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September 18, 1886 The Record and Guide. 1165 16 Sixty-first st. Nos. 330 to 340 E,, s s, 200 e 2d av, abt 165x100. James Price agt James Fettretch, owner and contractor.......... 354 76 17 Sixtieth st, Nos. 51 to 61W.. n s, 150 w 9th av, 150x100. Vincenzo Ferra agt Ramsay Brothers, owners, and Wm. D. Lenahan, contractor.......................,........ 20 25 17 One Hundred and Seventy-third st or War¬ ren st, s s, abt 50 e Morris av, 50 ft. front. Wm. Clarke agt Max F. Schmittberger, owner, and George Nonamaker, con¬ tractor..................................... 163 11 17 Fourteenth st. No. 5, n s, abt 50 e 5th av. James G. Wilson agt John G. Porter, con¬ tractor, and A. Clay Stephens et al., own- era......................................1,188 50 KIN6S COUNTY. Sept. 11 Ellery Bt,?n s, 290 e Nostrand av, 20x100. WilUam Morris agt John and Elizabeth Steg, owners and contractors............. $95 00 11 Hancock st, s a, 825 e Lewis av, 200x100. Graff & Co. agt George E. Cross, owner and contractor........................... 860 00 13 Same property. Thomas Monohan agt Charles M. Marsh and George E. Cross, owners, and A. 8. Revnolda.............2,050 00 18 Madison st, w s 360 s Union st, 73.6x85x79.6 x85, 26th Ward. WiUiam H. HaU agt James Dinsmore and Murdock McPherson 147 00 13 Madison st, s s, 100 e Blake av, runs west 80 xlno, 26th Ward. George Leeds agt Mr. McPherson, owner, and James Dinsmore, contractor............................. 6125 IS Madison st, w s, 360 s Union av, 73.6x85x79.6 x85. John R. Hughes agt James Dins¬ more and Murdock McPherson, owners and contractors........................... 88 02 18 Rockaway av, w s, 100 n HaU st, 50x100. George W. Martin agt McKeon, Cleary & Co..................................... 131 60 14 McKibben st, s s, 100 e Humboldt st, 75x100. Charles F. Stack agt Andrew Shmitt and Joseph Reb, owners, and Roeder & Krae¬ mer, contractors........................ 25 00 14 Atlantic av. No. 406. Howell & Saxton agt Daniel Weirlch, owner, and WUUam E. Hyer............ ...................... 88 80 14 Madison st, w s, 360 s Union av, 73.6x85, and Madison st, w s, 433.6 s Union av. 79.6x85. Peter B. and B. J. Sweeney agt James Densmore and Murdock McPherson, owners and contractors............... 124 76 15 Narrows av, s e cor 70th st, 500x400, Bay Ridge. Brandt & Co. agt Catharine I. •nd John McKay, owner, and J. G. Porter. 796 78 16 Fulton St. Nos. 99 and 101. Brandt & Co. agt Lefferts Strebeigh, owner, and J. G. Porter.................................... 818 10 15 Maujer st, Nos. 84 and 38, and Nos. 29 and 31 Ten Eyck st. begins Maujer st, s s, 150 wgj Lorimer st, 50 x the block. George Covert agt Charles S. Gray, owner............... S71 69 17 Second av, n e cor 76th st, 100x100, New Utrecht. Brandt & Co. agt S. W. Thomas, owner, and J. G. Porter and J. Lewis..... ----- Herkimer st, s s, 100 from Schenectady av, runs south 185.6 x west 100 x north 92.9 x east 80 x north 92.9. Watson & Pittinger agt Emma Taylor. (Mar. 1,1886)........ 137 70 Clason av. No. 151, e s, 100 s Park av, 25x100. Alexander Dugan agt Mary B. McCloskey and J. Hertlin. (May 14,1886) ........... 