured ou Appeai i Released. -^Reversed. 2 Satisfied by Execution. **Discharged by going thrrugh bankruptcy. KINGS COUNTY. April loth lo 21st—inclusive. AUlrioh. William H.-J. M. Cana:!. riSi-l).... S'iiVi-U Beekman. John V.-.F.Fra(lU-y.. (lHr4). . .. .2,4-1-1 Bi-ander,Phnip-J. 31. Canda. dsri)........ ^2 f] Same------.same. (187-!)........................ 4i.).J-J Behrens. Amelia M.—H. Gree..may. (1881). 1,054 90 C.nvell. John—J. Ciaraiuu. (isr;),...;......,. 027 3.5 Dnsrow. Philip—W. Gardn<^r. 08T4i......... 3/U 43 Dovle. Jo'.Mi—H Booream. (IS-Jl)....: .... 34 24 l!::i"riirht...\iuiieM.—M. Loughran. (!SS2)..... J,(i.), (i!J Hemy, Ale.x-auder and Teua—ii. Gi-eenmay. (lysn ..-......................... 1.234 90 JoDcs. Fj-ederiek V\'.—Kate V. K. Higgins. iKxwntion.i (l.^-W!).-..................... "1,^-'U ^-^ Liaiitijodv. Colin, Jr.—\V. L. Whiting. ('72) 9 > 00 3l!,l(Her(,>ri. Vrilliam H.^J. P. K.m.s. (InsD. .. :,:U HO ^liiri'av. Su.san M.-^M. Loughran. . (IS&'i..... 1 aCu (ii) Piauc." Annie 31.. formerly Barker,, et al.. a(unr.s. of J. W. Barker and S. B. Wing— Rosett a Bedell. (1 STfi).................... .5^ <>'.) Partiidge. Charles—E. VV. 31orris. (.1877).... 84i U5 Itantli. Baithasar and Jacob—F. Be.ssler. (lSS-.>i...................................... - *'■-' *'5 Same------J. Zoll. i!*;i!..................... 22:i 23 .Same------31. Bindrim. (1SS-.:!i................ !Hil 31) 1^-anioii(l. Sarah A.—B. F. Strauss. (ISSD... . l.OaS .V-i K.-evc \'il)ei-i A..—0. Schwenk. (18S2I....... -iCiMa K.-.'V.'. All,eiT ..v.—E. T. Eddv. ,{\ij^2)........ :~:t3 37 Uiehl. Fredei-iek—W. (iardner. (1S7'4)....... '-^70 -13 Koli. (leorge—M. 3linzesheimei-. (1.S81I...... W, 50 i-Joilf. Charles—(.'. 3Ieier. (ISil):.............. iri; 00 ]!!.sij\liaiuii. Edward—31. H. Biseholf. Ji-., ii-;!».) (Vacated)......................... 1-v't 14 Sli.rrji. TlKMiias R.. receiver—31 aiy A. Do- ],v^'-Au. exlrx. .(lS81)...............,...... i>t HO S;;:(.,;------s.ime. (iSSD)...................... i.72i) m Same------same. (KS.S2)...................... 113 80 Vandi^i-voort. Ab!-aluun—3Iaria Vandervoort. (ISTo'.i (E.xocutiou)...............•........ ()!) 22 Winslow. Nathan—3V. Wing. (ISSl).......... fU .'■'2 Whitney, Josephs.—E. W. Morris. (iS77).. 8!2 IU CHANICS' LIENS. Beaver st, 1 KEW YORK CiTl Ap":"i' Broad st, No. 53, w s, 314.■: ..„ 20.11 front.................................i New st, No. 50, e s, 232 n Beaver st, 25.3 j fi-ont..........................-.......- J ■ Howell & Saxtan agt B. C, John K. E., George W., Victor E. and Sarah E. Wet¬ more and Isaac B. Jacobs.............. Sl,133 18 20 die Hundred and T.wenty-s^venth st, s s, 13.^) w 7th av, 125x100. Jeremiah O'Con¬ nor agt Jlichael Gavin and Philip Teets. 43 32 21 Oue Hundred and Third ,st, Nos. 165 and lOr E., n s, 51x100. Ch'arles ILisele age •lacob Jennings............................■ 20 00 19 Si.vty.