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The Record and guide: v. 37, no. 939: March 13, 1886

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uo The Record and Guid e. Marcii 1^, 188d $16,000; James Kvle & Sons, 58631 av; ar't, John Brandt. Plan 340. 26th st, No. 300 E., one-.story brick store, 24x 20, tin and iron roof; cost, $1,200; James McGovern, 303 .Sd av; ar't, BernardMcGurk; b'r, not selected. Plan 341. .53dst, ss, 200 w 9tb av, five-story briektene¬ ment with store, 25x84, tin roof; cost, $20,000; JohuM. Ruck, 910 9th av; ar'ts, Thom & Wil¬ son. Plan 332. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, EAST OF 5th avenue. 63d st, n s, SOO e 2d av, five-story brick tenem't, 25x81.6, tin roof; cost, $18,000; Hartley & Wm. Haigh, 139 East 43d st; ar'ts, D. & J. Jardme; m'n, Wm. Haigh. Plan 312. 1st av, n e cor lOOthst, two-story brick planing mill, 80x50, gravel roof; cost, $6,000; M. P. Schureman & Co,, 344 West 92d st; ar't, Andrew Craig; b'r, not selected. Plan 312. 78th st, n s, 75 w Av A, three five-story brick teuem'ts, two 2.5x50, and one 19x.55.1; tin roofs; total cost, $40,000; Francis J. Schnugg, 433 East 86th st: ar'ts, Herter Bros. Plan ,333. 10;3d st, s s, 65 e 3d av, one-story brick (stone front) store, 15x25, tin roof; cost, $600; David Franks, 117 East 65th st; ar't, J, C. Burne; buUt by day's work. Plan 354. 123d st, s .«, 80 w 2d av, flve-story brick (stone front) tenem't, 25x65 and 83, tin roof; cost, $16,000; John M. Hyde, 205 East 123d st; ar't, Andrew Spence. Plan 367. Madison av, swcor 119th st, five three-story and basement brick (stone front) dweU'gs, 20 and 2'.11x50, tin roofs; cost, each, $12,000; agent, Edward Daly, 203 East 101st st; ar't, Andrew Spence; b'r, Michael Duffy. Plan 365. 119th st, s s, 70 w Madison av, fifteen three-stoi-y and basenient brick (stoue front) dweU'gs, 1.5.8x 53, tinrooos; cost, each, $10,000; agent, ar't and b'r, same as last. Plan 366. Park av, n w cor 72d £t, four-story brick dweU'g, 22x60, and extension 28, tin roof; cost, $30,000; Daniel Hennessy, 799 Madison av; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson; built by day's work. Plan 350. 72d st, n s, 22 w Park av, four four-story brick (stone front) dweU'gs, 20 and 20.6x62, tin roofs; cost, each, $28,000; ow'r aud ar'ts, same as last. Plan 351. 1st av, n w cor 92d st, five-story brick tenem't with store, 25.8x75, tin roof; cost, $18,500; Louis Wirth, 255 East 78th st; ar't, John Brandt. Pian 335. 1st av, w s, 25.8 n 92il st, two five-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 25x05, tin roofs; cost, eacb. $13,.500; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 336. 1st av, w s, 75.8 n 92d st, five-story brick tenem't with store, 2.5x80, tin root'; cost, $18,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 337, 92d st, n s, 75 w 1st av, five-story brick flat with store, 21x60, tin roof; cost, $11,000; ow'r and ar't, same as last. PJaii 333. 4th av, n w cor 88th st and s w cor 4th av and 89th st, two five-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 25x78.3, rear 23, tin roofs; cost, each, $22,500; John P. Thornton, 62 East 87th st; ar't, F. T. Camp, Plan 327. 