860 00 Sth st, n 8, 20 w Sth av, 19x100. T. B. Willis & Bro. agt WiUiam H. Elliott. (Release of part of attached property from liens filed June 14.1886, for $1,262 97).............. 200 00 Clason av, e s, 100 s Park av, 25x100. Alex. Dugan agt Mary E. McCloskey and J. Hert¬ lin. (May 14,1886)....................... 860 00 BUILDINGS PROJECTED. 37ie first name is that of the owner; ar't stands for architect, m'n for mason and ftV for builder. A handsome volume, just issued, contains in¬ formation of great value to all who are interested in building. It contains a new edition of the Law Relating to Buildings, with the Law Limiting the Height of Dwelling Eouses, and the Mechanic's Lien law, has valuable notes, a full index, and colored engravings illustrating the subject, and is edited by W. J. Fryer, Jr. It also has a full directory of the architects in NewYork, Brook¬ lyn, Jersey City, Newark and Yonkers. It is for sale at the oflBce of The Record and Guide, at the low price of sevenly-five cents, by mail eighty- five cents. SATISFIED MECHANICS' LIENS. Sept. NEW TORE CITV. 13 Broadway, Nos. 1287 and 1239, w s, 66 n 80th st, 40 ft. front. Standard Hod Elevating Co. agt Edward P. James. (Lien filed Dec.20, 1883)........................... $76 75 13 Lexington av. No. 810. Nathaniel Wise agt Joseph B. Bloomingdale and Franklin & Smith. (Sept. 6,1886)..................... 7180 13 Eighth av, Nos. 2141-2151, s w cor 116th St. 100x100. John Law & Co. agt James Con¬ nor and Bradford D. Bradley. (July 14. 1886)..................................... 126 00 IStNinth av, Nos. 918-922, e s, 100.6 n 58th st, 75x100. PhiUp Duffy agt Martin Disken. (Sept. 2,1886)............................ 350 00 17*Twenty-flrst st. No. 34 E., s s. bet Broad¬ way and 4th av. John Murphy agt M. E. (Running and Wm. WUson. (Sept. 10, 1886)...................................... 66 00 9*ValentIne av, w s.^OS s Highbridge road, 50 ft front. N. Y. Lumber and Wood- Working Co. agt Josiah Clark Read and Archibald Campbell. (Aug. 19, 1886)------ 686 60 16 Fourteenth st. No. 322 East, s a, 215 e 2d av, 22.6 ft. front. John Halligan agt Marx Eisner and James J. Fleming. (July 28. ia86) .................................... 142 08 16 Twenty-eighth street, Nos. 28 and 30 W., s s, 100 w Broadway, 50 ft. front. Same agt Meade, Cannon & Co. and James J. Fleming. (July 17,1886).................. 85 35 17 Ninth av, s w cor 8eth st, 103.10x125. W. M. Conover, as assignee of John Nesblt's Sons, aat Charles H. and Fred C. Bliss and Wm. Noble. (Aug. 26,1886)..........4,640 95 13*Tenth av, e s, extdg from 94th to 95th sts, 200x100. John Connell agt Hauseman & Crawford and James McGovern. (Aug. 31,1886)............................... 1200 16*Second av, n e cor 102d st, lOOxlOO. James F. Dolan agt John J. Macdonald. (Aug. 19,1886)................................ 780 00 16*Same property. M. Feigel & Bro. agt same. (Aug. 25, 1886).......................... 112 18 tDischarged on bond by order of court. ♦Discharged by depositing amount of lien and Interest with County Clerk. KINGS COUNTY. September 11 to 17—Inclusive. Decatur st. s s. 175 w Lewis av, 80x100. Edward Tracy agt Miles Gearon and George W. Spear. (Aug. 6.1885).................