-fourth st, s s, 81 e 1st av. 150 front.. Charles Thiele agt Peter Diehl and Philip , Braender.................................. 1,2C0 00 15 Twentv-second st, No. 237 E., n s, bet 2d and 3d avs. Peter Schaeffler agt George Lange......................................1,399 62 19 Twentv-third st, Nos. 3C7 and 309W.,ns, .abt 66 e 9th av, abt 56.8 ft. front. ■ John Smith agt Amanda 31. Scofleld...........3,024 28 KINGS COUNTY. April. 15 Seventh av, w s, 45 n Lincoln pl, 2.3x90; Vi'ni. Dumbleton agt Abraham 31.. Quick, owaer, and Wm. Vause.................... SUO IS SATISFIED MKCJiANICS' LIEKS. .\pril. NEW YORK CITT. • ■ . t8 Washington sq North, No. 2.3. Tliomas Cockerill agt Randolph E. Robinson and - Peter Loouani. (Lien filedDec. 31, 1881).§1,475 00 15 Oae Hundred and Thirtieth St., s s, abt 70 w 6th av, aibt 100 ft. front. Crichton & Rej-- iiolds agt 3Ir. and Sam. Weir Release. (Lien liled by mistake against properly above descrihed, which lies v,-est of point 150 ft, west of 6ihav.) (Jan. 3tf, 1.5 Fit teenth sc, Nos. 231,233 and 335 \V., n s,'bat 7tli aiid Sth avs. Joseph 3Iarreh agt Henry C. McEwine: aud Ehsha P. 'Briggs. (March 1, 18S3)..............................' iS Thirty-ioui-th st, n, s, 100 e .1st av. .''lO ft. front, •ialtheiser Schneider agt Joseph Jlarfhall, (3Iarch 22. 1883)................ *13 Forty-sixth st. Nos. 140, 148 and l.'iS E., s s, b'et 3d and Lexington avs. Patrick 3Ioran agt John Demorest aud Bernard Spaulding. (3Iar<;h 30. 13S3)........: -.. 20 Onellund.'-ed arid Nineteentk at. No. 015 E., 11 s, bet 1st and 2d avs, 25 feet front. Davy & Heney agt Samuel S. Hinman and Samuel C. Hinman, agent. (March 27, 1S83)..........................,......... 325 00 3:0 00 00 53 93 20 One Hundred, and Sixteenth st.s s. abt 144 ,. wAv A, 100 ft.-front. .John W. Ball agt James R. Canriichael. (April 6,1883)..'... 1,050 00 First av- e -s 50 s G4ih st, CO ft. front.......") a-. Sixty-third st.'iTS. 81 e 1st av...;... _..■;:.; I - .' ~ Sixt.y-fourtii st, s s, St.e-lst av............. | 17 houses. .. I ■ George Doi'glas rgt Philip" Braender, Hugo Gorsch .-ind Peter Diehl. (M^rrh ■ 18, 1jS3j:......■.:...........................6,00.0 00 tDischarged by depositing amount bf lien with S343.00, costs. &c., pursuant to order Supreme Court, dated Blarch 30, 1883. • ■'^Discharged by depositing amount of lien with C^erk. . • - KINGS COUNTY.. A.pril loth.t.o 2ist—ijiclusive. Park pl, s p, bet Vanderbilt aud Flatbush avs. Frederick Hermann agt John V. Porter, owner, aud Charles Loof c. (Nov. ■ 3, isyi),........ Same property. B. Petersen-agt same. (Oct. Monroe st, n .^, 3 5 e Nostrand iiv, S'ixlOO. Timothy Tiowd agt" Albert A. Reeve, • owner, '&c. (Feb. 0,-1883)................ St. 3Iarks av, s s. 140 vr Carlton av, FSxlSt. Simpson Sheppard agt Johu Donovan, owner, &c. (April G, I8?2)............... Slouroe st, n s, 2-11.8 e Nostrand av, S3.4xl00. Louis Bossert agt Albert A. Reeve. (March IS)................................ Sl7 00 23 00 506 00 391 CO BUILDINCtS PROJECTED: - i\EW YOEK €i'iT. Plan 00:;—Greemvieli nt, Nos. 34 aud ;](>, t\v(j six-.«tory.'orick aii.d .]3<)i'(;he.stei- .stone, tenem'ts, 24-.10x(;o, tin roof; cost, each, sl4-,0(j(); o^viicr,: Michael' Halyin, 1. "^Vasriiiigtoii st; .iircliitectj Joseijii 3,1. Duuii; liuikk-rs, Jolm Fisli aiid Mul- hoUciiid & Connplh-. . 3'Jl—114tli .st, Ne. -IV) E., one oue-.stoiy brick ollloe, 7x10, til roof; (.-ost. ^'lOil^o'tVuer., jrargaret (Joates, ou pK'inises; avcuitect, A. Sx)eiice. ;-)0.5—Broad\\'ay, s o uov Brooiite st, 7 and 21 rear x 40'and 83.6 deep, tin root'j cost, $7.5,000; ovmers. Mayor, Aldermen, &c., 146 (xrand sb: architect, D. J. Stagg. 409—Broadway, No. 688. one six-story iron store, 37.2%, and -27.'.4>^xj20.10,, tin roof; c(wt. $.55,000; 6%vner,'M..Levou.son; architects, H. J. Schwarzmaim & Co.; build-ji', 0 olin Snilllii. 410-'-4t!li st, No. 248 W.,rear, one one and tvro- stoiy brick stable, 25x35, tin or gravel roof; cost, §5,500; owner,"HartTanner, 903 Sth ay; archi¬ tect and carpenter, William Bedell; mason, Wil¬ liam Wellingtou. ,. , 411—Madison st. No. a79, oue one-stoiy brick stable, 23x41, gravel roof; cost, §500; owner,, J. Halsey, 289 East Broadway; architect, William Jose; guilders, R. Shapter and G. Culgin. 4!L3—150th st, ss,' 100 e Robinson av, one one- story and tdwer frame church, 30x70, shingle and gravel roof;, §2,500; oAviiers, Frederick Schwab et al., trustees, 151st st,Ccor Tintoii av; buiidei's, John Diehl and Fredeiick SchAvab. 413—40th st. No. 6:33 W., one one-story brick engine room, and boiler house, 13 and 10x34, tin roof; cost, §lj000; owners, Stern & Metzger, 4.0th st. North River'; builders, Jacob Vix iSs Sdii;; 414—G6rd,st,.No.s. 33 to 43, one four-stoiy"build¬ ing for steam !heatiiigand power works, ,125.*.' and, asphalt and gravel roof; cost,'§V50.- 000; owner, American Heating & Power,C',}3.,> 16 Exchange; pl; civil engineer, Wm. C. Grenn'eli' 415—(iedar st. No.. 100, one three-story,-iron, stone and brick fii-e engirie liouse, 25x50, tiii iqtif; cost, §13,000; o\yner, City of New York, 155 a)id 157 !M!ercer st; architects, N. lie Brun & Son. ! 416—Great Jones st, Ko. 15, one three-ftory iron, stone and :brick flre engine house, 26x95, tin roof; cost, §20,000; pwuei.', City of New York, 155 aud 1.57 Mercer st; architects, N. Le Brun' (fc Son. 417—Stone st. No! S, one three story iron, stone and brick fire engine house, tin roof; cost, §14,- 000; owner, City of New York, 155 and 157 Mer¬ cer st; architects, !N'. Le Brun & Son. 418—130th st, n s,, 12Ist st, s s, .83 e Madison av, t\yo three-story.brown stoiie dweirgs, )7x.5(), tiii roof; cost, each, §10,000; (.wner, Mrs! Lottie L. Dean, 143 East 12'Oth st; architect, R. Rosenstock. 419—1:39th st, Nes. ,126 and 128 W., one lour- stoiy brick tenem't, ,50; and 43.x55. extension 22x 77, tin roof; cost, §40,000; owner and architect, Wm. J. Merritt, 115.Boweiy. 