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113J The Record and Guide. September 11, 1886 MECHANICS' LIENS. NEW YORK CITY. Sept. 4 Eighth av, s w cor 123d st, 50.11x39.1. Ver¬ mont Marble Co. agt H. Josephine Wil¬ son, owner and contractor...............$325 00 4 Delmonico pl, e s, 338 n 161st st, 50x100. Lee A. Tuller agt John Knox, owner, and Ficker Bros., contractors............... 9 81 6 Ninth av, e s, SO n 7i'th st, 50x100. Michael T. McLaughlin agt George H. Forster. owner and contractor....................4,000 00 0 Ninth av, e s, 50.5 n 70th st. 50x100. Owen Fitzgerald agt Forster & Forster, owners, and Thomas McLaughlin, contractor..... 28 12 6 Same property. Michael Ward agt same as last................................ 28 12 6 Same property. Charles Cassidy agt same. 22 60 6 Washington av, n e cor 170th st, 100x150. Henry Piering agt -----Hennion and An¬ drew J. Hennion, contractor.............. 88 11 6 Eighty-third st. No. 329 E., n s, 325 e 2d av, 25x102.2. Andrew Schappel agt Charles D. Bergmann, owner and contractor...... 656 65 6 Ninth av, e s, running from 6.5th to 66th st, 201.10x150. Joseph P. Stanton agt Thomas or William L. Flanagan, owner, and Mad¬ den & Coyne, contractors................. 108 00 6 Lexington av. No. 810, w s, 60.5 n 62d st, 20 x80. Nathaniel Wise agt Joseph B. Bloom¬ ingdale. owner, and Franklin & Smith, contractors.......................___ 71 80 7 Tenth st. No. 301 E., bet Avs A and B. Jo¬ hann K. Becker agt Mrs. Hopper, owner, and Adam Rapp, contractor............. 18 00 7 Same property. George C. Darmstatter agt same as last...................... 12 00 7 Tenth av. No. 50<, n w cor 38th st, 25x103. George and JohnG. Schmeckenbecher agt Abraham Boehm, ownf-r and debtor......3,^35 CS 7 Sixty-first st, No. 342 and 344 E., bet 1st and 2d av, 40 ft front. Martin L. O'SulJivan agt Margaret O'Sullivan. owner and debtor. (Continued by order of court)___ 350 00 8 Ninth av, e s, 50.5 n 70th st, 50x100. James Kellj- agt George H. Foster, owner, Mi¬ chael T. McLaughlin, c^nt^actor........ 21 00 8 Same properly. Edward Conway agt same. 27 00 8 Same property. James Wynne agt same.. 23 50 8 Riverside drive, n e cor 104th Bt. Alphon- sus Souato agt Charles H. Bacon, owner. Pi-ter Mas! erson, contractor ............. 82 69 8 Same property, Thomas Joyce agt same.. 46 tO 8 Madison av, Nos. 1998-2008, n w cor 127th st. Gilbert Wood agt Sarah F. Mead, George Mead and Peter Curry, owners. George Kuhn and Peter Curry, contractors ...... 698 00 8 Riverside drive, n e cor 104th st. Frank Moser agt Charles H. Bacon, owner, Peter Masterson, contractor............... 20 50 8 Same property. John Epple agt same..... 80 09 5 Same property. Charles Kollet agt Chas. H. Bacon, owner; Peter and John S. Mas¬ terson, contractors....................... 11 38 8 Same property. John B. Rogers agt same ................................... 70 00 8 Same property. Michael Rogers agt same. 25 50 8 Same property. Adam Zerrenner agt same.................................. 68 25 8 Same property. Stephan Sprooh agtsame. 29 00 8 Sameproperty. Louis White agt same___ 33 43 8 Same property. Frank Rosse agt Chas. H. Bacon, owner; John Masterson, contrac¬ tor..................................... 35 00 8 Same property. John Newmann agt Chas. H. Bacon, owner; Peter Masterson, con¬ tractor.................................. 