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Real estate record and builders' guide: [v. 30, no. 760: October 7, 1882]: Supplement

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SXIPF* L. ElVE E jNTT, Published Weekly by The Real Estate Record Association TERMS: ONE YEAR, In advance.....$6.00 Communications should be addressed to C. W. SWEET, 191 Broadway. J. T, LINDSEY, Business Manager, THE LATEST EEAL ESTATE NEWS. Mr. Shoot has purchased thirteen lots on the south side of Forty-seventh street, between Eighth and Ninth avenues, aud proposes to erect thereon four- story brown stone double flat houses of various di¬ mensions. The firm of Priabury & Hildreth, proprietors of the West End Hotel, have dissolved partneiship, Mr. Hil. dreth having purchased Mr. Pri.sbury's interest. It is Mr. Hildreth's intention to erect a handsome casino, and several cottages on the ground lying between the hotel and the bowling alleys. Mr. J. R. Thomas has prepared very elaborate plans for these buildings, or rather building, for ihey will all be connected. The casino will contain card, reading and writing rooms, and a prominent theatrical manager, himself a large owner of realty at the Branch, has offered to rent it for two nights in the week, during the season, for the purpose of giving a flrst-class theatrical performance. The following are the sales at the Exchange Sales room for the week ending October 6: * Indicates that theproperty described has been bid in for plaintifTs account: A. H, MULLER & SON. tlSth St, n s, 141.7 e Riverside av, 50x100.11. J. M. Lichtenauer ............................ $4,500 11.3'Ji Sf, n s, 250 w Boulevard, 25x1(0.11. B. Goodwin.................................. 2,400 n3thst, ns, adj 25x100.11. B.Goodwin....... 2,500 114th st, s s, 110.6 e Riverside av, 25x100.11. S. F. Sherman................................ 3,150 114lh st, s s, adj. 25x100.11. E. .T. McEnroe.... 2,200 114th st, s s, adj, 25x10 '.11. E J. McEnroe.... 2,050 ll4tUst, ss, adj, 25x100.11. E. .7. McEnroe... 1,950 115th St. s s, 275 w Boulevard, 25x100.11. E. J. McEnroe.................................. 2,000 llSth st, s s, adj, 25x100.11. E. J. McEnroe.... 1,850 115th st, s s, adj, 2.5x100.11. E. J. McEnroe.... 2,000 llDth St. n e cor Riverside av, 35.6x101.7x12x100. A. Lustig ............................ 9,250 115th st, n s, adj, 25x100.11. E. J. McEnroe.... 5,100 116th st, s s, 77.2 e Riverside av, 25x100.11. M. A. J. Lynch............................... 3,5C0 116tb st, s s, adj. 25x10^^.11. M. A. J. Lynch... 3,000 116th st, s s, adj. 50x100.11. E. J. McEnroe.... .5,400, adj, 50x100.11. M. A. J. Lynch.... 6,000 Riverside av, n e cor 113th st, 26.9xS5.3x25.11x 92.1. E. J. McEnroe....................... 8,6.0 Riverside av, e s, adj, 25.10x92.1x25x98.7, E. J. McEnroe................................ 6,050 Riverside av, e s, adj, 25.10x98.7x25x105 2. S. .F.Sherman................................ 6,600 Riverside av, e s, adj, 25.10xU5.2x25xm.9, S. F. Sherman........................ 6,900 Riverside av, s e cor 114th st, 26.5xll0.6x25.11x 105.4. E. J. McEnroe .................. 8,650 Riverside av, e s, adj, 25.7x105.4x25x99 8. I. Cohnfeld................................ 