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Real estate record and builders' guide: Index: v. 43 (January-June, Inclusive, 1889)

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/• ^)( Index to The AND Guio XLIII. JANUARY-----JUNE, INCLUSIVE. 1889. lowing semiannual Index of the Con- and Projected Buildings in New York s Counties, as pubUshed in The Recobd DE during the first six months of 1889, uud of gi'eat value to those of oui- Hub- jho have preserved aU the issues of this •ing that period. The utmost care has n to keep the Index up to the same per- lard which has charaeterized it in the le pages are given on which all the trans- ealty published in Volume XLIII. can iely be found, and the streets and avenues ,l3-divided that very few references are For instance, transfers of property on ivard appear in twenty-two issues during onths, which in the Index is sub-divided sen parts, so that the least possible ieed be incurrred, any transfer being J referring to sis pages at the most, it is known tct\i'een what streets or the property is located. Although many bscribers have used the Index for years, them do. not fully understand the com- of the work. We ai-o frequently told of ,at our readers think they have discov- ich, upon investigation, prove to be errors gj-cher—not of the Index. For instance, urrent number appears the following: et, from Madison to 5th avenue, 49, 846, atter being the pages on which transfers ti-eet may be found. Now, tui-nmg to the average searcher would fail to find referred to, because it does not appear mierieal order of streets. A close search e item under the bead of Park avenue, 70 enth-e blocks, 3i'4.5x930, are conveyed. !X is, therefore, in some cases condemned ipposed omission which is really the t evidence of the thorougliness with t has been compiled. Where such an should occasionally seem apparent to criber, be should search the whole page, rill then find the item which is referred I Projected Buildings are indexed in a nanuer, so that it can readily be ascer- n what sti'eets improvements have been Those wishing to keep a file for perma- iereuce should see that all the numbers plete and have them bound. A suitable can be obtained at the ofEce of The AKD Guide, 191 Broadway, comer Dey jrice, one dollar. -*•*'- —The figures in extra black type—for I, 3^6, under the head of Attorney, from on to Stanton street—denote that the ;ion on the page given is Leasehold, or a Quing for a long term of years. This ex- )n is made so that subscribers seai-ching nsfers in fee can at once distmguish I the fO! mer and the latter without g to the page nientioned. NEW YORK CITY. STREETS. iy....55.^ 843,881, 883, outhof Canal___511. ■om Canal to Hester ...48,79,113.397,916. roome to Delaucey... .384, 397,'511, 630, 735. elancey to Rivington___S17. orth of Rivington... .469, 620, 84S. (see West Sd).... 284. ist of William.... 559. i^iUiam to Nassau..., 179, 881. see West 10th)....79. ps lane....lSl, 288,472, 513,554, 660, 701, !y, south of Broome___550, 804. -bm Broome to Rivington___48, 79, 183. livington to Stanton___3ao. orth of Stanton.... 10, 48, 361, 589, 620, 656, 657, 771. Bank, east of Hudson... .384, 397, 804, 843, west of Hudson.,. .113, 145, 398, 697. Barclay.... 