8 25 8 Same property. John Sullivan agt same... 27 00 8 Same property. Richard Fahey agt same. 15|7S 9 Hudson St. No. 515, n w cor West 10th st. John H. Bowne agt Emily W. Emmens, owner; Edgar W. Emmens, contractor...1,118 12 9 Ninety-fif th st, s s. bet Sth and 9th avs. A. & A. Low agt Earle & Co., owners; Mr. Earle, contractor.................... 100 00 9 Washington av, w s, 75 s 161st st, 25x135 to old William st. Louis Zanger agt Clara and Julins Kentel, owners and debtors... 165 09 10 Av A, e ."s, 50 n 70th st, 48 ft front. Henry Leinweber agt Sarah J. Doying, owner and contractor .......................... 270 00 10 Ninth av, s e cor 08th st, 100x150. Same agt same.................................... 355 00 10 Riverside av, n e cor 104th st. Joseph Mor¬ rison agt R. S. Bacon, owner, and Peter J. Masterson, contractor.................. 34 38 10 Same property. Carlo Domenico agt Charles H. Bacon, owner, and John Mas¬ terson, contractor...................... 23 62 10 Same property. Morris Ahearn agt same.. 117 50 10 Same property. Charies Naples agt same. 36 30 10 Same property. Pietro Caparbo agt same. 10 87 10 Twenty-first st. No. 34 E., s s, bet 4tn av and Broadway. Jo^^n Murphy agt Wm. Wilson, contractor, aud M. E. Gunning, owner................................... 60 00 KINGS COUNTY. Sept. 3 Hall st, e s, abt 3C0 s Park av, 20x100. Rope & Co. age Frank J. McAvoy.............. $70 00 4 Madison st, w s, 360 s TJnion av, 73xS5x79.6x 85. Earl A. (jillespie agt James P. Dens- more and Murdock McPherson, owner and contractor................................ 238 56 4 Hancock st, s s, 820 e Lewis av, 210x100. Rope & Co. agt George E. Cross and A. E. Reynolds, owners and contractors........1,100 OO 7 Myrtle av, s e cor Throop av, 200x100. Phillip Bossert agt Henry LoelHer, owner and contractor......................... 474 53 7 Rochester av. n e cor Herkimer st, 100x75 Charles Janssen agt Mr. Sullivan, owner, and J. H. Howorth .................... 63 25 7 Reid av, s e cor McDonough st, 150x100. Lars Petterson agt Mr. Grasman, owner, ajjd J. H. Howorth...................... 75 00 7 Rapeljea av. cor Williamson av. Brooklyn Milt and Lumber Co. agt William J. Rob¬ bins, owner, and J. TaafEe................. 216 35 7 Surf av, s s, Bauer's Casino, Coney Island. T. B- Willis & Bro. agt Paul Bauer, owner and contractor.......................... 166 97 8 Hancock st, s s, 325 e Lewis av, 200x100. Thomas F. Harrington agt George E. Cross, owner, and A. E. Reynolds........ 185 00 8 Bushwick av Boulevard, ri s, extdg from Vandewater st to Stewart st. King & Adams agt Georgia S. Shelton............ 958 03 SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. Sept. NBW YOFK cmr. 4 Ninth av, s w cor 781 h st, 25xlCl. Warren A. Conover, as assignee, agt Frederick C. and Charies H. Bliss, owners, and Charles n. Bliss, contractor. (Lien filed Aug. 26, 1886).....................................$2,326 83 7 Twenty-seventh st, Nos. 303 and 805 E., n s, 66 e 2d av. 30x25. Richard S. Seckerson agt Mortimer Hanley, owner, Alfred Beenhauer, contractor. (June 12,1886)... 123 30 8 Tenth .av, w s, extdg. from 63d to 64th sts, 100 on each st. Roche & Co. agt Manhat¬ tan Construction Co , owner and con tractors. (Sept. 3,1886)...................2,795,00 8 Sixty-third st, Nos. 111-129, n s. lOOwOthav, iroxino. Same agt same. (Sept. 3, 1886). 