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I49fi The Record and Guide. November 26. 1887 33 Sixty-«econd sf. No. 220-226. 8 s. Louis Mark* agt George C. Angell. (Oct 11. '87) 32 60 23 Fifty-ninth at Nos. 318-324. n s. 325 e 2d av. William Hamilton agt James T. Meagher. (May 25, 1886).................... 400 CO 21 Mulberrv st. a e cor Park at. Frederick Kemlein agt Frederick Cyriax. (Sept 16, 18P7)............................... 305 00 23 One Hundred and Thi''t*»enth Bt. n a, 200 e Sth av. 125x100. Abraham Steers agt Win¬ throp O. Sargent and Gertrude W. Nicker¬ son. (July 17, 18861............... -------- 25 Eleventh av. b e cor 64th st. iiOxlOO Jnhn Allen agt Maria J. Moore. (Nov. 18.1887).1,388 85 ♦Discharged by depositing amount of lien and in¬ terest with County Cl»'rk. t Discharged by order of Court on filing of bond. KINGS COCNTT. Nov. 17tAtIantic av. n e cor Ashford sr. 253xt(V>. Sweeney Bros, egt Charles Liehbacher, contractor. a»'d Louia Ridly. (June 18, •1887.) (See lien)......................$470 00 2l*D''an st, n a, 4f) e Albanv av, 40x107.2. Owen MnEnneny agt William Middleton and Penelope Middleton (June 2.% 1887) 48 &0 23 Ninth av. <;or 17th st. Simpson Sheppard agt .lohn M. Relpb and Henrietta A. Relph. (Nov. 21, 1887).................. 190 CO BUILDINGS PROJECTED. The first name is that of the owner; arH stand for architect, m'n for mason and b''r for builder. Now readyi A handsome volume of over 200 pages. containinK, (1) The New York Building Law, witb complete Index, Marginal Notes and Colored Illustrations, showing the heights and thicknesses of walls for all kinds of buildings; (3) Law Limiting the Height of DwelUng Houses, with remarks by the Editor; (3) Laws for Ex¬ tinction and Prevention of Fires, etc.; (4) Tene¬ ment House Law and Health Board Regulations, also ten plans of tenements of different sizes, showing forms of construction approved by the Board of Health; (5) Mechanic's Lien Law with recent amendments; (6) Act for Protection of Life and Limb, showing contractor's liability for pccidents, Edited by Mr. Wm, J. Fryer. Jr.; (7) Directory of Architects, for NewYork, Brooklyn, Vonkers, Newark and Jersey City; the most com¬ plete and correct list published. This valuable lKx>k is for sale at The Kecord and Guidb offlce, 191 Broadway, corner of Dey street. Price, $L00; by mail, $1.10. NEW TORK CITT. BOOTH OF 14th STRKET. Ridge st. No. 110, on rear, one three-storv and basement brick shoo. 21x35; tin roof; cost, $5,000; Solomon Feiner. 86 Columbia st; ar't, E. W. Greis. Plan 1999. Madison st No. 213, rear, one fivestory brick shop, 96x32. tin roof: cohK $5,500; Morris Isaac, 30 Suffolk st; ar't Fred. Ebeling. Plan 20n9. Mott flt, Tno. 20. rear, one four-storv brick shop. 22.4 and 21.6x40. tin roof; cost $4,500; owV aud ar't, same as last. Plan 2010. BETWBKN 14TF AND .5i*TH 8Tfl 43d 8t No. 308 W., one fivestory and basement stone and brick tenem't 25x89, tin roof: cust, »2O,O0O: H. W. Dftane, 255 West Sid at; ar't, M. V. B. Ferdon. Plan 1993. BRTWlCBIf rWTH AKD ISflTH STHEBTS, BABT Or Vth avenue. Sd av. No, 1229 rear, one frame shed, 12x13. gravel roofing; cost. $18; F. De R. Wisaman, 79 Cedar st Pian 1993. 118th Rt, n s, 65 w Lexington av, ooe five-story brick tenera't with stores, 25xfi'i. tin roof; cost, $13,500; Wm. C. Boyd. 142 West 129th st; ar'tf, Cleverdon & Putzel. Plan 2O03. BETWEEN 5(^H AND 135TH 'STREETS. WEST OF 8th AVEN^a. 6?d St. 8 P. 350 w 9Lh av. four five-storv bn'ck tenem'ts, 25xR9, tin roofs: co-^t, each, $18,0ti(i; Marv E. Stflffcd et al . 157 West f-3d st; ar't J- W. Cole; bVs, Barron & Barron. Plan 2000. fi2d St. n P. 300 e lUh »v, four five-stnry briok tenem'ts and Ptorfs. 25x65, tin roofs; cost, each. $I.5.i'tO; L. E. RIake, 300 Ea^t 6Dth st; ar't E. Wenz. Plan 2(01. lOUt st, R B, 62 w 10th ov one one story sbpri, I9x.5'l.ll. tin roof: cost, $300; nw'r aud ar't. R H. Town«:end, 150 West 103d st; b'r, uot selected. Plan 2005. lOOth st, 8 © cor West End av. thr^e story and basement brick and store rlwelTg. 17.5x.'