4th av, w s, 25 ii 'SSth st, six five-story brick teuem'ts with stores, 25x66; tin roofs; cost, each, $17,.500; ow'r and ar't, same as last. Plan 3-28. Sth av, e s, 27.2 u 74ih st, four-story and ment brick dweU'g, 25x62, with extension 18x35.8, dtck roof tinned, mansard slated; cost, $5.5,000; A, Mowbray, 104 East S5th st; ar't, W\ E. Mow¬ bray; b'r, W. A. Mercer. Plan 360. between 59th and 125th streets, west op 8th avenue. 8Ist st, n s, 314 e 10th av, four-story and base¬ ment brick dweU'g, 22.3x55, deck roof tinned, mansard slated; cost, $18,000: Julius Sachs, 649 Madison av; ar't, Wm. Schickel. Plan 303. 85th st, s s, 100 w Sth av, ten four-story and basement brick (stone front) dwell'gs, 19, 20 and 21x55, and extensions 12, tin roofs; cost, each, $1S,000; E. Steinmetz, 531 West 71st st;'ai-'ts, Stem¬ metz & Carter. Pian 305. 96th st, s e cor 10th av, three five-story brick flats with stores, two 30 and one 35.4x59.6, 58 and 70.5, rear 25, 28 and 35.4, tin roofs; cost, two $50,- 000 each, and one $4.5,000; ow'r and b'r, David Christie, 413 West 57th st; ar't, A. E. Hudson. Plan 321. 75th st, n w cor AVest End av, three-story and basement brick dweU'g, 25x50, tin and tile roof; cost, $20,000; George B. Jaques, 140 West 47th st; ar'ts, Berg & Clark; b'rs, Steele & Costigan, Plan 314. West End av, w s, 25 n 75th st, three-story and basement briek dwell'g, 20x45, tin and tile roof; cost, $16,000; George B. Jaques, 140 West 47th st, and Charles I. Berg, 34 Gramercy park; art's and b'rs, same as last. Plan 31.5. AA''est End av, w s, 45 n 7.5th st, three-story and basement brick dwell'g, 20x45, tin and tUe roof; cost, $16,000; Edward H. Clark, 152 5th av; ar'ts and b'rs, same as last. Plan 310. West End av, w s, 65 n 75th st, three-story and basement brick dweU'g, 20x45, tin and tUe roof; cost, $16,000; Charles 1. Berg, 34 Gramercy park;' ar'ts and b'rs, same as last. Plan 317. West End av, w s, 85 n 7.5th st, three-story and basement brick dwell'g, 20x45, tin and tUe roof; cost, $10,000; John GeUatly, 34 Gramercy park.; ar'ts, same as last; b'rs, not selected. Plan 318. Newav, w s, from 116th to ll7th st, eleven three-story brick (stone front) dwell'gs, 18 and 19.Uxll), tin roofs; cost, each, $9,000; Cunning¬ ham & Heuderson, 274 AVest 128thst; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson; b'rs, not selected. Plan 346. 116th st, n s, 50 w New av, three thrae-s';cry brick (stone front) dweU'gs, 16.8x59, tin nofs; cost, eacb, $12,000; ow'rs and w'ts, same as last. Plan 347. 64th st, s w cor 9th av, five story brick (stone front) flat, 2.5x96.5, tin roof; cost, $28,000; John T. Farley, 402 AVest 73d st; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson; built by day's work. Plan 348. 64th st, s s, 25 w 9th av, twelve four-story brick (stone front) dweU'gs, 18 and 19x55, tin roofs; cost, each, $19,000; ow'rs and ar'ts, same as last. Plan 349. 8iid st, n s, .8.50 w Sth av, six four-story and basement brick dwell'gs, 20 and 22.6x56, tin and tUe roof; cost each, $15,000; J. Bentley Squier, 21 East 79th st; ow'r and ar't, E. C. Smith; b'r, not selected. Plan 334. 110th and 125th streets, between 5th and 8th avenues. 