6,500 Riverside av, adj, 25.9x99.8x25x93.4. I. Cohn¬ feld...................................... 5,500 Riverside av, adj, 25.10x93.4x25x85.9. I. Cohn¬ feld....................................... 5,350 Riverside av, se cor 116th st, 25x77.2x25.1 Ix 83.4. M.A.J. Lynch....................... 5.750 Riverside av, e s, adj, 25.8x93.4x25x99.3. I. Cohnfeld................................ 6,200 Riverside av, e s, adj, 25.9x99.3x25x108. I. Cohnfela................................. 6,100 Riverside av, e s, adj, 25.9x105.8x25x113. I. Cohnfeld................................... 6,500 R. V. HARNETT. Spring st, n e cor Elizabelh st, 2^.3x95.6x25x89, two three-8tory brick dweU'gs, store on corner. Thornton, Earle & Kiendl. (Amt due, abt 816,550).......................... 19,700 76th st, n s. 200 e 9th av, 50x103.2. M. A. J. Lynch 17,000 77th St. s s, 200 e 9th av, 50x102.2, vacant. M. A. J. Lynch................................. 21,000 124th st, s s, 10 w 1st av, 50x50x—, vacant. John Molloy. (Amt due, abt $1,625)...... 2,350 E. H. LUDLOW & CO. Lafayette av. w s, lots 55 and 81 on map of the village of Mt. Hope, 100x200 to Monroe av. B. F. Gerdy etal........................... 2,055 SCOTT &. MYERS. *Park row, No. 11. s s, C5.9 e Ann st, 20.3x65x") 19.2x62.4, four-story brick building with | stores............................. ... 1 Ann st, Nos. 5, 7, 9 and 11, e s, 75.8 s Park j row, 65.6 X irreg., four five-story brick | buildings with stores.....................J Chas. H. DugUss and Fred. W. Douglas..., 105,000 B SMVTH. 6th av, n e cor 124th st, ICO. 11x95, vacant. Theo. A. Gillman........................... c6,000 6th av, s e cor 125th st, 100.11x85. Cosslelt DicKson................................... 40,100 LOUIS mesier. Bedford'st,No. 79, n wcor Commerce st, 25x 50, three-story brick store and tenem't. D. M. Seaman. (Amt due, abt .$2,500)......... 11,600 JOSEPH MCGUIRE. 83d St, No. 415, E., n s, 16.8x102,2, three-story stone fronc dwell'g. Q. W, Wagner....... 7.800 83d st. No. 417E., n s, 16.5x102.2, similar dwell'g. John McLoughlin......................... 8,0CO 83d St, No. 419 E„ n s, 16.8x102.2, similar dwell'g. S. SchufE........................ 7,50© Ave A, n e cor 83d st, 51.2x98,9, two-story frame dweU'g and frame stable. A. Adams...................................... 13,500 W. L. HAMERSLEY, 'Broadway or Kingsbridge road, w s, oppo-") site a monnment located in centre line of Randel's 189th st, which is 9,004 ft, n of s s 155th st and 1.988 ft. w of e s of 10th av, runs south 111.10 x west 415,3 x north ig0.6x ease 385,6 x south 79,1 to beginning Also plot comprised and included bet easter¬ ly, northerly and south boundary lines of above premises, and west line of 190.4 of the old Kingsbridge road, both parcels containing 1.798-1.000 acres, including 7-100 acre which will eventually be taken from Broadway..........................J Excelsior Sav, Bank. (Am't due, $11J,.500). 10,200 A. J. BLEECKER & SON. 30th st, No. 151 W., n s, 25x9.«,9, two-story brick store and tenem't and portion three-story brick stable in real", W, Germond......... 11,550 30th st, No, 149 W,, n s, 25x98,9, flve story brick store and tenem't and two-story brick sta¬ ble in rear, Henry Cregier................ 19,500 31st st. No, 150 W,, s s, 25,6x98,9, three-story brick dwellg and two-story brick stable in rear, Wm. H. Tailer..................... 