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March 6,1886 The Record and Guide. 307 between 14th and 59th sts. 42d st, s s. 314 e 1st av, one-story brick coal house and elevator, 117.8x60, slated roof; cost, $24,700; Equitable Gas Light Co., 340 3d av; ar't, A. W. P. Cramer; b'r, Richard Deeves. Plan 265. 47th st. No. 359 W., five-story brick flat, 30x65, tin roof; cost, $18,000; ow'r and b'r, J. C. MiUer, 239 West 50th st; ar'ts, McKim, Mead & White. Plan 261. 49th st, No. 457 W., five-story brick tenem't, 25 x68, tin roof; cost, $10,000; Adolph Arzt, 437 West 50th st; ar't, R. H. Bschaidner. Plan 279. 49th st. No. 459 W., five-story brick tenem't, 85 x68, tin roof; cost, $10,000; Henry Dreyer, 741 10th av; ar't, R. H. Bschaidner. Plan 880. 49th st. No. 461 W., flve-story brick tenem't, 85 x6S, tin roof; cost, $10,000; Peter Hinrichs, 504 West 43d st; ar't, R. H. Bschaidner. Plan 281. 58th st, n s, 500 w 10th av, one-story brick pump house, 41.4x33.4, and boUer house house, 30.4x25.4, slate roof; cost, $8,700: Equitable Gas Light Co., 340 3d av; ar't, .J. P. Harrison; b'r, J. T. Rowland. Plan 891. Broadway, s e cor 20th st, six-story brick store, 96.3x100.6x92x73.1, tile and copper roof; cost, $200,000; Robert Goelet, 591 5th av, and Ogden Goelet, 608 5th av, ar'ts, McKim, Mead & White; m'n, M. Reid. Plan 299. 18th st. No. 12 E., flve-story brick store, 24.6x 80, with 12-foot extension, basement and flii'st story, tin roof; cost, $30,000; John Duncan's Sons, 1 Union sq: ar't, Wm. Schickel. Plan 271. 35th st, Nos. 214 and 216 W., two-story brick church, 37.6x65, slated roof; cost, $20,000; First German EvangeUcal Church, 138 West 24th st; ar't, H. J. Hardenbergh; b'rs, Dawson & Archer and C. W, Klappert's Sons. Plan 300. 12th av, n e cor 50th st, two-story brick buUd¬ ing for stone cutting, 68x43, and extension, 15x 20, gravel roof; cost, $10,000; lessee, James Blackhurst, 225 West 48th st: ar't, G. B. Pelham; b'rs. Van Dolsen & Arnott and Jeans & Taylor. Plan 297. BETWEEN 59th AND 125tH STREETS, EAST OF 5th avenue. 73d st, s s, 63 e Madison av, two four-story and basement brick dwell'gs, 17x20x50x60, tin and slate roofs; cost, $22,600 and25,0C0; ow'rs, ar'ts and b'rs, Charles Buek & Co., 500 Madison av. Plan 258. 112th st, n s, 100 w 3d av, two flve-story brick tenem'ts, 30x82, tin roofs; cost, each, $18,000; Joseph H. Beams, 119 Lefferts pl, Brooklyn; ar't, Julius Kastner. Plan 259. 92d st, Nos. 164 and 166 E., five-story brick tenem't, 27.3x84.8, tin roof; cost, $22,000; Marie Grenhart, 166 East 92d st; ar't, Oswald Wirz; b'r, not selected. Plan 283. Madison av, s w cor 103d st. flve-story brick flat, 20x97, tin roof; cost, $19,000; A. Louis Seves- tre, 121 East 53d st; a'rt, John Miller; b'r, not selected. Plan 270. 77th st, n s, 155 w Lexington av, two-story brick dwell'g and blacksmith's shop, 25x95, tin roof; cost, $4,000; Christopher Creamer, 1218 3d av; ar't, F. T. Camp. Plan274. 84th st, Nos. 117 and 119 E., two five-story and basement brick tenem'ts, 25.3x87.8, tin roofs; cost, each, $19,000;::M. H. Schneider, 1539 Av A;-ar'ts, Herter Bros. Plan 292. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OF 8th avenue. 