$267 64 Decatur st, s s, 125 w Lewis av, 80x100. Mur¬ ray & McDonald agt George W. Spear. (Sept. 23,1885)............................ 814 96 Bergen st. No. 89, n s, 100 e Smith st, 75x100. Frederick Kirchner agt Francis Jazek. (July 14,1886)............................ 318 64 HopKlns st. No. 152, s s, 65 w Delmonico pl. Michael Keupp agt L. Kilian and A. Tummler. (July 24.1886)............. 72 00 Madison st, w s, 360 s Union av, 73.6x85x!iq|.6x 85. Earl A. GiUespie agt James Dinsmore and M. McPherson. (Sept. 4,1886)........ 238 56 ,8th St. s s, abt 97.10 w Sth av, 307x100. David Stpne agt Charles |^ZJg. (June 14,1886).. 8,760 OQ NEW YORK CITY. SOUTH OF 14th street. Bethune st, Nos. 21-25, six-story brick factory, 66x78, tin roof; cost, $25,000; ow'r and ar't, Gus¬ tavus Isaacs, 322 West 23d st. Plan 1597. South Washington sq. No. 64, one-story brick restaurant, 25x50, gravel roofing; cost, $1,900; P. G. Pessanio, on premises; ar't, Michael Dooley. Plan 1595. Monroe st. No. 136, five-story and basement brick tenem't with stores, 23.6x88, tin roof; cost, $14,000; Shire & Goldberg, 93 Oliver st; ar't, Henry Dudley. Plan 1614. Mulberry st, s e cor Park st, six-story brick ten¬ ement with store, 23.4x50, rear34.3, tin roof; cost, $27,000; Antonio Cuneo, 203 Grand st; ar't, John Mclntyre; b'r, Thomas W. Bank=. Plan 1604. between 14th and 59th sts. 41st st, Nos. 430-436 W., frame coal-pocket, 20x 20; cost, $500: lessee, G. W. Thedford, 427 West 87th st; ar't, W. J. SeUeck; b'r, T. J. Sheridan. Plan 1600. Madison av. No. 634, one-story brick office, 25x 70, cement and gravel roofing; cost, $3,500; lessee, Patrick T. Weir, on premises; art's, Dixon & De Saldern; b'rs, not selected. Plan l.'j&8. 2M st, Nos. 541 and 543 W., shed, 17x43, plastic slate roofing; cost, $150; lessee, Terence Donohoe, 217 lOthav. Plan 1584. 27th st, Nos. 424 and 426 W., two five-story brick (stone front) tenem'ts, 25x86,6, tin roofs; cost, each, $20,000; Ellen M. Harlow,;396 9th av, John Campbell and John V. Campbell, 419 West 27th st, and Michael H. Gillespie. 396 9th av; ar't, M. V. B. Ferdon; b'rs, Gillespie & Harlow. Plan 1586. Madison av, n e cor 45th st, three-story base¬ ment and attic brick club-house, with apartments for janitor, 79.3x40, peak roof, terra cotta and tile roofing; cost, $80,000 to $100,000; Cornelius Vanderbilt; ar'ts, R. H. Robertson and A. J. Manning. Plan 1605, between 59rh and 125th streets, bast of 5th avenue. 91st st, s s, 100 w 1st av, two five-story brick tenem'ts, 25x84, tin roofs; cost, each, $12,000; Susan Sullivan, 1325 Lexington av; art's, Rose Sc Carter. Plan 1593. 73d st, s s, 100 w 1st av, three four-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 25x85, tin roofs; cost, each, $18,000; William Dittmar, SA2 East 6lst st; ar't, R. Rosenstock. Plan 1589. Slst st, n s, 175 w 1st av, five-story brick tene¬ ment with stores, 25x67, tin roof; cost, $16,(XlO; Moore Sc McLaughlin, 846 East 81st st: ar'ts, Thom & Wilson; built by day's work. Plan 1588. 