^6. tin and slate roof; cost, $11,000; Townsend & Odell. « w cor 101st st and 10th av; ar't, R. S. Townsend: bV, not selected. Plan 2006. West End av, e s, 17.5 s 100th st. two three¬ story and basement brick and stone dwell'gs. one 16,6x48. one 17x48, tin roofs; cost, each. $9,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r. same ns la^t. Plan 20tj7. IfiOlh st, s 8, 57.6 e West End av. two three- ptory aud basement brick and stone dwell'g'", on« 'iU and yix^fi. one 2l.4 and 18.9x36, tin end elate roofs; cost, eacb. $9,000; ow'r, ar't and b'r, *ame as last. Plan 2008. NORTH OF 125th BTREBT. 132d st, 8 B, 75 e 7th av, three three-story aud basement brick dweU'gs, 16.8x45, tin roofs; cost, each, $10,000; Mary E. Carlin. w s 143d st bet 7th end 8th avs; ar't, A. Spence; b'r, not se¬ lected. Plan 2011. 23d and 24th wakdr. Inwood st, s 8. abt 1.000 w Broadway, one one- and-a half story frame dwell'g. 1-3x22, ebinerle roof: cost, $7.50; Jamee Riddle, Kingsbridge; ar't, and b'r, 8. L. Berrian. Plan 1996. River st. e r, 200 n Riverdale av, four one-and- a-half story fram«dwell'gs, 13x23, shingle roofs; cost, eacb, $750; I. M. Dyckman. Kingabridge; ar't and b'r, S. L. Berrian. Plan 1995. I63d 8t, 8 8, abt 245 e Morris av, two three story frame dweU'gs, 20x4*. tin roofs; cost, each, abt $3,500: ow'r and b'r, Alexander Ferguson, 567 East 156th sfe; ar't, A. Pfeiffer. Plan 1990. College av, No. 565, one two-storv frame dwell¬ ing. 18x24, shingle roof: coet, $1,9(0; J. H. Smith, College av; ar't and c'r, James Odell; m'n, George Smith. Plan 1997. Marrher av. s e cor Fpather Bed lane, one two- storv frame dweU'g, 29 3x34.1. phingle roof; cost, abt$=^,00'; M. K Jessup 52 William st: ar't B. L GilhPrt; m'n, R. J. Stone; c'r, C. Pritchie. Plan 1989. Pelham av, n w cor P^ ne 8t,one two-story frame dweU'g, 30x32 and 35, sbingle and gravel roof; coat, $3,8('0; Hewlett S. Baker, 616 Rast 143d st; ar't and c'r, H. 8. Baker. Plan 1994. Sedgwick av, e fl. 253 u centreline of East 184th st, one two-Btory frame dwell'g, 36x33, tin roof; cost $7,500; F. J. H. Merrill, on premises: ar't, W. B. TuthiU; m'n. W. R. Holden. Plan 1991. Vanderbilt a v. w s. 60 s 176th st, two three¬ story frame dwell'ga, 22x44, tin roofs; cost, each, $4.0(10: Mrs. Ann Kmith, cor 176th st and Van¬ derbilt av; ar't C. S. Clark. 1998. Delmonico av, w s. 100 n 16l8t st. tbree two¬ story and basement frame and brick dwell'gR. 16.8x45. tin roof; cost. $3.r,0;f; P. J. Owens. 858 Ea^t 161st st; ar't, J. H. Valentine. Plan 2(H)2. I75th St. No. 72y E., one one story frame shed, 16x4i. gravel roof; cost, $300; Geo. E. Brown, 242 East 42d st. Plan 2004. KINGS COUNTT. Plan 2085—Sumner av s w cor Pulaski st, five fou'-story brick stores and tenem'ts, from 19.4 to 22.x60, tin roof, iron cornice; total cost, $62,000; ow'r and b'r, James Wood, 99 llthst; ar't W- Fiejd & Son. 2t 86—Cleveland st, w s, 325 n Arlington av. one two story and attic frame dweU'g. 20x30, shingle roof: cost. $2 5t0; E. F. Linton, Atlantic av, n w coi Van Siclen av; ar't, W. Danmar; b'rs, Whit- l ck & HiU and Wicks & Lindsay. 2( 87—Elton st, vp s, 225 n Arlington av. one two story and attic frarae dweUing, 20x30, shingle roof; cost, $2,500; ow'r, ar't and b'ra, same as last. 208S—47th st, 8 8, 100 w 4th av, three twostory and basement frame (brick filled) dwell'gs, 20x36, tin roofs; cost, abt $2,500 each; ow'r, ar't and b'r, J. H. French, 244 47th st i0S9—Schenck av, e s, 200 s ArUngton av, two two story frame dwell'gs. 21x38, tin roofs, party wall of brick; cost, each, $3,0!'0; Jno. D Carroll, Schenck av and ArUngton av; ar'ts, Lamb & Coots; b'r, G. Distler. 2090—Morgan av. n e cor Meadow st, one two- stoiy frame factory, 70x180; gravel roof; cost. $ 1,OOO; L. Waterbury & Co.; ar't, F. L. Hine; b'rs, W. Armstrong and 8. M. Fickett. 2*191—Central av, s e cor Grove Bt, two three¬ story frame (brick filled) tenem'ts, 25x60, tin roofs; cost, $5..50(»and $4,8n0; JuUus Dewald, 112 Central av: m'n, W. Bayer; c'r, not selected. 2t 92—Atlantic av, s s, 120 w Brooklyn av, two one-story brick stores, 19 9x30, tin roofs, iron coruice-*; coat, each, $2,500; ow'r aud ar't, James O. Carpenter, I2o New York av; m'n, Jas. Ash¬ field & tSon; c'r, not selected. 2093—Troutman st, n s, 350 w Hamburg av, two three story frame (hrick filled) tenem'ts, 25x .^5, tin rf^nU; cost each, $5,0