63d st, n s, 250 e 10th av, flve nve-story brick (stone front) tenem'ts, 25x88and84, tin roofs; cost, each, $17,000; Charles Gahren, 777 8th av; ar't, M. L. Ungrich; built by day's work. Plan 866. 63d st, s s, 400 w Oth av, flve five-story brick (stone front) fiats, 25x88 and 84, tin roofs; cost, each, $20,000; ow'rs and b'rs, GilUe, Walker & Lawson, 519 West 104th st; ar't, M. V. B. Ferdon, Plan 289. IIOth and 125th streets, between 5th and 8th AVENUES. 8th av, n e cor 115th st, four-story and attic brick flat, 25.11x96, deck roof tinned, mansard slated; cost, $35,000; Louis S. Brush, Jr., 40 West 17th st; ar't, H. J. Hardenbergh: b'rs, not select¬ ed. Plan 286. 8th av, e s, 85.11 n 115th st, four two-story brick stores, 25x50, tin roofs; cost, each, $5,000; Louis S. Brush, trustee, 40 West 17th st; ar't, H, J. Hardenbergh; b'rs, not selected. Plan 887. NORTH OF 125th STREET, Manhattan st, n s, 336 w 9th av, seven flve-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 25x70, tin roofs; cost, each, $12,000; WUhelmine Juch, 1970 2d av; ar't and b'r, W. A. Juch. Plan 267. Manhattan st, n s, 510.11 w 9th av, flve-story brick tenem't with store, 25x70, rear 17.10, tin roof; cost, $12,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, same as last. Plan 268. 147th st, s s, 250 e St. Nicholas av, stone base¬ ment with open stand above, 16x50, tin roof; cost, $1,000; lessee, New York Tennis Club, 146th st and St. Nicholas av; A. P. Whitehead; ar't, W. H. Berrian. Plan 263. Sth av, e s, 25 s 131st st, two flve-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 25x88.6, tin roofs; cost, each, $16,000; Winfield Tucker, Bridgeport, Conn; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden & Son. Plan 864. 10th av, e s, 50 n 156th st, one-story frame dweU'g and stores, 50x72, tin roof; cost, $8,000; Frederick Kappelman, 8th av, bet 136th and 137th sts; ar't and b'r, Wm. Kusche. Plan 890, 8th av, n w cor 133d st, three five-story brick flats with stores, two 40x70, and corner 20x86, tin roofs; cost, two $26,000 eacb, and one $18,000; ow'r and b'r, Henry G, Peters, 57 East 124th st: ai-'t, Bart Walther, Plan 272. 23d and 24th wards. 139th st, n s, 100 w Alexander av, three-story brick dweU'g, 20x45, tm roof; cost, $5,500; Sarah M. Donohue, 749 Courtlandt av; b'r, Alex. Fer¬ guson. Plan 360. 151st st, n s, 145.3 e Morris av, two-story frame dweU'g, 22x36, tin roof; cost, $2,650; ow'r and ar't, Lawrence Ryan, 421 West 44th st; b'r, WiU¬ iam McEntyre. Plan 285. West Farms road, e s, 400 n Westchester av, two-story frame shed, 20x24.6, slate roof; cost, $400; Charles S. Clark, 973 East 175th st; b'r, H. C. Clark. Plan 288. North 3d av, w s, 108 n 176th st, two-story frame store and dwell'g, 24x40, tin roof; cost, $3,000. Frank B. Proffen, 1840 Madison av; ar't, C. C. Churchill; b'rs, J. McGarrity and Louis Falk; Plan 293. Washington av. No. 89, two-story frame store and dweU'g, 20x36, tinroof; cost, $2,000; H. H. WeUenbrink, 343 East 117th st; ar't, C. C. ChurchUl; b'rs, J. McGarrity and Louis Falk. Plan 294. Washington av. No. 29, frame wagon shed. 25x 20; cost, $800; ow'r, &c., same as last. Plan 295. Southern Boulevard, es, abt 20 nHuU av, three three-story stone dweU'gs, 33.6x53.6, slate roofs; cost, each, $10,000; John T. Dunn, 111 Broadway; ar'ts, R. H. Robertson and W. M. Grinnell. Plan 296. Lane av, s s. 864 e Southern Boulevard, two¬ story frame dweU'g, 81x33, tin roof; cost, abt $1,000; Hugh McSaUy, 311 East 60th st; b'r, John Cash. Plan 876. KmGS COUNTY. Plan 834—Himrod st, s s, 200 e Bushwich av, one two-and-a-half-story frame (brick filled) dweU'g, 20x36, tinroof; cost, $4,800; ow'r and c'r, Louis Fink, 626 Broadway; m'n, Jno. Auer; ar't, Th. Engelhardt. 