92d st, n 8, 100 w 3d av, two flve-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 25x67, tin roofs; cost, each, $15,000; Emeline Johnston, .51 East 91st st; ar'ts, A. B. Ogden Sc Son. Plan 1609. 113th st, s s, 275 e 3d av, one-story brick church, 44.8x92.8, peaJiroof tiimed; cost, $7,000; Capuchin Fathers, Rev. Bonaventure Frey, 223 East 112th st; ar'ts, Wm. Schickel & Co. Plan 1587. 116th st, Nos. 539 and 541 E., one-story brick factory, 40x70, tin roof; cost, $5,500; Louisa Rosenheimer; att'y, J. T. Rosenheimer, 587 East lieth st; ar't, M. C. Merritt. Plan 1592. 2d av, n w cor 97th st, four five-story brick tenem'ts with stores, 25 and 25.6 x corner 96, others 85, tin roofs; cost, total, $65,000; Francis A. Clark, 2d av, s w cor 97th st; ar't, John Brandt. Plan 1583. BETWEEN 59th AND 125TH STREETS, WEST OP 8th avenue. Broadway or Boidevard, e s, 50.11 s lllth st, four-story brick fiat, 50x60, tia roof; cost, $30,000; Ruth A. Stevenson, 331 East 79th st; art's, Cleverdon Sc Putzel. Plan 1594. 94th st, n s, 300 w 8th av, six thi-ee-story brick (stone on first stories) dwell'gs, total 111x50, tin roofs; cost, each, $14,000; Jessie Reynolds, 108 West 47th st; ar't, W. Holma^ Smith; b'r, H. W, Deane, Plaul596. 64th st, s s, 270 w 9th av, nine four-story brick (stone front) dwell'gs, flve 20 to 23 and four 17 and 18x50, with extensions 13x14, tin roofs; cost, five $20,000 each, and four $18,000 each; Leonard Beeckman, 228 East 82d st; ar't, G. M. Walgrove. Plan 1613. 67th st, n s, 125 w 10th av, four flve-story brick flats, 2.5x86,;tin roofs; cost, each, $17,000; Oscar B. Perrine, 308 West 20th st, John CoUeran, 372 7th av, and Michael CoUeran, 376 7th av, ar't, F. A. Minuth. Plan 1591. Manhattan av, s e cor 106th st, five build¬ ings, and 106th st, s s, 69.6 e Manhattan av, three buildings, in all eight three story and basement brick and stone front dwell'gs, 16.10 to 17x48, tin roofs; cost, each, abt $8,000; John Brown, 434 Bloomfield st, Hoboken. N. J., and James Lamb, Willow and 13th sts, Hoboben, N, J.; ar't, C. P. H. Gilbert; b'rs, not selected. Plan 1606. UOth and 125th streets, between 5th and 8th avenues. 7th av, w s, from 122d to 123d st, eight five- storv brick (stone front) flats with stores, two 40x 76 and six 20x64.6, tin roofs; cost, two $35,000 each, and six $15,000 each; Ella M. Griffith, 309 West .5,5th st; ar't, A. B. Ogden & Son. Plan 1607. 122d st, n s, 80 w 7th av. flve-story brick (stone front) flat, 20x73.6, tui roof; cost, $16,000; ow'r and ar'ts, same as last. Plan 1608. NORTH OF 125th STREET. 150th st, n s, 300 w St. Nicholas av, two-story brick stable, 25x85, tin roof; cost, $13,000; .Tames A. Bailey, 118 Madison av; ar't, S. B. Reed; b'rs, Fordyce & Himpler. Plan 1602. 180th st, s s, abt 200 e JOth av, one-story frame temporary dwell'g for laboi-ers, 30x40x irreg., felt roofing; cost, abt $5,000(?); Charles H. Chese¬ brough, North Port, L. I.; agent, Matthew Kyle, High Bridge; ar't, Donate Cuozzo. Plan 1615. 23d and 24th wards. 