420—Allen st, s e cor Stantnn st, one oue-stpry frame and glass store, 22.(ix37.3, tiu i-oof; cost, §1,500: owner, Beujannu G-. Aycrigg, Passaic. N. J..; architect, J. E. Tevlmne; builders, D. & E. Hubert and .Conl{liu& Kipp. 421—Madisoii av, n ecor OOdi st, one brick and br-own stoue church. &c., 100x89, .slate and tin .roof; cos,ts, §125,000.; for ow^ner, Jos. S. Stout, 531 5th ay; architect, R. H. Robertson. 4:33—67tli st, Nos. 23 and 25 ,E., tv/o. four-story brown stone dwell'gs, 20 and, 30x72, skite, tiu and mansard roof; cost, each §110,000; owner, Wm: L..S.lvidmore,.52 East 19tli st; architect, R. ET. Robertson; builders, L. N. Crow and ¥/". .H. Kirk& Co. - , : 4:i3—Oth av, ,n w cor 7Stli st, one eight-story brick and terra cotta flat, 102.3x100, iron, slate and concrete roof; cost, §250,O'jO; ow-ner, James O'Friel; architect, E. Gruwe; builder, not se¬ lected. . RlSGS.COl'NTI. Plan 31:2—Leonard .st, c s 25 n. Nasi-au av, one — frame, tenenrt,. 3.5x45,. .felt, cement iiiiil gravel roof;. cost, .§4,009; ow-ner, M!n,iy Prestfn!, exrx., Leonard . st.; .architeet, . Fred. Webei-; builders, PatNewTiian and John Fallon. 3l;i!—Leonard .st, e s, 50 n !INas.sau av, three tv.:)- storj'' and basement fraine dwell'gs, 1(i8x-!2. felt. cenient and gravel i-oof; , cost,..§S,000; owner. Mary Preston, exrx., Leonard st; architect, Fred. Weber; builders, Pat. .Ne^\anan and John !Fallon. . .314—Van Djdffi st. No. 117,-s .s, 152.6 e Van BiTuit st, one two¬story frame dweU'g, 18.9x-10 tin roof; .cost, .§1,390; ow-ner, Mary Halligan, on premises; arcliitects and builders, Martin & 1 jcu- nett..... • -. . 315—Marcy. av, n w cor Myi-tlc av, one t"wo- story brick stable,. 20x:35. tin roof and \vooden cornice; cost,. §2,000; ownier, John MoUenhauer, Ross st; architect, E. F. Gaylor; builders, "\'fui. and T. Lamb, Jr., and R. B. !Fer.g-uson. 316—Madison st, s s,. 100 e .!i3edford av, t\^-o three-story brown stone dwell'gs, .15.()x43, tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, §4,500 each; owner and carpenter, .John Hayes, .135 Stockton st. 317—South oth st, Nos. 54 aud 56, one one-story frame cojppersmith shop, 33.4x49, tar, felt and sand roof; cost, §1,600; owner, Fred'k C. .!K!nowle.s, 33 Desbrosses st. New" York ;.ar.chitect, E. F. '..'.jlor; builders, M. Reid and Steele & Costi¬ gan. ■ ..... 318—Delavan st, s v.- cor Richa,rds st, one three¬ story brick manufactory, -70x20, iron roof, iron cornice; cost, §9,00D; o%vnei', Chesbrough Mrum- facturing Co., 110 Front st, New-York; architect, AugTistus Hatfield; builders, P. Carlin & Sou. 319—Sumpter st. No. 167, one one and a half- story fraane stable, 16x20, slate roof;. cost, §100; owner and . carpenter,. Jolm Peper, 167 Siunpter St. . :_ . .... . .320—Cooper .st, .u w cor Central, av, one two¬ story frame .store and dwell'g, .25x60, tin roof; cost, §3J300; owner, A. Krebs; Montrose av; architecti, George !Hilienbraiid; builder,s, W. Bayer and P. Scheu,