235—20th st. No. 85, one-story frame shop, 20x 13, tinroof; cost, $25; ow'r and c'r, Chas. Lenz, on premises. 236—Magnolia st, s s, 109 e Evergreen av, one two-story and basement frame (brick filled) dweU'g, 18x42, tin roof; cost, $3,000; Geo. Pari- sen, 518 Evergreen av; ar'ts, J. T. MUler & Co. 237—Central av, e s, 75 s Himrod st, one three- story frame (brick filled) store and tenem't, 25x55, tin roof; cost, $4,500; ow'r, c'r and m'n, William Frankel, 319 Ellery st; ar't, Th. Engelhardt. 238—Ellery st, s s, 100 e Sumner av, one two¬ story frame (brick filled) stable and wagon shed, 25x61, tinroof; cost, $2,000; Jno. L. Gaxs, 636 and 638 Broadway; ar'ts, Platte & Acker. 239—Elm st, s s. 150 w Central av, three three- story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, 25x57.2 each, tin roofs; cost, each, $4,500; ow'rs and b'rs, J. & W. Murphy, 422 Grand st; ar't, H. VoUweUer. 840—Garden st,No. 46, w s, one three-story frame (brickfllled) tenem't, 80x40, tinroof; cost, $3,200; ow'r and b'r, David Mayer, 678 Flushing av; ar't, H. VoliweUer. 241—Greene av, n s, 100 e Evergreen av, one two-story frame stable, 20x26, tin roof; cost, $650; ow'r and b'r, Adolph Minch, cor Evergreen av and Jefferson st; ar't, H. VoUweiler. 242—Central av, w s, 20 n Harman st, four three-story frame (brick flUed) stores and tenem'ts, 20x56 each, tin roofs; cost, each, $3,000; ow'rs and b'rs, Cozine & Gascoine, 109 Harman st; ar't, H. VoliweUer. 243—Palmetto st, n s, 275 e Hamburg av, one three-story frame (brick flUed) tenem't, 25x55, tin roof; cost, $4,500; ow'r, Peter Braum, 144 Central av; ar't, H. VoUweUer. 244—Lexington av, s w cor Sumner av, five four-story brick stores and flats, one 22x65, four 19.6x52, tin roof, wooden and tin cornices; cost, each, $6,700; ow'r and b'r, Jas. A. Thompson, 544 Lexington av; ar'ts, Platte & Acker. 245—Middleton st, n s, 80 e Lee av, one three- story brick factory and planing mUl. 121x60, tin roof, brick cornice; cost, $10,000; ow'r and c'r, Jacob Bossert, Rutledge st, near Harrison av; ar'ts, Platte & Acker; m'n, Jno. Auer. 246—Hopkins st, s s, 300 e Nostrand av, two three-story frame (brick fiUed) tenem'ts, 26.8x56 each, tin roof; cost, each, $4,500; F. Zangle, Hop¬ kins st, near Nostrand av; c'r, Mr. KunzweUer' m'n, Mr. Bruckhauser; ar'ts, Platte & Acker. ' 247—Stagg st, s w cor Waterbury st, one three- story frame store and tenem't, 25x60, tin roof; cost, $4,000; H. SeUer, 12 Moore st; b'rs, Roeder & Kramer; ar't, H. VoUweUer. 248—Harman st, s s, 180 w Evergreen av, one two-and-one-half-story frame (brick fiUed) dweU'g, 24x48, tin roof; cost, $4,000; Geo. Presser, 40 Suy¬ dam st; c'r, R. B. Ferguson. 