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August 0, 1800 Record and Guide. 201 4 Goerck at. No. 125, w s. 98 n Stanton st. "Joseph Bendetto agt Elise Kohn and Wm. Ryan. (Jan. 26, 1890)..................... 75 00 6 Pike st, n w cor Monroe st, 86x100. F. G. Moore agt Herter Bios, and Wm. Young, Jr. (Jii& 19,1890)........................ 33531 5 One Hundred and Fifth st, b s, 800 e Madi¬ son av, rtzlOO.ll. Fuller & Son agt FnmkMoran. (Aug. 1,1890)............. 427 97 5 Seventh av, s w cor 136th st, 99.11x100. E. M. Pritchard agt Austin J. Roberte. (Dec. 9,1689).............................. 138 62 5 Same property. WUIson, Adams & Co agt Bame. (Dec. 18, 1889).................. 445 86 5 Same property. John BeU & Son agt same. (Feb. 26.1890).......................2,687 05 6 Same property. James Casey agt same. (Mar. 8,189 0.............................2,250 00 6 Same property. Same agt same. (Mar. 3, 1890).....................................1.250 00 5 Same property. Mohawk Valley Lumlier Co. agtsame. (Mar. 17.1890)............7,900 00 5 Same property. J. F. yriutjr agt same. (Mar. 25, 1890)............................ 608 96 5 Same property. John Goldsberry agt same. (ApAlO,1890)........................... 34 97 5 Same rroperty. Ball Sc Lussier agt same. (April 15, 1890)..........................1,450 00 5 Same property. Ehman & Simon Mtg. Co. agt same. (April 17.189J)................1,833 63 6 Same property Geo. Mackenzie agt same. (April 18, 1890)............................ 535 80 5 Same property. Chas. A. Diamond. (May 20,1890).................................. 525 76 6 Same prop^ty. Wm. O. Leeson agt same. (April 22, IMO)............................ 525 76 6 Same property. Empire Paving and Con- Btructicm Co. agt same and Albert B. Ed¬ wards. (Jan. ao, 1890)................ 560 00 5 Seventh av. No. 2%i8, w s, 66.8 s 136th st, 33.4 zlOU. C;arl Boeckl agt A. J. Roberts and P.O.Foote. (April 18,1890).............. 89 46 5*SeTenty-fourth st, Nos. 150-158. s s, 176 e lOth av. 126x100. Canda & Kane agt Adam Fager and John Coar. iMarch 13. 1890).. 1,205 63 6 OneHundred and Sbcth st, Nos. 56-61, n s, 100 e Madison av, 100s 100. H. Kunn & Co. agt Frederick Gille. (Aug. 1,1890).. 300 00 6 Same i»t)perty. Gelston & Owens agt same. (July 7, 1800)..................... 565 86 6 Same property. Andrew Kavanagh agt same. (July 18,180'>)...... ............... 220 00 6 Same property. M. J. GaUagher agt same. (July 22, IfrOJ)........................... 468 85 6 Ninety-eighth st, 8 8, 150 e Amsterdam av. H. fi. Reid agt Geo. F. Young. (July SS9, 1890) .................................. 237 00 6*Ninety-fourth st, s s, 175 e Ciolumbus av, 75x IbO. R. u. Stronge agt Comet & Zimmer¬ mann and PhUlip Murphy. (Aug. 6.1890). 24 00 6*One Hundred and bixth st. n s, lOQ e Madi¬ son av, lOQxlOO. Girode £ Ciooaey agt Fred Gille. (Feb. 21,1890i................ 6*Same property. The Union Stove Works agt same. (July 8, 1890^................. 450 00 6*Sameproperty. A. S. Nichols*Co. agt same. (July 19.1890).................. 8 Third ay, Nos. 14iJ4 and 1426, s w cor 81st St. 54.4x90. 8. Nichols & Son agt Agatha Geiger, individ. and trustee and Amberg & Fleming. (Aug. 2,1890).... ......... 8 Rose st, No. 80, w 8. Joseph Marren agt Tbomas Brennan. 