1,330 00 8 Sixty-third st, n s 200 w 9th av, 200.feet front. John Walsh agt Manhattan Con¬ struction Co. and Henry C. de Rivera, owners; Poultney Slate Works, contrac¬ tors. (July 16,1686).......................1,193 SO 7*Sixtieth st. n s. 125 w 9th av, 75- ft front. John Connolly agt Peter and Wm. N. Ramsey and Wm. D. Lenihan. (Sept. 2, 1886) ...................................... 105 ."iO 7*Same property. Wm. Munday agt same. 24 75 7*Same property. M. J. Redmond agtsame. 47 50 7*Same property. Dennis Riordan agt same. 42 00 7*Same property. Pat. Kelly agt same...... 25 87 7*Sixtieth st, n s, 100 w 9th av, 250 ft front. Daniel Ga'lagher agt same. (Sept. 2, '86) 172 46 7*Same property. Repauuo Chemical Co. agt same. (Sept. 1) ........................ 36 65 10 Thirtieth st. No. 243 E., n s, bet 2d and 3d avs. Oscar Turkowsky agt Emma Ritz¬ ier. (June 14, 1886).................. 290 00 9 Sixty-first st. Nos. 342 and 344 E.. s s, 167 w 1st av, 40x40. Henry Wollreich agt John S. Kypka. owner; George Blumenthal, contractor. (Aug. 13,1886 ■.............. 200 00 9 James st, No. 92. Matthew Coogan agt Mey¬ er Freeman, debtor and owner. (Sept. 3, 1880)....................................: 23750 7*Sixtieth st, n s, 100 w 9th av, 250x100. John McManus agt Peter N. and William Ram¬ sey, owners, and William D. Lenihan, con¬ tractor. (Sept. 6, 1886).................... 121 25 10 Sullivan st, Nos. 223 to 233, e s, 300 n Bleeck¬ er St. John Slattery agt Manhattan Con¬ struction Co., reputed owner and debtors. (Sept. 7,1886)..............................1,626 52 10 Sixty-fourth st, n s, running to the s s 6Sth st, ICO e 10th av, SO ft front each. Same as last agt same. (Sept. 7,1886) ..........1,825 23 10 Madison av, s e cor 120th st, 100x100. Same agtsame. (Sept. 7,1886) ................2,835 00 10 Tenth av, s e cor e4th st, 75x100. Same agt same. (Sept. 7,18t6)....................2,059 15 10 Tenth av, w s, running from 63d to 64th st, 20(1x100. Sameagtsame. (Sept. 7,1886).. 437 56 10 Sixty-fourth st, s s, 200 e 10th av, 130x100.5. Same agt same. (Sept. 7. 1886)...........1,388 22 Sixty-fourth st, n s, 100 e 10th av, running" from Sixty-fourth to Sixty-fifth st, 50 ft front.................................. Ninth av, n e cor 64th st, 100 ft front...... Ninth av, n w cor 64th st, 100x75.......... Sixty-fourth st, ss, 200 e 10th av,^130xlOO.S. 1) Sixty-third st. Nos. 131-149 W., n s, 300 w 9th av. 170.ft front................. ..... 10th av, s e cor 64tli st, 75x100............. 10th av, w s, from 63d to 64tn st, 200x100 .. C3d st, s s, 100 e 10th a v, SO ft front ....... Johu Slattery agt Manhattan Construc¬ tion Co., reputed owner and debtors (Sept. 7, 1886;.............................. 898 26 ♦Discharged by depositing amount of lien and interest with County Clerk. KINGS COUNTY. September 4 to 10—inclusive. Prospect pl, n s, 175 w Vanderbilt av, 80x100. Jacob May agt William C Vosburg and Wm. Schepper. (May 26,1886)............ 790 50 Greene av, s s, fcO e Reid av. Francis J. Mc¬ Brien agt Mrs. Margaret A. Tostevin, owner, and James T. and John Perry (Ang. 19,1886).........................•;. 