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Real estate record and builders' guide: Index: v. 33 (January-June, 1884)

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Real Estate Yoi. XXXIII, JANUAKT- -JUIJE, 1884. The following Index of tho Conveyances and New Buildings for New York City and King* County, as published in Thb Real Estate ReCOKD during the first aix months of 16e4, will be found of great utility and value by those of our readers who have preserved all the copies of this paper during that period. Great care has been observed to keep the Index: up to the same perfect standard as in the past. The pages are given on which all transfers of realty can imme¬ diately be found and the streets and avenues are sub-divided so that very few references are re¬ quired; for instance, transfers of property on Allen street appear in twelve numbers during the six months, which in the Index are sub-di¬ vided into six parts of the street, so that the least possible trouble need be Jneurred,atransfer being found by referring to but three or four pages, provided it is known between what streets the property is located. The Projected Buildings are indexed in a similar manner, enabling all to readily ascertain on what streets improvements have been made Those desirous of keeping a permanent file Cor reference should see that all the numbers are complete, and have them bound. A suitable binder can be had at the office of The Record and Guide, 191 Broadway, corner of Dey street, price one dollar. [NEW YORK CITY. STitEZTS. Abingdon eq-----165. Ai!ademy....701, Albany....321, 569. Allen, south of Hester—47i, bet Hester and Grand . 4J0, 472. 696. bet Grand and Broome... 10. be* "Broome and Delancey-----411,439,639, 696. bei Delancey and Bivinglon----61,186,62 . north of Rivingtou.... 90, 92, 539. Amity (also see West 3d). Ann, east of William... .38, 268. west of William... .91, 214, 539. Attorney, south of Stanton ,.. 163, 539. north of Stanton___10, 114. Bank, eaat of Hudson .. ,88, 239, 411, weal of HndBon----62LI. Barrow east of Hudeon,.. .90,163, 411, 596. Bawvia....ll4,214, 473. ■ Baxter, south of Worth... .477, 503. betWorth and Leonard-----214,439,620. bet Leonard and Bayard .. .61, 140, 444, north of Uanal 239, 295. Bavard, east of Chryatie —10, 114. bet Bowery and Molt.... 324, 352, 4,^9. wesfofMott,.. 163,268,321. Beach,...414. 509. Beav^r.,..10, 61, 90. Bedford .114,472,620, IJe^kman., 268,331,620. Hhusou . -.620. Bethune — 383. liiiiiiKigham----239, 382, Bltecker n b, bet Bowery and Broadway___10,36, 61.239,240,639. be*^ Broadway and South 6th ay___239,263. 669. bBioouthStb av and Morton st___90,321, 5K9. bftt. Morton and Charles .. .472, 701, westofCharleB ...140,165. E ,,imm'>''t)eroad....61, 596, 654, 076. Bond....lO, 114, 620, 621. Bmlevard, south uf 65th.. ..239, het (iSt.n and 85th-----SOS. bet 85th and lOOlh... .539, 701. be' lUOth and lOSth-----677. bet lOSib and 107th___38, 349. north of 107th (also see 11th av)..,, 137, bet ISSih and 14Sth... .S03. bet 115th and ISSlh... .10, 472. Bowery, south of Hester----114, 439. bet Grand and Deiancey — 38S. be"- Delanoey and Stanton-----61, 186, 539, 701. b^L atauton and 2d___61, 382. n>rthof2d....298, 444, 599. Eiwiing G-""'' .92. WridRe ...92,569. Broad, nortn ol Sione-----61, 411, 620. B.