849—Bayard st, n w cor Graham av, one three- story frame (brick-filled) store and tenem't, 20x 40x26, rear, gravel roof; cost, $3,000; Sarah E. Lent, cor Graham av and Bayard st; c'r and ar't, A. Van Dien; m'ns, Gately & Smith. 250—Atlantic av n e cor Olive pl. five two-story frame dweU'gs, 19.5x30 each, gravel roof; cost, $2,000 each; ow'r, ar't and b'r, Jos. Davison, 779 Halsey st. 251—Grattan st, s a, 185 e Bogart st. one two¬ story frame (tirick filled) dweU'g. 85x40, tin roof; cost, $1,950; Oscar Karrass, 480 South 5th st; b'r, Chas. WUber; ar't, Th. Engelhardt. 852—Boerum st, s s, 524.9)4 e Bushwick av, one three-story frame (brick fiUed) tenem't, 25x55, tin roof; cost, $3,600; Ida C. Brums, 308 8th st, New York city; m'n, Jno. C. Hesse. 258—Boerum st, n s. No. 247, one three-story frame (brick fiUed) store and tenem't, 25x50, tin roof; cost, $?,500: ow'r and c'r, J. Kroth, 202 Boerum st; ar't, H. VoUweUer, 254—Stagg st, s 8, 75 w Waterbury st, one two¬ story frame (brick fliUed) stable, 14x28,6, tin roof; cost, $600; ow'r, Jno. Bruen, 858 Sth st, New York city; c'rs, Boeder & Kramer; m'n, Jno. Hess; ar't, H. VoliweUer. 25.5—Ivy st, n s, 200 w Evergreen av, one two- frame (brick filled) dwelling, 22x36, tin roof; cost, $2,500; ow'r, Rob't GiUis, 178 South Sdst; c'r Rob't Wright; m'n, Geo. Cutler; ar't, Th. Engel¬ hardt. 256—Belvidere st, s s, 300 e Broadway, one three-story brick tenem't, 25x56, tin roof; gal¬ vanized iron cornice; cost, $7,000; Christian Pfeiff, 340 Floyd st; ar't. Th. Engelhardt; m'n, Stephen J. Burrows; c'r, C!. Schneider. 2.57—Court st, n w cor Harrison st, one four- story bi'ick and terra cotta store and flat, 20..3x64; tin roof, wooden and galvanized iron cornice; cost $13,000: Theo. Ahlefeld, on premises; ar't, Carl P. Eisenach, 61 Court st; m'n, J. H. O'Rourke; c'r, Wm. Zang. 858—South Portland av, w s, 261.6 n Atlantic av, one three-story brick stable, 40x96, galva¬ nized iron roof; cost, $10,000; ow'r and b'r, G. P. Corlis, 702 Fnlton st; art. M. J. Morrill. 859—Myrtle av. No. 1193, n s, 46 w Bushwick av, one three-story frame (brick fllled) store and tenem't, 85x irreg., flat tin roof; cost, $5,800; ow'r and b'r, Jno. Kramer, 708 Bushwick av; ar't, Th. Engelhardt. 860—Magnolia st, s s, 85 w Central av, one three-story frame (brick fiUed) store and tenem't, 25x55, tin roof; cost, $4,500; ow'r and b'r, H. P. Kopke, cor MagnoMa st and Central av; ar't, Th. Engelhardt. ' 261—Franklin av, w s, 43 s Montgomery st, one two-story frame (brick filled) dweU'g, 22x36, gravel roof; cost, $1,500; Thos. Burns; ar't. 1'. Floyd Thomas, 16 Court st; b'r, Thos. Donley. 262—Waverly av, w s, 514 w Gates av, two two-story brick private stables, 22x60 each, flat tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $7,900; J. W. Sedgwick, 419 Clinton av; ar'ts and c'rs, MUler & Howe; m'n, W. Bidkeley. 263—Paciflc st, Nos. 1326 and 1328, s s, 100 e New York av, two three-story and basement brown stone dweU'gs. 20x42 each, flat tin roof, wood and galvanized iron cornices; cost, each, $7,500; J. Donavan, 1334 Pacific st; ar't and b'r, Wm. Mc- Clenahnn. 264—Jefferson av n s, three, 180 e Nostrand av, and three 280 e of Nostrand av, three-story and basement brown stone dwell'gs, 20x45 each, with two-story extension 13x15, flat tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $10,000; Jno. P. Saddington, 462 Willoughby av; ar't and c'r, F. D. Vrooman. 