126 00 Coney Island, buildings, &c. F. S. Sanford & Co. agt town of Gravesend. (Sept. 7, ^ 1886). ...............................2,5.57 92 Freeman st, s s, 150 e Manhattan av, 25x100. John C. Provost agt M. H. Kavanagh and T. F. Donohue. (July 1,1886>............ 308 00 8th st, n s, 20 w Sth av, 19x100. David Stone agt Charles Long. (June 14, 1886)......2,000 00 Sth av, n w cor Sth st, 100x110. John Weisen- born agt Charles Long. (July 16,1886).... 114 50 Reid av. Nos. 281 to 291, e s, 50 n Decatur st, 150 XlOO. Lars Petterson agt Mr. Grasman and J. H. Howorth. (Satisfied by deposit).... 75 00 BUILDINGS PROJECTED. The first name is that of the ovmer; or't stands for architect, m''n for nuison and b'r for builder. A handsome volume, just issued, contains in¬ formation of great value to aU who are interested in huilding. It contains a new edition of the Law Relatmg to Buildings, with the Law Limitiugthe Height of Dwelling Eouses, and the Mechanic's Lien law, has valuable notes, a full index, and colored engravings illustrating the subject, and is edited by W. J. Fryer, Jr. It also has a full directory of the architects in New York, Brook¬ lyn, Jersey City, Newark and Yonkers. It is for sale at the office of The Record and Guide, at the low price of seventy-five cents, by mail eighty- five cents. NEW YORK CITY. SOUTH OF 14th street. Stanton st, Nos. 9 and 11, five-story brick tene¬ ments with stores, 25x83, tin roofs: cost, each. $16,000; Henry Eiffel, 17 Stanton st; ar'ts, J Boekell Sc Son. Plan 1.544. Delancey st, No. 254, rear, five-story brick tailor shop, 2,5x30, tin roof; cost $4,500; Nathan Cohen, on premises; ar't, Wm. Graul. Plan 1.568. Lewis st. No. 88, rear, three story brick paint shop, 20x23, tin roof; cost, $3,000; William Horst- mann, on premises: ar't, William Graul; b'r, Henry Westphal. Plan 1559. Mulberry st, Nos. 133 and 134, six-story brick factory, 50x45 and 88, tin roof; cost, $30,000; Gustav L. Jaeger, 510 East 85th st; ar't, William Graul. Plan 1569. Qth st, s s, 400 e Av D, shed, 51x31, gravel roof¬ ing: cost, $300; lessees. The Chalmers Spence Co., 419 East Bth st; ar't, W. J. Fryer, Jr. Plan 1557. BETWEEN 14TF AND 59TH STS. 19th st. No. 407 W., five-story brick tenem't, 35x66, tin roof; cost, $15,000; Estate Elisha Bloomer, dec'd, George H. Cook, exr., 1012 Dean st, Brooklyn; ar't, H. P. Fowler; b'rs, not select¬ ed. Plan 1550. 2d av, Nos. 777 and 779, and No. 236 East 42d st, three five-story brick flats with stores, 24.8 and 25x67.6, 76 and 83, tin roofs; cost, total, $65,000; George R. Read, 9 Pine st; ar't, Oswald Wirz. Plan 1553. 44th st, Nos. 226 and 228 E., two-story brick barn and stable, 50x100: tar and gravel roofing; cost, $5,000; Jacob Fleiscnhauer & Bro., 348 East 50th st; ar't, Joseph Ireland. Plan 155.5. llth av, e s, 75 n 21st st, two-story brick stable, 17x32, felt and gravel roofing; cost, $1,200; Georee L. Van Emburg, 236 West 130th st; ar'ts, Axford & Cramer. Plan 1558. 36th st, n s, 150 w llth av, flve-story brick fac¬ tory, 33x94, and one flve-story brick tenem't with store, 25x80, tin roofs; cost, factory $20,000, and tenem't $15,000; Fredericka Radle, 338 West 37th st; ar'ts, C. A. French & Co. Plan 1581. 45th st, Nos. 344^348 W., three flve-story brick flats, 25x86, tin roofs; cost, each, $20,00U; Wm. Rankin, 253 West 51st st; ar't, (jeorge Keister; built by day's work. Plan 1575. 