'June 7,1890).........1,542;00 8 Tenth av. n e cor 75th st. The Yale safe and Iron Co. agt Joeeph E. Vandew.iter. (Aug. 4,1890)..............................5,600 00 150 00 28J 00 769 64 'Discharged by depositing interest with County Clerk t Vacated by order of Court. amount of lien and KINGS COUNTY. July 31 Court st, e s. 38.6 s WyckoJf st. 20x100. WUliam H. Stokes agt WiUiam H. Bent¬ ley, contractor, and Charles Schlafer, owner. (May6,1890)...................... $28 58 Aug. 2 butter av, n e cor Thatford av, 25x100. R. (Cummings'' sons agt Bamet Levin, owner and contractor. (July 26,1890)............ 41 55 2 Same property. Same agt Bamet Levin, owner, and Kidansky & Fine, contractors (July 86,1890)......................... 102 27 2 Henry st, n e cor Stete st, 25x92.6x68.11x25 x84xll7.6. WUUam KUley agt Charles H. Collins, owner and contetuaor, (Aug. 1, 1890). (Deposit).............. .......... 858 50 4 HuU st, w 8,126 from Bushwick av, 10(^100. Qeorge P. Jacobs & Co. agt Jolm C. Rogers, owner, and Joseph Unterremer, contractor. (July 80,1800)............... 357 68 4 Dean st, Nos. 641-569. Frank A. Sammis agt John Hanley, owner, and E. M. Brass, contractor. (July8].1890)............ 42 75 r Frankltai st, w b. 50 n Noble Bt, 60x75. ) " Noble Bt, n 8,76 w Franklin st, 25x100. ) Morris SC Nisbet agt Montgomery (jueen, owner and contractor. (Amil 3,1HN».... 240 00 6 Twmty-second st. No. 165. Thmnas Ryan agt John Peterson, owner, and Thomas Baker, contractor........................ 49 00 7 Cropeey av, north cor 18th av, 100x100. John Henni agt Jcbn Hays, owner and „ ™J?*5*"<'*<*- lJu^lO,18?9).............. 66 50 7 Third av, n e cor 77th st, 25x100. Edward U. i^TBons agt James Mills, owner and ccmtmctor. (Aug. 4.) (Deposit) ......... pi 50 BUILDINGS PROJECTED. The first name ia that of the owner; ar't stands for areiMeet, m'n for mason, fr ," for builder. fOr carpenter and b'r NEW TOKK CITT. SOUTH OF 14th STBEBT. Elm st. No. 88, seven-story brk store, 2S.Sz65, rivel roof; cost, $8,000; J. Pettit, East Orange J.;ar't,J.ll. Famsworth. Plan 1S78. Washington st. e s, bet Liberty and Cedar greets, MTen-«t(H7 brick oflBoe boiidinR, liaSx 56.7 ai^ 70.6, grayel roof; cost, $100,000; owY Sth st, Nos. 731-73S E., two five-storybrk and stone flate, 27x62.9, tin roofs; cost, $19,000 each; ow'rs and ar'te, Schneider & Herter, 48 Bible House Plan l.%8. King st. No. 4S, rear, one-story brk and frame shed, 24x20, tin roof; cost, .$200; J. Carr, on premises. Plan 1386. Willett st. No. 121, rear, four-story brk fac¬ tory, 18.9x31', tin root; cost, $3,000; J. Camat, 88 Norfolk st; ar't, H. Horenburger. Plan 1397. BETWEEN 14tH AND 59TH STREETS. 23d st, Nos. 205 and 207 R. two flve-story brk and stone flats, 24 fix87.6, tin roof; cost, $24,000 each; Fish & Miller; 380 East 9th st; ar't, Schneider Sc Herter. Plan 1363. SSth st, Nos. S26 and 528 W., five-story brk factory, 60x67.10, tin roof; cost, $30,000; E. H. Johnson, 57 West 54tb st; ar't. J Kastner. Plan 1877. 24th st. No. 239 W., flve-story stone flat, 25x 86 6, tin roof; cost, $20,000; ow'rs and b'rs, (Jum- mings & Ferguson, 658 lUth av; ar'c, M. V. B, Ferdon. Plan 1396. 2Sth St. Nos. 226 and 228 W.. two flve-story stone flate, 25x106. tin roofs; cost, $2.V000each; ow'r, m'n and c'r, A. (Quackenbush, 218 West 37th st; ar't, M. V. B. Ferdon. Plan 1394. 4lBt st. No. 321 W., flve-story stone flat, 25z 87.9, tin roof: cost, $20,000; ow'rs and b'rs, Oieb & Held, 444 West SOth st; ar't, M. Y. B. Ferdon. Plan 1396. 4-