- ..lUW w, south of Morris___137, 186, 295, 620. be'. Morria Bt and Exchange vl----26G, 472. b-r. Wall ai.d Liberty....61, 440. bet Liberty and Barclay... ,90, I'M, 295, 652. twt Murray and lieade... .214, 347, 381, 382, bet Bide and WalUcr....137, 2(18. bet Gr ■ d nm' Sprinfj----10, 38,5. bet Spriogand Prince....186, 620. bet Prince and Bleecker___347, 385. betBleeoker and4th....90, 620, 622, 652. bet4tli and 9th. ...472, 701. bet 9th and 12th... .188, 509, Se9 bet 12th and 14111....477, 599,079. bet a4tb and 34th___186, 243. bet 34tb and 40th ...187,852,652. fcet40tb anil 45th....138, 297, 620, 676. bet 50th and S5ib___61. bet 55th and 59th... .186, 384. north of 59ih (also aee Boulevard)___114, 137, 239, 243, 347, 472. Broomp, east of Lewis___411. beiLewis and Columbia ...38. 61,137, 239. bet Colunibia a'>d Bheriff... .268, bet yhenffand Ridge... .239, 382. 440, 569. bet, EirlaieandClmtou ..321,347. betSnffolk ai.d Norfolk... .10, 186, 411, 559, 620, 652. bet Norfolk and Essex.... 114, 239, 411. bet EB»eK and Orchard___90,268, 29S, 321, 503. 596. bet Orchard and Eldridge,.. .411, 440, 539. bet Einridse and Bowery___382, 411, 440. bet Bowery and Mulberry___321. 472, 620. bet Mulberry and Elm___J14, 347. bet Elm and Wooster... ,503, 569, S96, 65S. bet Wooeter aud Sullivan___137, 440. west of Sullivan,... 382, 472. Bnrlit'g slip___295, 539, 670, 596. Canal, east of Lndlow . .569. bet Ludiowaud Orchard... .90, 114,163. 411. bet Orchard and Forsyth 347, 477, 62S. bet Broadway and Bouth 5lb av... .10, 472, S03. bet South Sth av and Hudson st .. 239. west of Hudson.... 186, 239. 539, 696, Cannon, south of Rivingten... 472, 076. bet Eivinglon and Stanton . 652. 'armine___239, 472. Caroline___411. Caiharine, north of Madiaon___239, 503, 652. south of Madison___186. lane... 701. Cedar, eaat of Broadway___472, 621, west of Broadway___S96, 620. Centre___321, 620. Central Park West {also aee 8th av)___654. Chambers, eaat ofBroadwa?.,,.114, 214, 347,472, 539. bet Broadway and College pi___38, 61, 64, 137. west of Hudson___163, 239, 263, 295, 569, 670, C20. Charlafl, east ot 4th___268, 295, 472, 530, bet 4th and Hndaon___114, 29S. Charlton, eaat of Hudson ... 10, 186. west of Hudson___8J, 137. Chatham.,. 347, 603. sq . 33, 163, 701. Cherry, bet Dover and James .. 90, 187, 701. bet James and Bulgers___38, 347, betRntgera and Clinton___268, 411, 503, btt Clinton and Montgomery___18, 347, 332, »03, 639, 543, 662. bet Montgomery and Scatnmel___882. east of SiSBmmel ...216, 239, 347,411, S04. ChriatophT, bet Greenwich av and West 4th et___ 18fi. betWeat4th and Bedford... 26', 347, 411, 701. Ohryslie, south ol Grand___61, 639. bet Broome and RivinRlon___216,■ 472, 543. north of Bivington .. .38, 440, 472, 676. Ohuroh, aonth of Park pi___847, 411. north of Chambers... .88, 396, 382, 440. Clark. ...472. Cliff, bet John and Beeknmn___186, 239, 321. bet Beekman aud Hague___348, 381. CUnton, south of Division... .S03, SOi, ^X,a. bet Division and Grand___821, 472. bet Grand and Broome....38, 61, 90, 137. bet Broome and Bivington... .Ii98, 385, 472. north of Bivington... .£03. Coenties Blip... 114. Columbia, south of KivinRton___298, 599. bet Bivington and Stanton___90,472, 6.0. north of Stanton.... 