48th st, No. 416 W., five-story brick (stone front) tenem't, 25x49, tin roof; cost, $13,000; Hi¬ ram Anderson, on premises; ar'ts. N. Le Brun & Son; b'rs, Bradley & Lilly and P. Walsh. Plan 1572. 53d st. No. 514 W., five-story brick flat with store or office in flrst floor, 25x100 on first story and 65 above, tin roof; cost, $19,1,00; ow'r and b'r, Alexander Moore, 453 West 48th st; ar't, M. L. Ungrich. Plan 1578. 2o av, No. 769, five-story brick tenem't with stores, 25x67.6, tin roof; cost, $18,000; Wallace & Smith, 148 East 52d st; ar't, Oswald Wirz; b'r, James Wallace. Plan 1576. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, EAST OP 5th AVENUE. 68th st, s s, 100 w Cd av, three-story brick stable, 20x100, gravel roofing; cost, $6,000; Isaac Griggs, 3d av, s w cor 68th st; ar't, John H. Friend. Plan 1545. Madison av. No. 1080, w s, 76.8 n Slst st, three- story brick (granite front) stable and dwell'g for two families, 25.6x80, tin roof; cost, $^7,000; Isaac V. Brokaw, 528 5th av; ar't, W. H. Hume; b'rs, not selected. Plan 1554. 69th st, n s, 80 w 1st av, one-story brick store, 26x20, tin roof; cost, $1,400; Lewis Myers, 214 East 79th st; ar't, G. W. Spitzer. Plan 1.566. 87th st, s s, abt 125 w 1st av, two five-story brick tenem'ts, 2.5x67, tin roofs; cost, each, $15,000; Thomas P. Cooke, 351 East 87th st; ar't, G. A. Schellenger. Plan 1570. Av B, 8 w cor 82d st, two four-story brick (stone front) tenem'ts with stores, 26 and 25.2x74 and 76, tin roofs; cost, $17,000 and $12,000; John and Louis Brandt, 1491 3d av; ar't, John Brandt, Plan 1565. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OF 8th AVENtJB. 71st st, s s, 350 w 9th av, three-story and base¬ ment brick (stone front) dwell'g, 25x55 and 57, tin roof; cost, $18,000; William Meles, 31 Spruce st; ar'ts, D. & J. Jardine. Plan 1542. 63d st, n e cor 10th av, four five-story brick and stone front fiats with store in corn'>r building, 25 x71 and 60.4, tin roofs; cost, each, $15,000; Simon Haberman, Belleville, N. J.; ar't, G. A. Schel¬ lenger, Plan 1543. Sth av, e s, 50 s 96th st, flve-story brick tenem't with stores, 25x77, rear 22. tin roof; cost, $15,000; Joseph M. Lichtenauer, 58 West 52dst; ar't, R. Rosenstock. Plan 1551. 10th av, s e cor 108th st, five-story brick flat with stores, 25x71.8 and 76.2, tin roof; cost, $20,000; ow'r and b'r, David Christie, 413 West 57th st; ar't, Alonzo E. Hudson. Plan 1546. 9th av, n e cor 84th st, two flve-story brick flats withstores, 25.4 and 25.10x83 and 96, tin roofs; cost, each, $25,000; Patrick Kennedy, 959 3d av, and Thomas J. Dunn, 321 East 68th st; ar'ts, Thom & Wilson; m'n, P. Kennedy; b'r, not se¬ lected. Plan 1564. 110th AND 125th streets, BETWEEN 5TH AND 8th avenues. Bth av, s e cor 130th st, seven three and four- story brick dwell'gs, one 19.8, three 18 and three 17.6x55, tinned and slated roofs; cost, one $34,000, two $18,600 each, two $15,600 each, and two $13,800 each; Albert Buchman, Fort Wash¬ ington; ar'ts, Schwarzmann & Buchman; b'rs. List & Lennon and T. J. Duffy. Plan 1547. 7th av, w s, 123d to 124th st. six five-story brick flats with stores; cost, two corner buildings, $16,000each; others, $34,000 each; Susan SulUvan, 1365 Lexington av; ar't, Richard Berger. Plan 1511. (Correction.) north of 125th street. St. Nicholas av, es, 33.6 s 156th st, three three- story and basement brick dwell'gs, 16.5,17 and