163d st, s s, 185 and 200 w Delmonico pl or Trinity av, two two-story and basement frame dwell'gs, 28x43, tin roofs; cost, each, $2,500; ow'r and ar't, George Hicinbothem, 163d st, near Delmonico pl; b'rs, Robert Sauvan and R. L. Harron. Plan 1601. Liincoln av, n w cor 135th st, five-story brick tenem't with stoi-e, 25.6x60, tin roof; cost, $16,000; Anton Pchappert, 461 East 135th st; ar't, Arthur Arctander; b'r, John Mooney. Plan 1599. Ackerman st, e s, on line of 240th st, two-story frame dwell'g, 17x27, shingle roof; cost, $1,200; Albert E. Putnam, Spuyten Duyvil; b'rs, C. M. and W. H. Piper. Plan 1611. Potter pl, n s, 800 e Central av, two-story frame dwell'g, 20x26, tin roof; cost, $1,500; Sarah E. Bennett, 861 West 50th st; ar'ts and b'rs, Emery & Forsyth. Plan 1590. Forest av, No. 1110, ®ne-story frame stable, 24x13, shingle roof; cost, $140; John Fuchsius, on premises; b'r, W. L. Hoopwood. Plan 1582. Franklin av, w s, 306 n 169th st, three-story frame dwell'g, 21x50. shingle roof: cost, $4,500; Jacob Emrich, 1307 Franklin av; ar't and b'r, B. F. Frisbie; m'n, not selected. Plan 1603. 137th st, s s, 125 e Willis av, two four-story and basement brick tenem'ts, 35x60, metal roofing; cost, each, $11,000; Erastus A. Smith, 209 West 129th st; ar'ts, Jordan Sc GUUes; built by day's work. Plan 1585. 156th st, n e cor Melrose av, as proposed, open shed, 20x30, tin roof; cost, $300; Frank Deanin- ger, 789 East 156th st; ar't, A. Pfeiffer; built by day's work. Plan 1610. Washington av, s w cor Clay av, one-and-a-half- story frame bara, 25x15, shingle roof; cost, $700; Laus Seitz, 213 East 122d st; ar't, T.W. Ringrose; built by day's work. Plan 1612. KINGS COUNTY. Plan 1325—East New York av, e s, 130 s Sack- man st, two two-story frame (brick fllled) dwell¬ ings, 17x28, and one-story extension 12x13; tin roofs; cost, $1,750; Catharine Molloy, East New York av and Bergen st; ar't and b'r, D. J. Molloy. 1326—50th st, s s, 225 e 5th av, one one-story and basement frame dwell'g, 20x30, tin roof; cost, $1,000; Thomas Lyons, 439 4th av; b'rs, Spencer Bros. 1327—Ivy st, s s, 100 w Evergreen av, three two-story frame dweU'gs, 16.8x36, tin roofs; cost, each, $3,000; Eugene Marryatt, 77 Woodbine st; ar't and c'r, F. Marryatt; m'n, G. Citler. 1328—Monroe st, w s, 195 n Atlantic av, one two-story and basement frame dweU'g, 20x30, tin roof; cost, $1,400; ow'r and b'r, P. J. Hutchinson, Montauk and Liberty avs. 1329—Vermont av, e s, 75 n Fulton av; flve two¬ story frame dwell'gs. 20x34, tin roofs; cost, each, $2,750; M. Plage, MUler av cor Fulton av; ar't, H. Vollweiler; b'r, J. Pohlmann. 1330—Johnson av, s s, 59.3 e Bushwick av, one three-story frame (brick fiUed) blacksmith shop and tenem't, 25x50, tin roof; cost, $4,000; Mathew McDonald, on premises; ar't, F. J. Berlenbach, Jr.; b'r, C.Bott. 1831—Front st, s w cor Bridge st, two five and two-story brick factories for books, &c., 75 and 15 xl63.4and 23.6, gravel roofs, iron cornices; cost, total, |$53,0o0; Boonmi & Pease, 26 Reade st, New York; ar'ts, Parlitt Bros.; b'rs, T. Dobbin aud E. S. Boyd & Son. 1333—9th st, n s, 120 e Columbia st, one two¬ story frame dweU'g, 20x40, tin roof; cost, $700; John O'NeU, on premises; ar't, G. Damen;. b'r, not selected. , 1833—Kingsland av, s e cor Parker st, one tbree-story frame (brick filled) store and tjenemt-j