13,700 113th st. No. 234 E., k s, 25x100,1 ]x—x93,7, two¬ story frame dwell'g. F. R. Coudert. (Am't due, abt $1,050)............................ 3,900 Morris av, n s, 100 w Madison av. 100x125, va¬ cant. Fred, Cregier....................... 81ii Morris av, n s, adj, 100x125, Edw, Cregier___ 785 Morris av.s s, 85.11 e Central av, 75x.t25. F. X, Keller............................... 410 Morris av. s s, 100 w Madison av, lC0xl25. F. X.Keller................................ CT5 J. T. BOYD. 128th st, n s. 75 w 7th av, 25x93.11, vacant. Timothy Donovan.......................... 5.950 Total........................................ $494,635 BKOORLTN, N. I. In the city of Brooklyn, Messrs. T. A. Kerrigan and Cole & Murphy, have made the following sales for the week ending October 6: *Bergen st, n s, 473.4 w Sth av, 20x100. Albert P. Wells.................................... $3,350 Bond St. w s, 62.6 n Bergen st, 20.10x75 R. H. Falls........................................ 3,650 *Dean st. s s, 375 e 4th av, 20x100. The Home Ins. Co. .................................. 5,200 * Verandah pl, s s, 87.11 e Henry st, 21.3x65. Rufus Cronkrite............................ 2,000 Walworth st, Nos. 9S and 100, w s. 382.9 n Myr¬ tle av, 50x100, two two-Story frame houses and two two-story brick houses on rear. Norris Evans............................. 2,550 Total .................................... $16,750 The Commissioners Of Estimate and Assessment, relative to the opening of Ninety-first street, from Fourth avenue to East River, give notice that their report will be prestnted at the County Court House, on November 3d. CONVEYANCES Wherever the letters Q. C. and C. a. G. occur, pre¬ ceded by the name of the grantee ihey mean as follows 1st—Q. C, is an abbreviation for Quit Claim deed i. e., a deed in which all the right, title and interest of the grantor is conveyed, omitting all covenants or war¬ ranty. •Zd—C. a. G. means a deed containing Covenant against Grantor only, in which he covenants that he hath not done any act whereby the estate conveyed may be impeached, charged or incumbered. NEW lOER CITY. September 29, 30, October 3, 3, 4, 5. Allen st, No. 183, e s, 6.5 n Stanton st, 17.6x 87.6, two-story brick dwell'g. Maria Thiele, widow, to Michael Bissert. Mort. $3,000. Oct. 2. $6,650 Broadway, w s, beginning 900.5 n from ss 1.5.5th st, andi9S8.4 w from e s 10th av, runs south along Broadway 111.10 x west 415.3 x north 190.6xeast385.6X south alongBroadway 19,1; also plot between easterly boundary on Broad¬ way of above premises and the northerly and southerly boundary of above premises, both parcels containing together 1 798-1,000 acres. Foreclos. Henry A. Gumbleton to The Ex¬ celsior Savings Bank. Oct. 4. 10,200 Bayard st, No. 47, s s, 100 w Bowery, 25x 80.4, three-story frame (brick front) build'g and two-story brick extension. Samuel D. Barnes to Eliza Porret. % part. Aug. 15. 1,375 Same property. Samuel D. Barnes and ano., exrs. Anna Talbot, to same. All title of tbe late Anna Talbot. Aug. 1.5. 9,625 Broome st. No. 293, n w cor Eldridge st, 25x 50,6, five-story stone front store aud tenein't, Charles F. Jones, Westchester, Pa., to John Kocher. Sept. 26. 