Iumbus av, two flve-story stone flats, 25x87.6, tin roofs; cost, $20,000 each; H. S. Cates, 32 Warren st; ar't, H. Davidson. Plan 1371. 62d St. s 8, 250 e Amsterdam av, four flve-story brk and stone flate, 25x90, tin roofs: cost, $20,- 000 each; M. Hayes and others, .S52 West 52d st; ar't, J. W. Cole. Plan 1393. 63d st, n s, 300 w Sth av, two flve-story and basement stone flate, 87.6x89.6, tin roofs; cost, 137,000 each; Everett & Carey, 245 West 46th st; ar't, G. F. Pelham. Plan 1899. 82d st, s 8, 120 w Central Park West, three four- story and basement stone dwell'gs, 18 and 19x56, tin roofs; co^, $16,000 each; Mary Gault, 210 West SSd st; ar't, J. W. Cole. Plan 1893. 110th and 125th streets, between .5th and 8th avenues. 117th st, s s, 425 e 8th av, three-storv brk stable. 50z98, tin roof; cost, $10,000; J. M. Pinkney, 716 Madison av; ar't, G. Robinson, Jr. Plan 1374. 125th St. Nos. 268 and 370 W., rear, one-story brk store, S0z20, tin roofs; cost, $1,625; lessee, C. Weisbecker, 336 West l2Sth st; c'r, T. F. Hines, Plan 1364. NORTH OF 125th STREET. 128th st, n 8,140 w 4th av, flve-story stone flat, 26x87, tin roof; cost, $28,000; H. Reilly, 79 East 119th st; ar't, E. Wenz. Plan 1380. 1.5Sth st, 8 8, 250 e 8th av, frame shed, 25z40; cost, $100; lessee, H. Steward, Hotel Hamilton. Plan 1869. Sth av, e s, 100 n 138th st, frame shed, 20z28, tin roof; cost, $40; lessee, J Madden, n w oor Sth av and 136tb st: art, A. Spence. Plan 1367. Audubon av, w s, SO s 187th st, three two-story frame dwell'gs, 16x60, tin roofs; total cost, $6,000; Person Sc Blcnnstergren, 2603 8ih av; ar't, F. L. Blom; c'rs, Hermann & Blom. Plan 1884. 2Sd and 24th wards. • Suburban st, n s, 30 e Briggs av, two-story frame dwell'g, 18x40, shing'e roof; cost, $4,600; Isabell Merritt, 326 West 21st st; ar't, S. B. Reed. Plan 1370. lS4tb st, 8 8,95 e Morris av, rear, two two-story frame dwellg's, 22x26, tin roofs; cost, $1,200 each; Helena Freudenmacher, 680 Morris av; art, A. Pfriffw; m'n and cV, P. Frendeninacher. Plan 1872. 164th st, s s, 116 e Morris av, one-story frame shop, 26z)i5, tin roof; cost, $400; ow'r, art, m'n and o*r, same as last Plan 1878. Bathgate av. No. 1637, three frame structures, 15,18 and 6x12.6 and 4, tin roofs; totel cost, $145; Mary Alliger, on premises; c'r, T. E. Farra. Plan 1375. Prospect av, s w cor Lyon st, three-storv frame dweU'g and store, 25x50, tin roof; cost, $5,000; J. Maticka, 386 East ^th st; ar't, A. Pfeiffer. Plan 1876. 179tb st. s 8, 80 w Bathgate av. one-and-a-half- story frame stable, 20x30, sLingle roof; cost, $500; lessee, m'n and c'r, J. Kennedy, 4098 8d av Plan 1388. Batbgate av, n w cor 173d st, two-story frame stable. ISr^l, shingle roof; cost, $360; J. Armi¬ tage, 154 East 126th st; art, A. Spence. Plan 1382. Marion av, w s, SO s William st, two-story frame steble, 30x27, shingle roof; cost, $800; H. H. Barnard, on premises; m'n, W. McMahon; c'r, T. C. Lisk. Plan 1885. Mott av. No. 570, two-story brk stable, 25x25, tin roof; cost. $600; H. C. Dobson, 1270 Broad¬ way; ar't, J. E. Ware. Plan 1S90. Ryer av, e s, 200 s Ewing st, two-story frame dwell'g, 20x24, shingle roof; cost, $l,5u0; W. Young. 2184 C!reston av; m'n, W. McMahon: c'r, T. C. Usk. Plan 1388. Tinton av, s w cor Kelly st, rear, one-story frame store room, 30x30, gravel roof; cost, $360; D. Robitzek, Forest av and lS6th st;ar't, A. Pfeiffer. Plan 1391. KlUeS COUlfTT. Plan 1609—Howard av, s e cor Madisou st, one four-story brk store and tenem't, 20x62, tin roof and iron comice; cost, $12,000; ow'rs, ar'te and b'rs, Moores & Le Quesne, 146U Broadway. 