124th st, s s, 175 e 7ih av, five five-story brick tenements with stores, 25x84, tin roof; cost each, $15,000; Fernando Yost, 3i2 East 125th st; art, Andrew Spence. Plan 864. north of 125th street. Convent av and 14lst st, one-story frame com¬ pressor house, 3-iJx40, felt roof; cost, $200; John Brunton, 258 West 125th st. Plan 3 i 1, 134th st, n s, 310 e 6th av, four three-story and basement brick dwell'gs, 18,9x50, tin roof; cost, each, $S,000; P. AV. Jockel. 153 West 130th st; ar'ts, Cleverdon & Putzel. Plan. 304. Manhattan st, n s, 300 w 9th av, five-story brick tenement with stores, 3.5,llx.57,6, rear 7, tin roof; cost, $16,000; Wilhelmina Juch, 1970 2d av; ar't and b'r, W. A. Juch. Plan 303. 131st st, n s, 160 w 5th av, five three-story and basenient brick dweU'gs, 15x50, tin roof; cost, each, $7,000; Sarah Darragh, 23 West 123dst; ar't, J. E. Darragh, Plan 301. 135th st, s s, 175 e Sth av, nineteen three-story brick dwell'gs, 18,.5x.50, and extension 10x10, tin roofs; cost, each $13,000; Mary E. Carlin, 143d st, bet 7th and Sth avs; ar't, AV. P. Anderson; b'r, P. J. O'Brien. Plan 3-24. 10th av, s e cor l(i5th st, one-story brick com¬ pressor house, 32x40, felt roof; cost, $200; John Brunton, 258 West 125th st. Plan 310. 23d and 24th wards. 145th st, n s, 300 e AVillis av, four-story brick dwell'g, 25x6-3, tin roof; cost, $12,000; Michael Kenny, 389 East Houston st; ar't, M. J. Garvin; b'r, not selected. Plan 330. Gambril st, n s, abt 400 e Marion av, two-story frame dwell'g, 20x43, tin roof; cost, $2,400; Jo¬ seph Gremmler, 131 Louis st; ar't and b'r, F. D. MiUer. Plan 322. Summit st, s s, 463 East Marion av, two-story frame dweU'g, 20x40; cost, $2,000; Mrs. Carrie A Barnett, [Summit st, Bedford Pai-k; ar't and b'r, F. D. Miller. Plan 323. Kingsbridge road, e s, 75 n Coles lane, three- story frame woodhouse, 35x60; cost, $200; lessee, AV. L. Cole; ar't, O. E. Barlow. Plan 325. Intervale av, w s, 300 s Home or Lyon st, two¬ story frame dwell'g, 18x28, shingle roof; cost, $1,500; Samuel R. Parker, Glen Cove, L. I.; ar't, C. C. Churchill; b'rs, J. McGarity and Louis Falk. Plan 326. 143d St. s w cor North 3d av, and North 3d av, w s, 67 s 142d st, four-story brick flat on corner and three-story brick flat on av, 25 and 20x70 and 64, tin roofs; cost, $17,000 and $11,000; WUUam C. Bates, Parsippany, N. J.; ar'ts, Cleverdon & Putzel; br's, not selected. Plan 313. 150th st, s s, 125 e Morris av, one-storp frame stable, 25x13, gravel roof; cost, $175; Joseph LoughUn, 518 East 150th st; ar't, A. Arctander. Plan 331. 155th st, n s, 325 w Elton av, two-story and basement frame dweU'g, 22x4(», tin roof; cost, $3,500; Philip Knobloch, 665 East 155th st; ai-'t and b'r, Edward Stichler. Plan 3.53. 155th st, n s, 3'25 w Elton av, rear, one story frame stable, 12x12, tin roof; cost, $75; ow'r and b'r, same as last. Plan 353. Bathgate av, No. 2257, one-story frame stable, 24x11, felt roof; cost, $100; Henry Farrell, on premises; ar't and b'r, W. Guggolz. Plan 359. North 3d av, n w cor 16Sth st, five one-story frame stores, 17 and 14.5x56, tin roofs; cost, each, $1,000; Michael Kun;z, 1216 Washington av; ar't, W. W. Gardiner. Plan 339. RmCS COUNTT. Plan 291—Jefferson av, s s, 140 e Lewis av, two three-story brick and basement dweU'g