19,700 Columbia st. No. 6, e s, 100 n Grand st, 2.5x100, two-story fianie store and dwell'g and three- story bi-ick tt-nem't in rear. Foreclose. 4nbrey C. Wilson to Angellar E. wife of Tbomas Lyons. Sept. 30. 6,300 Columbia st. No. 87, w s, 175 s Stanton st. 27x 100x27,2x100, four-story brick store and tenem't and four-story brick tenem't in rear. Moritz Gerber to August Buermann. Mcrt. $6,500. Oct. 3. 13,-500 Crosby st. indeft., 26.1x120x28,1x120. WiUiam G, VVest, Brooklyn, to Maiy C. wife of Wil¬ liam G. W^est. Feb. 18, 1S80. 12,000 Dey .'it. No. 4.3. s s, 107.6 w Church st, 24,11x1 74,7x24.11x74.8, five-story .ttone front store. I Dey st, No. 45, s s, 132.5 w Church st, 25x74.6 | x25x74.7, five-story stone front store. f- William st, No. 163, w s, 60.7 n Ann st, 22.3x 86.2x23.6x88.1, four-story brick (stone front) store. Julia E. wife of George A, Miller, Mont¬ clair, N, J., to Alexander M. Fioss. Re¬ recorded, Q. C. June 8. nom Delancey st. No. 218, n s, 50 e Pitt "-t, 2.5x73, five-story brick store and tenem't. John W. Andreas to William Long and Jacob M. Patterson, Jr. Sept. "iy. 14.500 Grand st, No, 38, ns, 18 11 e Thompson st, 18.11 x46,ll, five-story biick store and tenem't. Foreclos. Abram Kling to Christian Bruns. Sept. 30. 12,700 Grand st, No. 40, n s, 37.10e Th'jmpson st, 18.11 x46.11, five-story brick store and tenem't. Foreclos. Abram Kling to Christian Bruns. Sept. 30. 13,100 Grand st, n s, indef., 25x75. Mary G. Hill, widow, Newark, N. J., to Laura P. wife of Edwin F. Hyatt. % part. Morts, % of $20,000. Oct. 17, 1S81. nom Jumel terrace, w s, 134.4 s 162d st, 50x100," vacant. Audubon av, n w cor 167th st, runs west 100 X north 51.7 x west 114,4 to Kingsbridge road, X north 26,2 x east 222.2 to Audubon av, x south 76.7, vacant. Philo T Ruggies, referee, to Patrick Merri- gan. June 30. 4,505 Monroe st, No. 261, n s, 150.6 w Jackson st, 25x 93.9x25x93.4, three-story frame (brick front) store and dwell'g and tbree-story frame dwell'g in rear. Gei'sbon Levy to Mary H. wife of Eibe D. Cordts. Brooklyn. Morts. $9,000 and taxes, 1882. Oct. 5. 6,000 Montgomery st. No. 24, w s, 65,3 s Henry st, 21.9x46, three-story brick dweU'g. Annie M. Twigg. Brooklyn, to Mary A. Smith, widow. Mort. $1,000. Oct. 2. 7,000 Pearl st. No. 483, sws, 15.6 s e City Hall pl, 18 x63.2x16,11x55, four-story brick store and tenem't, George Fuhr, Rah way, N. J., to Joseph J. Carberry. Mort. $10,000, taxes, &c. Oct. 31, 1879, 100 Rivington st. No. 74, n s, abt .56.6 e Allen st, 21.9x75, three-story brick dweU'g, Anthony Dugro to John G. Weber. Oct. 2. 11,2.50 Stone st, Nos. 16, IS and 20, s s, 53.6 w Broad st, runs south 22.5 x. west 11,3 x southwest 26.2 x west 33.11 X north 48.3 to Stone st, x east 46.6, two-story brick store. Nelson J. Water¬ bury, referee, to Jobn S. Davidson. Oct, 2. . 35,000 South William st. No. 9, and No. 61 Stone st, being South William st, s w cor Mill st, 23.6 x76,3 to Stone st, x 23,2 to Mill st, x 75, four- story brick store. Walter L. Cutting to Wil¬ liam Cutting, exr. P, B. Cutting. Oct. 3. 52,500 South st. No. 87, s w cor Burling slip, 21.10x 49.7x32 3X.50.1, five-story brick store. Louis Le Couteulx de Caumont, Prance, to Louis P, H, Le Couteulx de Caumont, St, Martin Eure, Prance. Trustees. Sept, 15. nom