265—Jefferson av, s s, 350 e Tompkins av, flve three-story and basement brown stone dweU'gs, 20x45 each, flat tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $7,000: ow'r and b'r, Jas. W. Stewart, 373 Quincy st; ar't, I. D. Reynolds. 266—48th st, s s, 160 e 3d av, one two-story and basement frame dweU'g. 17.6x30, peak tin roof; cost, $1,800; ow'r and c'r, A. Degraff, 327 18th st: ar't, A. V. B. Bush; m'n, P. R. StuUs. 267—Marcy av, n w cor Park av, two three- story frame (brick fllled) stores and tenem'ts, 25x 55 each, tin roofs; cost, each, $4,200; ow'r and b'r, Leopold Michel, 128 Meserole st; ar't, P. Holm¬ berg. 268—Berkeley pl, n s, 200 w 6th av, one two¬ story brick stable, 29.6x20; flat tin roof, wooden cornice; cost, $1,800; J. P. Hesenbackel, 57 Berkeley pl; m'ns. Jas. Ashfleld & Son; c'r,'Wm. Zang.; 269—Ash st, s e cor Manhattan av, one three- story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 35x25, flat gravel roof; cost, $4,300; William Kasper, 630 Manhattan av; ar't, Fred'k Weber. 270—Stagg st, No. 37, n s, one three story frame (brick filled) tenem't, 2.5x53, flat gravel roof; cost, $4,500; August WiUig, on premises; ar't, Fr. Weber. 871-Oakland st, e s. 175 s Nassau av, one three-story frame (brick fllled) tenem't, 85x51, flat gravel roof; cost, $4,500; John Morgan. 44 Oak¬ land st; ar't, Fr. Weber. 873—Oakland st, e s, 135 s Nassau av, one three- story frame (brick fllled) tenem't. 8.5x61, flat tin roof; cost, $5,000; Philip Schwindt, 134 Manhat¬ tan av; ar't, Fr. Weber. 873—Bushwick av. No. 118, e a, one three-story frame (brick fllled) tenem't and stores, 25.llx57.9x irreg., flat tin roof; cost, $4,600; B. Heinzmann, 426 Bushwick av; ar't, E. Schrempf; m'n, Pi'anz Roch; c'r, C. Diemer. 274—1st basin (Gowanus Canal), s s, 260 w 3d av, one-story frame storaee building, 2.5x16, peak board roof; cost, $-350; D. W. TVilks, on nrem- ises; c'r, D.-E. Harris. 275—Rutledge st, s s, 200 e Wythe av, one-story brick foundry, 42x79. peak roof, brick cornice; cost, $1,600; ow'r and b'r, F. W. Davis, 62 and 64 Rutledge st; ar't, I. D. Reynolds. 27&—Marcy av. s w cor Floyd st, two three-story frame (brick fiUed) stores and tenem'ts, 25x.55 each, tin roofs; cost, each, $4,200; ow'r and b'r, Leopold Michel, 128 Meserole st; ar't, F, Holm¬ berg. 277—President st, s s, 100 w 9th av, six three- story and basement brick and terra cotta dweU'gs, 19x.50x25, rear, flat, mansard, tin and slate roofs^ galvanized iron and wooden cornices; cost, each, $15,200; Franklin P. Gordon, Jersey City, N. J. ar't, R. L. Daus; b'rs, not selected. 278—Myrtle av. No. 554, one two-story brick store and dweU'g, 2.5x45, flat tin roof, wooden cor¬ nice; cost. $5,200; John Murphy, 421 Union st; ar'ts and b'rs, Maurice Freeman's Sons. 279—Huron st, s s, Nos. 66 and 68,125 e West .st, one-story brick stable, 50x100, peak gravel roof, ^ick cornice; cost, $3,500; WiUiam Smith, Huron st; ar't, Jas. S. Carpenter; m'ns. Carpenter & Woodi-uff; c'r, R. Casser. 280—5th av, w s, 40 s 7th st, three three-story brick stores and flats, 20x55 each, flat tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, each, $6,000; D. McCar-