92, 214, 239, 620. Cooper----61. Cortlandt... .38, 61, 676, 701, OrOBbv, bet Grand and Spring___90, 114, 163, 385. bet Spriu,{ and ,7ereev___214, 347, 620. north of Jersey___385, 620, 652, 70L DelanoeT, eaat of Lewis . .239, 321, 621, be* Lewis and Columbia....347, 382, 621, 676, het Uolumbiaand Pitt___347, .^40, 621. bet Pitt and Clinton.., .596, 652. bet Clinton and Norfolk___214, 239, 295. bet Norfolk and Essex .. .411, 540. belEsses and Orchard.. .137,347,411. bet Orchard and Foreyth ...214,569. west of ForsTth,.. .324, 351, 472, Depeyster ...138,240,296,504. Desbrosnea .. S03. Dey....61, 696. Division, tasi of Ridge___368, 347, 503. bet Ridge and Clinton... .239, 352,411,440, 472, 652. bel Gil;.ton and Eaaes.. .472,503, 652. : bet I5esex and Orchard... 295,347. bet Orchard and Allen___114, 137, 539, 5C9, 652. weal of Allen___38, 603,569,652. indefl.. 114. Donjiniek___382 Dover....61, 90, 669, 596. Doyer....90. Duane, eapt of Broadwav... .295, 847- bet Broadway and Hudson___216, 62S. Dutch....477. Dvokman, 163, 440. Eaat Broadwav, het Oliver and Markpl,. ,,140, 163,347, 348, 503. 596,650. bet Market and Pike... .114. 295, 652. bet Pike and Rnifrers.... 114, 596, 676. bet Butirers and Jeflerson___603, 652. bet Jefferaon and Clinton .. 321, 504, 621, 652. bet Clinton and Montgomery___239, 352, 411, 414, 440, 662. east of liontgomery___114, 503. fastern Boulevard (see ^v A). EdRecomb road....268, 440, 472. Eldridge, south of Canal... ,114, 137. 440. bet Canal and Hester.... 137, 163. bet Hester and Broome... 214, 503. het Broome and Deiancey... .410, 621. belDelancev and Eiviaglon., . ,295, 569, north of Eivirgton___10, 621. Elizabeth, sodth of Easter ...503.596. bet Hester and Broome .. 90, 540, 676. bet Broome aud Spring-----444, 472, 640, 620. bet Spring and Prince___214, 239, 411, 621. north of Prince___621. Elm, bet Worth and White....61, 701. north of Canal....10, 321,348,382. Essex, south of Hester___214, 348. bet Heater and Delincoy... 90, 239, 318,503, bet Deiancey and Bivington .. 239. north of Rivington....l63, 321, 348, 569, 621. Ferrv....S40,S98, 621. Forayth, bet Bayard and Canal... .61, 137, 472, 540, 696, 621. bet fJanal and Heater... ,163, 186,239,348, 621. north of Broome___10, 186, 348 Franklin,eastnf Hudson.,..348, 382. 620. west of Hudson... .39, 114. Front, south of Broad . 114, 503. b«t Broad and Wall___10, 38, 61, 137, 503. bet Wall at and Maiden lane... 503, 701. bet Maiden lane and Fulton at... 163,186, 295, 440, 569, 570. bet Fulton and Montgomery.. .239, 440, 570. east of Montgomery... .440, 472, 652. indeft... 29S. Fulton, eaat of Broadway.... 38, 137, 186, westol Broadway.,..114, 348. Gay___504. Goerck, south of Deiancey___411, 440. north of Dolanccy,.. 503, 621. Gold, BOuth of Fulton....701. Gouverneur___348. Gramercy Park . 503, 504, 640, 569, Grand Circle.... 384- Graod. east of Corlears,.. .61, ISr,, 296, 569, 570, bet Corleara and Columbia... .411, 440,597. bet Columbia and Willetl... 163. 186. bet Ridge and Clinton___61, 137,268,603, 569. bet Clinton and Sufclk,.. .38, 61, 90. bet Suffolk and Ludlow... .569. het Ludlow and Eldridge....268, 414. bet Eldridge and Bowery-----10, 503. bet Bowery and Broadway.... 163, 165, 295, 703. bet Broadway and Wooster___10, 603,509, 621. west of ThompBon....S48. Greene, south of Broome----64,114,163, betf