13, 021,843. B.ii-row, east of Hudson.... 349, 434, 589. Baxter, south of Leonard----55.-., 057. from Leonard to Canal ...10,434. north of Canal... ,317, 469, 5.50. Bayard, east of Chrystie,... 145, 469. from Chrystie to Bowery----397, Bowery to Elizabeth___113,843. Elizabeth ic Mott.. ..804, 881, Beach ,, .179, 55-, 630. Beaver.... 179, 39S, <;57, 658, 843. Bedford, south of Barrow----10, 657. north of Barrow... .384, 319, 361, 73.5. Beekman, west of Wiliiam-----469. from l^^illiam to Pearl... .384, 397, 589, 843. east of Pearl.... 469, 6.57. Bethuue....511, 6.57. Bloomingdale road (also see Broadway and Diagonal av and old Bloomingdale road) .,. .50, 79, 113, 181, 182, 400, 591, 738, 846, 917, 918. Bleecker, n s, from Bowery to Broadway ... 10, 249, 284, 3-9,409, S11. Broadway to South Sthav.,,,2S4, 469, 6.57, 848,881.9(7, South 51h av to Macdougal st,,,,46, 79, 113. MaclougaltoCarmme — 630. Carmine to Barrow... .284, 657, 735. Barrow to Charles___843, 917 Charles st to 8th av.... 384, 4;M, 804, 881. Bond.. ..48, 434... Boulevard, south of 62d st.,. ,10, 15, 434, from 63d to 65th.... 79. 699, 771, 843. OSthto 70th....284, 917. 70th to 75tb..,, 10, 284, .550, 737, 847, 7Stb to S5th.,, .79, 145, 804, 881. S5th to S9th,.. .79, 179, 181, 397, ,5,53, 843. 89th to 95th___10 317, 917. 100th to 105th.,..384, 771. 105th to 110th.... 365, 554. 110th to nsth.. ..511, 621, 657, 736. 115th to 130th..,,697. 130th to 135th. . 319, 589. 135th to 14.5th,,,. 69S, 804, 14.5tb to 155th... .437, 804, 884, 917, 919. north of ISSth... .319, 365, 630, 808, 919. indeft....l79. Bowery, south of Canal... .8-.2, l§3. 469, .511, 057, from Canal to Hester,... 5r.5, 697, 843, Hester to Grand... .330. 063. Delancey to Stanton-----434, 917, Stanton to Houston... .79, 113,319,515,550. north of Houston.,. .49, 51, 469, 7J9, 885, 930. Break Neck Hill road (see old Break Neck HOI road). Bridge.,,.319. Broad, south of Water...-735. from Stone to Beaver..,, 113, 145, 398, north of Beaver... .361, 434, 917. Broadway, south of Exchange pi----ti«3, 735, 843, from Liberty to Reude----469, .511. Readeto Walker..,.434, 469, 657,917. Walker to Howard.,. .179, 589. Howard to Broome___319. Broome to Spring,...397, 735, 843, Spring to i^rince. . .349, 735, 739, Prince to Bleecker... ,217, 469, Bleecker to 4th.... 10, 697, 735, 4th to 8th,.. .113, 434, *38, 785, 843, 881. Sth to 13th.... 10, 657, 697, 8 85. S4thto30th....l3,5.55,636. 30th to 34th,...8S1. 34th to 37th. ...511, 697. 44th to ,50th.... 79, 738, SOth to SSth... .10, 333, 6.59, 806, 55th toS9th....771. (from 59th to Manhattan, see Boulevard) 79, 7:;'7. 139th to 130th.... 620, 804. 130thtol33d.,,,182, 39V, 511, 771,804. 133d tol62d....657, north of 162d... .317, 319, 249, 397, 550, 701, 881, 883, 917, 919. (also see Eingsbridge road). Broome, east of Mangin----179. from Mangin to Goerck----361, 917. Goerck to Lewis... .79,145, 511, 5.50, 843. Lewisto Cannon....284, 319, 361, 804, 843, OQ I Cannon to Columbia... .179, 2S4, 385, e'.O, 657, 697. Columbia to Sheriff.... 469. Sheriff to Clinton... .179, 469, 550, 589, 697, 917, 930. Clinton to Suffolk....881. Suffolk to Norfolk... .10, 179, 735. Norfolk to Essex... .10, 4fi9. Essexto Ludlow....319, 469,850. Ludlow to Orchard.... 