1610—Bushwick av, s w cor Hancock st, threts three-story brk st .res -and dwell'gs, 20x65. tin roofs and brk and iron cornices; cost. $30,000; R E. McCafferty, on premises; ar't, B. O'Rourke; br's, Moores & Le (^esne. 1611—Pulaski st, n s. 310 w Sumner av, one two-story brk boiler house, refrigerating and en gine room, 63.2x53.2, tin roof and brk cornice; coet, $6,000; Fred Hower Brewing Co., 186 Hewes st; ar't, F. Wunder; b'r, not selected. 1612-2d st, 8 s, 297.10 w 7tb av, five tbree-story and basement euclid brown and red stone dwell¬ ings, 20x46, tin roofs and iron cornices; cost, $8,000each; Julia A. Skidmore, 655 De Kalb av; ar't, W. O. Tait; c'r, J. E. Skidmore; m'n, not selected. 1613—Hart st, n s, 275 e Hamburg av, rear, one two-story frame shop, 25x18, tin roof; cost $200; Henry Ruhl, 1350 De Kalb av: art, T. J. Beir. 1614—Hart st, n s. 275 e Hamburg av, one tbree-story frame (brk fllled) tenem't, 2-5x55, tin roof ; cost. $5,000 ; H. Ruhl, 1250#06 Kalb av; ar't. T. J. Beir. 1615—tth st, n s, 75 w Sth av, one two-story and basement frame dwell'g. 20x36. tin roof; cost, $3,000; Helen Flynn, 422 Prospect av; ar'te. Young Bros; b'r, not selected. 1616—3d av, n e cor Butler st, one four-story brk store and tenem't, 83xl(X) tin roctf and wooden comice; cost, $10,000; W. J. Omway, Sth av and Union st. 1617—Park pl, n s, 78.10 e Sth av, three three story brk tenem'ts, 17x8x45. tin roofs, woodeu cornices; cost, totel, $18,000 ; H. B. Lyons, Flatbush, L. L ; ar't, W. M. Coots; b'r. day's work. 1618—Franklin av, e s, 250 n Park av, one two and three-story brk store and rubber factory, 25x 200 to SkiUman st, gravel roof, brick cornice; coet. $6,000; Gutta Percha and Rubber Mfg. Co.. 35 Warren st, N. Y.: ar't, B. Finkenseiper; b'rs! J. Noble and P. F. O'Brien & Son. 1619—Sackett st, s s, 9.J e Henry st, four four- story brk stores and tenem'ts, m.6 and 29x57, tin roofs, wooden cornices; cost, total, $82,0()0; John Murphy, Hicks st, cor Amity st; ar't, W. M. Coote; m'n, J. Donohue; c'r, day's work. 162*)-Tompkins av. s w cor Vemon av, one four-story brk store and tenemt, 100x38, tin roof, iron comice; co^t, $20,000; ow'r and b'r, Thomas Walling, on premises. l(i21--Stanhope st, s s, 3.50 e Evergreen av, one two4tory and attic frame (brk filleo) dwell'g, 18x45, tin roof; cost, $4,000; Mrs. Baraett, 59 Stanhope st; ar't, T. Engelhardt; b'r, C. F. Caulfleld. 1623—Bleecker st, n s, 200 e Central av, three three-story frame (brk filled) tenem'ts, 25x56, tin roofs; cost, abt $8,500 each; John Taylor, 99 Union av; ar't, J. Fletcher. 1623—Atlantic av, n 8, 80 e Ocean pl, two two- story frame (brk fllled) dwell'gs, 16x40, tin roofs; cost, $2,200; Catherine Hill, 11 Gunther pl; ar't, J. E. Dwyer; b'r, P. Hill. 1634—Kane pl, e s, V2S n Atlantic av, three two- story and tnsement frame (brk fllled) dwell'gs, lS.4z40, tin roofs; cost, each, $3J750; Catherine Hill, 11 Gunther pl; art, J. E. Dwyer; b'r, P. HilL 1625—Atlantic av, n e cor Ocean pl, siz two- story and basement frame (brk fllled) dwell'gs, 16.Sz40, tin roofs; cost, eecb, $2,500; ow'r, art and b'r, same as last. 1626—HamilU'u av, s s, 383.6 w 3d av, one two story frame iron foundry, 4f z76, felt roof; cost, $1,200; Hoff Sc Davis, 222 rhepherd av. 1627—Market st, e s. 100 s Iltna st, one one-and- a-half-story frame stable, 28z20, tin roof; cost, $600; Gea G. Peavey, 2921 Atlantic av;ar'te, Danmar & Fischer; br, not selected. 1628—Stone av, s w cor Livonia av, one three story frame store and dweU'g, 18x40. tin roof; cost, $8,000: ow'r, art and bY, Michaol Sullivan, 1888 Atlantic av.