113, 179, 384, 319, 657,881. Orchard to Eldridge,...249, Eldridge to Bowery... .630, 657, 774. Bowery to Mulberry___284, 319, Mulberry to Elm.,,.ti-58, 917. Elm to Wooster,...5U, 5,50, 697. west of Wooster,.. .319, 397, Burling slip....301, 364, Byrd,,..182, 700. Canal, east of Ludlow... .179, 771. from Orchard to Forsyth.. ..361, 397, 697, 735, 771. Forsyth st to Bowery,.. .397. Bowery to Baxter st... .317, 349, 620. West Broadway to Varick st----469, 511. west of Hudson... .SO, 511, 657, 698._ Cannon, south of Rivington----317, 6S7, 697. from Rivington to Stanton----145. north of Stanton... .79, 397, ^A. Caroline.... 589. Carmine, east of Bleecker,., .630,917, from Bleecker to Bedford----145, 657, west of Bedford. -, .385, 469, 511, S81. Catharine, from East Broadway to Madison----- 48, 389,469,917. south of Madison, ...113,14.5, 179, 249, 620, 771, lane....79. slip.... 630. Cedar, east of Broadway — 590. Centre, south of Pear!.. ..48, -550, ,551, 063,774, 917, from Pearl to White... .S51, 589, north of White.., .349. indeft....551. Central Pai'lc West (fonnerly Sth av), from 59th tollOtb. SOth to 64th,,,.514. 70thto75tb....l3, 511. 7.5th to 80th...,SOS. Slstto S2d,...81, 82dtoS3d,...115, 319, 83d to S4th.., .219, 511, 589. . 84th to 85th.... U3, 388, 319, 657:- 89th to 99th. ...288, 361, 99th to 106th,,. 210, 625, 657, 917. 106th to nOth....550, 738. Chambers, east of Broadway-----14,5, 349, 663. from Broadway to College pi—469, 735, 771, 881. College pi to Greenwich st... ,555. Charles, east of Waverley pi ., .630. from 4th to Bleecker....11, 145, 317,39*. Greenwich to Washington----460. west of Washington... .79, SO, 113, 145, 398, 434, 513. lane.,, .80, 113, 14.5, 398, 41^4, 513. Charlton, east of Hudson... .469, 630, 771. west of Hudson----697. Chatham (see Park row).. 703. Cherry, from Dover to James... 39i, 511,550, 735, 771, 804, SSL James to Market... .-590, 771, 917, Pike to Rutgers.... 397. Rutgers to Chnton... .;SS, 550, 881, Clinton to SeammeU — 475, ScammeU to Jackson,.. .319, 51)0, 804. Jackson to Corlears----SIL Christopher, from Greenwich av to Waverley pi ..,.349, 366, Sll. Waverley pi to 4th St... .434, 435, 469, 843. 4th to Bedford... .409, 630. west of Greenwich-----79,657. Chrystie, south of Canal .. 10, 79, 620, 621, 843, 917. from Canalto Hester.. ..364, 511,809. Hester to Grand. ...79, 115, 319, 397, 550, 804, Broome to Rivington.... 360, 397, 550, 697, 735, 804. Rivington to Stanton., ,.385, 319, 361, 697, 804. north of Stanton,.. .10, 48, 179,317, 630, 636, 657, 697. Chui'ch, south of Park pi.,.. 113, 361. from Chambers to Thomas —179. Thomas to Franklin----115. 621. north of Franklin... .361, 434. Clark^s. Clinton, from Monroe to East Broadway... .361, 550 East Broadway to Broome st----319,364, 397, 469, 620, 697. Broome to Rivington----145, 179, 285, 319, 621, 735, 738, 739, snw. Bivingtoiito Stanton....113, 145, 630, 697. Coenties slip,,..469, .589. ^. . ^ „ ..^ Columbia, from Broome to Rivmgton----lU, 140, SSI 555, 735, 881, Rivrngton to Stanton .. .285, 319, 398, 434, 551, 657, 73.5, 804, SSL Stanton to Houston... ,10, 80, S3, 353, 3t5, 6iL Commerce — 79. Cooper,...657,735,88L Cornelia. ...10, 397.